Chereads / Old Journals of a Millennial. Volume 1. / Chapter 18 - Chapter 16. "Kingdom heart."

Chapter 18 - Chapter 16. "Kingdom heart."

A journal entry: September 28th, 2004.

(Still 15 years old.)

I was out and about a lot as a kid, you know?

I didn't fancy sitting around watching TV really, it just never did much for me.

There were a few things that caught my eye though.

Shows that were more...imaginative so to speak.

I was eclectic and eccentric as shit I tell ya.

I read a shit-ton of books that would transport me to vast and ever-expanding worlds.

Books like the Narnia series, Artemis Fowl, and The Legend of Drizzt, for example. 

But TV shows and movies were just beyond me for the most part.

I was too busy exploring my own made-up worlds and if not that, those of the printed and published type, comic books and manga, and the neighborhood around my house.

Yes, we actually went outside as kids. 

Can you imagine that????

I would rather use my imagination, sitting for hours alone either reading something or writing my own stories though. 

That has followed me to my adulthood, and I write and publish short stories til this very day. 

The few movies and the likes that I did happen to catch would always fall within the fiction-fantasy side of things. 

I remember watching a show about Hamster and his friends lol

Hamtaro I think it was.

Digimon Frontier caught my eye before I had to leave to catch my school bus in the early mornings.

Dragon Ball Z was my thing as I got a bit older.

I don't know where I was going lol 

Nostalgia made me forget! 

I suppose that's why movies never really worked, I didn't have the best attention span as a kid either lbvs.

Another weird journal entry awaits!



Bounce Back.

Once again I've landed on my feet after another devastating blow, but not a blow thus to be the last, for my last shield was broken, but now gill has been spent to renew this shield that protects my heart. 

My spear has been re-tipped, and I shall ride into this everlasting battle and reign victorious over all that tend to shadow my kingdom heart, for my final fantasy is to rule high upon my throne in peace with my queen in my final heaven. 


Man, listen...

I wish I could translate that last stroke-inducing entry for you all...

I...nope. YOUNG ME was going through it, and badly lol.

I mean, breakups are never pretty...but I tell you folks, I just don't remember this lol. 

I am sure that I made it through that rough patch just fine.

I always did.

I think.

I am pretty sure.

On a more serious note: I have/had always been rather resilient. 

Life has thrown me quite a slew of fastballs...

Many of which slammed into my balls or upper pelvis, thus my lack of children.

I don't know if that's how it works, but I sleep better at night with it making some form of sense in my head lol. 

I can see a few video game references in this last entry lol

I was something else entirely. 

Thank you for hanging around this long, young me would have appreciated it. 

See you soon folks.