The door swung open, and the torches along the wall flared with life, lighting up the room. Alaric stepped inside, sweat dripping from his nose. His staff glowed in his palm, as he gripped it tightly. In front of him, was a large creature. Its skin was gray, its body was skinny and bony. Its head was large and its large black eyes stared back at Alaric.
His foot slid back against the cold ground, and he got in a stance. His grip tightened more, and he was ready to spring into action. The air around him was thick and heavy. With a determined frown, the ground cracked beneath his feet, as his body rushed at at Alien.
His eyes glowed blue, as small bits of electricity danced around his body, [Dash] has activated. He was suddenly in front of the Alien, as the blue electricity shifted to red, and he activated his strength boost skill. With a raise of his staff, the enhanced attack slammed against it, pushing it back. His feet landed on the ground and he rushed in. With a spin of his staff, it shoved into the Aliens skinny body, as Alaric followed up with a kick to its head.
It spun due to the force but was able to transition into an attack. As its fist rushed out, in a swift motion, the Alien extended its hand outward, as a force of pressure shoved Alaric back. He flipped and landed, his back against the stone wall. He spun his staff again, 'What was that? Wind?' He wondered, as his eyes glowed red again, but for a different purpose.
"Time to test out my new moves," he said, his voice boomed as flames erupted from his staff, coating it in a fiery aura. He swiped it in the air, leftover flames turning to ash. He rushed in, as the Alien continued throwing out attacks, but thanks to his speed, he was able to move out of the way and dodge the attacks with ease.
He jumped off the wall and with a shout, "[Immobilize]!!" A symbol flared from his hand and that same symbol appeared on the Alien as it froze in place. He slammed the staff against the Alien in multiple attacks, dealing massive damage, as he increased its size for one last attack. He swung it, as the giant staff landed.
The Alien crashed into the wall, its body seemingly lifeless, small bits of fire burning away at its skin. Alaric looked over, the flames from his staff dissipating. He looked at it, "Is...that it?" He wondered, the Aliens body didn't move. It had to be dead. With a sigh, Alaric turned, ready to head out ready to get this exam over with.
As he walked through the various rooms he passed to get to this point, his mind wandered. This was the last stage, and he surely passed. And considering his passing of the stage before this, he definitely got in. But, he felt like this was too easy. Or, maybe he was just stronger than he thought. But, that fire-bender he fought, he had a hard time with him...But would he still have as much trouble with the new abilities he unlocked? He didn't know, the only way to tell was to have a rematch with him. But for now, he had exited the dungeon and simply waited. He wasn't sure what to do now that he won with such ease. But, the puzzles also took a while to take care of. So maybe he didn't have as much time as he thought.
As he sat down on a nearby rock, his eyes traveled up to stare at the sky. The clouds clouded the sky, so the sun wasn't shining. His eyes glowed beneath the sky, this was the life he wanted to live.
This was the first step in his journey, to live an exciting life. He felt more than ready. Once he was a student of the A.A.A., everything he needed would be at his disposal. Training, easy access to dungeons, mentorship, everything. A small smile formed on his lips. His heart began to race at the thought. 'This life won't be a waste. I'll live the way I want to.'
The horn blared throughout the forest, the leaves falling from the sound wave. "Guess times up."
As he spoke, his vision filled with the familiar sight of the Colosseum. He and the rest of the participants were sitting in the seats of the large arena. The headmaster stood in the middle of the area. "Well, you all made it. You were able to finish the Ascendant Arcane Academy entrance exam," He said, a small smirk playing at his lips. He closed his eyes, "But of course, some of you failed some of the stages, and, might not end up enrolling in our Academy. But, there is always next year," He looked up and around at all the surrounding participants, "You will receive the results in the mail in about five business days."
He aimed his hand, "But, don't let your results halt your training. Remember, you can always get stronger, you don't have a limit. You are dismissed, and I hope to see some of you as actual students in our academy."
And with those parting words, everyone stood from their seats in the stands and made their way out of the Colosseum. Alaric walked in behind a bunch of people, their chatter filled his ears and he could barely hear himself. Once out of the massive hallway, Alaric could finally hear himself think. He was ready to finally leave and away from all these eyes.
But, a voice called out to him, "Alaric!" It was a fresh voice, one he wasn't used to. He turned, and it was Aluxio, Clorissa, and Faxon. He waved as they approached him. "Yo, so, did you pass your third test?" Aluxio asked, as Alaric nodded. "Yes." This put a smile on his face as he patted his shoulder. "Awesome! I knew you would, you were super strong during the second stage. So we all passed!"
Alaric wasn't surprised.
Aluxio was super strong during the second stage based on what he displayed to him, he was most likely stronger than himself...
Clorissa's versatile move set definitely supplied her with different options to best her opponent.
And Faxon is the physically strongest of the four, so there was no way he couldn't overpower his opponent.
Alaric let out a soft sigh, silently relieved that they passed along with him. Having people he knew beforehand, besides Arthur, would probably come in handy. "I'm glad you all passed." He spoke softly, but then a loud voice boomed.
"Alaric!!" This voice he knew all too well. He didn't have time to react before he felt an arm sling around his shoulder.
"What's up!? Can you believe I actually passed the exam?!" He shouted, as Alaric stiffened. He turned to look at the people in front of him. "Who are they?" He wondered as Alaric let out a sharp sigh.
"These are my squad members from the second stage..." He quietly explained as he smiled. "Oh! Nice to meet ya, I'm Arthur, Alaric's best buddy!" He said, throwing up a piece sign. Aluxio and Clorissa laughed to themselves.
"Anyway, I think it's better if I head out," Alaric said, as Arthur moved his arm. "That's fair, but, we have to meet up when the time comes!" Aluxio said, holding out a hand as the four members gathered into a circle. Alaric hesitated, but put his hand down as well. Once the four had their hands together, they threw them up.
"Alright! See you in a year guys!" Aluxio shouted as the four went their separate ways. Alaric walked alongside Arthur. As they walked, that moment stuck in his head.
'One year to go, and, I have people to stand alongside during this journey.' A smirk twisted on his lips, 'I'd say, this is ten times better than my previous life. Time to shape this life into the one I truly want.'