Chereads / Tale of the Lone Vampire / Chapter 6 - Irina

Chapter 6 - Irina


The sound of an elevator came as its mechanics slowed down, making the person inside adjust to the loss of speed. The door opened showing the occupant, dressed in jeans and a casual white shirt, the decorated hallway, devoid of people.

The person stepped into the hallway revealing themselves to be a beautiful woman, with long blonde hair, medium sized breasts, and a nicely shaped ass, with her most noticeable feature being her blue eyes. She had a smile making her face look even more beautiful, she was like a woman coming home to the love of her life.

Her steps echoed in the hallway, and as she passed a multitude of similar doors, her body stopped just as she reached one door and as she took out a key it wasn't difficult to tell that it was the room she was staying in. 


She unlocked and opened the door only to be hit with a pungent rotting odor, and in less than a second her beautiful smile was wiped from her face, as her eyes started watering. Her small hand came up, and pinched her nose, partially blocking out the horrid smell.

"Kaes, I'm back, what did you do?" Her voice came filled with shock and anxiety. Her words let anybody know that she was someone close to Kaes. "Что это за запах? Воняет.(What is that smell? It stinks.)"

Her watery eyes looked down to the ground only to see a pair of black legs, surrounded by black sludge that was seeping into the carpet. However even though his legs were sprawled out on the ground they jerked to their left in less than a second.

"Kaes I know you're up. What is all this black stuff on the ground?" She asked, her voice was full of curiosity as she threw a bag to a bed. "And what did I tell you about sleeping on the floor?" She hollered out yet she was met with the same silence and odor when she walked through the door. 

She walked closer to the closest of the two beds trying her hardest to ignore the smell. "Каес, я знаю, что ты меня слышишь, вставай.(Kaes, I know you hear me, get up.)" She said again only this time she was met with his body jerking to the right.

The woman narrowed her eyes as she noticed that something was off. "KAES, are you okay?" She asked as her head started leaning towards his body.

"Дорогой Бог.(Dear God.)" She said softly, as she lost all strength in her legs, and within a second she fell on her ass. Her eyes were wide open in fear, as her mouth was wide open incapable of speaking. Her entire body was going numb as if she was in the freezing cold.

"kaes." Her voice was nothing short of a whisper, as she barely managed to speak. What she saw would put anybody in shock, the black and red eyes leaking tears of blood made Kaes look like a demon.

She tried to muster up strength in her body, yet she failed, and couldn't move an inch. She kept sitting on the ground until she regained her bearings. Through sheer will she managed to just barely crawl over to him, but as she was crawling she noticed that Kaes' body looked more muscular and taller. His body had grown so big that it took up the majority of the corridor between the beds.

Eventually she managed to crawl up to his face, and as she scanned his face from bottom to top, she looked at his eyes once more and when she did she felt all the strength leave her body. Once again she felt like she was in the cold, her body was shaking uncontrollably, yet she was doing her best to make sure she didn't fall over.

"Kaes, sweetie, I'm right here." Her voice was clear yet soft as she brought her hand up to his face. "Can you hear me?" She said putting her hand on his cheek as her eyes looked back into his black and red eyes. His pupils were wandering as if he was high, he seemed to be incapable of processing anything.

She was met with nothing but silence as she felt a numbness travel through her entire body. A flash of worry and fear crossed her face, as a small tear appeared in her eyes.

"Kaes look at me." She said as her voice was breaking.

"Look at me please." Her voice was dry and desperate. Through her tone one could tell she deeply cared for Kaes.

She received no reaction from him, as his eyes continued to wander completely unfocused. A tear fell from her eyes as she raised up her hand and smacked Kaes. The amount of force behind the smack was more than a love tap, but just enough to grab someone's complete attention. 

However when her hand made contact with his cheek it was like she had hit metal and she felt her hand break. Meanwhile Kaes barely moved but for a split second his eyes shifted, gaining focus and the way they looked at the small frail woman before them was in no way different than a beast looking at its prey.

"NHHHHH. MOTHER-" She groaned, shutting her eyes as her delicate white hand was already red, stinging with pain, and even though she didn't know it, the bones in her hand were almost broken, and that if she used any more force, her bones would have shattered. 

She opened her eyes only for tears to blur her vision, her own slap seemed to be more devastating to her than Kaes. She was already wiping her tears away with her only good hand not trying to hurt the busted up hand. Once her vision was clear she looked down at Kaes only to see his condition hadn't changed.

She pushed herself up ignoring his eyes and walked over to her bag getting a phone out. The time was displayed the second the screen caught a glimpse of her face.


She scrolled and tapped on the phone until she ended up dialing 911. She looked back to Kaes who was laid out on the ground, and worry and fear ran through her being, before she finally pushed the call button.



"Allô, quel est votre urgence?(Hello, what is your emergency?)" A voice came from the phone, it was calming and neutral.

"English please." The woman said concisely, as she turned her back to Kaes.

"Of course ma'am, how can I help you today?" The voice rang once again this time in English but with a thick French accent.

"Um…" The woman's voice was filled with nervousness as she looked back over to Kaes trying to best explain it. Yet unseen to her, Kaes' ear slightly twitched as if in accordance to her emotions.

"Ma'am." The voice operator asked with a slight tone of worry in their voice.

"Right my son, I think he's overdosed on some drugs, but… I don't know what he took, its this black sludge s***, and it smells terrible." She was terribly worried as she revealed that she was Kaes' mother.

