Arthur had no words.
His wrists and legs are in shakles as he was escorted into a vast dome structure with tainted windows up high where colored lights poured inside. There were plenty of these grey-skinned people with their long dangling ears. Most of them wears thick flowing robes, while some have layers of leather armor. Two were standing guard by his side with weapons aimed at him.
"Arthur the Human!" Bellowed a man atop a high bench like that of a courtroom. "You stand before the First Steward, and the Conclave of the Erudyms of Oldlands."
Arthur looked around him once more and the people braced themselves against him. Atop the courtbench, seven figures were seated, only their waist up are visible. At the center is the man speaking, who might possibly be the First Steward.
"You and your Brother stand accused of conspiracy against the government. How do you plead?" Continued the man.
"Not guilty!" Arthur said. He didn't even know what he did to be accused of such. He woke up only the other day, and as soon as he regained his strength, they chained his limbs and placed him in this court.
"You deny the obvious facts that you are Veilian Spies??"
"I DO!" He responded. What even is a Veilan??
The man on the wooden high seat shifted slightly, adjusting the heavy fabric cloaked untidily over his neat suit. "Your Brother assaulted an officer of the Law and escaped our custody when suspicion had risen. If you are what you claim to be, why did he escape??"
"I do not know!" Arthur said. "I woke up in a Hospital just two days ago with a wound on by my side. I've been watched the whole time by silent nurses. When I am able to leave my bed, you put me in chains and took me where ever this place is!" Arthut felt dizzy saying those words. "How the Hell do you think I know anything about what happened with my Brother!"
Their curious long ears twitched a little.
"Well, the same reason the two of you are here together. Where did you came from? Who do you work for? Do you take the Freehold Republic of Oldlands for a fool and believe the fantasies your brother has spewed?"
"Fantasy?? What has my Brother spewed??" Arthur held his temples. He needs to rest. "I am in no conspiracy with my Brother, good Erudyms of Oldlands. I have not seen him since..."
Arthur tried to remember what happened before he woke up on that Hospital. He remembered he was in a dream, a vivid wild dream where this silent long eared woman nursed him into health. But it seemed that dream has stretched itself into reality for those long eared people are in front of him this very moment. So lucid, so believable, so real that it might actually be.
He dug deeper before that and he was back in that bloody massacre with those terrorist in red cloaks again. Where his Brother fought valiantly and where many men died, including Dr. Bethany and General Krakeson.
"Since what?" The man asked. "Since that 'battle'??"
"Yes...? How do you know?"
"Your Brother has told us all about it. Why don't you end this farce and tell the truth??"
"I am telling the Truth!" Arthur yelled looking around at the other men atop the high bench. It was only now he realized the six are wearing masks that covered their heads. They were watching like a parliament of owls. "Why should you interrogate me like this?? It was you who I should be asking. I am more in shock about any of this than all of you! Why should I lie if even I do not know what on earth is happening?!"
"Let me interject." One of the six said to the man at the center. "I am Archerudym Jyn, Arthur. If what you say is true that you are not of this world, prove it. Demonstrate it and lead us to the most logical conclusion. Do not let your emotions rule over you."
Arthur looked at the man as he figured a way to prove his words. Archerudym Jyn wears a sharp angular mask that covered his face where behind it is a cloth covering the rest of his head. The metal mask has a single long rectangular opening where the eyes should be. It was smooth and flat with no indication of any facial feature.
"Through the ancient structure, I bet." Arthur said through the blur in his head. "There was a battle around the site, and by the end of it the stone glowed and pulled me inside the light. Now here I stood, completely dumbfounded with all of your utter stupidity."
The Erudyms atop the high bench gasped and exchanged looks. "You call the Erudyms stupid?!" Said the man who's head is caged in a metal box where bars are crudely fashioned in the front to hide the face.
"I will not suffer this ridiculous form of a jury!" Arthur said as he held unto his head that might float away. "You are illogical, irrational, and accusatory without any concrete basis!"
Arthur's bold outburst hung in the air, the silence tense and thick. He could almost feel his knees bend on the weight of his head. I need to rest.
"You dare insult us?" growled the figure with the caged helmet, his voice like the grinding of metal. His posture stiffened, and Arthur could almost feel the anger radiating from him.
"Utter stupidity, was it?" said another, his head hooded in smooth, light fabric, and where his face should be, there was a woven, basket-like mask. The masked figure chuckled dryly. "It seems this human thinks we're beneath his level of intelligence. Perhaps he should enlighten us with more of his… wisdom."
"Ahem." Said the man at the center of the platform. When he raised a hand, the bickering ceased. He fixed his dark navy cloak, adjusted his red necktie, and turned to Arthur. "We are not here to throw accusations or trade insults. We seek clarity. Speak plainly, Arthur the Human: What is it that you want from us?"
Arthur took a deep breath, his mind racing. "What do I want from you?? I don't even know why I'm here. I am the one who should ask. What do you want from me??"
