-------------1st Day in Elth-------------
Coming closer to the city, I realize it's surrounded by walls. High, but not high enough so you can't throw a rock over it. Along the road are some houses. People living near the town in their own peace. A few adults working. Women hanging laundry. Some men were chopping wood, while another were scrubbing freshly skinned pelts.
Coming closer to it, I see that the it's surrounded not only by walls, but by a river. Probably man-made. Across the stone bridge were standing four guards keeping order of a short line.
"Next!" said one of the men. Close up, they were all wearing the same clothes as the soldiers, but in blue. "Name please."
Holy shit.
The guard was waiting. I point to my neck and nod.
" Mute? Okay. Can you write?"
Thankfully that much. He hands me a wooden pad. "Personal file" He steps next to me and starts pointing. "Write your name there. Below, your age." I fill in what he asks. "What business are you in town. Race." He looks at me. Boy, I was hoping I'd get rid of that. "And weapons." I fill out the form as he wishes and hand it back. "Have you been here before?" I nod no.
"So you wrote here that..."
"Name: Nyx."
"Age: 25"
"Reason: Looking for work and a home."
"Race: Stone Goliath"
"Myrcea, have you ever heard of a 'Stone Goliath'?" the man asks his colleague.
"Who cares? So long it's not an orc or a lizard or something else on the list, I guess it's okay."
"Weapons: 4 spears and 2 daggers."
"You know, if you want to live and die here, you need certification. If you're serious, go to city hall. Next!" he yells.
Handing the paper in my hand, I step through the gate. The road forks in front of a house, but I take the one that still goes along the wall. Better than getting lost.
People were everywhere. Some sat on their little porches. Others were pulling carts in the street. A little table here and there where people were selling things, from spoons and bowls to scarves and other kinds of cloth.
The houses outside were made of stone and wood. Some were small, one-story. Others were two or three stories, separated by wooden fences, stone arches or alleys.
"Hey beautiful."
A woman stepped into my path. She kept her hands on her hips and her legs crossed. "Traveling a lot? Want me to loosen you up?" She smiled seductively. Saying that, if I could, I would have blushed. Her wardrobe was small, consisting of a corset and a tiny skirt. A harlot.
I nod in denying and make my way this time down the road continuing around the buildings. From the dirt path I walk now on stone, leading to a market. In the middle was a fire under a small roof holded up with brick poles. Almost like a lantern from the top of a lighthouse.
The clang of struck metal was nearby. Searching around, I see a man, a blacksmith, hammering on a black anvil.
Approaching, I see that his entire yard was now a shop, separated from the road by a wooden fence. Few shields hanged on the wall.
"Ah hello and welcome." greets the man. "What do you need girl?"
I pass him the paper I got from the guards. He's a little confused, but he finally gets what I want. "City hall, eh? It's in the big square. Cross the bridge, and go through the fish market." After he's finished reading, he gives me back the paper. "Anything else I can help you with, Nyx?" He raises one eyebrow and crosses his hands.
He's waiting for something. Uh...
Before him, I pull out my daggers and copy that chef gesture. "Sharpen these eh? Grind stone is right here. Three copper coins please. "
But not having any copper, I give him a silver one. He nods for a second and goes inside. Coming out after a few seconds, he hands me the rest, 12 copper coins.
"Use it as much as you want." he instructs and then continues hammering on what looks like a small scythe.
Now, next to it, I kind of realize I don't know how to use this stupid thing. I wave the man and plead for help, giving him the biggest awkward smile I can manage.
"Eh...newbies.." he whines and drops the hammer. "See that pedal at the bottom?" he points to a small wooden board tied with string. "You press it and the rock turns. Water next to it."
Just like that, the wheel starts to turn. With a tin cup left in the bucket, I wet the stone.
"Now hold the sharp edge up. Got it? Up." I nod and follow his instructions. He watches me, making sure I get it right. "Good, good. Add more water." The process isn't complicated but it seems hard to get it right. "What are you doing? Move from left to right. Otherwise you just thin it unevenly."
