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Nanometre: A World Under Foot

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An Alien Queen who once thought her people were the biggest thing in the galaxy, but after getting stranded on a human woman's desk... It was pretty easy for her to figure out just how big she really was. Armed with a size ray, a constantly growing figure, some psionic powers and a petty need to be the biggest, Queen Pipsqueak isn't going to stop until she's conquered the planet Terra. [Rated 18 and above 'cause it's gonna get more... horni. So stay tuned for a bit of shrinking, a few counts of crushing, a light bit of expansion and a LOOOOOOOT of GTS. Can I get an amen?] (So letting people know, I've moved to Deviant Art. Find me @Funfrufunk)

Chapter 1 - Growing In Despair

"On the average, how many bugs do people step on with out even realising it? I imagine quite a few. No one ever really thinks about such insignificant things, do they?

What if you were talking to someone shorter then you? Would you even be able to take them seriously? 

That was the question posed to our people. That is why we invented our weaponry. To be the biggest things in the galaxy! WE ARE THE RABARTI PEOPLE AND WE SHAN'T BE IGNORED!" 

A chanting crowd of rather miniscule soldiers clamoured to their large, looming leader as she sat back down on her silver throne. The alien woman glanced around, looking at her fleet with a devious grin. 

"Hey, dumbass with glasses!" She barked, pointing to a short green skinned woman wearing a pair of technological spectacles, who quickly scampered over with her clip board with a nervous smile. "W-What d-do you need your grace?"

"Are we sure this race is usable? I think we made these soldiers a bit too small." The queen snickered, though her assistant waved away her troubles with a nod. "W-We c-can m-make them bigger if you like, your grace?"

"No, no. I suppose they'll do. So have we found our next target yet? I don't think we've done anything in a good fifty years... It's getting boring." The queen complained, pulling her skin tight suit a bit. It was pretty uncomfortable to wear, but it complimented her figure, so she refused to wear anything else. 

Her assistant, A'wala, quickly began using her digital notepad to find suitable planets to conquer. She knew her queen well enough to know what she liked and settled on a planet. "I-It's called Terra. The main species is primary a form of human life, though there are some other types as well..." 

As the advance warship set its course for the Planet known as Terra, the Queen grew rather bored of A'wala's constant explaining. So The Queen decided to have some fun. She reached into a compartment by her chair and pulled out a rather advance looking sleek black and gold ray gun. 

She suddenly got up from her throne, motioning for her captains to take the soldiers and leave before turning her attention to the barely chest high assistant before her, who was still excitedly yapping on about the new planet. 

With a finger to A'wala's lips, The Queen gave a teasing smile as she slowly dragged her assistant to her throne, shoving her into the seat. 

"My precious A'wala, all you do is talk, talk, talk, talk, talk. It's like you just want to please me..." 

"W-Well, it's n-not like I want anything else... Y-You are the queen..." 

"I have a name." She teased, fiddling with a few settings on her ray gun. The other woman quickly began getting nervous. "Y-Your grace, t-this is h-how the accountant d-died... I-I'm not..."

"You're not what?" She teased pointing her ray at the now trembling assistant. 

"I-I-I'm not worthy!" She cried out as The queen fired her ray. It unleashed a bright neon blue beam that struck A'wala in the chest. The queen watched with glee and delight as her assistant rapidly began to shrink in size, soon standing in her own clothes, barely even worthy of reaching her queen's toe.

"Aww... Just a little bug." She cackled before raising her finger into the air, lifting A'wala up with her psionic energy. "Hmm... Do I just kill you or keep you? Eh, I'll figure it out later." She chuckled before stuffing the poor women into her suit, enjoying the way she squirmed against her breasts.

The quuen kicked A'wala's clothes off her throne before picking up her assistant's tablet, deciding to just let her do the work for her. But after awhile it became clear she was rather tired. The Queen pulled her suit open a bit, yelling down to the assistant with frustration clear in her voice. "Oh my god, will you get down there or... Are you still alive?"

She let out a loud huff of annoyance before yanking out A'wala, who was covered in sweat and a few tears. It was a rather pathetic sight as she dangled in front of her queen by one of her legs. It took all of her restraint not to just crush her like a bug as she placed the girl against the back of her throne.

"What? I've done worse." The queen barked at one of her guards, who was awkwardly side eyeing the whole affair.

With a bored sigh and little else to do, The Queen just relaxed with old reports from conquered planets.


As the hours had ticked on and the Queen was fast asleep on her literal queen sized bed, she was woken up by the blaring sounds of their arrival on the new planet of Terra. Everyone around the ship began to prepare, besides from the queen and her assistant, who both remained in the luxurious bed. 

But they were rudely awakened by a rough landing that sent the ship barrelling down to the ground below. With a thunderous crash, the queen rushed to her command deck to check what was happening. 

