2 days before Prom-
In the middle of a room full of computers with top grade software and processing equipment. Is Mike, alone in a deep concentration of brain power and focus. In a titanic wave of binary code, Coiling around an email like barbed wire on a baseball bat cracking down on a future of uncomfortable truths. Em walking in, Mike still at work trying to professionally snoop into a certain girl's text messages.
Em's P.O.V
"Well?, yah almost got into Rin's messages yet?" He asked while eating a quarter pounder from the McDonald's at the lunch room. "I'm getting there, it's just taking some time that's all, but there's something off about having six other emails if she's just texting some "friends," don't you think?" Mike questions with a look of suspicion, his hand rubbing his chin.
" That is suspicious, when you eventually crack that code can you see if she has guy friends?, and find out what their intentions are please and thank you." Em looks at the time, he does a double take and waves bye to Mike then runs out of the room to go to class.
Em arrives in his HVAC, electrical, and plumbing class (HVACEP), they start the lesson on welding selfsame metals and the components that allows the heat to fuse them together.
The class starts off with a lesson on The lineage of Geominerals in The language of the Earth Biogeography. The earth produces these materials, they can gather thousands of different minerals from different lineages or from the same lineage… if the product is rare then the mineral has a vast range of lineages and can be use in a variety of manufactured products.
Like phone components, wiring, heat distribution, and electrical connections etc, if these compounds aren't compatible when the welding tests are performed than that means they weren't tempered properly and the time it takes for the mineral to be structured than the fusing process teared the whole assembly wall collapsing the unstable material.
The material cannot withstand the pressure of the heat, when it's been put through the flame it either withstands the high temperature of the heat in there Compatiblite or they wither from the pressure, that process it called Assessing and Asserting.
After the lesson the class goes to do the practical application on the Assessment of the material and Assertion of which metal has stability in the relationship between materials that have compatibility, which also gives the metals time to test each other in relation to their properties like in an actual relationship between materials relative strength in flaws and if it can commit to each other in a metaphorical agreement between themselves.
Em puts his metals to the test in Assessing and Asserting to see if they will except their strengths and flaws, out of the 4 metals he tested, one being same material and same compounds, the second being iron and copper, the third being different material with different compound, the last being same material and different compound. Out of 4 metals tested only the third metal excepted each other meaning not all metals can be compatible with their comparisons.
The day before Prom-
Ar's P.O.V
Alone in the basketball court shooting threes to get his mind off things. " Ah shit." Missing the half court shot, with a grieved look a the ball with a thoughtful gaze within contemplation. Em walk onto the court to shoot hoops with his bros and enjoy tonight before he has to go to Prom without his best friend his brother.
Em sees Ar's distressed look, jogging down the court giving him a smile "Hey Arnie, you alright?" He questions, " To be honest, there's a lot on my mind." , Ar suddenly smiles with a friendly wager towards Em. " how about a one on one, if you win I'll open up, but if I win you gotta open up, loser cleans the others clothes for a week," Rubbing his nape Em considers the proposition weighing the odds "Alright boss baby, you're on."
"Check up." passing the ball to Ar " My ball then huh," Ar's adrenaline pumps his vains, he charges to the right than to the left " You can't cross the ankle breaker, you and couch know it." Em remarked retrieving the ball from Ar. " yeah, sure bud you keep telling yourself that." Ar jokes running after Em, the ball dancing in Em's hands, crossing the ball between his legs getting closer to the basket. Ar right beside him ready to take the ball, for 30 minutes of gameplay, scoring going back and forth from Em to Ar, " ha, ha, good game boss baby." Em commented. "That was a pretty good game." Ar remarked " Too bad that I broke the ankle breakers streak." He laughed with a winner's grin. "So why haven't you mentioned your parents, like at all, so what's up with that bro?"