----------------------12th day in Elth-----------------------
The beast's marks across my stone skin were easily mended, as always, mending was one of my favorites spells.
But I had no spell to get back !!
Come to think of it, maybe I'd better look through that book again. But first I'd learn to get out of this forest. At the moment I couldn't hear the river, so I was just left to wander around aimlessly. The sun was beginning to set. I couldn't see it, but the color of the sky and the light changing the shade of the trees was a good sign.
Climbing up one of the trees was a fool's errand. I tried already, but again, foolish.
---------------------13th day in Elth----------------------
The night curtain had dropped down, so the only two options were to wait for daylight, or to continue. So I continued. I broke off a branch and split it at the top, squeezing more wood into the made gaps, making a torch.
This is beyond me...how did I get so lost? I've been lost in the woods before! Did the griffon really fly that far? Oh...it would have been easier if I had the bear with me..
The fluffy beast was probably far away by now. Even though I missed him, even I knew I couldn't bring him in town. He'd smell humans or the scent of fried food and he'd know where where to go.
-----------------------14th day in Elth----------------------
The sun has risen, and so have the forest animals. The birds flew in little plots, and the quadrupeds romped through the forest. In a golden-leaved tree full of nests, yellow warblers chirped.
Spontaneously, all the birds exploded in synchronized chirping. To a child, that sounds like an alarm. But this was a huge one. Like for a giant.
"UUUOOOOOAAA!!!" a phenomenal yawn shivered through the air. The cave that served as the source's home was eight feet from the golden tree. It was the cave of a guy named Galen. His large figure, standing about 13 feet tall, crawled out of the cave. His skin was blue gray, sporting a beard and short brown hair. His clothing was simple, warm leather boots, along with a tunic and hand warmers. He had a noticeable nose, the perspective pine in front covering much of his face, with long pointed ears.
"Morning, my beautiful ones." he managed to greet the birds still somewhat asleep. They take flight and circle him, some landing on his shoulders or his raised arm as a landing place."Did you sleep as well as I?"
A few meaningless chirps to the simple man were clear to Galen. "Yes, I'm hungry too." He converses with the birds in a giggle. "Fish and worms? You bet I do!" But two birds that had just flown back to the glade, danced and sang before Galen. "Eh? Guests?.... Just one? Coming here?Who?" The little birds kept chirping. Now all the birds followed in a roar. "Your queen?" asked Galen confused.
I'm confused. A queen? What are these stupid birds talking about?
Galen now wandered through the forest, having forgotten his breakfast,he was following the warblers. I've heard of species having queens, particularly insects, but not birds. But curiosity killed the cat I guess.
In his three years of living in this forest, Galen had encountered no special creatures. Yes, maybe Lili, the griffon vulture was special, but in the end it was just a hungry beast. But a queen of all birds? That one should be capable to communicate.
The yellow warblers began to chirp, signaling Galen was approaching. Now on all fours, he searches the trees, slowly creeping forward. He could see her now, not a bird or a beast, but a woman. Her color made her look like a black oil stain on a flower paint.
Now Galen was interested, showing it by scratching his beard. A human female perhaps? His eyes narrowed and his irises glowed gold. Hmm...never seen anything like her before.
"Hello there!"
The sudden roar of a voice caused me to jump a little. When I turned around to see who it was, all I saw was a colossal shadow among the trees. The guy wasn't too close, but if he ran, he'd catch me in four seconds. Sheer shock sent me stumbling like an idiot over a root.
I snapped back and locked my eyes on him. A giant. "Oh sorry, I didn't mean to startle you, did you hurt yourself?" A gentle giant? His voice. He sounds like a happy old man, voice like covered in honey.
He sees I don't respond and scratches his beard still expecting an answer. I nod that I'm fine. He takes a few steps toward me. His footsteps sound like someone stepping over a dozen eggs on top of leaves that have wilted due to fall. Loud.
