The light of the full moon shown brightly on this deep black night.
The light brought out the full metal ship with Fire Nation origins as it has been traveling in the middle of the sea at this late hour of the night.
There on the deck of the ship, while everyone is fast asleep with the expection of a few crew members every now and then, stood a lone young man staring blankly at the moon. He was so deep in thought, not even the cold winds or the waves striking constantly at the ship didn't seem to brother him.
The man was of average height and was wearing dark red robes to counteract the cold sea night.
Every part of him can be described as any Fire Nation teen except for the fact that a horrific burn scar takes up half his face.
He is here contemplating the choice he has made.
"Well well ZuZu" Azula voice cuts through the night air, dripping with sarcasm. "I see my dear brother has taken up moongazing as a hobby. How quaint."
She moves to stand beside Zuko, her posture perfect, hand clasp behind her back. Her golden eyes, so similar to Zuko's yet so different, gleam with both amusement and irritation.
"You have been here for the past couple of nights" She gave a look, almost like she was scheming something. "Just go and get some sleep already."
"Not now Azula" Zuko got out of his train of thought to address his sister. "I don't want to get into it right now."
He wanted to be alone right now. Mostly because the person beside him is the reason for his deep thought. Well half the reason since he is also thinking of the other person that has him in turmoil.
His current turmoil is whether if he made the right decision in BaSing Se.
He chose to side with his sister, with the Fire Nation. The moment of truth replaying in his mind over and over again ....
* * * * *
"Oh please, don't let that Water Tribe pheasant's words mislead you." Azula said as she paced around Zuko in the catacombs of Ba Sing Se. "Your 'new friend' tried to sell you out" she stops in front of Zuko as she plays with her hair. "You were just lucky I got her info first to save your back."
Suddenly a flash of anger washed over him. "She what"
She was using me, I can't believe I fell for it
As his anger was rising and rising, it just suddenly vanished.
No she was being honest with me. The truth of the matter was that they both actually connected with each other and he whole heartedly believe her gesture of peace.
Also what contribute to his natural stance was the fact that he learned throughout his travel in the Earth Kingdom, the damage the Fire Nation has done.
How could my people do this? As the Fire Nation Prince, Zuko feels responsible for any wrong doings done by his subjects.
He thinks back to that Earth Nation boy whose mother protected him, shielding him with her body. As he imaged that memory it distorts to a young Katara. Was it the same for her?
I shouldn't make things worse than it is. He begins to think if he can change Azula mind over the fact of this operation she is doing, maybe convince her it's too risky or something else. As he spent his days with the Earth Kingdom, he saw their hardships firsthand.
They are just people trying to just get by. If he goes against the Avatar now, he will ruin their current lives and their safe heaven from this war.
As Zuko wanted to take a natural approach to this, Azula had other plans. A smirk creeped on her face as she whispered in Zuko ear.
"Ok fine, the decision is yours" she says as she slowly approached him. "But remember, this is your chance to make your people proud, to regain your honor and come home."
Her honeyed words was beginning to get to Zuko as Azula went for the final strike.
"And" Azula leans to his ear. "Mom's death would not have been in vain." Azula walks away to go face the Avatar as she lets me make my decision.
Zuko whole reason for gaining his honor back was so his mom sacrifice would have ment something. His mother believed he would become a great Fire Lord. It was the sole reason that after her disappearance, he took his princely duties more seriously.
He wanted to prove that his mom was right and to make sure that her choice to save him was the correct one.
But that eagerness led to tragedy as he was banished while he was trying to do what he thought was right.
I need him .... I need it back
He needs to bring back the Avatar so his life can go back on track.
Zuko opened his eyes, determined to do what he needs to do to make his mother proud again.
* * * * *
His plan was to capture the Avatar, so he can go back to where he belongs.
But was shocked to see Azula had other plans. Azula struck the Avatar in the back with a lightening strike.
Zuko stop momentarily in place as he watched the scene unfold.
But what really got to Zuko was the look on Katara's face, it wasn't of anger or disappointment but her face while holding onto the lifeless Air Normads was full of tears and sadness.
As Azula and the Dai Li continued their advance. Zuko just stood there as he wasn't sure how to process this.
He was yet again bumped off of track and made him question his decision and if he made the right choice.
* * * * *
Azula turns to face Zuko fully now, her expression hardening. "We're about to return home as heroes, Zuko. Father will be pleased with us both. Isn't that what you've always wanted?"
"Why?" That was all Zuko can think of to ask Azula.
"Why what ... Zuko"
"Why did you kill the Avatar, we were suppose to capture him alive. If you kill him, he will just be reborn ... So why?"
Azula gave a chuckle as she pace back and forth on the deck of the ship.
"Oh that ... Well call it the heat of the moment action. But regardless I believe it would not matter. Even if the Avatar does reincarnate, we've brought our nation valuable time. A newborn Avatar is no threat to us. By the time they're old enoughto be a problem, our victory will be complete. Father has some plans and postponing the Avatar would suffice on his endeavor."
"What's important is that we took Ba Sing Se down and now the Avatar will me out of commission for at least 15 years."
"But ... I didn't capture the..."
"Geez Zuko" she scoffed "who cares the Avatar is dead and you helped take down the Earth Kingdom capital"
Zuko was in deep thought as he looked away.
"Unless you think he somehow miraculously survive" Azula gave a look of suspicion she asked that question.
"No" Zuko just coldly stated as he quickly flashed back to the spirit water that Katara offered to use to heal his scar.
Azula gave a cold look back at Zuko when it quickly shifted to her calm demeanor again.
"Then there's nothing to worry about. I think you done enough to earn your honor back"
Did I really do it, but why do I feel like this
As Zuko was in though, he reached into his sleeves and pulled out what appears to be the decorative hilt for his dual swords.
As Zuko contemplates Azula's words and his own aspirations, a subtle shift occurs in his demeanor. His shoulders straighten, and a newfound resolve settles into his eyes.
I suppose now, we can end this war now and start rebuilding with the other nations. When I become Fire Lord I can make it up to the other nations.
As Zuko was beginning to look into the future, he felt a sudden stinging sensation on his lower side of his back. He turned around and found a blade on his side near his back as she look at Azula as she lets go of the handle.
This blade ... It the one ... Uncle
"W-why .... I t-thougth". Zuko couldn't finish his sentence as blood was beginning to drip off his mouth.
"Oh ZuZu ... You still haven't figured it out .... You really are so predictable. You have always been a loose end that needs tying up"
Oh .... How could I forget
The pain grew as Zuko stumble forward as his body grew heavy and he begins to go in and out of consciousness.
"Don't worry ZuZu" Azula says, he voice fading as darkness creeps into the edges of Zuko's vision. "I'll make sure to tell Father how bravely you fell in battle against some Earthbending assassins. It's a much more honorable end than you deserve"
Zuko trips over the ledge of the ship as he fall overboard and began to sink down into the sea. As he drift down into the sea, the image of the ship goes further and further away as the bleeding continues.
The last image before his eyes shut were that of the full moon. And his last thought was what his mother would always tell him when his sister would tease him.
Azula always lies