Chereads / The Bronze Prince (Compleated) / Chapter 17 - Chapter 17: All Quiet in the Sky

Chapter 17 - Chapter 17: All Quiet in the Sky

-An excerpt from 'The Dance of the Dragons' from Archmaester

Greenwald of the Citadel of King's Landing


The Dance of the Dragons is also known as the seminal

catastrophe of the second century. It was one of the deadliest military

conflicts in Westerosi history, and it was the first proper war to use dragons

on both sides on an unimaginative and destructive scale. It was also the first

continental-wide war of Westeros to stretch beyond its shores and reach Essos,

preluding Western Essos' integration with Westeros politically, economically,

and culturally.


After more than two decades of political controversy over

the matter of succession of King Viserys I Targaryen, it would come to a head

upon the ascension of King Aegon II Targaryen and the subsequent Fight over

Shipbreaker Bay followed by the rival coronation of Rhaenyra Targaryen. The

conflict known as the Dance of the Dragons would also be known as the Dying of

the Dragons, for on the eve of King Viserys' death, the House of the Dragon

boasted around twenty-five dragons in all, including hatchlings, drakes,

matured, wild, and old dragons, the most ever in its history since the day they

became dragonlords in Old Valyria. By the end of the war, House Targaryen would

have only twelve.


After nearly a year of intense combat on the ground and in

the air, the deciding battle of the Dance was the Battle above the Gods Eye,

with an aerial duel between the two great champions of both the Kingsmen and

the Queensmen, though technically a draw with the deaths of both combatants

with their dragons, it was a strategic Black defeat as the loss of Daemon

Targaryen left them at a greater disproportionate disadvantage. In the end,

King Aegon II decided to finish the war in a single decisive battle and the

Dance came to its bloody conclusion at the Gullet.



The Battle of the Bloody Ford


Once the waters of the Gods Eye had cooled after the Battle

above the Gods Eye, the men of the Dragon's Teeth recovered the bodies of both

Princes Daemon and Maekar and gave them the cremations following the traditions

of House Targaryen for the blood of dragon have their ends writ in flame. They

sent back the swords of Dark Sister and Adjudicator along with the battle axe

the Harbinger to King's Landing with the news of the results of the battle.


The Dragon's Teeth would go on to destroy House Strong by

the orders of King Aegon II in response to Larys Strong's treachery. Every man,

woman, and child, trueborn or baseborn was killed whilst Harrenhal and its

lands were seized by the Crown.


Though they had been ordered to march across the Gods Eye

and take the Black army facing Lords Thaddeus Rowan and Borros Baratheon from

the rear, scouts reported that an army of seven thousand Valemen led by Joffrey

Arryn had left the Bloody Gate and was marching south. Despite the deaths of

Daemon Targaryen and Jacaerys Velaryon, the cause for Rhaenyra did not die.

Captain Jon Fletcher would disregard his orders to march south and instead

march north with a thousand strong Dragon's Teeth to an unnamed Ford on the

Trident River which would later be called the Bloody Ford.


The Battle of the Bloody Ford would be regarded as the

defining moment in the history of the Dragon's Teeth, which would later be

reorganized into the Dragon's Legion that would later serve as the Royal Family's

bodyguards and as the speartip of the House of the Dragon.


As the morning light illuminated the waters of the Trident,

the armies clashed. Though outnumbered seven to one, the Dragon's Teeth were

battle-hardened veterans, some of whom had fought with Prince Maekar from the

Stepstones while most of the Valemen were green conscripts and inexperienced

knights as most of the experienced Valemen were either dead at Stone Hedge or

they were at the Battle by the Lakeshore.


The Dragon's Teeth waded into the water with no intentions

of surviving while Joffrey Arryn split his army into three groups to break the

flanks of the Dragon's Teeth while he led the charge toward the centre hoping

that his numbers would carry the day. The Dragon's Teeth closed their ranks and

held firm even as the Valemen charged. Fierce fighting ensued as axes met

swords, shields bashed and arrows flew as blood began to flow. The shield wall

of the Dragon's Teeth held whilst horses and knights lay dying at their feet in

the waters of the Trident that was starting to flow red. The extremely bloody

fighting with the Dragon's Teeth had a detrimental effect on the morale of the



Seven times the Knights of the Vale charged and seven times

they were repulsed with heavy losses with Ser Joffrey Arryn sustaining fatal

wounds during the last charge. With the Valemen reeling and demoralized after

the seventh charge, the bloodied and bruised Dragon's Teeth led by Captain Jon

Fletcher would lead a furious counterattack that would lead the Valemen to

panic and flee and what followed was a complete rout of the Valemen that delved

into a bloody chaos of gore.


