The world consists of 11 main continents:
1. Celestara
- Creatures: Angels, Blessed and Heavenly beings
- Landscape: Celestara is has vast, ethereal skies filled with shimmering clouds and radiant light. Floating islands adorned with golden palaces and lush gardens dot the landscape. The terrain is gentle, with rolling hills and serene lakes that reflect the heavens. It is home to one of the slumbering Ancients. Ancient of Winds and Love.
- Hierarchy: The current leaders of Celestara are-
• Heaven's Guide: Humble Ruler: Maetatron
• Forgiven One: Merciful Ruler: Zaedkiel
The other half of Celestara's inhabitants are reformed and blessed demons lead by Zaedkiel.
2. Nethrath
- Creatures: Demons, Fallen and Demonic beings
- Landscape: Nethrath is a dark and foreboding continent, with jagged mountains, fiery chasms, and shadowy forests. The skies are often overcast, casting a perpetual twilight over the land. Rivers of molten lava and eerie, glowing flora add to the ominous atmosphere. It is home to one of the slumbering Ancients. Ancient of Flames and Rage.
- Hierarchy: The current leaders of Nethrath are-
• Fiery Tyrant: Wrathful Ruler: Satanael
• Fallen Rebel: Prideful Ruler: Lucifaer
3. Nexoria
- Creatures: Humans and humanoids
- Landscape: Nexoria features diverse environments, from sprawling high tech cities and fertile plains to dense forests and rugged mountains. The continent is rich in resources, with vibrant marketplaces and bustling towns. It is home to one of the slumbering Ancients. Ancient of Technology and Ego.
- Hierarchy: The current leaders of Nexoria are-
• Divine Revolutionary: Diligent Ruler: Raphael
• Stagnant Dreamer: Slothful Ruler: Belphaegor
4. Crystalis
- Creatures: Arachnids and Insectoids
- Landscape: Crystalis is a land of intricate webs and towering fungi. The terrain is a mix of dense jungles and expansive caverns, where bioluminescent insects illuminate the darkness. The air is filled with the sounds of buzzing and chirping. It is home to one of the slumbering Ancients. Ancient of Earth and Tranquility.
- Hierarchy: The current leaders of Crystalis are-
• Unbreakable Monarch: Courageous Ruler: Raguael
• Cowardly Prophet: Fearful Ruler: Baphomaet
5. Feralis
- Creatures: Beasts, beastfolk and lycanthropes
- Landscape: Feralis is a wild and untamed continent, featuring vast savannas, dense forests and jungles, rugged icy mountains. The land is rich in wildlife, and sprawling plains. It is home to one of the slumbering Ancients. Ancient of Ice and Hatred.
- Hierarchy: The current leaders of Feralis are-
• Dignified Fantasy: Chaste Ruler: Sariael
• Reality's Desire: Lustful Ruler: Asmodaeus
6. Necrosia
- Creatures: Undead, spirits, ghouls, and souls
- Landscape: Necrosia is a hauntingly beautiful land, with mist-covered islands, ancient ruins, and eerie forests. The landscape is often shrouded in fog, and the air is filled with whispers of unknown origins. It is home to one of the slumbering Ancients. Ancient of Darkness and Negativity.
- Hierarchy: The current leaders of Necrosia are-
• Immortal Mage: Life Ruler: Azazael
• Undead King: Death Ruler: Azrael
7. Scalora Terra
- Creatures: Dragons and Draconic beings
- Landscape: Scalora Terra is a majestic continent with towering mountains, vast skies, and deep valleys. The land is dotted with ancient ruins and dragon nests. It is home to one of the slumbering Ancients. Ancient of Lightning and Bliss.
- Hierarchy: The current leaders of Scalora Terra are-
• Righteous Queen: Charitable Ruler: Uriael
• Impatient Hoarder: Greedy Ruler: Maemmon
8. Sylvera
- Creatures: Magic-based beings
- Landscape: Sylvera is a realm of vibrant colors and constantly shifting landscapes, the laws of nature are often bent by magic. Floating islands, enchanted forests, and shimmering lakes. It is home to one of the slumbering Ancients. Ancient of Light and Positivity.
- Hierarchy: The current leaders of Sylvera are-
• Compassionate Mother: Loving Ruler: Jophiael
• Silent Dominator: Miserable Rule: Abaeddon
9. Verdantia
- Creatures: Nature and plant creatures
- Landscape: Verdantia is a continent that experiences all 4 seasons at the same time, each of the 4 sections are stuck in a perpetual season creating a perfect environment for fauna and flora of all natures. It is home to one of the slumbering Ancients. Ancient of Nature and Jealousy.
- Hierarchy: The current leaders of Verdantia are-
• Bountiful Provider: Tempered Ruler: Michael
• Disastrous Devourer: Gluttonous Ruler: Beelzaebub
10. Pelagoria
- Creatures: Ocean and water-dwelling beings
- Landscape: Pelagoria is a vast underwater realm, with coral reefs, deep ocean trenches, and shimmering lagoons. The surface is dotted with islands that serve as meeting points for various aquatic species. It is home to one of the slumbering Ancients. Ancient of Water and Sadness.
- Hierarchy: The current leaders of Pelagoria are-
• Calm Tsunami: Kind Ruler: Gaebriel
• Plagued Storm: Envious Ruler: Leviaethan