*[M] = Maekar, [D] = Daemon
Royal Army
Total Strength: 46,000 men
The Greens [M]: 28,000 men
The Blacks [D]: 18,000 men
Ranks in the Royal Army:
Deputy Commander
Assistant Commander
Vice Captain
First Lieutenant
Second Lieutenant
Master Sergeant
Staff Sergeant
Lance Corporal
Organization of the Royal Army:
1000+ men: Regiment, led by a Commander
500 men: Battalion, led by a Captain
100 men: Company, led by a Lieutenant
50 men: Platoon, led by a Sergeant
10 men: Squad, led by a Corporal
Forts and installations of the Royal Army:
Crownlands: 12,000 men
King's Landing: 6,000 men [M]
Fort Blackfyre: 5,000 men
Red Keep: 500 men
Dragonpit: 500 men
Dragonstone: 500 men [D]
Crackclaw Point, Fort Wyvern: 3,000 men [D]
Driftmark: 2,000 men [D]
Spicetown, Fort Victory: 1000 men
The Hull, Fort Tempest: 1000 men
Massey's Hook, Fort Deliverance: 500 men [D]
Dorne: 5,000 men [M]
Dragon's Lair: 1,000 men
Fort Hell (Previously known as Lemonwood): 1,000 men
Fort Retribution (Previously known as Ghaston Grey): 500 men
Fort Steadfast (Previously known as Ghost Hill): 500 men
Fort Conqueror (Previously known as Yronwood): 1,000 men
Fort Absolution (Previously known as Skyreach): 1,000 men
Pentos: 6,000 men [D]
Fort Defender (Inside the city of Pentos): 2,000 men
Fort Vigilance (Outside the city, to the East): 2,000 men
Fort Defiance (Outside the city, to the North): 2,000 men
Myr: 6,000 men [D]
Fort Death (Inside the city of Myr): 2,000 men
Fort Punishment (Outside the city, to the South): 2,000 men
Fort Deterrent (Outside the city, to the East): 2,000 men
Stormlands: 3,000 men [M]
Fort Vermithor (*OTL Weeping Town now called Bronze Town): 1,000 men
Fort Orys (*OTL Summerhall): 1,000 men
Fort Thunderer (Opposite Stonehelm on the Slayne River): 1,000 men
Tyrosh: 7,000 men [M]
Fort Maekar (Inside the city of Tyrosh): 2,000 men
Fort Incinerator (On the Mainland, to the North-East): 1,000 men
Fort Constrainter (On the Mainland, to the South-East): 2,000 men
Fort Vehement (On the Mainland, to the East): 2,000 men
Lys: 3,000 men [M]
Fort Triumphant (Inside the city of Lys): 1,000 men
Fort Endurance (On the mainland, to the East): 2,000 men
Stepstones: 4,000 men [M]
Dragon's Deep: 1,000 men
Bloodstone: 1,000 men
Grey Gallows: 500 men
Sunstone: 500 men
The Skulls: 500 men
Last Refuge: 500 men
Royal Navy
Total Strength: 250 ships
The Greens [M]: 170 ships
The Blacks [D]: 80 ships
Naval Bases of the Royal Navy:
Blackwater Fleet: 80 ships
King's Landing Battle Group: 40 ships [M]
Dragonstone Battle Group: 40 ships [D]
Stepstones Fleet: 50 ships [M]
Dragon's Deep Flotilla: 15 ships
Bloodstone Flotilla: 15 ships
Grey Gallows Division: 5 ships
Sunstone Division: 5 ships
The Skulls Division: 5 ships
Last Refuge Division: 5 ships
Eastern Fleet: 80 ships
Pentoshi Flotilla: 20 ships [D]
Myrish Flotilla: 20 ships [D]
Tyroshi Flotilla: 20 ships [M]
Lyseni Flotilla: 20 ships [M]
Dornish Fleet: 50 ships
Cape Maekar Battle Group: 30 ships
Plankytown Division: 5 ships
Stormlands Flotilla:15 ships
Stonehelm Squadron: 10 ships
Bronze Town Division: 5 ships
Ranks of the Royal Navy:
Vice Admiral
Rear Admiral
Vice Captain
Master's Mate
Leading Seaman