Can you hear me?
Now it was weird. His voice echoed, but his lips didn't move.
This is my telepathy. Hello! One, two, three! One, two, three! Anybody home? he laughs in my head.
Eehh...can you? I ask back at him.
I do. You see? You're getting the hang of it. He smiles at me. I don't get always back an answer tho.
The giant leans down on the exposed roots of one of the trees and rests on its trunk. Well...my name is Galen, I'm a firbolg. Who are you?
My name is Nyx. I'm... complicated. Sorry, I don't know exactly how to explain. Like him, I sit down by one of the trees, crouched with hands over my lap.
And Nyx, what brings you to my forest? asks Galen telepathically.
I'm lost. My friends and I were chopping logs by the river. Until this griffin busted in. summarizing the reason.
Oh, you mean Lili. Yes, she's quite mischievous.
Mischievous? She attacked a dozen people, almost ate a couple of them. She carried me off in the sky and I crashed through three trees on my way down. I remark on Galen's perspective.
Oh no. Siigh... I've told her in the past ,to stop attacking humans, but she doesn't listen. You, so far, are the only one who's escaped. I warned she'd bring trouble eventually. Says in a brooding tone
Can't you force her to do it? Make her stop?
I don't force anything on anybody. I'm just protecting the forest. I give humans timber and berries provided they don't destroy it. I don't allow hunting. That I don't.
Don't worry. I don't eat. Again..complicated. I bang my head twice showing him I'm different.
Really tricky. Never have I seen stone people, but honestly...I haven't seen many species so I wouldn't know, HA!
The sound of muddy water was clear now, so Nyx had no problem getting back to town.
God, Galen, I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed chatting with you. It's so annoying not having anyone to talk to.
Visit me anytime, dear. Animals are my friends, but an intelligent discussion is never a bad thing. See that stump? Find it again and then walk straight through the woods. My home is eventually coming up the path.
No worries, I will. See you later.
It didn't take long till I find some small boats fishing along the river. Sign I was getting back to civilisation. Probably first I'd run in Floyd's camp. God knows, I was gone for three days.
The rain clouds were building up and blowing a storm in my way. Obviously ready in a hour or so to pouring . The boys must be at the mill or back to their home by now.
In half hour I arrive back at the camp. As I thought it was empty, just logs and twigs left over from what may have been their last job, probably recently. As always, the boys piled after them, grabbing their axes and saws, and back to the mill.
Floyd will really lose it when he sees me.
But no point in hanging around or heading off to the mill. Better just go batk to the inn. Need to see if I still have my room.
"'It started raining." George says. He scrabbles over the hot stove in a pan. "We didn't have anything lying outside, did we?"
"No, nothing. But the is the gutter clear? Water just pools in the backyard if the drain's clogged." His wife carries on the chain of needs. She was chopping onions on a slicer in her lap.
"Siiighh...Ok, I'll go check." Unenthusiastic to get drenched, George pulls the hood over his head and walks out in the yard.
Silvia just continued about her business, now her worrying that the food wouldn't burn.
Bing. Bing.
The ringing of the bell on the register was rare. But welcome. Probably someone sheltering from the rain. Silvia told herself. It was usually George who welcomed guests. He was intimidating. She... could barely scare a cat. Pulling back the curtain to pass with the chair, Silvia saw the town's lost woman. "My goodness!"
Silvia was gawking at Nyx. The woman everyone thought had been caught by a monster with no chance of escaping and died. But she was here. "That man Floyd said you were dead! "
I got better, I guess. Nodding no to her piece of news.
"So you didn't kill it?" George and Silvia were asking questions. It was harder to explain how and what happened, so we stuck to yes or no questions. "Siliva dear, I told you how.." but before he could continue the story he's interrupted.
"Oh George, you must have told me your whole life story five times by now. But please. Tell Nyx." Silvia said, trying to 'not' escape her husband's fantastic stories.