Prince Maekar had inculcated into the Dragon's Teeth a

mentality of not taking prisoners and disregarding chivalric traditions as the

Dragon's Teeth did not need ransoms. Most in Westeros thought that this

attitude was limited only to the Eastern foes of the Iron Throne and not to

their fellow Westerosi, a notion that would soon be crushed.


As the Valemen began to flee, the Dragon's Teeth followed

them and descended into what can only be described as a killing frenzy. They

began a butchery that would later become infamous and give the Dragon's Teeth a

reputation for brutality and ruthlessness. For the Dragon's Teeth began to

slaughter the surrendering Valemen. Even as a dying Joffrey Arryn desperately

raised a white flag of surrender, he was cut down while thousands of the

unarmed Valemen were murdered on the spot.


Captain Jon Fletcher would later die of the wounds that he

sustained during the battle, he would be one among the four hundred and

eighty-seven men of the Dragon's Teeth killed while more than six thousand

Valemen were killed.


The Battle of the Bloody Ford would be the most bloody

battle of the war to be fought without dragons.



Battle by the Lakeshore


While Caraxes and Vermithor clashed above the Gods Eye, both

Princes Daemon and Maekar had sent most of their army to the other side of the

Gods Eye, both anticipating what the other would do.


The Black Army of ten thousand men led by Lord Roderick

Dustin, Lord Forrest Frey, and Ser William Royce marched south to meet the

Green Army of nearly twenty thousand led by Lord Borros Baratheon and Lord

Thaddeus Rowan.


Though the Greens outnumbered the Blacks two to one, the

Greens suffered from leadership issues for while Lord Borros was nominally in

charge of the Green army, most of the army was composed of Reachmen who baulked

at following the brusque Stormlord's orders undermining the army's leadership.

The Black army on the other hand was completely under the control of Lord

Roderick Dustin with Lord Frey and Ser Royce looking up to him for leadership

and experience.


The two armies met in the Western Gods Eye, and for a week

the two armies skirmished while waiting for word from Harrenhal, once word

arrived, Lord Thaddeus Rowan suggested sending terms to the Blacks hoping to

have them surrender peacefully however the impatient Lord Borros refused to

send terms and prepared for battle. The Blacks believing that Aegon II and

Aemond would not offer generous terms even if they surrendered resolved

themselves to fight to the end. Lord Roderick sent out Ser William Royce from the

camp to the west even as the Blacks prepared for battle.


At dawn, as the Green Army began to prepare for battle, they

were attacked before they could form their lines. The Winter Wolves led by Lord

Roderick Dustin smashed into the disorganized ranks of the Reachmen who fought

back bravely and a possible rout was prevented by the intervention of Lord

Borros. Both sides suffered previous losses and the battle became more and more

desperate with the combat becoming more and more vicious.


Lord Borros and Lord Roderick met in single combat in the

heat of the fighting, the old Northern Lord was far more of a match to the

Stormlord than he would have thought. Both men would end up killing themselves

with Lord Borros driving his sword through Lord Roderick's stomach while the

older man buried his axe into the Baratheon's neck. The loss of both leaders

did not abate the fighting as it dragged on.


Lord Forrest Frey and Lord Thaddeus Rowan met on the western

flanks with both men trying to outflank the other, in the thick of the fighting

Lord Rowan was felled by a stray arrow and the leaderless left flank of the

Greens was outmanoeuvred by Lord Frey as the Blacks closed in on the Greens

from two sides forcing the Greens into the lake and behind.


