Chereads / Blades of Valour / Chapter 18 - Man to Man

Chapter 18 - Man to Man

As Lenin accepts Karma's challenge on the other end of the circle were Adlaf and Darzen as Adlaf completely butchers through the army with his battle Axe. He locates Darzen as he moves towards him like a vicious beast who has just found his prey. Opus Denla tries to oppose him but is doesn't make much of difference as Adlaf blows his hands off and then severes his head like it is nothing. This sight terrified the Gramwis soldiers. This was the might of Adlaf the Gallant.

..... ..... ...

Lenin and Karma make their way inside a ring surrounded by soldiers of both the factions. Karma chose to fight with his longsword 'Reaper's Gift' and on the other side, Lenin entered the battle dual wielding his two swords 'Whirlwinds', the swords were actually a little smaller than your average swords. With this, both men make their way towards the centre.

"May the best man win" Karma says.

"Yes, I would want nothing less" Lenin replies.

Before anyone could even blink both the swordsman showed why they were so revered. With no scope for error. Both tried to gain the upper hand.

Karma went on the offence as Lenin redistributed his weight to counter Karma's attack.

Lenin parries Karma's attack but even in the heat of the battle, karma remains level headed as he faints an attack and goes for his neck.

Lenin reacts in time to dodge but still gets his cheek cut.

Karma does not stop. As he goes in for an overhead attack, Lenin uses his swords to deflect and land a kick to the chest, pushing Karma back.

Both the swordsman were of the highest calibre. Nobody could guess who would win.

Lenin tries to flank Karma but he was a step too slow as Karma sees it coming.

Then a furious exchange takes place as both try their best to kill one another.

Sparks fly as they nick away at eachother's armour.

But not every fight has a grand ending as,

very anticlimacticly , a rock comes under Karma's foot making him loose his balance, this was enough for Lenin as he pushes his blade through Karma's shoulder.

After this Lenin started attacking even more relentlessly as Karma starts lagging behind due to his shoulder.

Another slash to the leg and Karma is brought to his knees.

Seeing this, Karma's soldiers start shouting as according to them the only reason Karma was injured was due to the stone.

As they were crying Karma suddenly shouts,"Shut up, I lost because I forgot to take my surroundings into account. When fighting, even spatial awareness matters.

You fought well, Joyern. You may kill me now"

As Karma closed his eyes accepting his death

"No " Lenin says, "I refuse to kill you, atleast for now and here

You are of much more value alive.."

With this being said, Lenin takes Karma as a prisoner of war and all his men surrender as well.

Karma even though he had lost was content that he was atleast able to save the lives of his remaining men.

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Adlaf finally meets Darzen. Upon seeing him, Darzen is petrified. He tries to talk his way out of this predicament but as he opens his mouth

Adlaf breaks his jaws with a powerful punch to the face.

Soon after all the remaining forces also surrender.

The battle of Brimstone comes to an end, as another high tide comes in swiping away at the thousand of corpses laying on the beach. This battle shall be one of the bloodist battle in the history of Varrden.

Casualties from Gramwis were about 48,000. Meanwhile the Joyerns only suffered a loss of about 5,700.

Victory goes to House Joyern.