After correcting my mistakes, he inspects my blade. "Nicely done." He throws the knife back in my hand and I foolishly grab the blade. He's not amazed or frightened. "So you're really mode of stone, eh?" This time I grow a little worried, which he sees in my body language. "I read it in your paper. Hard to believe but eh what to do? When you're done, be on your way." And so he retreated inside.
Now alone, I feel a little weird standing in someone's yard without 'em. But back to rubbing..HA..
The second dagger sharpened just as fast as the first. Admiring the work, I now realize the interesting design of my first weapons. Slim and long with small handles. Gently curved blade with a surprisingly sharp point.
Leaving the forge behind, I walk where the man directed. The bridge was of wood but sturdy. The canal, probably used for...debris...had water flowing. After it, the market where people were apparently selling taraves full of food, mostly fish, but also veggies. Everyone haggled over prices and what was fresh and what wasn't. Two or three guards were posted near the buildings, you know, to break up possible brawls.
Coming out from under a building, I come to a rather colorful street. The buildings were mostly wood painted a light orange, like fall. Shop windows with clothes, others with books and some with toys. The road ended right in the big square.
Here, the vendors were dressed more elegantly. Some wore neatly tailored hats trimmed with feathers and marbles. Passing among the stalls, everything they sold seemed expensive. Medallions and rings, some sold simple gems. One sold beautiful striped furs.
A big place, but with very few counters. I wonder how they leave all these expensive things in people's hands.
Nyx thought before she saw a guard posted every five paces by the wall. Oh...they're definitely to thank.
Everything was impressive, but more impressive was the town hall. Built of stone, occupying a full block! Roofed in green tiles with small towers to the west and east. Arched windows on each floor, later followed less frequently by a balcony. Two statues were placed at the entrance, each holding a spear. The walls seem to be carved with simple patterns but had unique shapes like flower and some animals.
The interior was beautifully decorated. Large bouquets of flowers were placed along the corridor. The hall ended in a circular hall, the ceiling was painted in white and green, but the walls were plain, where a few benches and chairs were placed, probably for people waiting in queues.
But now it was empty. No one was waiting at any counter, anythin to hear was just the sound of people behind the glass talking to each other and the occasional pen writing.
To my left, I could see a woman behind the glass. She looked older than the rest, 60 or 70 years old? I approached expecting to be noticed. And I wait. And then I tap my finger on the glass. The sharp sound breaks the woman's concentration and she jumps a little at my sudden presence.
"Oh my, sorry. Who are you?" asks the lady. She had fixed her glasses trying to see me. She looks at me for a moment, trying to understand what she sees. Certainly taken a little aback by my appearance, beautiful but cracked skin, white eyes and gray lips. Yeah, definitely someone who'd scare an old lady.
Without speaking, I shove the paper given by the guard under the glass.
"Sorry, but the public program closed an hour ago. You have to come back tomorrow." the woman says to me, playing with her pen. "After this you'll want to look for a job. Do you have something in mind?"
I nod no. Wait. What job would I do?
"Well...down the hall to the left, there's the labor department. But again. Come by tomorrow." says the woman again.
Slowly I back away but I hear her say. "Who knows, maybe you'll find something by tomorrow you'll like."
Evening was beginning to fall over the city. Guards lit lamps, making the colors of the buildings visible in the dead of night. I wanted to stand near the town hall, to be the first in the morning. On the other hand, it was better to search the city.
I can hear music nearby. Just like that. Down another road from the big square, there was a fountain. People were gathered around a man playing the lute. He wasn't singing, but he was telling a story.
"Oh dear dears. The man was still lost. Sailing up and down the river in his little boat. Desperate to find what he had long lost under the water. Again and again he dived and swam. Empty-handed every time he came up for a breath of air."
A sad story.
"He came home less often. More often asleep outside than in his bed. Food was scarce but his soul was heavy."
"Sir, what is the man looking for?" asked a boy in the crowd. "'Did he lose his money in the river?"
"I'm sure he doesn't remember either." says the poet, still playing the lute. "He's lost his sense of time. And possibly forgot what he was looking for. Sad and lonely. All that was left of him was to search the water, like a toad."
"This story sucks!" complained one of the children.
"I know! HA!" laughs the poet. "But I like the idea. Never confuse hope with despair and never give up your life for a dream."
