Chereads / Undeads are walking: Kingdom of Living / Chapter 6 - Kingdom of Living I - Part 6

Chapter 6 - Kingdom of Living I - Part 6

Three fighters enter a room, with the door wide open, revealing one corpse of a woman eaten in half. A fighter looks at the walls of this room, which are all painted in the blood of humans. A soldier is using a flashlight to see the written things on the wall. There are a bunch of Chinese symbols in there that would be alien to foreigners, but for some of these fighters aren't.

"Cannibalistic Sanctuary." says a fighter in a lower tone.

"It makes sense…" says a fighter looking at the corpse of a woman. "The woman doesn't look like she's infected."

"Should we do something about this?"

"I know." says a fighter. "Should we destroy this building?"

"No. We need it. And maybe. These crazy people are gone from here." says another fighter. "Even if we encounter them. What could they do? Stab us? We have anti-biting and anti-stabbing armor on us."

"Yes." says a fighter chucking at this statement. "You are right."

After a few minutes, the squad of soldiers finished their mission to check the twenty floor, then they walked down to the nineteen floor. Arriving at that floor, they see a lot more corpses of humans and zombies on the hallway. Twelve were counted by a soldier. They all tried to get inside these rooms, but some of them were locked and blocked, and those who weren't, they were smelling bad like the hallway and the twenty floor. The squad checks this place for a bit, then they all go down to the eighteenth floor. Arriving at that floor, they see the same thing as the nineteen floor, corpses, bad smell and locked doors. 

Later, the squad has arrived at the eighth floor, where they see something macabre to humans. A naked human, covered in blood, stands at the end of the hallway, with a knife, covered in blood. The person turns around to the squad of twelve fighters, who are all aiming their guns at him. That naked person is revealed by the help of flashlights to be a man. Long black hair and small beard, black eyes and a crazy smile. That person is laughing at the soldiers while he yells in Chinese.

"Fresh meat! Fresh meat!"

"Hey!" yells a guy in English, then says in Chinese. "Who are you?"

"Fresh meat, fresh meat. Fresh meat."

That creepy guy starts to go to the squad of the soldiers, with violent intentions, with the knife in his hands and laughing maniacally. But the creepy guy gets immediately shot in the head by the twelve fighters. The creepy guy falls down on his back to the floor, near the body of a human who is hard to recognize based on gender. The fighters are looking at the body, checking to see if the person is infected, and it is a human. 

"The guy has serious trouble," says a fighter.

"Do you think there are more people like this here?"

"If there are more." says the fighter of this squad. "We'll kill all of them."

"Do we have to?" asks a fighter.

"Yes." responds the leader. "These monsters cannot be redeemable."

The squad checked the entire floor, all doors were unlocked and unblocked from the inside. Upon checking the rooms, they see a lot of dead humans and zombies lying around the floor, on the beds and on the desks. To say how bad the situation was in a room like this, in a room they've found a head of a zombie, still alive, growling and screeching when the soldiers entered the place.

"This is sickening." says a fighter going to that head of the zombie, and stabbing him with a knife, killing from the torture he suffers. "These people are crazy."

"This is bad." says a fighter looking at a bed where a woman lay in there, with her belly opened and her newborn decapitated in the belly. "I don't think we can use this palace as a hideout. There's just… too much to clean up."

"That is fucked up." says a fighter looking at that bed.

Others saw the image and left the room, scared and traumatized. One also vomited in the hallway all of his meal he had hours ago. This thing was so messed up that the leader decided to contact the higher ups, and tell them that this palace needs to be bombed. The higher ups, understanding from the fear of the voice the leader had, granted the permission to bomb this place. All the twelve fighters are going back to the rooftop, where the helicopter waits for them.

While going to the rooftop, the leader tried to contact the other squads, but he couldn't. He tried and tried several times, then he got a message from a squad that yelled on the walkie-talkie. "We are under attack! We are under attack!". The leader heard the message and responded back with:"Squad Turbo! Where?". Then the person replied with: "P-Park. We are under attack in the pa-" then the conversation cuts off.

"People!" says the leader to his people when they arrive at the twenty-fourth floor. "We are going to the park."

"Yes, sir!" says his teammates, who all have heard the message from earlier."

When they arrived at the rooftop, the helicopter was about to take off. All the people are quickly getting inside the helicopter, with their weapons and all the supplies they've found in there. Only three soldiers have found two full backpacks worth of food supplies, which made all of them question why people from this building resorted to this way of surviving. The leader tells the pilots to head over to the park where the Turbo squad was last seen, and the pilots did this.

A few minutes later, the helicopter arrives close to the Park, and there they see a lot of zombies invading the helicopter of Turbo squad. They also hear gunfire coming from a hundred meters away from the helicopter. That gunfire comes from a person who is shooting at the helicopter from the rooftop of a house. All the fighters and the pilots are taking cover from the bullets that are coming and breaking the windows. A fighter manages to get his hands on a sniper rifle and immediately shoots the attacker, on the chest.

"Jesus!" says one of the fighters.

"What a lunatic." says the commander.

The fighters see how that man lies on the ground, screaming for help and trying to grab the rifle that is meters away from his reach. The fighters don't do anything, they just watch the man who soon was eaten by the zombies who came after him. The fighters are looking around the area trying to make a conclusion on how it was possible for this place to get overrun and one squad with an immense firepower get overrun by some mindless creatures, while the ones, the ones Turbo squad was in, managed to flee from here, but Omega squad didn't make it.

"Shit. The whole squad got killed." says a soldier looking down at the helicopter flooded with zombies.

"Not only them." says the leader pointing at a helicopter that is located on another rooftop of a building not far from here. "Squad Tenes is also gone."

"Who the fuck did this?" says a soldier and looks at his teammates for an answer.

"M-Must've been the type of guys from earlier in that building."

"Could be."

"Let's leave this place." says the leader to the pilots. "There is nothing we could do here to help. We have to head over to Dicang Village. Regroup and announce the higher ups to bomb this city."

"How is the status there?" asks the pilot of the helicopter.

"They did it. Cleaned the whole village."

"Good." says the pilot and starts to report to the other pilots on the headphones their status and where they are going.

Soon, the only two remaining helicopters, with Turbo squad and El Tigro squad, head outside this city and fly more than twenty kilometers to Dicang Village, where the Shi Huang squad is waiting for them.