As they continue through the dense jungle ,normally full with endemic life, they notice a trail of destroyed trees and burnt down plants creating smoke. Sozin signals them to stop and take a look at the trail. "Let us have a look at this!" Sozin tells them. "Ah, yes a big lesser dragon with four legs and a long heavy tail and big claws." Sozin says examining the surroundings. "Judging from the looks of it it passed through here a few days ago." Hi says seeing that the earth and footsteps have dried up already. "Precisely. It posesses fire breath and feasts on anything magic related." Sozin says. "My wolf has picked up a scent!" Yuxuan says. "Good! Not that it is hard to miss a big scaly lizard causing destruction." Sozin says. "Then let´s continue onward. I can see a trail of magic energy up ahead it´s not far!" Gale tells them. "Let me regrow the plants on the way before it´s to late!" Vernon says regrowing the plants destroyed along the way. They hear the crunching and falling trees in the distance from the lesser dragon scraping along it. "Did you hear that?" Gale asks. "Yes it came from that direction!" Yuxuan says pointing in the right direction. "Why don´t you climb the trees and look for it from there?" Hi suggests. "Good idea!" Gale says climbing up the tree quickly. From up there Gale looks for it in the distance and catches a glimpse of it rampaging around it turns it´s head and looks straight at Gale with it´s red eyes and lets out a loud bellowing roar. "It saw me and it´s coming for us!" Gale says. "Everyone get ready!" Sozin says. "Yuxuan, Vernon stay behind us, Gale provide us some cover from up there!" Hi tells them with his weapon ready. The lesser dragon flaps it´s wings destroying the surrounding trees and flies up and over the jungle and it flies toward the group ready to burn them and devour them alive. "Yuxuan, Vernon your poison! I´ll try to hit it so it can´t fly anymore!" Gale orders them. "Alrighty coming up!" Yuxuan says throwing him a vial filled with green poison made from snake venom and a poisounous plants. "Got it!" Gale says catching it and putting it onto his arrow he quickly readies his bow and loads the arrows. Gale looks at the dragon for weakpoints and finds the joints for the wings vulnerable. The dragon is near and launches a flame breath attack at Gale and the group. "Look out fire!" Hi screams to Gale warning him. "Fire breath we´ll hold it back!" Sozin says. "Ready!?" Sozin asks Hi. "Yes!" Hi answers. They put their hands up to stop the flames from spreading. "Shoot Gale!" Yuxuan yells. Gale aims at the joints and fires one arrow at the wing and hits and then quickly shots another at the other joint. "Bullseye! It should come down anytime!" Gale yells. "Got it!" Hi answers. The dragon stops it´s fire breath to focus on the poisoned arrows unfortunately the poison has already puncutered it´s flesh and spread to it´s wings. This poison paralyses even big monsters instantly. It´s wings become paralysed and it falls down from the sky with it´s horns and claws first. "Incoming!" Sozin yells. "Vernon get your vines ready!" Hi tells him. "Alright!" Vernon answers putting his hands in the ground conjuring up huge creeping vines. "Master ready to stop it?" Hi asks. "Gladly!" he answers. They both jump high into the air above the dragon. The dragon looks up surprised and attacks them with his tail and claws, which Hi and Sozin deflect with their swords. "Eat this!" Hi yells punching the dragon´s head along with Sozin punching with their fists and their fire to generate enough power to send the dragon flying into the ground where Vernon´s vines wrap around it immoblising it. "It´s trapped now´s your chance!" Vernon tells them. The dragon opens it´s mouth again to launch another fire breath attack but Hi comes flying back down with a kick to it´s mouth forcing it shut again. "Vernon try to close it´s mouth with vines!" Hi tells him. Sozin lands on the ground next to the dragon. The heat from the flame breath travels through the dragons body lighting it´s body up from the inside with a fiery red, the vines crumble to ash and the dragon is freed again and let´s out a fierce roar filled with anger. The fire travels along the vines hitting Vernon and setting him ablaze. "Oh no!" Yuxuan says summoning a water serpent to put out the flames. "Oh shit! It´s angry now!" Hi says. "Yuxuan get Vernon to safety and summon some beasts to help us out!" Sozin orders her. Her beasts are unwilling to help against that dragon afraid for their lifes. "I can´t summon any they are too scared!" Yuxuan says getting Vernon and carrying him away. The dragon attacks them both but is stopped by Hi who blocks it with his sword. "Run! Now!" Hi tells her. "Yes, thank you!" she says running away. "Gale you see anything from up there!?" Sozin asks him. "A reverse scale on it´s back just between it´s wings! My arrows aren´t strong enough to pierce it though!" Gale answers. "Well that makes things more complicated!" Sozin says. The dragon swings it´s tail at Hi launching him away. "Tch! Can´t catch a break!" Sozin says attacking the dragon to keep it from away from Hi. "I still have poison arrows if you can pierce it´s hide i can launch my arrows in it!" Gale tells Sozin with his bow and arrow ready. "That will help!" Sozin says. The dragon breathes fire at Sozin but Sozin blocks it with his bare skin. The fire slowly goes away from Sozin but the whole surroundings have been turned into a sea of flame and smoke. "Didn´t expect that didn´t you?" Sozin asks the dragon revealing his dragon scales. The dragon looks surprised but attacks Sozin with it´s body. Sozin blocks them with his sword put is pushed back by the dragon´s wheighty attacks. "Those attacks are heavy!" Sozin says blocking them. "Good thing you´re angry that