Chapter 18 - chains.

In the year. 2023 of the imperial calendar, an off the books meeting took place in the imperial palace between the emperor and an undisclosed organization.

The results of said meeting was the installation of a new minister of intelligence and foreign affairs.

The individual appointed to said post never revealed his or her own identity let alone the gender.

Through this individual, the level of corruption reduced with the emperor' s political enemies all but reduced.

And by reduced I meant were disappeared leaving no the beginning this brought about some form of chaos but even that was snuffed out

The organization not only monitored the enemy and foreign influence but also monitored the criminal underworld.

Though some crime we're permissible to an extent , others became turboo , for example the slave trade rings that had grown in power fell the fastest, with rape and serion narcotics following behind.

The serion narcotics upon further investigation were found to have originated from an elven work shop with in the green fortress.

This sent alarm bells ringing as the most addictive drug known to man was an elven creation whose proceeds were being channelled to elves within the great forest .

What was even more worrying was the increasing frequency with which they were meeting with the radical factions of the dwarven and avian races.

This further reenforced the idea of surveiling all neighbouring and allied countries.

Even as the emperor was busy consolidating his power and position in court, the IFA continued weaving a web so large even the emperor was not privy to it's extent.

It was in the year 1025 of the imperial calendar that it was confirmed that an attack on the capital had been planned over the course of the decade and was to be carried out at the beginning of that very year.

The information was then handed over to the emperor who handed it over to the black cloaks.

Living up to their name and Fame , they ruthlessly and efficiently rooted out the terrorist cells ,accomplices both willing and unwilling .this went on for an entire week that saw the public confused and panicked till word spread of the reason for the arrests and all citizens started eying each other as though they may be the Brutus.

At the end of the week when it was confirmed that the last of the impudent fellows had been caught , a series of interrogation using the highly restricted truth potion was used and the crimes were documented.

The black cloaks even used this opportunity to clean up some other tumors in the city that even vaguely had ties to the terrorist cells , be it gambling dens ,illegal brothels or even the the sketchy auction house.

These actions not only brewed respect for the imperial power in the hearts of the people but also served as a warning to the other illegal businesses to curb their arrogance and watch your their backs .

To drive the point home , all the criminals were put to public trial followed by imediate execution right outside the courthouse.

These proceedings were broadcast far and wide thanks to the new invention of the Mors chamber of commerce.

This displayed the chamber of commerce's

Position in regards to the fight between the emperor and nobles.

With each execution a sense of unity pervaded the empire and by the end of the executions, a sense of unity had been formed and some of the frustrations the empire had were being released.

This also signaled the revival of the once decadent empire on the verge of destruction.

The emperor then sent envoys to their closest allies in regards to the recent actions of the elven race and a day for an international meeting was set as the empire was to host the meeting in the capital.

It was in such a time that a rogue elven general launched a sneak attack on the green fortress and crossed the border that any thoughts of dialogue we're discarded.

Though the attack was mostly launched by the high elves faction , the previous actions of the elven race had already marked them as enemies and with a little incitement from the emperor , nobles and local leaders , the war was in full swing.