Chereads / The Invisible Network / Chapter 13 - Chapter 13: I probably don't understand something

Chapter 13 - Chapter 13: I probably don't understand something

Walking through the small garden of Enerson estate, Veronica spotted a large number of unusual medicinal plants. Some attracted by their beautiful flower, some were no different from weeds. Only the expert in his field can truly appreciate all the beauty of these small unremarkable sprouts.

Sitting on the squat of one flower, Veronica enjoyed its beautiful aroma as a close-by rustle was heard. The girl, who had been shaken by a sharp sound, almost fell to the ground, but kept her balance and turned away from where the sound was coming from. Among the green bushes was a red-haired head with big eyes.

Not knowing why, but Veronica looked back and made sure that no one was there, bent.

"What are you here for?" She whispered. "Hiding from someone?"

The little head nodded softly, looking away.

"How long have you been sitting there? Not tired?"

He turned his head in a negative way, and dug deeper into the green.

"You know, in such bushes a huge number of different bugs." The girl casually said, turning away, pretending that didn't notice the darting, frightened eyes. "Small and large." For more convincing Veronica fingers showed size, exaggerating. "If they bite? And what if the branch runs your beautiful eyes!? You'll never see your mother again."

The boy ran out of the bush screaming. Tears flowed from his chubby red cheeks to the river. He stood behind Veronica, away from the "dangerous" bushes. The girl was barely holding back her laughter. Little children are so funny and naive.

"Will you never hide in the bushes again?" She started gently wiping his tears with her fingers.

"I won't!"

"Good boy, good one." She stroked his fuzzy head while she was cleaning the leaves.

"Christian!" Bell's voice sounded nearby.

The boy seemed to forget about the bugs and the fear of gouging his eyes. Jumping from excitement and spinning his head, he looked out for his mother.

"Auntie, hide me!" He tugged her sleeve.

Who can resist the child's charm? Obviously, it wasn't Veronica.

His excitement and passion overtook her too. Her skirt wasn't at all fluffy to completely hide him. Taking the dress with her hands, she opened it a little, partly hiding the boy. At that moment, Bella appeared in front of them. She stood still for a few seconds, watching the amusing picture, not knowing how to react. Veronica shrugged lightly and winked, saying, play.

"Something's wrong? You look worn out." Veronica's beginning.

"Playing hide and seek with Christian. He is small and nimble - he hides well. Madam Virginia and I have already searched the whole estate. Maybe he was running past? Have you seen?"

Pursing her lip, Veronica looked at Bella with a light sense of compassion, but she was exhausted. She felt the little hands clinging more tightly to her dress.

"I've been here for a while. I went around the garden, but Christiana didn't see it. Maybe he was tired and went back to his room?" raised her eyebrow, she hinted subtly.

Bella nodded silently, releasing heavy air. Fatigue mercilessly added her young face a couple of years.

"Then let him rest. Soon dinner time. In honor of our arrival for dessert, a lemon tart will be served. Christian loves it very much." Their conversation from the outside might seem very humorous.

"Looking forward to it. "

With a smile, Bella left the garden.

"Hear that, little rascal? Your favorite lemon tart will be for dinner." She looked at the boy. "You should take a bath before dinner. You're not going to receive guests like this, are you?" Asked Veronica softly.

The boy nodded in silence. He didn't look so cheerful anymore. Does the mood of the children always change so quickly? One of his hands held her dress firmly.

"Shall we go home?"

He nodded his head in a negative way, raising his big beautiful eyes to Veronica, with the sky above them.

"I was so scared. My legs don't move."

What's she got to do with it? What does he want from her now?

He kept looking at her with his puppy eyes. Veronica's lips were bursting with a sneer on the edge of her breath.

"Will you go to your aunt's?" What the hell is she saying?

"Do you want to go to your aunt on the handles?" What kind of nonsense is she talking about?

This child weighs about 20 kilograms. The heaviest thing she ever held in her life was a five-kilogram iron crossbow and a six-kilogram rifle.

Christian nodded vigorously, albeit a little embarrassed. Taking a deep breath, Veronica picked up the boy. He immediately clung tightly to her neck with his small hands. Her back hurt. Screw up in front of a child? Never in her life. Gritting her teeth, Veronica moved towards the manor.

It was the second time in her life that she regretted her love of high heels.

She had to climb the stairs. Inwardly, she cursed the moment she fell for this little devil.

"And why is there no one?" She hissed through her teeth, looking around the completely empty hall.

By the calm and even breathing on her neck, Veronica immediately realized that Christian had fallen asleep. She knew from books that having sleeping children was not the best idea. This may be followed by a long tantrum. Veronica wasn't sure she could stand the children's screams and snot.

"Hey!" She shouted in a whisper.

She didn't care who, the most important thing was that Heaven heard her desperate pleas. Leon appeared from behind the corridor. With incredible hope and pleading, she stared at him, already anticipating how to get rid of this 20-kilogram load.

The guy was so shocked by what he saw that the words stuck in his throat. He didn't know what to say. Everything seemed strange. From the baby in Veronica's arms, to the unknown look. The guy even turned around to check if there was anyone behind him. Without noticing it, a slight smile spread across his face.

"Why are you hesitating there?" Starting to be indignant, the girl took a couple of steps towards him herself, spending her last strength on it. "Take him away!"

