NOOOOO! I can't die, not now I can't, but do I really even have a choice. I mean look at him,no not him, it. I can feel his menacing aura and he's running at me at full speed.
I close my eyes bracing for the impact but nothing. Should I open my eyes yet, a little peek won't mind right. I slowly open my eyes and see it standing in front of me, inspecting me up and down.
What, what is it doing just standing still and looking at me. All of a sudden I hear a sudden deep voice and I can't help to jolt in fear. It's the demon.
"You are a special one new born". Wait is it talking to me a demon can speak. I open my voice and mutter some gibberish. Wait I can talk as a baby this is a revolutionary finding. But first. "What do you mean I am special".
I notice a little awe in the demons eyes. No wonder I mean how surprising would it be if a newborn were to speak to you. He decides to change the topic and says how I was summoned and who those people were that used the incarnation on me. He continued to say that they brought me into this world and they apparently put a curse on me which. WAIT WHAT! They put a curse on me. My small mind must have had some thought time trying to comprehends all of the worlds He was saying. I mean I am just a baby. But no, I can't tell anyone that I have memories of another world. I mean I've seen enough of those movies where I could get experimented on and no thank you.
Back to the topic, a curse. "Wait mister demon what did u say about the curse". You don't have to call me that, I am mister kanegiri but I guess you could call me dad if you want I am the current Demon King". "Yeah I'm gonna have to pass on calling you dad mister Kanegiri". Some of his passion faded but he made up for it by saying a joke which I hade to fake laugh to make him feel better. "Anyways little one you should have a name". "My name is Ban Woo". "Anyways Ban you should know some news". All of a sudden his smile fades."What is it?".
"I'm sorry but you won't live past 17".