Entering the mansion, my gaze quickly shifted to the boxes in the foyer. It seemed the moving company had done their job better than expected.
The expectation being that they'd finally come here to give us back our property in like a month, good on them. If I ever moved, I would try to remember which company my parents used for this.
I could go to my dad, who was once again doing the heavy lifting like a pushover, and tell him about gramps and grandma leaving. But something far more important was at stake.
I opened my phone and looked for any wifi sources nearby... None.
Wallahi, I'm finished. Screwed even, my destiny was to sit alone in a dusty room while having to waste my life baby sitting the low attention-span having Kiara for the next few years.
If only gramps was a normal old man interested in the wonders of the internet, or interested in keeping the old inheritance in tip-top shape.
Speaking of dusty rooms, this place was dusty as hell, I could see a layer of dust on the unlit chandeleer in the middle of the room.
...One, a serious hazard considering how old it probably was. Second, it wasn't even an electric one. It was an actual candle chandeleer, when was the last time one of those was even made? It was a serious fire hazard if actually used.
And it didn't seem as if there was a normal LED lamp sitting on the ceiling along with it, nor even one of the more electrically intensive incandescent light bulbs- Or whatever it was called.
At least the window above the entrance would probably provide some moonlight if Ki ever had any midnight cravings, so I wouldn't need to worry too much about her mistepping and waking up to her bleeding out at the bottom of the stairs.
...I didn't want to risk it considering her bountiful drug stash, maybe I would tell mom to lock her room's door during the night to prevent her from doing anything stupid.
Nah, then I'd have to reason with mom. And that'd be a waste of time on my part, better to just let natural selection do its part in keeping the gene pool healthy and untainted.
Well, with that done I walked past dad, who was still checking the boxes for if anything was missing, and casually said "Gramps and grandma have already left, no need to look for them. I'm going to look around."
"Huh, what?!" He asked, slightly shocked.
Though I just ignored him as I enjoyed the novelty of walking up a half-circle stairway up to the second floor. And when I reached it, it seemed that the foyer had already gotten automatically cleared of dust as the new family had passed through.
The second floor was made up of three hallways as I could see it right now, one forwards, one leftwards and the last one going to the right. Though it seemed the two turned three rooms later to become parallel with the middle hallway.
And let's just say... Everything was covered in dust, except for the clear footprints going off to the left. It seemed Ki had already begun looking around on the second floor, or maybe this was her first target of research.
To avoid her, I just went straight and opened the first room to the right.
Discounting the dust and everything else that usually accumulated without an inhabitant, the room was actually pretty good. Good quality bed with springs inside, made of some probably-expensive wood.
Nightstand also looking high quality, with intricate carvings of some flower that I didn't know about and whatever else I didn't care to notice.
...Outside of the disuse, of the three rooms he had checked before Ki came to annoy him, it was actually pretty good. The floor boards were all still in good shape, even if one or two creaked from time to time, and the weight of a teen and a kid wouldn't have it fall from under me.
"Trish! First one to the the final door at the hall is a rotten egg!" Ki Yelled as she ran past me.
First of all, rude. Second of all "You do not know the immensity of heaven and earth!"