Chereads / Primordial: Legacy of the Star / Chapter 9 - Chapter 6: Independence=Alone

Chapter 9 - Chapter 6: Independence=Alone

Astra's POV

Right now I'm on top of a mountain the deja vu hits hard with this one. I climbed up here to get a good look at where I am so here's what I know I'm in The Forest of Abundance specifically in Valtoria's Steppes it's mostly just a grassland although there is fare more variety of vegetation than a traditional grassland.

Also this place is huge I guess G.O.D wasn't joking when she said this forest was the size of a country. I can't even see where Valtoria's Steppes ends. I don't even know where I should go from here as G.O.D is off doing her thing maybe I've just been a little too reliant on her if I'm being honest. This is my chance to gain independence! I am a full grown adult after all well technically my actual age is unknown, my body doesn't physically age, I'm chronologically older than time, my soul is technically 2 years old and my mental age is kind of hard to figure out it's like I'm a newborn who has experienced life but doesn't remember it. Huh?

Anyway I've got better things to do than worrying about how old I am for starters how to navigate this forest I wish I had a map or something or like a compass skill. Wait if I remember correctly in this world you gain skills through achievements, training, and experiencing or understanding something so theoretically speaking I could gain skills that are related to compasses and maps as long as I can figure out how to do that.

Let's start with the easy one for now a compass skill could be helpful although not as helpful as a mapping skill but I'll take what I can get, do they work again a screen of information shows up in my field of vision.


Compass: A compass is a tool used to determine direction. It's commonly used for navigation in outdoor activities, marine, aviation, surveying, and geology.

A compass works by using a magnetic needle that aligns itself with the Planet's magnetic field. The needle points towards the Planet's magnetic north pole, and the compass has a rotating bezel with degrees to measure direction.


Well that's convenient looks like even without G.O.D here the skill is still pretty useful. So magnetism how the hell am I supposed to sense magnetic fields. I was able to get sight and telekinesis by using my the energy my body is made of to sense and move myself so maybe I can use my energy combined with energy sense to possibly detect the electromagnetic fields around me? I don't know I'm just throwing guesses here if this doesn't work I don't know what I'll do.

I turn on my energy sense skill and immediately I can sense something massive, large amounts of energy run through this forest in large veins beneath the earth. The amount of energy here is astronomical! I mean my island had about ten times this much energy but I'm a primordial so that makes sense, so why the fuck does this place have so much energy? And where is it even coming from?

I ponder this for a little while, I don't have time to think about that right now I have to focus on getting this compass skill. I return to what I was doing earlier I shift my focus from the ground to the sky. I sense multiple traces of energy in the air one seems to flow like liquid and has a bit of weight to it I'm guessing this is energy radiated by the water vapor in the air.

The next energy moves elegantly through the sky, it's light but also fast this must be the energy from the wind. The third energy I sense is sharp, it's fast like the wind however it's spiky I don't really know how to describe it but I'm guessing this is the energy from the electricity in the air there must be a thunderstorm coming cuz there's a significant amount of it. I'm looking for electromagnetic energy not electric energy I don't really know what's the difference but I have to keep on trying.

I try again but this time putting all of my focus into it I have to dig deeper try harder this time a block out all of my other senses focusing solely on trying to sense the electromagnetic energy in the sky. Minutes go by with me just repeating the same thing this is going nowhere. I try to picture the magnetic field as a pulling or pushing sensation I think that will help possibly? Maybe? Or maybe I'm just in over my head maybe I'm foolish for doing this maybe...I...I'm not good enough.

I realized something at that moment everything I've done since I reincarnated was with the help of G.O.D and now that she isn't here I'm struggling to do simple things. I REALLY AM USELESS?! Since I arrived to this stupid world all I've done was ignore everything, the fact I had family and friends didn't bother me in the slightest I repressed my feelings and tried to live a happy life for two years.

All I've done for the past two years was cross a stupid sea and met a overgrown snake who tried to fucking kill me! WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME?! I used to have family, friends now I have nothing I don't even remember their faces, their names, nothing at all. I AM NOTHING?! I didn't want to be a Primordial, I didn't want to be important! THEY FORCED ME?! I didn't want to die! I never asked to be want to be reincarnated and yet here I am! I DIDN'T WANT TO DO IT?!!! I HAD NO CHOICE?!!! IT'S NOT MY FAULT?!!!

The worst part of it all is that I don't even know who I am. Am I Astra the Primordial Star or Astra the human reincarnate. I don't know anymore everything doesn't make sense why me of all beings why is this happening to me. A DESTINY LEAD BY MISERY?! The emotions I've restrained for so long strat to overflow I finally let go off all the pain I've held in the pain that has no clear origin, the pain of someone else entirely.

