Chapter 28 - Human Barbarism

Praxis was not the only new base to be founded, as the days since the attack against Trent had happened, Jake's forces had also landed in Norway, and Sweden creating a pair of new naval bases, and beginning their scouting of the new lands, while marking resource collection zones for future developments.

Thanks to these new bases, Jakes vision of the world had increased quite a bit as he could now see more to both the north and south, this method was all he could do to increase his sight over the area at least until he managed to achieve the next couple ranks to unlock building the spy satellite, or was able to draw the use of one from his daily gacha.

With these new bases, he could see an additional 500Km north and south than he could before.

As his men began to scout out the new blank areas of the map, Jake got to work building up his three new bases.

Praxis in Ireland, Venture in Norway, and Stalwart in Sweden.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

While Jake was busy securing the newest expansion of his Empire, word finally reached the Beast Lords still encamped in England applying pressure towards the city of Trent waiting for the moment when the other European beast lords would converge to attack the city of Trent with their combined might.

However the arrival of a flying beast changed everything.

News of the fall of their beast domains reached the ears of the Beast Lords, and their wails of despair at having been seen through by the humans as if to mock them.

Humanity had lost territory and cities, but the beasts had equally suffered.

Many of the beast lords wanted to abandon the plan and quickly rush home to retake their domains, but the most powerful of them prevented the alliance from falling apart.

News of their homelands fall was marked as need to know, and so the general soldiery of the beast forces were kept in the dark at the fate their families had befallen back home.

"Those bastard humans, how dare they, to attack while we the elite are away!"

"Ge hehe I'm honestly surprised, these humans used the same strategy as we ourselves had just deployed but against us."

"Don't make light of this situation, which city was it that attacked our domains?"

"We're not sure… there have been a few different messengers who've come from our lands, but they all could not state who the attacking force was except that they were very powerful humans."


"Yes, the entire army was reported to be 4th or 5th tier."

"Hrrrrrr humans are truly despicable, willing to sacrifice their weak so that the strong may attack. Those forces should have been here in the city to defend against our attack for a honourable fight with our lives on the line."

"Humans are devious indeed, but they've long since cast off the concept of honor, at least some of our domains still stand even if they are placed under the control of the Human overseers, while some domains were not as lucky."

"Bah! Human lies surely, they are just a virus that consumes all, nothing is every left standing in the wake of their march. Our homes have surely been raised to the ground, such is the human way."

"I don't deny your words Wolf Lord, but I also choose not to ignore the words of the messengers if our people lives even as slaves that enough give me hope we can return to liverate them once we've dealt the final killing blow to the humans within Trent."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

**Trent POV**

The situation Is grim, while we just barely managed to hold onto our own city word reached us later on that Rheims, Ghent, Hanover, and Zwolle had all fallen without their elites there to defend them.

Better that they had left us to our own folly than to suffer four times the damage as a result of their aid.

The visiting Elites were livid to have fallen for the ploy of the mutants beasts.

And even more so at us, when it was reported we had lost the core of our strength the year before trying to lay claim to a military cache to the west, we were looked down upon heavily for not reporting our losses or the finding of this cache to the other bases.

But we knew in our hearts they would have done the exact same, everyone was out for their own survival in the end.

With so many more elites in this city our security was almost all but guaranteed, except for the fact that these elites were rulers of the now fallen cities and taking a backseat was not their style which resulted in the power within Trent to fracture as five factions rose to power all competing against one another for total control, even with the hungry beasts outside stick licking their lips savoring the meal to come.

Even under this threat of the hundreds of thousand of mutant beasts these elites were curious to want to make a try for the wall, and what lay beyond it.

If there truly was a power that could help in the war they would take it, it would mean they could finish off the beasts here and possibly even lead an offensive to retake their fallen cities from the beasts.

However they were stopped, the Trent families heavily warned them stating that the walls defenses could not be under-estimated there were weapons they'd never seen before defending it, and even 4th ranks had been taken down fairly easily, even one of 5th or 6th tier was suspected to not be enough to breech this wall and see what lay beyond.

Meanwhile the people of Trent released from the bunkers saw the result of the battle, many believing that their end had truly come.

Except for during the 2nd World War against the beasts Humanities fortress walls had not been breached, but now not only had they been breached but they'd been breached easily and in multiple places, the people who once found security in their defenses now trembled in fear, too afraid to leave their own houses.

Having completed the survey over the last few days, humanities losses was beyond a millions deaths, while the beast army had only suffered around 300,000 casualties.

If looking at this from a statistical perspective the beasts were worse off, having lost 30% of their forces, while humanity had only lost around 20% but this only counted for the loss of life.

Many more were injured and maimed still clinging to life as the human healers tried their best to save the lives of the highest tier individuals first while the lower ranks were made to wait, many losing their 2nd chance at life due to the low priority of their healing request.

The new collective ruling council withheld the information about the fall of the four Fortress Cities, not wishin to incite a riot as the people lost all hope in their power to remain alive amid the threat of the beasts.

Days passed and while repairs were happening to the walls, the weakness still remained.

The Humans had identified what allowed the walls to fall, but could not come up with a solutions to fix the problem.

And since Trent had been cutoff from all other cities other than Inverness, they could only rely on Inverness to spread the word around to the other human cities so that they could also look into the problem and hopefully gods willing find a solution to prevent this tragedy from happening again and again.