Then as the sun reached its height, a detachment of knights

and horsemen under the command of Ser William Royce arrived from the south

returned to the battlefield and charged the Green lines from the rear. The

entire Green army was fiercely engaged in the front and the western side and

they were helpless to prevent Ser William from crashing into their rear. The

leaderless Green army broke and their lines collapsed and there was a great

massacre as the battle degenerated into a carnage. Hundreds died amongst the

reeds while hundreds more drowned trying to escape while a few others were



Yet, this would not be a Black victory as most would have

thought for as the Blacks mopped up the last remnants of the Green army, the

evening sun darkened and the Cannibal arrived.


No doubt, roused by the smell of the blood that must have

reached the Isle of Faces, the Black Terror descended upon the hapless Black

army and began to incinerate every living soul he found, attacking all those

around him, fighting indiscriminately. Lord Frey and Ser William were burned

alive while Lord Benjicoot Blackwood fled with grievous burn wounds, saved

thanks to his aunt Lady Alysanne Blackwood who had the presence of mind to flee

before it was too late.


Men were cooked in their armour due to the heat, others

drowned in the water trying to find succour only to end up boiling while many

others were left in the painful throes of a slow death from fire while the

lucky ones were burnt alive. The disorganized Black soldiers who were too busy

looting the dead were easy prey for the Cannibal who feasted upon the

battlefield for a month.


After the fiery carnage from the Cannibal, the battlefield

was of ash and smoke with burnt charred corpses. Out of the thirty thousand men

who fought that day by the lakeshore, less than three thousand lived to tell

the tale.



Sack of Pentos


Upon learning of the death of their brother Gaemon, Queen

Maegelle and Ser Haegon split their army in Essos, taking the best soldiers and

the fastest ships, they flew to join King Aegon, and Princes Aemond and Haegon

for the final assault on Dragonstone while Lords Rogare and Odorys marched with

rest of the army and the fleet to besiege Pentos.


After the death of her son and heir Jacaerys Velaryon, a

panicked Rhaenyra sent her remaining children Aegon the Younger, Viserys,

Visenya, and Aemma to Pentos for their safety along with their dragons and with

Lady Rhaena and her dragon Morning.


It is said that after hearing of her son's death, Lady

Shiera flew into a black rage and along with Princess Viserra flew to the army

marching on Pentos.


The sworn protector of Rhaenyra's children was Ser Alfred

Broome, a knight in service to Dragonstone and House Targaryen. He was well

acquainted with Princess Viserra and was convinced to switch sides. The

presence of Silverwing flying above the city persuaded the Prince of Pentos to

surrender and open the gates hoping for clemency. He received none.


Once the gates were open and the Green army within its

walls, they began a vengeful sack under the command of Lady Shiera. The Green

forces began killing people of all ages and raping women. All the while

Princess Viserra used the dragon flame of Silverwing to burn the city, the fire

began spreading before more than a quarter of the city was in flames. The

people were cut down by the Green soldiers when they tried to flee while Lord

Odorys had the garrison of Pentos put to the sword.


The Prince of Pentos killed himself upon seeing the carnage

wrought upon his city, while a chaotic and lengthy sack of the city ensued by

the vengeful Green army most of whom were soldiers who served under Prince

Maekar before the war. Women throughout the city were raped, including crones

and girls as young as eight, and not even septas and silent sisters were

spared. Drunken soldiers killed every male they found, including old men and

boys. Homes and shops were looted by bands of greens, and wealthy magisters

were tortured to reveal hidden fortunes. Even babies were impaled upon spears.


While this carnage was occurring, a few loyalists tried to

whisk the children away to safety only to be caught by Ser Alfred Broome and

his turncloaks who gave up the children to Lady Shiera in exchange for a pardon

from King Aegon II.


Lady Rhaena managed to escape and she tried to mount Morning

but as she reached the courtyard of their manse where Morning was kept chained,

Silverwing landed and before Lady Rhaena could react, Silverwing snatched her

up in her jaws before dropping half her body in the ground, the angry Morning

tried to attack Silverwing in revenge for her mistress but the chained

she-dragon was no match for the older and much larger Silverwing who tore her

apart. The remaining dragons in the courtyard Stormcloud, Tyraxes, Stormfyre

and Starfyre were left alone.


Once Lady Shiera took charge of the captured children, it is

said she had them tortured for a week before having their bodies fed to the

dogs leaving behind no remains. However, of course, this is purely speculative

for no one knows what has happened to the children once Lady Shiera had taken

them to an isolated manse in the city. However, this incident did give Lady

Shiera a notoriety and a reputation of fear that not even her late husband

could evoke.




