Chereads / The Invisible Network / Chapter 12 - Chapter 12: Nothing ventured, nothing gained

Chapter 12 - Chapter 12: Nothing ventured, nothing gained

The journey to the city where Bella's family lived took about 3 hours. All this time, the girl was very passionate about Relasia, her family and the people who live there. Topics changed one by one. Through her reading, Veronica knew a lot about the outside world, even though she never officially left the estate in 20 years.

They talked about herbs.

"I heard that on some lands of Relasia grows a unique plant, which has an incredible healing effect. It seems to be a stone lily."

Bell's brows flew up. To her surprise, she covered her mouth with a hand.

"God! This plant isn't even known by most locals. How did you know about it?"

"At one time I was very fond of medicinal herbs, so I read all the possible books that were in the estate. This plant particularly attracted. Miracle cure, but on the other hand deadly poison if you make even the slightest mistake."

At this moment, Leon, who was pretending to be asleep all the time, became noticeably tense.

"Right.The most valuable part is the roots. It grows deep in the stone caves. If you make a mistake during excavation, cooking or dosing, it can kill by accident. My family guards these areas carefully. Loot is allowed only by imperial decree.

"The last decree was issued while the empress was still alive. She was very ill, and the medicine extended her life nobly. "

"Yeah. No matter how miraculous it is, death cannot be deceived."

Veronica stared into the void. Leon lifted one eye and caught the girl's puzzled expression. During this time, as they live under the same roof, Leon managed to understand one thing: Veronica always speaks for the case. If she talked about this flower, it mattered to her. The guy saw her head spinning with clever thoughts about getting the plant. 


The carriage stopped.

Small two-storey house made of light stone and dark emerald roof. Veronica immediately noticed a huge number of panoramic windows.

They were met by two male servants who immediately began to take out the luggage. Bella greeted the elderly woman with joy.

"Veronica, this is madame Virginia - the main servant. She raised me. Madam is like a second mother to me."

"What nonsense does this girl say?" She laughed, her hand swinging. "It's a pleasure to welcome you to the Enerson family estate, Madame Veronica. Make yourself at home."

Saluting the girl respectfully, the old lady bowed. Veronica nodded. They were somewhat alike. It was immediately obvious who raised Bella. Same manner of speech, same kind eye and attitude.

"Nice to meet you, madame Virginia. "

Before they could get inside the house, a tiny boy's voice came out of the corner.


Bell was hit by a very small boy of five. His ginger curls were sticking out in different directions, glistening in the sun like unprocessed gold.


The girl sat down and hugged the boy very tightly. Her eyes clearly flashed.

"I missed you so much, my treasure! How are you? Is everything okay?"

"I missed you, mom! So much! I couldn't sleep at night when I heard you were coming! Mom, you're staying overnight, aren't you? "

For the first time in her life, Veronica witnessed such genuine love between a parent and child. Something uncomfortably squeezed in her breast.

"Christian, my boy, meet!"

And two identical faces stared at her.

"This is uncle Leon's wife, Veronica. She's your family now too."

With a red nose, the boy hid behind his mother's shoulders. Veronica followed Bella's example and sat down, facing out of her face.

"Hello?" She said, unsure. "I've heard a lot about you from your mother, but in life you're even more beautiful. Since we're family now, shall we be friends?"

It was too awkward. Did she say something wrong? The boy went further away behind the girl. Bella and madame Virginia laughed.

"He's a shy boy. " Explained the madam. "He needs time to get used to it. Everything is fine. "

Stupidly slamming her long eyelashes a couple of times, Veronica stood up. Holding the baby in her hand, Bella also rose. The boy's face was buried in her hair.

"Have fun." Bell addressed to Veronica and Leon. "If you need me, just ask the servants to escort."

And there were only the two of them in the corridor. It was bloody awkward. She could feel his gaze through all the cells in her back. 

"Don't worry." Despite the expected line of remarks with teasing and jokes, Leon calmly began. "At first this little baby didn't perceive me at all."

"That's it. Did you even see yourself in the mirror?" Her lips were awkward, rude.

"What's wrong? Am I not pretty? I'm quite popular with girls."