"Sure! So, my team and I got a contract. Some constructors were having trouble with a couple goblins. They occupied a cave near there. Simple at first. We set some traps, set up a guard. But! Alterations. We chased them back to the cave one night. Too bad we ran into a troll. Nasty shit, that one. They heal like sewing a doll back on with thread. My friends and I rubbed our blades with oil and mandrake." George pauses to sip a little in his beer mug. "Eventually buried it under some boulders, thanks to my friend Hyu. Chopped into pieces and burned," he says with an absent look. "That's why we call the inn 'The Cave', and now I'm the troll. HA!"
I applaud at his story. George looks like would have talked all day about what he'd done and where he'd traveled. But after a second the moment seemed too long. It was back again. My body shivering, letting me know I was running on my last fumes.
Shit. Eventually it had to happen. Piece of shit of need. My mind was racing fast and I didn't even hear George. Did he just say something about fish people? Mermaids?
"Anyway, your stuff is still upstairs. Speaking of it, sorry I have to but rent's due today, you still staying?"
-------------------15th day in Elth----------------
The guys' reaction was expected. Specifically Floyd. He was the happiest of the lot. Not just because his favorite worker was back from the clutches of death, but that he now had someone capable of fighting the griffin if it ever returned. For free, of course. Everyone decided to take a break for another day until I got back to work. Perfect opportunity to find something... to drink.
Searching the city like an animal in the woods for a rabbit or a deer was disgusting. So I went to the only place I could find anything. A hospital. The only hope where I could find blood, even if it was for money. George and Silvia were kind enough to point me in the right direction.
The building was somewhat simple. The exterior walls were egg-colored, the building built in two stories. The interior consisted of white walls and a concrete floor with some places covered with wood. The walls were filled with panels over which some instructions were attached for patients who could read, but the employees were nice enough to catch some intuitive pictures for those who could not. Just after the entrance we ended up in a waiting room. I could see a couple of women, nurses, dressed in white and a long apron. Ahead of me were apparently some parents with children and elderly people. Strangely enough, two little boys had a broken arm each.
At the half of the lobby was placed the reception desk. Beyond the divider was a young lady nurse. It was spooky. A few metallic clicks could be heard coming from her, or something she was doing. Moving closer and peeking over the desk I could see the girl was busy clicking on a metal box. Buttons? And a rolling paper.
"Hello there. How can I..." But the nurse interrupted herself. Now making full contact with my visage, her mind sure raced ahead. Daily, folks came in and shared their troubles, but even so, nurses were thinking before and while people talked. My smooth but visibly hard and white skin, along with the ash-gray color of my lips and a little around my white eyes set the nurse on fire. "Oh my, are you okay?" Asked the woman, now raised from her chair, circling the desk and grabbing my hand.
Her first touch had taken a super short pause. Certainly having realized taking my temperature wasn't necessary. I was as cold as the stone floor. She turns my hand over and places two fingers on my wrist.
She has no pulse...An undead? But they're off-limits in the city! "Eh... do you have any identification please?" says the girl, struggling not to look like she's standing on nails.
I pull out the notebook Antoni gave me and hand it to the girl. Of course everyone who came here was supposed to have identification and it seemed normal to need to show it, but this girl was somewhat worried.
"Well, everything seems okay." She's not a vampire or something, she has a clear photo here, and it's signed by Antoni. The boy's been in and out of the hospital once or twice, but I've seen the signature enough to know it's authentic.
The girl smiles faintly. "What's your problem today?" she asks a little more relaxed than before.
That was no easy way to put it. I snap my fingers twice, asking for something to write. Better than sitting here all day. The girl was super sweet and reached behind her desk for a blank paper and a pencil. Seconds just to write down what I needed, I give the girl back the paper.
"Blood doctor." read the girl. "You mean you need a transfusion?" I nod no and point again to the paper."Just the doctor? Well, in that case you need an appointment. This is the emergency room." the girl says and hands me back the notebook. "Go to the next lobby, and ask for Dr. Olsson. If his nurse is around, she can schedule you."