However the very person she was so worried about, seemed to slowly gain back concioussness his eyes became more focused as he seemed to rise up like he was possessed, every part of him, however the odd thing was there wasn't any sound. However if one were to look into his eyes they wouldn't just feel fear, they would only feel a primal instinct to run. 

"Potential overdose, with a designer drug. Okay, ma'am everything will be fine, do you mind telling me your name and location?" The operator spoke once again, giving a proper analysis and going along with protocol.

As their conversation continued, Kaes' lengthy body was already standing, staring at the woman, right before it knelt down and jumped into the air. The second its feet left the ground, its body began twisting and turning as it landed on the ceiling, yet even with gravity in play he didn't fall. 

And to add to his amazing feat he began crawling on the ceiling, the blonde being the only thing in its sight. While it approached, the blonde was completely unaware that something was on the prowl and she was already marked prey. She was nothing more than a few feet away from him and with each word the distance between the two shrunk exponentially. 

"Of course my name is Irina and I'm at a hosteelll…" The woman now known as Irina, felt her voice drown out into nothingness, as she finally realized something was behind her, something that struck terror into her heart.

At breakneck speed she turned around only to see a window showcasing the evening sunlight to the room. Yet the feeling of terror didn't disappear as she could still feel something was behind her.

Ba dum

BA dum

BA Dum



Her heart began to beat so quickly to the point her chest felt like it was collapsing. And as her eyes turned to look over at where her son was supposed to be unconscious only to see him gone. 'What the…' Her thoughts droned off trying to understand where her son had gone.

"Ma'am, is there a problem?" The operator said as they could no longer hear the woman's voice.

However Irina didn't respond as she thought back to his eyes which were red and black not just demonic, but also reminiscent of the blood moon in the night sky back then, but instead of the soothing feeling she received now all she could feel was bone chilling horror.

Her mind had already realized that her son was behind her, but now it was being forced to put two and two together that something tragedious had happened to her baby just as something had happened to the world almost two years ago. The tears that she had been holding back were forced out at the thought that it had to happen to her baby out of everyone and now with a heavy heart she pressed the end call button.

She turned herself around only to look up into the demonic black and red eyes filled with nothing but inhumanity. It was standing up on the ceiling as if gravity had lost all meaning to him, his eyes truly looking down at her as if she was prey, nothing more and nothing less.

"What in the world…" Irina muttered, her whole mind filled with nothing but disbelief. Her brain didn't process as to why her son stood on the ceiling or why he looked at her as if she was less than human, but that wasn't even a secondary priority.

It reached out its hands and cupped her face while she looked deep into his eyes searching for her son only for Kaes to be nowhere to be found. "Kaes…" Irina uttered, her voice caught in her throat.

Before she knew it, he had already pulled her up off the ground and in a speed she couldn't comprehend, his neck bent and his now extended canines went barreling straight into her fragile neck.

If anybody was to watch this thing's every action they would only come to one conclusion, that this thing was a hunter, in every category as it had stealth, ruthlessness, focus, and efficiency. And as Kaes was left unconcious from earlier, it begged the question what was moving his body and the answer was one thing, the only thing that kept all living creatures alive: pure f****** instinct.

'…' The second the fangs went through her neck there was no reaction, no thought within her. It was a delayed reaction until the pain hit, and when it hit, it hit hard, as the bite was piercing through her neck like a bullet. But what hurt even more was the sense of something warm inside of her being pulled towards the fangs, then just disappearing. 

His feet came loose from the ceiling and its eyes closed while enjoying its feast on her blood. His body turned and twisted as gravity took hold of it once more and the two crashed into the ground with her at the bottom taking the brunt of the fall. Having a person almost 6'9, more than 200 pounds fall on top of you with the force of gravity behind them, is not the most…experience and as she hit the ground she could have sworn she heard a cracking noise. In response to the most likely broken bone she wanted to scream out but only ended up spitting a mouthful of blood.

Even though he was back on the ground it's drinking never ceased as Irina could feel the warmth draining out of her body only to be replaced by the chill of death. And slowly as they laid there and the evening sun bathed them in its light, her mind seemed to flash back to when she last nursed Kaes.

'Aw, It's like a baby.' She thought oddly, giggling as it felt like this thing was 'suckling her to death'. Maybe she was hit a little too hard or maybe the thought of death hit and her mind stopped taking the situation as seriously as she should, but despite all of her pain Irina felt fine, mentally, not so much physically.






The situation was f***** to say the least, no matter what she did she was f*****, and she knew it, all she could do was try and help her son. Or whatever this 'THING' was.

Even though she was still breathing, each breath felt labored, raspy, while her strength was fading away, and her vision grew blotchy. Using the last bit of her strength she pulled his head deep into her neck just as she was feeding him wanting him to drink more. 

Was it sick or twisted for her to have death come early, perhaps, or perhaps giving up on what was left of her son was worse.



"Kaes,... my, mmmh… baby… boy." Irina's entire body was being drained to its absolute limit, as soon there would be nothing left, not a drop. And she knew death was here, and as her life flashed before her eyes, tears fell from her eyes filled with sorrow, regret, and love.


The fangs piercing through her skin slowly retracted before his head was moved back into her sight. Yet for the first time in a while she saw her son eye to eye.

"Mom." came a meek voice, only making a small smile appear on her face before everything cut to black.