Veronica looked at him with a skeptical eye and rolled her eyes. And what was that?

"Aren't you expected?"

"Us". He adjusted it and walked down the hall. "You come with me."


The head of the Enerson family is Viscount Grayson Enerson, a fifty-year-old man with a white beard. Just by his speech, Veronica concluded that their entire family is a little strange. Despite the status he behaved quite friendly and informal. He made jokes, talked about the weather, but when it came to business, the old man became a master of his own.

They discussed the trade of herbs. Veronica pretended to be completely focused on the treats and tea that were offered, but no offer passed her.

"The harvest this quarter is not as good as we would like. Winter is coming soon. Speaking of which! Will you be participating in the hunt at the autumn festival?"

After thirty minutes, the business conversation finally came to an end.

"I got an invitation from His Highness, so I will. "

"Right, right!" The man laughed. "You're always busy, guy, so he had to call you officially. For ignoring the imperial family, you can lose your head! Ho-ho-ho!"

"Excuse me, are you talking about the annual fall harvest festival?" With glowing eyes asked the man Veronica.

The men were slightly distracted by such pressure. The viscount laughed loudly.

"Yes, madam! The festival lasts exactly one day. It begins with a ball late in the evening at the palace. After dinner - hunting in the nearby forest. Lasts only 5 hours, before dinner. It's a kind of competition to see who will score the most fowls. The results are made and the winner is announced. At night, paper lanterns are being released into the sky with various wishes. Someone asks to weather the winter, someone asked for light service, even some," he whispered, leaning towards the girl. "who asks for male and female health. You know what I mean." He winked at her.

Veronica glanced at Leon. There was a silent question in her eyes: "Is he serious?" The guy shrugged lightly.

The man was not embarrassed that a great family member did not know about such things in society. He calmly enlightened the girl.

"Can women participate?"

Silence. The men stared at her with round eyes.

"Wait, Veronica." Trying to ger his thoughts together, Leon started. "What exactly do you want to participate in? Not in the hunt, right? Tell me I misunderstood you." Leon didn't even know where he got such absurd thoughts from.

She nodded sharply, not understanding the confusion and surprise on their faces.

"Why? Can't? I won't be the first. Previous Duchess Cornelia Trisomi Lan has been involved in hunting for more than a decade. "

"Oh Heaven, Veronica!" He breathed hard, massaging the temples. "That's a little different. You can't just come out of nowhere and show up for a hunt. Special training and registration is required.

What is this guy talking about? She didn't understand his arguments at all, losing the logical thread of reasoning at some point.

"So register me." Their eyes crossed. "What's the problem? I'm saying something wrong?" She turned to the viscount, who again burst with a sincere laugh.

Wiping away the tears, the man beamed.

"That's right, my dear!" He exclaimed cheerfully, rising. "If you want to participate - participate! I can vouch for you if your husband backs down! Today I'll contact the organizers! Ho-ho-ho!" He finished, he moved towards the exit of his own office. "What a funny and wonderful young lady! Ho-ho-ho! It's so nice!"

The door was closed behind him.

"He's weird." The girl dumped him.

"Do you even know what you're doing?" Seriously, the guy just gave me up trying to hide his excitement.

"Am I going to participate in the hunt? I hope you're not thinking of banning me. I'll go all the way, then."

He leaned face into his palm and leaned back on the sofa, taking a very deep breath. His chest rose very high. Swallowing too loudly, the rump on his throat shook. Holding hand over the hair, he looked more calmly at the girl.

"It's not safe. "

Is that his argument?

"Dear." She moved towards him and leaned down to a shorter distance. "Do you really think this will be my first hunt?" Whispered with a slight fox smile.

Her eyes were glowing with mischievous lights. The boy stood still and swallowed loudly again. It's not known what she meant by these words, but she was not going to explain either. He pressed his jaw.

"Can you think twice?" He pleaded, not losing hope.

"Sorry, but I don't think about it once in a while."

Interesting fact unrelated to story: Niklaus, like his father, loves strong expensive alcohol. The estate has a huge warehouse with a variety of types of alcohol.