Many children and adults were unhappy. Yes, that was true. "Is life always like this?" asked a little girl.
"Only if you're alone." she answers with a smile. He continues playing the instrument, dropping the story.
More time passed and the streets emptied. A few drunks were left here and there, but the number of guards had not diminished. The taverns were still open but there was no point in going in.
Now at the docks. The ships were moored near the pontoon. Nothing interesting about them. Plain. Cranes lifting cargo were present at every berth. People were still working here at this hour. Probably on a tight schedule.
A little to the right were some stairs. Descending them I came under a small shelter. Small stone arches supported the road above, a few sacks and crates were present along one wall. In front was what appeared to be a barred gate leading to some sewers.
I might as well have slept in the square but the guards would not have agreed. Leaving my bag and spears on the next crate, I stand on another and lean against the wall.
Even though they were by a river, the waves hitting the pontoons were not gentle. But falling to slumber was no problem.
-------------2nd Day in Elth-------------
Back to the town hall, this time in line at the counter.
"Ma'am, the other woman sent me here." says a man in front. "What's wrong this time?" he asks.
"Sir, you have the wrong information, all you have to do is fill it in again, please."
The man looked upset. "What did I do wrong?"
The next minute the lady explained the problems, from the wrong date to the wrong information required on the wrong box to check. The poor man had trouble reading. He finally gets out of the way and finally it's my turn.
"Ah hello, sweetie." He turns in his chair and grabs a sheet of paper from a shelf. "Can you read and write?" I nod yes. "Great! Grab a pen and fill this out. Then go where I told you."
"WHAT!? Why can she go up front and I can't?" complains the man now somewhat disheartened by all this.
"Shut up Costi, the young lady is going to another department."
Pulling further away from the counter, the paper seemed simple enough. Reading and writing at the Duke's house really helps in the end... Fuckin' cunt.
Spying the door to the new hallway, it looks like no one's here at the moment. I eavesdrop on the door to hear some movement or talking, but still nothing.
I knock on the door and half open it, passing the doorknob. I slip my head between the door and the frame. Inside were 3 desks, the room was primarily green decorated like the rest of the building.
Nobody kicked me out so it's a good sign!
Now fully inside, a few glances back at me, but they turn and continue their work. "Antoni, can you please help the young lady? July and I need to finish filing."
" Sure do." I hear a voice. A man got up from behind one of the desks in the back. "Come here."
The man was young, about 30's. Brown hair and clean-shaven, wearing a white shirt with a green vest. I pulled the chair to sit and handed him the paper. He reads a little. "Well okay... So, Nyx, it says here you can read and write, right?" I nod yes. "But you can't talk?" I nod again. "Sad. We could have used new staff." He approaches across the table a bit. "The pay is eh..but the benefits are good." he chuckles. "Although...did you put in ignition and repair as skills? That section is for qualifications, not spells."
Flushed with shame, I give a smile. Damn, the first thing I do and I screw this one up!
"But...a skill is a skill I suppose." he indulges me. "I see you've got a few weapons... No one told you to leave them at the gate?" I nod no." Somebody's in trouble later. Anyway, back to work. Are you an adventurer?" Again I nod no.
"Okay, for starters you need an ID. Without one you can't work in the city legally." I nod that I understand. "The city offers different jobs if you didn't already plan where to work."
He picks up a short list."Now, and like any other time, there are places as guards. Or we have this advertisement for a lumberjack, or if you want you can work to the docks."
Three options, all a pain in the ass. Long hours..but I don't think loggers work at night like the guards or late shift as dock workers, yes they have breaks but they look like crap.
I cross my hands and raise an eyebrow, thinking of options.
"You can get a job whenever you want, wherever you want. First you have to pay the license fee. Two silver coins or 30 copper coins. That's once every three months, plus taxes every month. After a year it's done and you become a full citizen of the city."
I nod in agreement. What the fuck are taxes?
"Cool! I'll have your ID by tomorrow." Antoni gets up and walks past me. "Come here, I need to take a picture."
Picture? Like in modeling or what?
He bends down next to a round piece of furniture in the corner and pulls out something weird. "Please come next to the wall."