heat from inside has softened your scales!" Sozin tells it. Sozin rushes in dodging it´s claw swipes and tail attacks. He pierces it´s skin with his sword but the dragon looks unfazed. "Now is my chance!" Gale says shooting his arrows into the holes created by Sozin. These shots are very hard to hit from that distance considering how small the holes on it´s body are and that the dragon is moving. Gale however is a master archer who never misses his mark. The dragon slows down due to the poison. "You got slower didn´t you?" Sozin asks it dodging around. The dragon is not that dumb though and becomes even more enraged enough to make it´s blood boil so the poison isn´t effective anymore. "What a smart one!" Sozin says. "I wonder when Hi gets back?" Sozin asks. Hi just woke up from being unconscius from the tails impact. His armor doesn´t even have a scratch on it but the blunt trauma shattered some ribs. "Ouch!" Hi says getting his healing potion out allieviating the pain and helping the body to recover. Hi rushes back to the scene to see how much the dragon has rampaged around and set the forest on fire. "Just in time! Hi!" Sozin says. Hi sees how hurt Sozin is. "Nice holding out Master! But i am here now leave it to me!" Hi tells him. "Good thing you came otherwise i would have taken it out on my own!" Sozin says sitting down behind Hi. "Don´t let me down!" Sozin tells him. "Alright i got it!" Hi says getting his sword ready going to kill the dragon. "You were holding back even though you knew how much damage it would cause!?" Gale asks Sozin. "Oh don´t worry we´ve got Hi here and besides how will he learn if i do his job for him?" Sozin answers. "You really are hard to deal with but since you trust him so much i´ll play along! The reverse scale is on it´s back between it´s wings! Good luck! My arrows cannot help anymore they will melt before they hit anything!" Gale tells Hi and Sozin. "On it´s back huh?" Hi says. The dragon breathes fire at Hi but he just walks through them. Hi doesn´t feel the pain and uses it´s magic energy on him. Hi now set ablaze walks through the flames toward the dragon. The dragon attacks Hi with his body but can´t hit him. Hi dodges every one of the attacks slowly walking forward. The dragon´s tail aimed at Hi is cut down by him. "I wonder if your tail grows back?" Hi asks. The dragon desparetly attacks Hi with it´s claws but he cuts them down too. "You´ve got no chance anymore!" Hi says. The dragon flies up into the air to escape Hi´s blade. "You think you can run after what you did?" Hi asks it. He jumps into the air and with his flames accelerates behind the dragon cutting of it´s wings in one fellow swoop. The dragon falls back down it cannot feel pain the same way he doesn´t. The flames burn too bright and the pain receptors have gone numb. Hi jumps onto it´s back while it´s falling and impales it´s reverse scale with the help of gravity. The dragon lies there almost dead because the reverse scale is the weakness of every dragon a single scale that goes against the flow of the others hence making it weaker and a critical weakness in it´s though scaly armor it´s it´s Archilles heel. Hi jumps off the dragon walking away from it. The dragon´s body becomes instable and combusts due to the huge amounts of fire magic the dragon doesn´t focus on. "Good job!" Sozin tells him patting him on his shoulder. "I´ll take care of the explosion!" Sozin says. He does a couple of hand signs. "Dispell! Fire magic!" Sozin says outloud dispelling the fire magic with his own magic getting rid of the fire and explosion. Hi stands there still on fire focusing on letting it out of his system. Sozin holds his shoulder and says "Slow and steady take a deep breath in and out. That technique is as strong as it is dangerous when you haven´t mastered it yet. A single mistake may cost you your life or cause permanent damage!". Hi breathes in deep and out along with the fire magic energy leaving his body. "I am impressed that you figured out the technique this early however it´s mastery will be long and straining!" Sozin tells him. He pours a healing potion on him to help his body heal from the injuries. "Thanks, Master! It hurts to move now can you carry me back?" Hi asks him. "Well not me but yes!" Sozin answers. Yuxuan comes back with her beasts and Gale comes down from the trees. "Good job Hi. Our people will reward you guys kindly!" Gale tells him. "Hey, Vernon is fine again and i brought some beasts to help us with collect the materials and bring us back!" Yuxuan tells them. "Good!" Sozin says putting Hi on top of a big grey wolf. "Ah, so nice and fluffy!" Hi says falling asleep right away starting his recovery. "Well he is tired! I am sorry i couldn´t help out here!" Yuxuan tells them. "I am sorry too for causing problems!" Vernon apologises. "Calm down everyone you helped plenty and besides you had an unfortunate match-up and you are useful in a lot of different ways too." Sozin tells them. "Thank you! We will celebrate your success back at camp!" Gale tells them. "Good at least we were not entirely useless!" Yuxuan says. "Who killed it anyways?" Yuxuan asks collecting the materials with her beasts. "Hi did finish it off!" Sozin answers. "Even though he could have finished it anytime!" Gale says. "You´re still mad about that? How will you learn otherwise? I already know and have mastered my techniques!" Sozin explains. "You are still a mystery to us !" Yuxuan says. "You´ll learn once you´re ready and that can take a while trust me! You gotta earn it and my expectations are high just so you know!" Sozin answers. The group starts laughing and goes back in the sunset through the jungle now destroyed but mostly in tact. The dragon destroyed land the size of Zilad but in contrast it is but a fragment of the jungle.