1 Year Later
Astra POV
Man, the ocean is so boring. It's been a year and nothing interesting has happened. I mean, come on—all there is is water, water, and more water. Wait—is there something up ahead? Nope, just endless blue.
Ugh, I'm gonna die of boredom if nothing exciting happens. I'm starting to feel mentally exhausted from all this endless traveling across the ocean. Why does One Piece make it sound cool?
G.O.D: Incorrect. Your body is made of pure energy—it is impossible for you to feel exhausted in any way.
I meant mentally exhausted!!! And you've got to admit, nothing interesting has happened yet. I mean, come on—where are the pirates, sea monsters, and water dragons that are supposed to attack me at every turn?
G.O.D: ...
The week prior to this one, you were attacked by a group of water wyrms, two giant squid, a hippocampus, and a kraken hatchling.
Yeah, but they were all weak! They just died to a few of my lightning attacks—it was kind of pathetic. Come on, this is the ocean! It's supposed to be filled with dangerous, unknown eldritch horrors, but all I've seen are small fry in this star-forsaken sea.
I want to encounter an enemy of higher power than that—just for the rush of adrenaline, a little fun, some spice in my life.
G.O.D: QUESTION! Do you want to encounter a threat that could end your life?
Look, I'm not a masochist. I just want a little excitement in this magical world—is that too much to ask for?
G.O.D: Apologies for my misunderstanding of your strange desires to feel endangered. However, I believe it is unfair to judge these beings as weak simply because they could not withstand you.
Well, I guess you have a point there. The moment I said that, I felt a powerful presence—this one was not just any threat, but something far beyond the small fry I've been fighting for over a year. It was a force that made my energy pulse faster. Maybe it just wants to say hi.
G.O.D: Warning! A hostile threat is preparing to attack.
Before I could process that, I sensed a massive surge of energy accumulating deep below in the water. I darted sideways, barely evading a colossal beam of power that erupted from the depths—a blast that would have torn me apart if I hadn't been quick.
The water churned violently as the attacker surged upward. Slowly, a massive sea serpent emerged into view. Its shimmering blue scales, shifting to hints of violet in the light, glistened with lethal intent. Its eyes burned with a fury that seemed to scold me for trespassing into its domain—as if I had just insulted its mother.
"Seriously, dude? I haven't even done anything to offend you, yet you attack me on a whim. Not cool. Why are you so pissed off anyway? I didn't provoke you in any way!"
G.O.D: Answer: It appears to be enraged because you have trespassed into its territory. I suggest you start fleeing—this King Storm Serpent far surpasses you in terms of power.
Basic Information
Name: Nameless
Age: 1,000,000+
Species: Sea Dragon
Sub-Species: Storm King Serpentine
Tier: Lunar
Authority: Elder
HP: 1,964,583
ATK: 218,050
DEF: 101,370
M.DEF: 91,740
NRG: 719,280
Hydro (Lv21)
Frost (Lv20)
Voltage (Lv15)
Gale (Lv20)
Void (Lv16)
Abyss (Lv7)
Nuclear (Lv8)
Flame (Lv6)
War (Lv11)
Mind (Lv7)
Ocular (Lv9)
Restoration (Lv3)
Energy (Lv19)
Demonic Dragon Scales (T), Nuclear Fang (X), Hydrodynamic (T),
Hydrokinesis (T), Dragon Aura (R), Hyper Pain Resistance (X), Kin Control (T),
Frost Resistance (X), Abyss Magic (X), Gale Resistance (X), Hydro Magic (X),
Voltage Resistance (R), Gale Control (X), Frost Control (X), Storm Creation (R), Fear (X),
Envy (T), Voltage Control (X), Dragon Roar (R), Supreme Strength (X), Soul Devour (X),
Hyper Fast Reflexes (X), Supreme Vision (X), Anti-Magic Barrier (R), Heat Sense (R),
Fire Super Resistance (R), Tyranny (X), Mental Block (X), Mind Control (R),
Elemental Hyper Resistance Barrier (X), High Speed Regeneration (X),
Energy Generator (X), Energy Manipulation (R), Fire Manipulation (R), Strategic Thinking (R),
High Seed Processing (X), War's Game (X), Weather Manipulation (X), Flame Control (X),
Mental Attack Hyper Resistance (X), Sleep Nullification (T), Nuclear Magic (X),
Venom Generator (X).
Storm King, Serpent Ruler, Storm Disaster, Storm Dragon, Storm Tyrant, Merciless, Nightmare of the Depths.
