Chereads / A WORLD BEYOND: Into the Unknown / Chapter 4 - CHAPTER 4 - VICTOR

Chapter 4 - CHAPTER 4 - VICTOR

The City flowed like honey—thick and viscous, never slowing, it went on and on and on. Vehicles, crowds, and smoke blended into an endless stream. But the scent in the air didn't sit right with Victor. It was sweet like honey, almost too sweet, and he knew that smell all too well. He had been around enough drugs during his service to recognize the sickly sting it did to the head, no matter how well it was masked.

Stay easy... Victor thought as he watched a man in a grey hood selling what he suspected were drugs in this strange, unfamiliar world.

Atop the rooftop, Victor sat, watching, waiting. He had to rescue his brother. Those old men in robes had Arthur. They were going to dissect him like a frog, to figure out what humans were made of. Victor was the only hope Arthur had left, and this time he wouldn't fail his brother. Not again... He had been close, so close to getting them both out of that Citadel, but slipping away in the dead of night had been the only choice. No chance to wake him up. No time to explain.

Victor had been watching the man for days now. He was certain the hooded figure was a low-level dealer, fresh on the scene, and sloppy. He couldn't even pick a secure spot to make his sales, choosing this busy intersection as if it were invisible to the watchful eyes of the City's law. It didn't matter, though. In fact, it was perfect for Victor's plan. Soon, the dealer would attract the attention of the authorities, and that's when Victor would make his move.

He flexed his fingers, readying the rope. His escape hadn't exactly been quiet. It was a messy affair—guards beaten to the ground, their blood still on his hands when he had run through the City streets at night. Chased through alleys, scaling rooftops, until he'd ripped a cloak off some poor soul. That was how he disappeared into the crowd, but these cow-eared people didn't stop. He was still wanted, still hunted. Blending in was a trick he knew all too well—years of operating in secret for the government had made him good at slipping through cracks; but these were no ordinary cracks. He was a sore thumb, a human in a City full of vemans.

To be careful, Victor had collected papers and cardboards and other combustibles days ago and burned them into ash. His lighter had come with him into this new world, and it had been very useful to him. But Erudym Klaven, Lemuel, and that shitty old man Aurell have been so strict way back in that small town near the ancient blackstone. They gave him back his lighter, his wallet, and some other things like his uniform, but they did not return his firearms, daggers, or bullets. Even his cigarettes were confiscated. They said it was unhealthy. The fuck they know about that?!

At least he got his lighter. He used that to burn things and make ashes. He covered his skin with ash to look grey, so that he might blend in. The cloak covered his ears, and the ash made him grey. If only he had his other weapons, he wouldn't have to rob the cops in this city. He would've already been on his way to rescue Arthur.

Or if Arthur had woken from his bed earlier, they would've been free from the Erudyms by now. But his brother still needed time to recover from his wounds. There was no time to wait, though. His chance that night might never come again. The shipping hover vehicle might not return again, so he seized that only chance. At least Victor was certain he'd come back for Arthur. He'd come back as soon as he gets what he needs from the cops. And once the plan works... once I get him out of their hands...

A man had approached the hooded man down the streets, and once the dealer sold him a pack, the man pointed a weapon at him and began to arrest him. Perfect! In one swift move, Victor swung down, descending like lightning.

His boots crashed hard with the cop's skull, the sickening crack of the impact sending the officer falling to the ground. Before the man could react, Victor grabbed the weapon, wrenching it from his grip. No hesitation. No mercy. He didn't have time to linger. In a heartbeat, he was back on his feet sprinting through the streets.

The street erupted in chaos. Other officers shouted in alarm as Victor sprinted away, the stolen weapon clutched tightly in his hand. He ran for his life. He had planned this escape all too well. It shouldn't go wrong. Stick to the plan. He bolted into the maze of alleyways he had scouted earlier, moving like a cat through the shadows.

He twisted through the maze, leaping over fences, climbing walls, darting left and right just as he had trained. His days of doing secret operations paid off. This is just a workout, a simple nudge to get his system running again. He stepped on a wall, kicking, propelling himself up to jump onto some iron bars, then he grabbed hold and pulled himself up.

