My name is Win Soo. I was a normal 24 year old man. Well, I guess I wasn't as normal as others. I wasn't exactly fit. I was a bit overweight, to be fair. I was addicted to gaming, and one day, my addiction went a big too far.
"The new game is out, what was it called again, that's right it was Ko fight a bit of a weird name to be honest but the company that made it is world famous so it has to be worth it."
I rushed out of my messy room for the first time in 2 weeks in my sweaty vest and pants that I've been wearing for ages. I was making my way to the new game store that had recently opened up with great ratings when I saw a kid crossing the street. It was a green light for vehicles, but I don't the kid could've seen, so I was letting him continue walking as I waited for the light to turn red. All of a sudden, I could hear gunshots coming from behind me. I tried to run, but as I was unathletic, I couldn't make it far. The man held me as hostage. "If everyone doesn't hands me their valuables right now, I will shoot this greasy fat man." A bit rude, I thought, but he wasn't wrong. I looked around for anyone trying to give him anything. I looked at his face, and from the little gap from his bandana, I could see him shaking. He clearly wasn't a professional at doing this kind of stuff.
All of a sudden, his trembling finger accidentally pulled the trigger and shot my head. After that, I couldn't remember much except from the pedestrians running away and screaming from fear. I also briefly recall that a massive truck crashed into a close by fire hydrant and created a massive explosion. I wonder how that works. After all, all i do is play games, not like I actually got a degree or anything. "That's it. I'm dead.There's nothing I can do anymore." My vision started to darken, and I glanced around me for what I thought would be the last time.
After what might have been 30 seconds in darkness, my eyes started to flutter open. "No way, I'm alive how." I looked around me and could see strange men in cloaks,"What the hell is going on? Am I not dead?" I looked at the men, which looked like giants compared to my size. I looked at my body,"Wait, why am I so tiny? My fingers aren't even 2 cm long. No way could I have in some way been isekaid