I scream even though I know I can't be heard. I scream not to be heard but just for the sake of it, I hate this place. IT IS MY ETERNAL PRISON?! Why am I not happy though most magical fantasy world reincarnates are excited to be in a new world but I just feel like shit. Why does everyone get to be happy but me. FOREVER ALONE?!


You have obtained the skills: Rage(E), Spite(H), Overdrive(T), Solitude(H), Parallel Division(R), Wild Emotions(R).

The following affinity has been adapted: Mental(Lv5).

Due to your high emotional instability you have gained the title: Emotion Vestige.


The information flashed in front of me. Fuck off!! I don't need your opinion on my mental health!! That's not what you were created for, damn system! I scream again this time with more rage and anger them before I let go. I let go of all my restraint and all my anger, sadness and hatred. I involuntary unleash a large amount of energy from my body but I couldn't care less about that all I want to do is scream my little heart out.


3rd POV

In the forest of abundance creatures big and small all felt something it was familiar yet so foreign. A massive wave of energy swept trough the forest passing through trees and beings alike when they came in contact with this energy they felt lost, enraged, sad, confused, tired these emotions did not belong to them however they still felt them none the less. It was as if the energy it's self was infused with the emotions of someone else, who this being was they did not know but what they did know was that it was best to avoid such a being at all cost. A beast is most dangerous when it is wounded and afraid as the saying goes.

However it was not only the inhabitants of the forest of abundance that felt this, outside the forest the energy could still be felt albeit to a lesser extent. This also spread to a particular group of beings that were stationed right outside the forest. It was a camp however this camp was divided into two with one side filled with machinery and equipment which were run by beings in lab coats presumably scientist and the other side was filled with what looked to be training equipment with soldiers using different methods to attack what seemed to be earth golems using different methods such as magic, long and short ranged weapons and some even using their fists or legs.

Over at the research lab the one in charge a Valkyrie women with violet hair and sky blues eyes her silver wings reflecting the light in the room. She seemed to be discussing a matter with the other scientists in the room "The new set of potions should be ready for testing this time we used Cryowrath scales and Glaciator ice to improve the quality so it should finally work properly," she said as she looked through a pile of paper analysing the contents, "Oh and Lotera inform Kurogane that the raid will continue next week to gather more materials for experimentation."

One of the scientists speaks up "Um Aetheria you had sent Lotera to check the surveillance room for anything wrong with the cameras," he finished as Aetheria sighed "Right I forgot this job can get so hectic that sometimes I simply forgot things, anywa-," she stopped speaking feeling an odd energy signature rush through her body it was something she had experienced multiple times however this time was different.

The rest of the beings felt the same energy rush through their bodies however it seemed that they felt it to a more extreme extent as they were on their knees practically chocking on air. The weight of unfiltered, raw emotions was something they were not accustomed to Aetheria instead of giving any help to her subordinates simply looked out the window of the office and smiled.

"How refreshing, it's been quite some time since I last felt this kind of energy reminds of my childhood," she smiled as she reminisced on the past before being broken out of her daydreaming by the sound of loud foot steps the door was swung open roughly and standing there was an Oni he was tall and had a strong build "Do you know what knocking is Kurogane?" She asked him.

"Knocking is for weaklings and commoners," the looked down at the still chocking scientist some of them having already passed out "And aren't you going to do something about them?" He raised an eyebrow walking forward ignoring the scientists on the floor even stepping on some of them whether that was accidental or deliberate is up for debate.

"Like I care, it's not like their going to die from this plus are you going to do something about your soldiers who I assume are in the same situation?" She asked "Touché," he replied sitting on Aetheria's desk ruining her paperwork and droping other important documents to the floor "Step off bitch," she said kicking hard off the desk.

"Oh fuck you hag! Can't a guy sit down once in a while?" Aetheria glared at him "Not on my desk, now if you want to make yourself useful how about going to check on what is causing all of this because as long as I can remember there was only one being capable of transmitting their emotions though energy and that's master."

"Fuck no! That's boring as hell you do it," Kurogane sits on a the desk again earning a groan from Aetheria"Fine I'll go you just stay here and look after the camp and make sure everyone is safe."

Kurogane sighs reluctantly standing up on his feet "Fine let's both go then, I'm not looking after no little bitches," Aetheria smirks standing up as well spreading her wings "I knew you'd come around now let's go I've already located the origin of the energy I'll teleport us there immediately," she put a hand on his shoulder and both of them were fully surrounded in a bright light before they disappeared from sight.