Battle of the Gullet


The climatic battle of the Dance of the Dragons occurred

over the Gullet. Ten dragons danced over the skies of the Gullet and only three

survived to see the end of the war. Three fleets converged on the Gullet, one

the Velaryon-Targaryen fleet of Dragonstone, and the other two were the Royal

Fleets from King's Landing and the East.


It was by far the bloodiest battle of the Dance that would

leave a huge impact on Westeros for years to come.


Princess Rhaenyra after learning about the death of her

husband resolved to die a dragon rider's death after receiving encouragement

from Lady Baela, as the fleets began the battle, she mounted Syrax and flew

into battle alongside Lady Baela on Moondancer, Ser Addam on Seasmoke, Ser

Denys Silver on Grey Ghost, and the girl Nettles on Sheepstealer, they were met

by King Aegon II on Sunfyre, Queen Maegelle on Ghost, Prince Daeron on

Tessarion, Prince Haegon on Bloodfyre, and of course Prince Aemond atop Vhagar.


In the battle below in the seas, the Black fleet fought

valiantly as they made full use of their advantages of the narrow straight of

the Gullet while the larger Green fleets were hampered and congested. The

advantage that the Royal Fleet tended to have in flamethrowers was negated by

the Blacks possessing the same weapon, within minutes, the entire sea was

aflame in green.


Ser Tyland Lannister led the Royal Fleet from King's Landing

as they squared up with Lord Corlys Velaryon who was now determined to go down

with his ship. As ships collided and rammed, marines began boarding enemy

vessels, scorpions and crossbow bolts began flying tearing up decks and

impaling sailors. Most importantly of all, wildfire spewed out of brass nozzles

and packed into hand grenades were flung over onto enemy ships setting the

upper decks alight in an unholy bright green flame as the mast and rigging

caught fire as did the sailors.


The burning men jumped overboard for respite only for the

wildfire to keep burning, even as most ships began to use wet animal hides and

vinegar, they were still ineffective. In a way, the ships were lucky that the

dragons were preoccupied up in the air to descend and spew their flames.


Ser Tyland's flagship the Indomitable faced off against Lord

Corlys' flagship the Seasnake in the burning waters of the Gullet. Neither ship

used wildfire as both tried to ram each other, when neither ship received

proper purchase on the other, it became a boarding battle as planks were

dropped from both ships as were hooks and ropes and marines and sailors began

boarding and attacking each other yelling battle cries.


Cutlass swords slashed while hand axes crashed, screams rang

about on the decks even as both sides fought desperately, and crossbow bolts

from both sides flew finding their marks with screams of pain. Some were thrown

overboard while others were cut down. In the midst of it all, Ser Tyland met

the older Corlys Velaryon atop one of the gangplanks.


One man fought with a desperation to live another day while

the other fought to die in glory but in the end, it was another ship that

decided the fate of the Seasnake, the Velaryon fleet, Driftmark, High Tide, and

the Velaryon fleet, it was the dromond Dauntless, captained by Lord Amos

Bracken that rammed into the Seasnake from the other side, resulting collision

tossed both men overboard but even as both men survived the fall in the water

and both surfaced up, a crossbowman aboard the Indomitable aimed at the exposed

head of the Seasnake and released his quarry and his aim was true.


Upon seeing the galley the Seasnake rammed by the

Dauntless as it began to take water and list to starboard, the Velaryon

captains and sailors realized that the Old Seasnake that led them all their

lives was dead and with it the fighting spirit of the Velaryon fleet, soon they

began to surrender in droves to the point that the recovered Ser Tyland did not

have enough officers and men to take control of the excess ships, so he ordered

them burned and scuttled.

Alyn Waters, the

bastard son of the Seasnake tried to escape from the sinking Seasnake but as he

tried to swim away, the main mast of the ship broke and fell into the water and

it fell right on top of his head, killing him and ending the line of the once

legendary Seasnake.

In the meantime

the transport ships carrying soldiers began to land on the island of Driftmark,

with most of the Velaryon strength distracted at sea, they were left vulnerable

to the soldiers of the Royal Army led by Ser Byron Swann began to sack the island.

