"The Young Master won't like that ! I think we should just make some coffee for him as breakfast. Given what happened here last night, I doubt he'd be in the mood for food this morning"
" Are you really expecting him to go to the office hungry? Don't you know the trend nowadays? Young Master can't stay hungry unless you want him to loose fat and he looks well skinny enough to lose more" the second voice replied hesitantly.
" I've stayed a chef in this house for years. What would you know that would be good for the young Master that I don't?" The first voice came again, this time in aggravation.
Ahneeka writhed and twist her body in bed. She was having a stiff shoulder and the noises she was currently hearing did not help soothing the pain she currently felt from the previous day.
The stared at the room she was in, only now did she have the time to and appeared in the mood to check out her surrounding.