Chereads / Taming Death as a Cruel Prince / Chapter 28 - the anticipation was murder

Chapter 28 - the anticipation was murder

By the time everything was over I'd gone back to the kitchen where I see my mother and

Marcy eating.

"Is that chocolate?" I ask with a raised brow

"Depend, do you want some?" Marcy said with a sly grin.

I rush over "you better give me some that chocolate!!!"

I chase Marcy around the kitchen,

"Give me some MARCY don't be stingy!"

"Have to catch me if you want some!" Marcy yells back.

I see my mother stifle a laugh. Always trying to maintain her composure. I catch up to Marcy and give her a big hug.

She tightly hugs me back. I breathe in the comfort of her familiar smell and soak in the love from her hug.

"I caught you, now, give me some of that chocolate." I said to her.

"Okay, okay, you win. There's more on the table, go fetch more." Marcy laughed.

After that, we were all laughing a good and genuine laugh. It was nice and probably the last for awhile.

I would be traveling to the Teloria the Sun clan capital tomorrow and we would eventually make our way around all the clans as a show of good faith.

People were uneasy about the new alliance, and we needed to reassure them I am not the same as my forebears and that neither are my parents nor don't wish to strip them of their status but merely share the fruit of everyone's reward, so no one is going without over territory disputes from thousands of years ago. Theo and I had discussed new laws that we would change, the ones we would keep, when to change them, and how we intended

to do things differently and better. Show them they made the right choice by standing behind us in unity. As one Elysium. Things would work out the way they are supposed too.

I was looking forward to seeing Theo most of all.

My partner.

My prince.

My future king.

My husband.

It had been several days since seeing him last. I miss feeling his arms around me, hearing his voice in my head and ears. I miss the smell of him in the morning. I miss his sarcasm and his laugh. Most of all I missed his stupid smile with those stupid dimples…

I couldn't sleep so I paced and packed all night, thankfully we were leaving early in the morning. It was barely dawn when I arrived in the kitchen, seeing everyone gathered around the kitchen table for our last breakfast together for awhile. It was odd seeing the whole family here, well mostly, as sadness creeped into my heart and then anger. A darkness fell over my face Marcy quickly noticing comes and greets me.

"You're looking well rested" She said


I scoffed knowing full well how heavy the bags under my eyes looked.

The staff made my favorite, pancakes and bacon. Sera and Mammy were here too. It was a happy setting despite the fact we had a funeral pyre last night and that I was leaving today.

After breakfast I walked over to the stables to say goodbye to Faith and gather Priscilla and saddle her up for the ride. I didn't pack more than a trunk's worth of things. Figured I could buy what I need a long the way. Pick up some cute regional dresses. Maybe dressing like them would make them more at ease if they see a high elf princess wearing their clothes like accept them and their culture. Or maybe they'll take it as an insult. Who knows? I know my great great great grandfather would never. And this would show them, I was different.

Every rounded up and the cart loaded. It was a day and a half journey by horse back. To meet with Theo at the border. We'd meet him at the pass before the mountains heading south. And he would escort us to Teloria the capital of the Sun Elves Clan.

Saying goodbye was hard. I said goodbye

first to Elliot and Erinn. And then I look to Alistar.

"I'm gonna miss you. I know I'm an asshole. And I know I pick on you a lot, cause you're dumb and all. But just know I'm ready if you ever need me, baby sis" Alistar said even mocking me in our goodbyes.

"What ever asshat, I love you too." Socking him hard in the arm. He makes a pained expression and hugs me.

Looking to my mom and dad I see both of

their eyes tearing up. My mother sure has gotten a lot more emotional over the last two weeks.

Wow it's hard to imagine all of this has happened in only two weeks. The entire continent has changed in such a short time. I give them a big hug and

that's when the tears start to well up.

Last I look at Alderic and I lose it I collapse into my big brothers arms and I sob. I was close with everyone in my family. But Alderic he was my safety blanket, he really was THE big brother. Leaving him behind here to manage the military and prepare our territory for the coming war.

"Don't stay away to long, and make sure you stay out of trouble, I won't be there to bail you out this time." He says with a big hug in return.

"Keep dreaming Trouble is my middle name" I say in between sobs.

I climb on Priscilla and Oleander, Arragon and I leave the court yard with one look back we wave bye and take off. Oleander rode a griffin name Ggazelle. Arragon rode a feathered serpent (which was like a dragon but more snake like). The cart would be driven on land by horse back and would arrive a day after us. We would fly to meet Theo.


The ride to the Sun Clans territory wasn't to far off but the animals needed time to rest, and Orion and her brothers need a place to rest for the night. So, they fly to a nearby village and find an Inn with a stable.

The siblings felt uneasy leaving their beasts alone in an unknown area so Arragon casted a magic trap with an alarm spell to alert them to anyone who approaches with ill intent.