The harbours of Spicetown and Hull were seized while the towns were sacked with

their inhabitants butchered, even the dogs and cats in the streets were killed

and left as carrion. The soldiers looted, pillaged and vandalized the towns for

another whole day and night.

The castles of

High Tide and Driftmark were also attacked, in High Tide, the soldiers were

successful in scaling the walls from the sea before they opened the gates of

the poorly defended castle. Every living soul inside the castle was put to the

sword while the treasures of Corlys Velaryon were looted. Lady Rhaenys Velaryon

is said to have fallen into a depression after the Fight over Shipbreaker Bay,

when soldiers broke into her room, they found her dead of having ingested a

painless poison.

Battle above

the Gullet

All the while, the dragons danced in the skies above, in a

display not seen even in Old Valyria, ten dragons fought to the death.

King Aegon II

atop Sunfyre fought with Rhaenyra on Syrax. While Syrax was larger and heavier,

the younger Sunfyre was no less formidable and far more fearsome and

battle-experienced. Sunfyre slammed into Syrax almost immediately and golden

and yellow flames flew about as both dragons began grappling and tearing away

at each other with claw and jaw, trying to find purchase despite Syrax's

advantage in size and weight, the nimble and fierce Sunfyre managed to keep

Syrax off him long enough for the formidable dragon to sink his jaws into

Syrax's throat in a vice-like death grip.

No matter how

hard the she-dragon tried, she was unable to escape, she began desperately

clawing away at Sunfyre's belly. And then as Sunfyre kept his jaw closed around

Syrax's throat and his claws tearing away the Syrax's belly, Aegon II made his

dragon dive down with Syrax and Rhaenyra before dropping her less than a

hundred feet above the sea, as Syrax stretched out her wings to fly again in

the brief respite she received, Sunfyre was directly above Rhaenyra and as she

was covered in Sunfyre's shadow she looked up in shock before Sunfyre bathed

her in golden flames, the scream Rhaenyra gave out died in her throat while

Syrax roared a guttural scream in the agony of losing her rider, a roar that

was heard all across the battlefield.


Before Syrax turned to face up to avenge her

rider, Sunfyre descended once more before crashing onto Syrax's back and began

tearing away at her back while his jaws closed once more around the yellow

dragon. This time a breaking snap was heard, even down below, the sailors

fighting could hear it and looked up to sea, a motionless Syrax began to fall

and it seemed a moment where the entire battlefield went silent before Syrax

crashed into the water.


Upon seeing Syrax fall, the Green sailors and soldiers

cheered while the Black soldiers lost their last bits of motivation and began

to surrender in droves. Yet, even though the soldiers surrendered, the dragon

riders fighting for Rhaenyra did not.



Queen Maegelle and Lady Baela have oft been considered to be

the same sides of the same coin. Both were wild and fearless and neither had a

mind to give up, Maegelle wanted to avenge her brother while Lady Baela sought

to avenge her betrothed Jacaerys.


Both Moondancer and Ghost were of the same fighting size,

mature enough to be ridden, equally nimble, and both riders were equally

experienced. It was a fight on a knife's edge. Both dragons flew around each

other spitting flame and shrieking before clashing with their claws and jaws

and breaking off.


After what seemed to be an eternity for the riders, the two

women were ready to take the final plunge as they slammed into each other,

tearing away with their claws and jaws. Moondancer raked Ghost's sides and

belly while Ghost closed his jaws around one of Moondancer's wing bones before

breaking it one of his claws tore open the wing before stretching out his wings

to break off the fight.


Baela realized too late what happened as the crippled

Moondancer was unable to fly as she began to fall into the burning water, Baela

quickly tried to break open her chain but she was unable to do so before

Moondancer crashed into the water, according to some of the surviving sailors

who were present to witness it, Baela survived the fall but she did not survive

the wildfire burning water as her steel chain and leather saddle caught fire

and burned her alive. They heard her screams as she was slowly eaten by the

wildfire until Queen Maegelle flew low and sent a fireball in her direction

ending her misery.

