"Taking first in this screening, is Boaruss with a total of two hundred trophies including four 'A' ranked beasts" said the crimson squad leader who identified himself as Klaus. "Second coming from the far east is Lee with a total of two hundred trophies but three 'A' ranked beasts and finally in third place we have the fire savage Okuagu and the winged hunter Gale with a total of fifty trophies and one 'A' rank beast each". The whole hunting squad was filled with the noise of clapping for this screening proved to be a success with only ten casualties. "You may now choose a squad of your choice" Klaus said as the rest of the squad leaders showed their approval through a series of claps. "As you all know this privilege is only entitled to those from third positon upwards while the rest of you will be picked personally by the squad leaders" Klaus said. "We shall start from the third position". "Thank you for the honor squad leaders but I and Okuagu have decided to form our own squad" Gale said with a mocking bow. "Very well, you can but you will need up to six members for a squad to be accepted" Klaus said as he inwardly laughed at their courage. "Now I need four people, anybody who wants to join a vibrant squad not a bunch of geezers, to raise their hand up" Gale continued as he frowned noticing the silence that followed his talk. "Tough crowd" thought Gale as he scanned the place for any hands. ''I'll join" shouted a voice which to every one's surprise belonged to Boaruss the tall muscular blonde "Me to, It's not all the time I get to see a child of fire" a young man dressed in a light blue armor wielding twin blades added as he formed a water dragon around his fist. "I like you guys spunk" Boaruss added with a throaty laugh. Okuagu wondered how Lee knew about that name for only the princess and Gale knew about it in the hunter's lodge. "Anyone else?" asked Klaus and to his obvious dismay he turned to see two more hands raised. Two beautiful ladies then stepped forward; one wearing a mask with a black dress, the other dressed in a green tunic with green shiny eyes. "The whole top five in one squad! reasoned the rest of the squad leaders as they couldn't believe such talent would go to waste."That will be all for now" Gale said as he dismissed the now increasing number of hands. Welcome to the Flaming tempest squad "Gale shouted as he extended his hand towards Boaruss who dismissed it with a huff. "When did we agree to use that name or even form a squad" reasoned Okuagu as he surveyed the three new faces in their midst. "In that case, welcome to the squad leaders Gale" Klaus said as he wrote the squad name on a long scroll. "Take this book "said the lady in the floral dress. "What for "Gale asked with a look of confusion. "What for? Do you even know anything about maintaining a squad! Klaus shouted. "Oh yeah for missions, I totally forgot" Gale said with a smile.....
Through the princess and some of Okuagu's gold they were able to buy a small mansion in the center of Lionsdale which they planned will serve as the squad's base."Now for some proper introduction" Gale said as he gestured to everyone seated. "I am Okuagu, I have a gift of fire and my favorite hobby is eating, reading and hunting "Okuagu said with a smile. "I am Lee, my gift involves water and my favorite hobby is hunting dragons and freezing my enemies to death" Lee said as he sipped from a wineglass. "I am BOARUSS! The northern warrior my gift is related to the earth and my favorite hobby is knitting and crushing my enemies" "Knitting! I guess looks can be deceiving" Princess Diamond thought with a chuckle. "I am Emerald, my gift involves poisons and my favorite hobby is actually looking at a person who I cannot reveal" Emerald said with a blush. "It must be me" reasoned Gale as he pushed back his hair. "Oh yeah and I despise short people "Emerald added with a chuckle."I am a man of average HEIGHTS! Shouted Gale as he gestured to Princess Diamond to introduce herself. "I am Gold and my gift involves the dark elements, my favorite hobby is simply keeping myself beautiful" she replied as she fluttered her hair. "Typical of a princess" Lee said with a smirk. "What do you mean" Diamond asked feigning ignorance. "We all know who you are Princess" the whole squad replied save for Gale who had just jumped through the windows with the princess hot on his trail