"Okay, okay ..." Without hiding a smile, he grabbed the child.

As soon as he lifted boy, the girl hissed painfully. The boy grabbed her hair tightly. They exchanged glances. Despair and a sore back made me want to cry.

"Apparently, he really liked you."

" It's not a funny joke. Hold him down."

While Leon was holding the baby, Veronica began to slowly pull her hair out of the child's tight grip. She didn't immediately notice that she was standing too close to the guy, that she could feel his breath. His big chest rose and fell slowly. Her nose caught a strange but pleasant smell. Slightly opening her eyes, she tossed her head. As she approached, she began to sniff at him, completely forgetting about his hair.

"What are you doing?" At the same time confused and puzzled, the guy involuntarily took a step back.

" What do you smell like? It's not your smell."

She didn't follow what she was saying at all, because she didn't find it anything strange. Unlike Leon. He felt a rush of heat, but the girl didn't seem to pay attention to his reddened ears.

"Ahem, uh... " Clearing his throat, Leon took another step back, trying to keep the remaining distance.

How would she know his scent? Did she smell him? He forcefully swallowed the words that were about to break out, making the situation even more awkward.

" I was in the kitchen." The guy began as if nothing had happened, regaining his former equanimity, albeit only visible. "I informed the chefs about your diet. It would be inconvenient if the dish served to you couldn't be eaten."

" Ah..." the girl drawled in disappointment, immediately losing interest. "Deya probably already told it why you're doing someone else's work?" She mumbled, returning to her hair.

Leon had nothing to say. The gleam in his eyes faded. Her words sounded like a sobering slap in the face, bringing him back to reality. For a second, he forgot what kind of person she was. An unpleasant cold feeling pierced his chest.

Leon noticed the movement and immediately switched his attention.

"Madame Virginia!" He called the woman over.

"Oh, heavens? What is going on?"

At that moment, Veronica finally finished with the release of her hair and took a deep breath with relief.

"There's a little miscreant! Madam has been looking for him for so long! Oh, he's all covered in mud! Oh heaven-heaven!" The woman continued to groan and to be indignant, taking the boy in her own hands.

"I'm sorry, Madame Veronica. Your dress is dirty. This boy doesn't have the manners."

"Don't bother, it's all right. He's just a kid. Better take him to the room and wake him up for dinner. Christian is really waiting for the lemon tart."

Virginia bowed and left immediately. The exhaustion fell on her shoulders with stones.

Casting a sly glance at the guy standing next to her, Veronica threw her arms around his neck.

"Dear," she said in a sweet voice. "Bring me to the room. I'm so tired that I can barely stand."

For a few seconds, Leon looked at her. He sighed and lifted her up.

A slight surprise was reflected on the girl's face.

"It's not good for a blue-blooded aristocrat to carry something so heavy. "

"My blood isn't that blue."

Each one spoke to himself, but simultaneously with the other. Their answers didn't imply further discussion.

"How did it happen? I mean you and Christian."

"Ran into him in the garden. I messed him up a little, and he's already crying. Funny kid."

"Do you like children?" He looked at her with distrust, blinking.

"No!" She exclaimed with some joy, like how could he think such a thing?" How can you love someone so noisy, always whining and disturbing? "

"I love children. They're cute."

Veronica stared at him as if he were a complete unknown and strange man. What was he thinking? Completely oblivious to her, Leon looked ahead, continuing unperturbed down the hall. They were shown the door of the room.

Leon let the girl down on the bed thinking something serious. He was already walking to the door as Veronica spoke.

"Leon. " It was one of those rare occasions when she called him by his name.

The guy froze. But he didn't turn around.


She looked at herself, looking at the pattern on her own shoes.

"If you want kids, you can have them. With someone else. " After a moment, she hurriedly added. "I won't mi..

"Do you think..."Leon interrupted her in a cold tone. "children - animals that can be "just get"? You think I'm gonna run off and have a baby because you let me?"

These words seemed to hurt him a lot.

"Children are a blessing from Heaven. Even if it's a child, out of marriage, from some ordinary peasant, I'll give him all my love and raise him, you know? Don't treat new life so lightly." All the more did he remain silent for a while, trying to temper his anger. "Despite all our situation, the bonds of marriage aren't an empty sound to me. Even though our first night of marriage was a ridiculous farce and I was used dirty, I swore to loyalty. Ah yes...!" He scoffed at the hair. "That's a hollow sound to you. A man like you will probably never understand this."

Inside Leon was burning and aching. Words with extraordinary ease flew off his lips. It seemed that someone in his place was saying it, taking over his body. He didn't know what was coming. Before that moment, the guy didn't even think about it, but she hurt him so many times, he probably wanted her to feel the same way. Leon was never so petty, and it seemed that her antics didn't hurt him at all. He was very wrong.

Veronica's cheeks were filled with tears. Leon had long since left, and she was still standing.

" ... even if it is a child, out of marriage, from some ordinary peasant, I'll give my all your love and raise..." girl muttered faintly, once again comprehending the words she had heard.

Veronica smiled crooked, giving a nervous laugh. She collapsed onto the bed and covered her face with her hands.

"We're all saints in words."

The room was filled with a loud laugh, which went into tears. 

Interesting fact unrelated to story: the hotel manager is Vilder, Veronica's blood uncle. He is the eldest brother of the deceased mother of the girl.