He was up some balconies now. Footsteps thundered below the alleyways beneath him. These pigs didn't stop—or might possibly have been cows for their damned ears. His escape routes were set, and soon he'd find that trap he had set and swing on the rope to secure his escape. Easy work. They won't catch me. Not tonight.

When he turned and climbed another ladder to reach the highest point of the buildings, the police shot at him. A blue blast of light nearly shattered the iron ladders. Another was fired, and the iron melted, the lower half falling like rotten flesh. He stopped to duck and hide.

He had to think fast. The strange weapon in his hand had a long barrel that made it look like a shotgun. But the core had this crystal-like material that glowed like sapphire. He had done all this just to steal a weapon he didn't know how to use. FUCK!

"This is the City Watchers. There is nowhere to run. Surrender now and no one gets hurt."

Victor began to crawl the other way as he figured out how to fire the weapon. Within minutes, he had found the trigger and used it against the cops who didn't know he was on the other side. Brilliant blue light shot out, sizzling through the air and lighting up the dark alleyway. Chaos rang through the streets again, and Victor continued his escape.

With the iron ladder melted, he had to improvise. His escape plans were ruined. Now what?? He could still climb up and find the next path, but that would be hard. He didn't expect their weapons would be that destructive. Victor continued to run, looking for a way out.

At one point, he nearly slipped after firing another shot, but he recovered quickly, pressing on. His breaths were ragged, his heart racing, the night was cold, and the pursuit was hot. He's got a dark cloak but they kept finding him. Just when he thought he was losing them, he heard the unmistakable hum of the officers' floating rides closing in. They rose above the balconies he was parkouring over with their hovering rides.

Victor had to go up and follow his set track to trap them and make his escape. But that would slow him down. Jumping down would be a much quicker sidestep, except he hadn't memorized the layout down there. He'd scouted it before, but the path wasn't clear in his mind.

In a split second when the cows were right by his side, he jumped off the balcony, slowing his descent a bit by holding onto the iron bars with his cloak. He landed on his feet and began to run again. He shot at some of those hovering vehicles and the other cows chasing hin. I can figure this out.

After a few minutes of running away, Victor found a dead corner. A dumpster, a locked door, and high enclosed walls rushed to meet him. Before he could reverse his course, these relentless cows appeared again and cornered him.

"There is nowhere to go!" one of them yelled, and they pointed their weapons at him. Victor scrambled and pointed his weapon back at them.

"Speak your last," the other said as his weapon glowed brighter in blue.

"I— I... STOP!" Victor yelled. "You don't want to kill me!"

These cows laughed. "And why's that? You killed our brothers in duty."

Victor removed his hood. "I am the Human you all have been looking for. Look at my normal ears! This right here, this is just ash! Those Erudyms would want me alive, you fools! They are studying me!"

The officers trembled before him and looked at each other. They hesitated, their weapons wavering ever so slightly. Victor could see the flicker of uncertainty in their eyes, and he knew he had them, if only for a moment.

"That's right," Victor continued, his voice steadier now. "Shoot me, and you'll have to explain to the Erudyms why you destroyed their most valuable subject!"

The lead officer, still pointing his weapon at Victor, clenched his jaw. His cow-like ears twitched nervously. "You're bluffing."

Victor chuckled. "You think your life is more precious than mine?" He shook his head. "If I shoot you, you're just another dead soldier. But if you kill me, the Erudyms will make you pay. You'll answer for ruining what they've been researching for. There's billions of you and only one of me. You take me out, you're signing your own death warrants."

Their weapons did not sink. They kept glowing. "You're surrounded, Victor of Earth. There's nowhere to escape. Surrender peacefully."

"Or what? You shoot me?" Victor laughed. "I dare you do that. I fuckin' dare you, asshole! Move forward and I'll shoot you. C'mon now, don't be SHY!"

As these grey-skinned officers stood their ground against him, a blast of smoke covered the alleyway like an explosion. What?? Victor scrambled and began to move when all of a sudden, a metal hook hit his shoulders.

Victor looked up and saw the hooded dealer holding the rope of the hook atop the roofs. "C'mon, man. Let me help you!"

Victor held onto the hook and he was hauled up onto the roof in mere seconds. Other men on the rooftops began shooting the officers below. As he reached the top, he saw the machine that pulled the rope. A huge man and a tall man were with the hooded man. They helped him to his feet and the man in the hood said, "Hey man, now we're even."