"I want a report, you bugs!" She snapped. One of the engineers began scrambling to tell her what had happened. It seemed the ship's navigation had gotten messed up by an outside force, coming just outside the location they had crash landed. 

Despite her rather dominant nature, The Queen volunteered to go outside and check the damages. And after a bit of time getting changed into her royal black suit and equipping herself with her ray gun and shrunken assistant, she slowly descended onto the new strange world.

Once outside, she almost immediately noticed how hard the ground was. Not like stone, but more... hollow. With every step she took, she increased in size, an ability only the queen's of the Rabarti had. Eventually, she towered over her own war ship, grabbing it like a toy as she continued to explore. 

Brushing her hair to the side to see the miniscule A'wala on her shoulder, she questioned her on what this strange planet was. It was a bit barren for her taste after all. But before her assistant could answer, the queen's antenna began to twitch as the ground beneath their feet rumbled. 

The giantess was soon awestruck at the sight of a great looming shadow above. It was clear they were the bugs now... And the queen the wrong way.

Quickly placing the ship down, the queen shrunk back to her normal size and entered as fast as she could before storming her way to the command deck. She began barking her orders to her women to make the ship bigger. 

With their order given, The behemoth classed ship began growing in size, along with everyone aboard. But that proved a bad idea as it grabbed the attention of what ever giant thing was near. It swiftly grabbed the ship and began inspecting it with a curious eye. 

The queen let out a frustrated scream, demanding to know what was happening. No one dared speak up.... Except for A'wala. "Y-Your majesty. I-It appears w-we didn't shrink the planet first."

The queen's yelling died down, remain quiet at the realisation "But... I thought we were the largest race in the galaxy? T-That's why we shrink them, to make them bow before us."

"W-We... Uh... Did you fail history?"

"I never took it. It was beneath me."

"That e-explains a lot..." A'wala nervously chuckled before continuing. "We normally shrink t-the planets we invade.... W-We're possibly the smallest b-bit of sapient life in the galaxy."

The queen remained silent. She had always figured The Rabarti were the dominant species from birth. Perhaps she should have taken history, but that was for later. Everyone aboard were trying to free the ship from the giant's grasp. 

But before they could, the ship's engine suddenly exploded. It wasn't help by the giant loudly saying oops. 

"Oh screw this, I'll deal with it myself!" 

Before anyone could stop her, The Queen had already gotten outside the ship, growing with every step as she ran along the giant's arm. She began adjusting her ray before firing it at herself, increasing her size more and more until she suddenly pinned the woman holding her ship to the ground under the weight of her body.

"Don't touch my ship, human!" She screeched, using her psionic energy to pull the ship from the woman between her thighs. 

"Woah.... A-Are you a real alien!?" The young scruffy red haired woman squealed in excitement, easily overpowering the queen. While she tried her best to place the ship down to the wooden floor, she struggled to keep her concentration as she was being poked and groped by the curious being. 

"Can you stop it!?" The alien screeched before managing to successfully place her ship down. "Wait, you speak English?" The woman questioned, pressing her face against the alien's. "We auto translated it, you dumbass! Now get off me!"

"Oh, sorry." She giggled, standing up with a smile. The Queen felt a bit flustered at seeing someone so... Big. She was barely up to the woman's waist, only getting a face full of her tight jeans that complimented her muscular frame. 

"Name's Abigail, but you can call me Abi. So have you got a name, Alien?" The woman questioned as she squatted down to be at eye level. The Queen took a moment to compose herself in front of the tanned, muscular behemoth before her. It was the first time she had actually felt intimidated. 

"You may call me P'tra Squil, The Warrior Queen of the Rabarti." 

"Uh... I dunno, you don't look very warrior like? How about Pipsqueak?"

"Is that a fearsome name?" 

"Uh... Yeah?" Abi replied with a small pat. Admittedly, The Queen did find the name charming. But she wanted to at least save face, quickly pointing her ray at the human. "Now then, you shall surrender your home to me and my people!"

"No?" Abi laughed, casually picking up the ship besides Pipsqueak and putting it on her desk. "But... If you promise to be my alien girlfriend, I'll let you stay."

"Fine." Pip agreed almost instantly. It wasn't a term any Rabarti had heard before and she figured what better way to secure a home then by agreeing to some strange human's proposition. 

"Cool... Holy shit, I'm dating an alien.... TAKE THAT REDDIT! MY DREAM OF HAVING AN ALIEN GIRLFRIEND IS REAL!"

Pip watched as her human began celebrating and parading around her bedroom. She didn't really understand it, but decided to reassure her entire species she was alright. With another fire of her ray, she was more appropriately human sized. 

It was rather tiring to move so much, but she took it as stress testing. With a bit of chatting to her assistant, Pip left A'wala in charge of repairs, like always, while she got to seeing what this human had instore for her.