I made it back on my own. Well, how on my own? I was churning water and keeping the boat from taking off, and Azula, behind me on the jet drive, was helping. Must have been a funny look on everyone's face when they saw that. But we went home. We just didn't feel right here. It's hard to explain. It's even harder to explain to anyone. But Azula and I understood each other, so we had a kind of training session. Four hours and we're home.
Here's the interesting thing, her full name is Azulianna. But she doesn't like it very much and it takes her a long time to pronounce it, so it's just Azula. I was a bit shocked when I found out.
They saw us from far away. A huge column of water is hard to miss, as are two large jets of fire, so when we removed the salt from our hair, the headman came running.
«Here's last week's report, Yoko-dono», he said with a puff of breath.
«Eh, and things to do right away», I took it. To read or not to read. I looked at Azula. Not to read, «Thanks, I'll look at it later.»
«Okay, Yoko-dono», and bowed.
Wow, I can't stop myself from doing this. It used to be a problem when he said Yoko-sama. Anyway, he bowed and ran back to do his business. And we, tired but satisfied, walked through the city to go home. Now I am still amazed. A city very much like the cities of the future that I imagined when I was in the past world. It's amazing what ordinary magic can do. Except for the flying cars. Otherwise, it's exactly the same.
In so many years, the training has been honed, refined, and streamlined. I didn't want to do it, individual training is much better, but you can't go against the facts. There were too many students and not enough teachers.
The headmaster and I are trying our best to change this and are constantly hiring new teachers. But no matter how many teachers there are, but still not enough.
I wanted to go to the library of the ghost of Wan-some-else-name, but Aang and Katara are busy with the Avatar, Soka is restoring the southern tribe, and Toph simply does not know where it is. And according to their stories, the library was buried under a pillar of sand. Sad. So I had to look for knowledge in the regular libraries, but there wasn't much there.
So I had to scramble around to find a solution. It's a good thing I thought of chakra cleansing when I was fifteen or sixteen. It makes kids more relaxed. Otherwise, something will not share, two teenage magicians, and then I have to restore the house. I've seen it. But chakra cleansing solves that problem. And everyone on the island undergoes it, regardless of status, gender, or magical ability.
I'm no expert, but it should increase the birth rate of magicians on the island. Increased longevity, that's definitely a plus with the cleansed chakras.
Soon we arrived home. This is where my imagination pays off, right here. My house, even against the backdrop of all the other houses in town, stands out. What can I say about the ordinary people who pass by and see it? Suffice it to say that it's on the back side of the island, essentially hanging over the sea. A hundred meters high.
And in a storm, even I get a little nervous. I know in my mind that everything is safe, but the view from the windows is still fascinating. I have windows instead of walls. Just slabs of earth compressed to the hardness of titanium. But I'm happy, and that's all that matters.
Closing the doors, I scooped Azula up in my arms and carried her to the bedroom. It's a good thing we don't have any neighbors, and Azula may not be able to hold back
I looked at the letter and scratched the back of my head. It was from Zuko. And it asked for two things. One, as you might guess, to help rebuild the country. The second was to help him defeat the Avatar.
So I'm thinking, where do I start rebuilding? A country is not a city, it's a much bigger scale. Anyway, he invited me to meet him in Yu Dao. Heh.
The Fire Nation's first colony. I understand that's where the battle will be. And I'd like to help him. With both of his requests. And this will be the first stone I throw in my plan to destroy the Avatar.
«Honey, get ready», I called. Azula was in the tub now.
«What's wrong?» she asked, coming into my office half an hour later. I looked up and realized we weren't going anywhere today, and looking into her eyes, I realized we weren't going anywhere tomorrow either.
«I guess two days won't make a difference.»