The siblings head into the Inn to meet with Inn keeper. When they entered everyone quieted. There were dwarves, shifters, elves and humans here. Their looks commanded the attention of those around them. Recognizing them as the Royal family they all stood bowed their heads and then crossed their arms putting a hand or fist to their chest. A fist meant they served in the military and a hand meant they were a civilian. Seeing this they felt safer. Nodding their heads in recognition of their respect, the room started up with chatter once more. They take a seat at a round table in the corner and a server walks up.

"Good evening your grace's, I'm Ariel, I'll be at your service, my mother is the inn keeper her names Astrid, my father is the stable master and chef so he will be the one cooking and tending to your beasts in the stables." She said, "so what can I get you guys?"

Ariel was very pretty, she was a half elf, her ears were short her body very curvy. Her mother Astrid was an elf and with those curves, her father was probably a dwarf.

"I'll just take some chicken with stewed potatoes" Oleander said

"I'll have the same" said Arragon.

"Can I get the vegetable soup with a salad?" Orion asked.

"No meat your grace?" Ariel asked.

"No, my sisters a vegetarian." Oleander answered for her.

"Well alrighty then I'll get right on that, are you just stopping in for a bite or are you needing a room?"

"We'll need a room. Three please on the same floor." Arragon said

"Yes, your grace we will make the rooms ready, would you like for us to draw hot baths?" Ariel asked.

"Oh my gosh yes please!" Orion said.

Ariel walked away and Arragon was watched intensely as her hips swayed with each step.

"I see you brother. You're a pervert, ya know?" Orion said laughing along with Oleander.

The meal was really good and Arragon spent the whole night flirting with their server.

By the end of the night Arragon had retired to his room, the server was off duty and no where to be seen.

Orion enjoys a nice bath before heading to sleep. They still half a days ride before they would reach Theo and then a two day journey by land. Not all of Theo's soldiers had beast that flew so we wouldn't be flying the rest of the day.

The following morning they awoke washed

their faces and changed heading down stairs. Oleander and Orion were the first and were enjoying breakfast when Ariel had come down the stairs with Arragon

following after.

"You're incorrigible Arragon!" Orion said.

"We can't take you anywhere, can we?" Oleander said chuckling some. "Well let's go grab your breakfast to go, and say your goodbyes, Orion and I will get the beasts ready for travel."

Orion and Oleander head outside to the stables and ready the beasts. About 10 minutes later Arragon arrives with food in hand and a smile plastered across his face.

"Come on lover boy" Oleander said.

"Oh, shut up" Arragon said laughing, "let's go."

The fly for the next several hours, playing travel games like copycat, which basically you do a move with your beasts and the others try to copy it. Most successful wins.


T: I can finally feel your thoughts. F*ck I missed you.

O: Theo the last few days have been

miserable without you.

They were about 50 miles away. Having

learned that was the range on their bond's telepathy. It could cross worlds but not 100 miles of land. I thought that was really stupid and it made zero sense at all.

My excitement was at an all time high, I pressed Silla to go faster. The anticipation was murder on her heart right now. Silla happily obliged feeling her master's eagerness.

There he's is. In all his glory. Is he in armor?

Oh, my gods he's in armor; I've never seen him in armor.

Before Priscilla even touches the ground I am off her back and in a full sprint for Theo. I launch myself into his arms and squeezing him tightly; planting a deep passionate kiss right on his mouth. He scoops me in his arms and spins me in circles kissing me back with much desperation and need that was resonating in him waiting for the chance to devour my mind body and soul.

T: when we get to the inn I'm going to f*ck the shit out of you. Your body and mouth have been on my mind driving me insane. I'm crawling out of my skin with need from you.

O: I'd let you take me right now if my brother weren't 100ft away from landing.

"Hey, I know it's been a while, but let go, I'm hungry I wanna get to an inn and stuff my face." Oleander was saying, "but I know your both dying to to get reacquainted so come on let's go."

Arragon and Oleander landing beside us on their beasts. The sheer size of the griffin and the feathered serpent were enough to send a few soldiers back a couple of feet. Stumbling when trying to bow to show their respects. Some never having seen a feathered serpent before. The soldiers cautious body movements alerted me to their unease. I let go of Theo and approach the 15 soldiers with him.

"Hello, I am Princess Orion Anastasia Serapis Brimmed of the High Elves heir to Elysian, pleasure to be acquainted" I said stepping away from Theo's embrace, "these are my older brothers Prince Oleander and Prince Arragon."

They nodded their heads still sitting atop their beasts.

"These are our beasts, this is Priscilla my pegasus," I gestured towards her. "This is Ggazelle Prince Oleanders griffin, and this Vessa Prince Arragon's feathered serpent."

"I look forward to learning your names as we travel to your home city, thank you for protecting me and my family." I finished.

"She doesn't owe you an introduction or an explanation, so take note of the respect and curtesy your Queen has offered you" Theo said in a commanding tone. In unison the soldiers crossed their arm over their chest with a fist bowing their heads to their Prince.