I did as I was told. The secondary lobby was nicer. Lots of chairs meant for waiting next to which were steps leading to another door leading outside. Some strange lamps were pinned to the wall. Perhaps too much said lamps. They were just reflective disks with a small flame, but they provided plenty of light.
This new nurse proved to be just as patronizing as the first. Long working hours will do that to anyone. Ah, I remember the endless days at the Duke's court. Fuck him. I'm kicking the desk. The woman takes a quick glance, but continues her work. "Wait till I call you." she speaks under her breath, still engaged in her paperwork.
All the seats were already taken. Meaning I stand for a while.
-------------------a hour later--------------------
Some people had already gone into the office, leaving empty seats from which I could choose to sit down. Then other people came. A little old lady was walking with a cane but remained standing. So I let her sit in my place.
The old lady smiles to me and taped her chin twice in response. Well, this is a good opportunity to get back to the receptionist. Right now she's in a small talk with one of her coworkers.
The new girl notices my current presence, signaling the receptionist to be careful and get back to work. "We'll talk later, now back to work, okay?"
Sigh... "Ok..." complains the girl somewhat displeasantly. "How can I help you, sister?"
I hand her the paper I wrote down earlier. She cocks a questioning eyebrow at my gesture but doesn't make any remarks. "Eh...sure. Dr. Olsson is present here. There are two patients ahead of you, but you can go up, right next floor, third door on the right."
-------------------half an hour later---------------
The doctor was pretty quick with patients. The office was super minimally furnished. All he had was a glass cabinet, a gurney for patients to sit on and his desk. "Good afternoon, young lady. I don't believe we've met before." he greeted, then took a seat behind the desk and opened a notebook. "What's your name?"
My frustration was now on another level. I gestured to him like everyone else that I couldn't talk and I wanted a pencil. He takes the paper and reads.
"Hi. See, I'm cursed and I need blood. That's how I feed. Willing to pay." The doctor reads. A little shiver went down his spine, but he was intrigued. The girl has money and was about to pay up front. "Well, I'm terribly sorry. You've come to the right place anyway. I have authorization to consent for blood transfusions. Although generally used in operations and emergencies. Considering your necessity and our needs... I suppose a bag would be worth... four silver coins?"
All fools must eat I suppose, the difference is at what price they do.
-----------------Evening same day--------------
That was definitely a scam.
I was on my way back to the inn, no use spending more time out in town. But there were important things to do. The doctor gave me a dose of blood. Take-out, of course. I didn't want to drink it or anything in front of him.
The evening was beautiful. The lamps were already lit, brightening the still slightly crowded streets. I couldn't feel it, but Icould see their breath, hinting that it was a cold night ahead. Even the harlots of the town had their limits so they must have turn tail back to bordello.
Inside the inn, George or Silvia weren't around, but I'd better not bother them. So I went back to my room. Dumping the bag on the table and taking out the forbidden contents, I look at it. Like an alcoholic with a glass of vodka. I pull the cap to open the bottle. Bottoms up.
The liquid drains fast. It felt in my head completely gross, but I had no bad body reaction. I didn't even need to swallow, I could feel the blood getting engorged in my mouth, my midriff and throat. But I knew it wasn't reaching any further. Really, did I have a stomach? A pointless question, that was. Now I lay on the bed, trying to find a more natural position in which to rest, turned toward my desk, I peeked in my bag and saw the book. Maybe I'll do something a worthwhile little.
Flipping through the pages as always. Blood ritual...Magic object...Shield. Hm...that sounds reasonable.
~modeling energy and casting the 'prithvi' sign will activate a circular barrier around the user.
~shield active ONLY by holding the sign.
~maintaining the shield active will consume mana gradually.
~destroying the shield by external force will cause a blast.