"Um, any chance you're willing to talk this out?" I shout, trying to defuse the tension. The serpent snarls, charging up another devastating attack. "Yeah, I thought so."
I dart out of the impending blast just in time and peel away, my mind racing. With my notorious mouth and reckless attitude, I now have a serpent king hot on my trail. Could this get any worse?
As if on cue, the serpent unleashes a bone-chilling roar. Suddenly, an entire army of sea serpents and water wyrms erupts from the roiling surface, blocking my escape. "You've got to be kidding me," I mutter under my breath.
G.O.D: I have calculated over 10,000 water wyrms and about 2,150 sea serpents.
Great—minions, just what I needed. This beast has the advantage in firepower and underlings, but it's not the only one with tricks up its metaphorical sleeves. I've been training for a year now. Though I may be an Infant-tier being, as a primordial I stand among the most powerful in this world. My true strength is around Commander tier—still below him, but far above his underlings.
"Okay, you want a fight? I'll give you one you won't forget. Prepare yourself, serpent king—after I'm done with them, you're my next victim!" I bellow, unleashing a torrent of raw aura energy. Our auras collide in a dazzling display of light and power—this is no ordinary skirmish; it's war.
G.O.D: Warning: I have detected that you are experiencing hysterical delusions due to high levels of stress.
Would you please shut the hell up for once?
G.O.D: ...
Without waiting for further input, I launch my assault. In a blur of motion, I rain down multiple lightning strikes, each bolt sizzling through the air and slamming into the advancing sea serpents and wyrms. The force of my attack ripples through the ranks, stunning many—casualty reports flash in my mind: 3 injured, 7 paralyzed, and 1 dead.
"How can they survive that?" I wonder aloud.
G.O.D: Affirmative—I have analyzed them. All of the sea serpents and water wyrms possess Lightning Resistance, Elemental Resistance Barrier, and Paralysis Resistance.
Damn, this tyrant really is ruthless—attacking his own kin just to forge a stronger army. His skill, Tyranny, not only bolsters his minions' growth but also dampens the damage they receive from his assaults.
I smirk. "So, he's boosting his underlings to withstand my attacks. Well, jokes on you—I welcome a good challenge."
Spurred by pride and adrenaline, I pivot on my heel and charge directly toward the serpent king. As he winds up another devastating blast, I seize the moment—channeling a focused bolt of lightning straight into his gaping maw. The impact is catastrophic; a searing explosion erupts inside his mouth, scattering energy and disorienting him.
Seizing the opening, I invoke one of my newly honed skills—Jealousy (E). Its power surges through me, siphoning off a portion of his might to level the playing field. I can see the fury in his eyes deepen as he senses his power wane.
Not willing to let up, the massive serpent bellows again. In response, its minions surge forward in a relentless barrage. Dodging with blinding speed, I weave through the onslaught while charging up my next attack—an Energy Blast of colossal magnitude. With a cry that echoes across the turbulent sea, I unleash the blast. The energy wave crashes over the enemy ranks, obliterating nearly every creature in its path. In minutes, the once-mighty army is reduced to a scattering of a few desperate survivors.
G.O.D: Titles Merciless and Fear Bringer have been acquired, and skills Intimidate (C) and Rage (E) have been acquired.
New titles and skills—this really is my lucky day. Now, all that remains is the serpent king. He stands tall, his body pulsing with a strange red and black aura.
G.O.D: Warning—King Storm Serpent is using its skill Envy (L) to increase its power tenfold.
Warning—due to the massive excess of energy, the King Storm Serpent is undergoing an evolution.
The eerie aura swirls violently, enveloping his form as he grows in size. Multiple heads begin to sprout along his length, each one hissing in unison. When the transformation ceases, before me stands a fearsome hydra—a creature reborn from fury and magic.
G.O.D: King Storm Serpent has evolved into Demon Plague Hydra: Leviaethan Arikestale.
I'm afraid to ask, but what do its stats look like?