A new voice joined. "Oh, knowledge and truth, of course!" The figure wears a gas mask, the long breathing tube flowing from his face into his back, and where his eyes should be are two large circular windows. "There is much to learn from you, Arthur. Your world, your biology—everything you know could be invaluable to us."
"I don't like this," growled the caged one. "He's dangerous. This isn't about learning; this is about survival. We can't risk trusting him."
"We must discuss this properly," said Archerydym Jyn through his smooth mask. "We cannot act on impulse. Arthur's knowledge could be critical to us... or it could be a threat. But rash decisions lead only to regret."
The masked figure with the woven, basket-like face gave a sharp sigh. "Study him? That would drain our resources—money, people, security. If he's really from another world, it could create political chaos. Trade issues, threats from others—it's more than just curiosity. It's a mess waiting to happen. Could be a trap for all we know."
The caged figure scoffed loudly. "Exactly! We're talking about a potential spy! You want to bargain with him? Have you lost your mind?"
A new voice spoke, soft and calm, his head covered in pale linen. This figure wore a smooth metal mask with sculpted lips, a defined nose, and hollow eyes where the real eyes watched. "I find myself in agreement. If Arthur's story is true, and he came through the Ancient Stones, we should be studying him with the ancient ruins. I move the debate of the Ancient Gate be opened once more if what he says is true. This is an opportunity we cannot afford to miss."
"And his anatomy," chimed in the one with the breathing tubes, practically quivering with excitement. "Think of the biological discoveries alone! Who knows what we could learn?"
The masked figure with the woven patterns gave a sarcastic laugh. "Oh yes, let's all cut him open and see how he works. Brilliant idea. Maybe he'll tell us all his secrets while we're at it. I'm sure he'd love that."
The caged one let out a growl. "Exactly. We should be questioning him, not discussing cooperation like he's some kind of ambassador. This is a threat!"
The figure with the smooth, sphere-shaped mirror helmet, who had remained silent until now, let out a soft chuckle. "I've told you all this is pointless. My apologies, First Steward, but did you really think a Veilian Spy would admit of being such?" The man touched his smooth mirror mask like a crystal ball. "I'd wager they had planned this story to invite our curiousity and let us swallow this poison. You know how Jonn likes to send eyes throughout the realms."
"I know how he is. This is why I held this court to discuss this matter." The man at the center said. What is a First Steward? Arthur thought.
"Then let us discuss this well." Said Archerudym Jyn, caressing the smooth surface of his plate mask. "I have heard your words and concluded the human can't be trusted but we have to study him. I agree with Archerudym Xalvator and Styron. If it's a trap, let's be careful."
The figures in a gas mask and scuplted face nodded in agreement, who probably are Archerudym Xalvator and Styron.
"For me, it doesn't seem fair to spend that much for a potential discovery. We might be delving deep into the Arcane unknowingly if we do not first research his true origins." Said the man in woven masks.
"I agree with Archerudym Roshil. We should form a team to interogate this creature before we study him. I mind you all, his Brother had escaped. He might do the same." The caged-head said. "When you spot a potential trap in the woods, you don't disassemble it to confirm if it's a trap; instead, you avoid it."
Arthur is growing sick and lost, his head wanting to float away and explore this world. Three of them distrusts him and wants him to be interogated like a criminal, and the other three wants to dissect him like an animal. Would that he had a choice—do I?—he would rather go home. But how? One of the Archerudyms had mentioned about the Ancient Stones and how they can study them. He can appeal to that.
"First Steward and the Great Erudyms of Oldlands." Arthur began, lifting his shackled wrists. "Hear my words!" The First Steward raised his hand, and the room fell silent. "Since the matter of your debate is my fate, I'd ask to offer my insights."
The First Steward lowered his hand and said, "Very well. Speak your mind."
"I am Arthur Wind. I come from the planet called Earth. By no intention of my own, I stumbled into your world while studying ancient stone structures in mine. You may believe I am one of those Veilian spies you accuse, but I beg you, I am not. My body, my anatomy, is the only evidence I have that I am not of this world. You can study me.
"I am a man of curiosity, a seeker of knowledge. I wish to understand your world just as I study my own. I am an archaeologist, you see. If your ancient stones are anything like those I studied on Earth, then I believe they are the key to returning me home. Let me help you, just as you can help me. Allow me the chance to study these structures, and together we may discover what brought me here—and how I can return.
"If you say my Brother had escaped, I do not deny that. I do not know his intentions. I'd bet he knows more about the ancient structure than I am. But I assure you, he is not your enemy. My Brother is a cautious man. He would not respond to your suspicion and hostility the same way I have. That's probably why he had escaped from you.
"If, after all, you find I am not what I claim to be, if my actions prove otherwise, then I submit to your will. But until then, I ask for your trust, your reason, and the chance to work alongside you, not as a threat, but as an ally. I can teach you the ways of my world in return."
The Erudyms high in their seat listened in silence as Arthur ended his speech. The First Steward at the center fixed his dark cloak and clasped his fingers. "We heard your words, Arthur of Earth. Erudyms, make up your mind and let us decide his fate."
Arthur's head had been so numb and clouded that he had no other choice than to fall on the floor.