Antonia picks up the machine and aims at me. Is he gonna shoot me? and BANG! A little lightning bolt?! From that? I check my chest and face for any damage, but nothing.
"Wow you seem a little off. Haven't you taken a picture yet?" I nod no. "Well, they've been around for a while, but I get it. Not everyone has documentation." He pulls a black piece out of the camera. "Tomorrow you'll have your first."
"You sure took a risk with that woman." says one of Antoni's coworkers.
"You mean the bell idea? She's mute, she can't SPEAK truth or lies." Antoni giggles.
" Well, she wasn't even human. Who knows what she's capable of.."
"The sensors didn't react in any way. No dark magic. Plus, last week I didn't see you getting cranky with that cat man."
The woman blushed red. "He was cute. And he was a tabaxi." she says, looking away from Antoni to hide her ecstasy.
"The application said she is a Stone Goliath."
"Probably from a tribe. But how come she's here alone? They like to stick to groups. "
"Yeah. She was cute too. Wasn't she, July?"
"AAAAH shut up!"
How fucking ironic.
The inn before me. 'The Cave'. I asked around for a place to spend the night, naturally I asked for the cheapest.
The outside was rudimentary. Two barrels in front of the windows, and what I think was a piss mark on the wall. And a broken window upstairs.
The door handle was a little jammed. Pushing it seemed like a bad idea, but... it opens. Rough squeak from the door hinges, but it still held against the wall.
The room inside was pretty normal. A bench near the entrance with a beautifully decorated sheet. A desk labeled " Reception" seemed to be pushed into the wall. A staircase leading to the next floor presented itself on the left, and at the far end was a small hallway.
The table had a few candles and a book that served as a register. And a bell.
"Just a minute!" a man shouted from somewhere. Seconds later, from behind a beaded curtain comes a gentleman. More like a grown man. His blond hair and beard are cut short. He's wearing a black shirt and having over a gray apron. He was as tall as me. He looks at me, clearly analyzing what I am. " "Hi girl. Looking for someone? " asks the cautious man.
I nod no. How can I talk to him?
Why doesn't she speak? I've already asked her what she's doing here but she won't say anything.
"You don't happen to be mute, do you?" I ask. She nods her head yes. "Stupid me. Look, here." I hand her a pencil and paper. She thanks me in her own way and scribbles something.
Well, well. She can write, she's pretty good too. "Need a room. Something small." I read aloud. "Sure."
I turn a few pages of the book. "Name?" The girl writes back on the paper and shows me. "Nyx. Okay. I got you. Uh, how long do you want to stay?"
The girl shrugs. Her expression yet the same as the first moment I saw her. Tired probably. "Well then uh, let's see what you'd like."
Following the man up the stairs into a new hallway, on both sides was a series of rooms. "The smaller ones are for people staying a night or two." At the end of the corridor, the man opened the door.
The room was indeed small. Smaller than the one for me at the Duke's court. A single bed, a corner table with candles and a chair. A small rug in the middle of the room on the wooden floor. The nightstand had two drawers and there were some shelves sticking up to the wall. The ceiling was white and the walls covered in wooden paneling. All in all, the room looked like a little box. But it was enough.
"Are you staying?" the man asked. He didn't move, waiting for an answer, not even breathing. His entire concentration was on me.
I nod. I reach into my backpack and pull out my money bag.
"Five copper coins a night. But if you think you're staying long, only two a night for a month. "
Two coins a night...for a month...60 copper? Sounds like a lot. That's...four silver coins....
"Half now. Half after two weeks." correct the man before taking the four coins but taking two.
He takes the money and leaves. "Money is not refundable. When you leave you must tell me. Have a nice day."
Yeah. The sun's still up. But uh, I don't have anything to do. Behind the door was a hanger. Just the thing to hook up my bag and my spear quiver. Leaving my boots beside the bed, I slowly lay down on the mattress. I couldn't say it was comfortable, but with one hand on it you could see it wasn't necessarily soft or hard.
Falling asleep was like any other time. But this time not in the wild. The wild. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe I should have stayed in the woods. Where I was born. But well. This room wasn't so bad.