Basic Information
Name: Leviaethan Arikestale
Age: 1,000,000+
Species: Demonic Sea Dragon
Sub-Species: Plague Hydra
Tier: Apocalypse
Authority: Deity
HP: 190,697
ATK: 926,745
DEF: 637,559
ENERGY: 695,792
Hydro (Lv20)
Frost (Lv15)
Voltage (Lv14)
Gale (Lv13)
Null (Lv10)
Abyss (Lv11)
Nuclear (Lv12)
Flame (Lv10)
War (Lv14)
Mind (Lv13)
Ocular (Lv19)
Death (Lv5)
Demonic Dragon Scales (T), Nuclear Fang (X), Hydrodynamic (T),
Hydrokinesis (T), Demonic Dragon Aura (R), Hyper Pain Resistance (X), Kin Control (T),
Frost Resistance (X), Abyss Magic (X), Gale Resistance (X), Hydro Magic (X),
Voltage Resistance (R), Gale Control (X), Frost Control (X), Storm Creation (R), Fear (X),
Leviaethan (D), Voltage Control (X), Unparalleled Strength (T), Soul Devour (X),
Instant Reflexes (T), Unparalleled Vision (T), Anti-Magic Barrier (R), Heat Sense (R),
Flame Resistance (X), Tyranny (E), Mental Block (X), Mind Control (R),
Elemental Hyper Resistance Barrier (X), High Speed Regeneration (T),
Energy Generator (X), Energy Manipulation (R), Fire Manipulation (R), Strategic Thinking (R),
High Seed Processing (X), War's Game (X), Weather Manipulation (R), Flame Control (X),
Mental Attack Hyper Resistance (X), Sleep Nullification (T), Nuclear Magic (X),
Venom Generator (E), Plague King (D), Death (T), Telepathy (R), Parallel Minds (I).
Plague King, Hydra Ruler, Storm Disaster, Storm Dragon, Nightmare of the Depths, Plague Tyrant, Merciless, Demon King, Death Lord, Envious Ruler: Leviaethan.
Leviaethan Arikestale—now a massive seven-headed hydra—stares at me with rage in its eyes. Then, as if by magic, all that fury vanishes.
"Ancient one, it is most impressive how you took out my army. Allow me to congratulate you on your victory," he speaks telepathically.
"Wait, you're not mad or anything? I mean, I did just wipe out your entire army, didn't I?"
"On the contrary, actually, I am a bit enraged by the results; however, what did I expect? I pitted my weakest links against a powerful foe such as yourself," he replies in a disappointed tone. "Weakest links—so you have more minions."
"Correct. You see, my initial plan for coming here was merely to gauge your strength, as my lady requested," he adds with a smug look. "Okay, sure—I guess you are really weird, you know that, right?"
"Haha, so I've heard. But now, ancient one, I must bid you farewell. I have important matters to attend to—be safe on your journey." As he says this, he turns away and sinks back into the ocean, his fate unknown.
"Well, that was strange, huh?"
G.O.D: Affirmative. Individual Leviaethan Arikestale is a very interesting character who hides his true emotions quite well. His evolution to a demon king was quite a surprise.
"Yeah, anyway, I'm glad he didn't actually want to fight me—things would have gone downhill from here."
G.O.D: Affirmative; however, he would not have evolved if he had not achieved his new name.
"Wait, what? So he only evolved because someone named him?"
G.O.D: Affirmative. However, to name a being as powerful as him would take a considerable amount of energy.
"Yeah, whoever did that must be really powerful—so let's not think about that right now."
G.O.D: Astra, you will be able to evolve very soon.
"Wow, really? Then I should probably prepare for that."
G.O.D: Affirmative. I suggest you summon the island as a place of rest when the time arrives, as evolving will cause you to enter a sleep-like state.
G.O.D: Also, to evolve you need one more requirement.
"Huh? What's that?"
G.O.D: Answer: You will need to acquire 10 subordinates before you evolve.
"Ten subordinates? Where the hell am I supposed to find that many?"
G.O.D: Answer: I suggest continuing your journey to the main continent—you will be able to find subordinates there.
"Well, okay then—I still have a fair amount of distance to go, so let's hurry it up."
Leviaethan POV
As I head to my territory, I suddenly receive a telepathic message.
"Arikestale, it's so good to hear from you again. How have you been, darling, and do you like that name I gave you?" the familiar feminine voice speaks. "Yes, my lady, I am quite alright, and thank you for the name. The mission you assigned me is complete. That being you asked me to investigate was quite powerful and ancient; however, it was naive and young at the same time."
"Oh, a new soul in an old body, you say? How interesting—those haven't been seen in a long time. Not even someone as old as me has ever encountered another reincarnate."
"My lady, forgive me for asking, but besides them being a reincarnate, what do you find so interesting about that being that you'd have me look into them?"
"I just want to be friends with them—that's all. It's lonely being at the top of nearly everything, you know." I'm truly confused by my lady's actions; she has a tendency to do the strangest things.
"Well, anyway, enjoy your new name and power and all that. Oh, and I officially welcome you as a new demon lord to the Order of Chaos. Bye, darling—I'll talk to you later."
Ancient one, I truly wonder what the future holds for you. Truly, your story has only just begun.