**Jake POV**

"Jake, are we going to leave the humans to their fate?"

"The people of Trent might be beyond saving Eva, if we went to exterminate the Mutant army, the city defenders might be grateful but they would never accept our rule of the city and with the presence of the visiting elites it's more likely they will resist and attempt to take what is rightfully ours instead."

"Humans are truly a despicable breed."

"Well not all of us Zoe. Instead we can reach out to Inverness and see their own willingness to cooperate, the spy team we sent there, has been reporting that the situation is quite tense, with news about the attack on Trent, mixed with the mysterious appearance of our Walls."

"What about in our new regions?"

"Our scout teams have yet to find signs of any human outposts or Fortress cities as of yet, but they have only been looking for a couple days now it might be another week or two before we hear news about these, in the meantime we can continue to take over the various beast domains."

[Command Skill has Raised to Level 5]

"And speak of the devil my command skill has ranked up.

It had been quite a while now since my Command skill had reached level 4 and now I have ranked it up to 5.

With the 5th rank achieved I could now upgrade my RA war factory's to RA2 war factory's and with that upgrade my RA tanks to the Grizzly and Rhino tanks from the 2nd game, at the same time I could turn my Naval bases and Sub Pens into Naval Shipyards, and replacing my subs with the newer Typhoon attack submarines, with the surface vessels of Gunboats and Destroyers being upgraded to the new Allied Destroyer, and Aegis cruisers, along with Sea scorpions from the Soviet side.

 As with before the airforce remains the same and without the ability to construct the new Air Force command building the Battle Lab was likewise off limits, which means still no spy satellite at least not at this rank.

But I'm not one to fault the system, our power had just been boosted exponentially even if it did cost me more than a million credits to upgrade all of my units.

Coupling with our new attack power, our defenses had also been boosted since I could now upgrade our Radar domes to become Soviet Radar Towers, which opened the way to upgrade the existing Tesla coils to become much more powerful becoming the Tesla coil towers seen in RA2.

"System what ability did I unlock as a perk for 5th rank?"

[Host has unlocked the ability to use the powers of any unit under your command for one hour per day.]

So my personal strength would match that of my strongest cultivator in this case peak 5th tier, but now I could use their abilities for myself?

Simply put that meant for one hour I could target something and summon mig's just like Boris, or have the charisma of Alexander.

This power wasn't that awesome right now, but later on once I unlocked more Super Soldier units I could get access to mind control, unlimited C4, but even not counting his super soldiers the powers of his regular units was nothing to sneeze at.

And upon testing out this new power I found that I could transform my arm into a massive tank barell that could fire shells just like my Rhino tanks could, however perhaps because my own veterancy was low I could only fire at the rate of a freshly deployed unit not at high speed firing rate an Elite unit could manage.

The best part about this level up was that I had aside from Super weapons unlocked all the content from the first game and it's addon's.

I could now construct superjets, First Generation Tesla tanks, even wonder dogs.

Still no Chronotanks, or M.A.D tanks, but those would come with the Superweapons I'm sure.

As we stand now perhaps capturing Trent would not be difficult?

However they while weakened are also the strongest they've ever been until the Elites return to their own cities.

And we also need to watch out for Inverness, who failed to send reinforcements to Trent but since we are in the way there was no way they could send help without suffering loses of their own, even the people of Trent were not faulting Inverness, as our Spy team reported back, they felt Inverness was acting as a deterant from whatever was behind the wall from coming out to attack either side for fear of retaliation from the side not attacked.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~


"What can I do for you?"

"We have a report from Praxis for your review Sir!"

I received the folder handed to me, Praxis was our Irish Naval base and it's growth was pretty extraordinary, with the million mutant beasts being absent the region quickly fell under our control to the point that after only a few weeks we'd already mapped the entire area and requests to deploy another base to expand operation further had been presented to me.

Word among the Irish beast domains had clearly spread, as we barely encountered insubordinate races now with all of them accepting our terms of treaty even the ones asking for the offering of low ranks to become breeding materials for us to prospectively acquire new food sources or resources.

Our forces had even gone so far as to form a 'Mutant' beast race of our own, formed around the Attack and Guard dogs that had all been upgraded to the RA2 Attack dogs.

The two dog forces had claimed their own territories founding the Shepard and Husky Lord domains.

Not knowing any better the mutant beasts accept these new arrivals as simply displaced mutant beasts, the power of these new arrivals also gave the beasts hope to overthrow the humans, not ever guessing that they had just accepted spy's into their midst, spy's who thanks to the system could report back everything they heard back to the command HQ, or directly to the commander himself.

The lord's of these packs, having reached Tier 5 gained the ability to speak just like with the regular mutant beasts.

However their loyalty to the commander never faltered.

Having seen their success, Jake began to commit resources towards founding new Dog corps who could enter the mutant beast ranks in other area's as spy's to also report on their movements, the most important one right now was getting them into the ranks of the mutant beast army that was still camped in the east end of England acting as a threat towards the city of Trent.

Opposite this, a RA diplomatic squad had been founded and set out from the Western gate leaving the territory of the Scarlet Domain behind on their way to the outposts and eventually Fortress City of Inverness.