Prince Daeron is oft forgotten in the shadows of

his older brothers while Addam of Hull sought to prove that he was truly worthy

of the Velaryon name and of the dragon Seasmoke. But on that day, they both

made a name for themselves. Just like the fight between Queen Maegelle and Lady

Baela, the dragons Tessarion and Seasmoke were equally nimble and of the same

fighting size, however, there was one difference, Prince Daeron was far more

experienced compared to Addam of Hull and that made all the difference.

As both

Tessarion and Seasmoke danced around each other, spitting fire blue and white

fire the two dragons were seen to be mating dancing rather than a dance to the

death by those down below. Addam of Hull for all his lack of experience

compared to his princely opponent managed to hold his ground against Prince

Daeron until he heard the shriek of Syrax as she wailed the loss of her rider.

As Addam of Hull turned to look, so too did Seasmoke, it seemed that his lapse

in judgment was pounced upon by Prince Daeron who slammed Tessarion straight

into Seasmoke and began to grapple and before the stunned Seasmoke could react,

Tessarion managed to close her jaws around the neck of Seasmoke.

The silver-grey

dragon began to frantically try to claw his way out and Seasmoke's claws did

find purchase on Tessarion's belly and he began to tear out the entrails of the

Blue Queen. Then the two dragons began to fall into the burning waters of the

Gullet until finally at the last moment, Tessarion unhinged her jaws from Seasmoke's

neck and unfurled her wings and escaped while Seasmoke crashed into the water.

Addam of Hull was not able to get his chains off in time before he drowned with

his dragon.

But it wasn't as

if Tessarion made it unharmed for, soon she began gliding towards Dragonstone

with her entrails falling out before she crashed into the beaches outside the

gates of the castle. She would die in sight of the defenders atop the walls of

Dragonstone. As for Prince Daeron, he paid no mind to the men atop the

battlements as he removed his chains and rushed to the head of his dying Blue

Queen. Atop the battlements was one of Daemon's long-serving lieutenants,

Samwell the Butcher, a brutal and hulking swordsman, he barked at the

crossbowmen to kill the Prince but when they hesitated, he angrily grabbed one

of the loaded crossbows and aimed for Prince Daeron, though he was no Myrish

crossbowman, his aim was true.

Samwell would

later be painfully executed by flaying by King Aegon II after the garrison


Haegon Targaryen was born the secondborn of

Prince Maekar, he was never expected to inherit Dorne and the Stepstones much

less become a Prince, yet within a year both his brother and father were dead,

thrusting an unprepared boy of sixteen as the Prince of the Greenblood and the

Stepstones. Yet he would go on to be one of the greatest Princes of the

Greenblood worthy of his father's legacy. Silver Denys was a man who claimed

descent from Maegor, a claim that many find doubtful for the Cruel was famously

infertile though none could deny his Valyrian blood with his silver hair and

purple eyes along with his bonding of Grey Ghost.

Bloodfyre was

slightly bigger than Grey Ghost and Haegon was a superior rider but as the

proverb goes, 'It is the dying dragon that bites the deepest.' Instead of

dancing around each other like Moondancer and Ghost or Seasmoke and Tessarion,

the two dragons grappled head-on in a clash of fire and blood. Both dragons

found purchase on each other in a desperate tussle for life and death, clawing

away at each other and blasting fire. The larger Bloodfyre not only sank his

teeth into Grey Ghost's neck but also managed to claw open Grey Ghost's belly

and tear holes inside his wings.

In a final act,

Bloodfyre reared his head back from the bleeding neck of Grey Ghost and blasted

a fireball straight at Silver Denys, immolating the man who claimed to be the

descendant of Maegor. As Bloodfyre sought to break off the fight with a now

nearly fallen foe, Grey Ghost in an act of desperation bit into Bloodfyre's

tail and pulled him down as he fell, as the two dragons fell and grappled once

more in a free fall before crashing into the water.

Haegon having

already loosened his chains before the battle was able to leap free from his

dragon and he was lucky not to fall in the burning water. He was even more

lucky when the closest warship near him was the Indomitable, the flagship of

Ser Tyland Lannister who immediately ordered that the Prince be rescued.

However the same couldn't be said about Bloodfyre.

And finally,

there was the immense and massive Vhagar, the largest of all the dragons, the

Queen of All Dragons. Vhagar was the hardened survivor of a hundred battles,

had grown almost as large as Balerion, and was the oldest and largest of the

dragons in Westeros. No living dragon could match her for size

or ferocity and her opponent Sheepstealer certainly was outclassed. Though a

vicious and ill-tempered beast, he was no match for Vhagar. Aemond, a man who

bonded with the Queen of All Dragons at the tender age of ten was far better

than the girl Nettles, a foul-mouthed girl who bonded with Sheepstealer through


It was over

before it even began. Sheepstealer tried to flee from the battle but Vhagar

followed him, whilst Sheepstealer had the advantage of speed and agility over

Vhagar, his rider was too overwhelmed. After drawing Vhagar away from the other

dragons and the battle below, Sheepstealer tried to send a stream of fire

against Vhagar's chest only for it to be shrugged by the cantankerous older

she-dragon. A great gout of bronze flames from Vhagar caught Sheepstealer's

tail and as the brown dragon screeched in pain and spiralled down, Vhagar

lunged forward. Sheepstealer managed to twist and turn as he desperately tried

to escape the claws and jaws of Vhagar.

His orange

flames were overwhelmed by the bronze flames of Vhagar. Then a fireblast from

Vhagar caught Sheepstealer in his chest, the dragon did not have the chance to

shriek in pain before he was caught by Vhagars talons and jaws. Within two

minutes Vhagar tore Sheepstealer apart, as Vhagar ripped a wing out of

Sheepstealer while grabbing his neck in her jaws and then snapping his neck.


A week later


Aegon looked around to see the people around him in the Great Hall of

Dragonstone where the wounded were being treated for the lack of space. It had

been a week since that bloody day, yet it seemed like it was just yesterday

when he lost Daeron. Everyone said that this was the final victory, the war was

won yet the victory was bitter. Gaemon was not here, Daeron was not here, and

his father was not here.

Aegon ensured that the man who killed his brother died a painful death but that

would not bring back Daeron.

He was Haegon walking aimlessly around, losing Bloodfyre broke him, though

Maegelle tried to comfort him and Aemond tried to convince him to bond with the

Cannibal, he was despondent, not that Aegon blamed him, he couldn't imagine a

world without Sunfyre.

Maegelle came to sit next to him, "How are you feeling?" She asked

looking at his leg that was burnt during his duel with Rhaenyra.

"A little sore, my burns are starting to heal what about you?" He

asked his wife, the beautiful mother of his son.

"I am doing well, I didn't get burnt as badly as you," Maegelle

replied, her arm was still covered in honey-soaked linen while her hair was all

messy, yet she looked so beautiful. "How are you feeling about your


Aegon snorted, "To be honest, I wanted to laugh when I heard that he died

the very minute he learned that we won." According to the missive sent

from King's Landing, his grandfather Otto upon learning news of their victory

rushed to inform his mother only to slip on the stairs and break his neck.

"Don't laugh and speak ill of the dead," Maegelle admonished him

though he could see that she was fighting to laugh herself. "What do we do


Aegon replied, "No doubt, both Stark and Arryn will seek terms once they

hear of our victory. Aemond will send a warning to both the Eyrie and

Winterfell before destroying the Bloody Gate and Moat Cailin and then accept

terms while we destroy the Ironborn and their culture once and for all, like

how Father planned."

Aemond and Haegon walked over to them. "What do we do now?" Aemond

asked as he sat down.

"It's over, isn't it," Haegon muttered.

"Yes, it is, it's finally over," Aemond said with a sigh of relief.

Aegon shook his head, "No, it has just begun. Our lives lay before us with

new challenges."

"Yet, we find ourselves already weary and tired," Maegelle remarked

as the servants came to serve them wine but Maegelle waved them off and told

them to instead take care of the wounded.

Aegon poured wine for them as Haegon remarked, "It's like how Father once

said, a war between dragons has no winners, merely losers who live and losers

who die."

"Yes, but it is up to us, the ones who live to ensure that the sacrifices

of our loved ones are not in vain." Aegon said raising his cup, "To

Gaemon, to Daeron, and Father."

The three of them raised their cups as well and as they drank, Aegon thought of

what his Father last said to him,

'This is not the end,

nor is it the beginning of the end but perhaps it is the end of the beginning.'