Chereads / Superbabes: Special Delivery Service / Chapter 419 - Delivery Girl: Raven Order #7

Chapter 419 - Delivery Girl: Raven Order #7

I don't own DC

Holy shit, Gotham has sun today. That's almost as insane as a pale goth girl with big soft tits who went to the beach to sunbathe… You see where this is going.


Superbabe Raven was having a nice, QUIET day off without her best friend Veronica who was off with her bi-weekly Math club friends/regular fuck buddies. It used to be weekly, but after a while, the nerds of the club realized they needed a break… or they'd die. So bi-weekly until further notice.


But Raven wasn't here to think about her best friend. She was here to soak in the sun and relax… granted not for too long. Her entire job depended on her dressing up as a big titty goth girl. She couldn't get a tan and hoped to get a week off from Orders to 'recover' her previous pale-skin look. The price she had to pay to be a big titty goth girl…


So in a tight blue one-piece swimsuit, she lounged on a beach chair, slightly under the shade of an umbrella wearing aviator sunglasses. Soaking in what little sun Gotham was getting as some sort of party happened nearby with the beach house rentals in Upper East Gotham… The one beach in Gotham that doesn't regularly see bodies wash up on it and those assholes had to put fancy beach houses on it for rich idiots, entitled weirdos, and loaded spring breakers to ruin it with.


Looks like they were all having some sort of dumb party and drawing in a crowd like a bug zapper draws in bugs. But in the long run she didn't care, she was going to relax, soak in rays, and enjoy her day off.


"Hey there-"


"Go AWAY." Raven said immediately, uncaring of whoever it was that was asking for her number, or what her sign was, or whatever else. No shenanigans today, only relaxing.


"Come on sexy don't be like that, come party with us!" Raven slowly turned her head towards the offender of her 'me' time and glowered at him behind her aviators.


"Go. AWAY. You're in my light." She repeated ominously as the blonde seemed to take her annoyance seriously and just turned around and went back to the other skimpy dressed partiers. Disappointed that the girls there were by no means anywhere close to the level of the big titty sunning goth girl… "Haaah…" she sighed and went back to sunning. Enjoying the relative quiet and sounds of the sea waves crashing on the-




..Why no… she CAN'T suddenly hear the Imperial March from Planet Battle… coming from her bag




"Nooooo." Raven growled warningly… to nobody in particular.




"FUCK." She growled exasperatedly, rolled over so her colossal goth girl titties rested on each other, and reached into her bag for her cell phone, it briefly showed a picture of her surly, purple-eyed boss, a picture Veronica took at work and set to her phone. Before the ominous but classic music continued she answered her phone.


Time: 10:20 AM Place: Upper-East Gotham Beach (The Fucking Beach)


"It's my day off!"


"Yes, I am aware."


"Aren't you usually asleep?!"


"I will be but I have a job for you."


"It's my day off!"


"As you've said. Yes. Is there a skinny dark-haired man near you wearing purple trunks?"


"Oh come on there must be. Oh… yeah?"


"I need you to… acquire… something from him for me. Without him knowing."


"You want me to STEAL something from him?!"


"It doesn't belong to him in the first place. So just do me a favor. Seduce him, tire him out, and call me when he's done."


"What? You just expect me to go up to him and offer to jerk him off?! Do I strike you as the kind of woman who goes trolling for cock at the beach? Call V! She'll do it happily!"


"She's busy."


"I know she's fucking busy! She's busy fucking!"


"Listen. I will owe you a favor. Do you have any idea what that means, TO ME, to owe YOU a favor?"




"That's what I thought."


"Well, what am I supposed to do? Seriously, going up and offering to suck his dick is basically the limit of my flirting."


"Give it… 8 minutes. You'll figure it out."


"You're the fucking clairvoyant! Use those 8 fucking minutes to tell ME what the fuck to do!"


"A lot of 'fucks' today."


"Yeah, well I'm all out!"


"…Well not all out of them, you're about to get a few more. But fine. Listen very carefully and remember to CALL ME when you're done."


Meanwhile? This feels weird…


Raven was no longer happy once Orders finished her instructions, and as if to accommodate Raven's gloomy mood, Gotham's regular weather seemed to return in force. Ominous Gotham Grey clouds were gathering and the waves were increasing on the sands, frothing, and foaming.


The partiers were still partying, and some of the occupants of the beachside cabins had joined them including the one Orders told her to note out. He certainly didn't look like some big-league criminal, if anything he looked like a high schooler on spring break. He had a young face and a scrawny body, and he was short. Five feet even if that, barely Jenny's height, and Jenny was SHORT… the bitchy big titty blonde just didn't often look it because she wore six-inch platform heels.


But that's beside the point.


The guy oddly looked out of his element but enjoyed himself in purple stretchy swim trunks that looked loose even around his waist. He was so small, scrawny, hairless, and unimposing that he actually looked more like a middle-schooler pretending to be a highschooler with a fake ID and everything… for fuck sake the guy was so THIN that Brielle could probably take him in a fight and Brielle is a SWEETHEART. How the hell was HE responsible for some clandestine trade deal?


"Watch me chug this!" he declared before tipping a forty-ounce to his lips and doing a pretty good job of… failing. "COUGH! YEAH!!" spluttering about half of it out as the crowd still chanted his name like he was funding the party when he was dragged out of his cabin to contribute to it.


"Hugh! Hugh! Hugh!"


What self-respecting Gotham criminal goes by 'Hugh'? Still, the idiocy aside, she gazed up at the cloudy sky and roiling clouds quickly zooming towards the beach like it was summoned by a super-criminal. And then tossing, her towel over her back she was hit with a veritable torrent of water and freezing wind. She SHOULD just go to her car and head home instead of freezing her goth girl titties in freezing Gotham rain, but her body became positively soaked as the partiers scattered and the beachgoers cut their losses and ran from the storm like it was a hurricane.


The second everyone else scrambled for their cars or shelter, the party abandoned, she grabbed her purse and stood up. She walked the line of now very occupied cabins and got to the one she was instructed to go to. She could go around the front where there was more rain cover, but the back and the sliding glass door were more… applicable. Hugh had just entered himself; she glanced at his skinny body through the glass door now pummeled with rain as she watched him dry off with a close-to-hand, hand-towel…


Irritated with herself, Orders, and freezing her soft spongy tits off, she raised her fist and knocked hard on the glass. "Hey!"


Time: 10:32 AM. Place: Upper East Gotham Beach (Beach house #7)


"Can I come in?" she said. 'Hugh' turned around and his eyes widened at seeing her, even with the cloudy, rainy Gotham weather and her dark blue swimsuit, her pale skin practically glowed in the dark and he could make out all of her curves… and he stared at her eye-drawing tits as she subtly pushed them up to the wet glass of the sliding door, his short body eye level with her bulging girls. "Please?" she said, sounding more annoyed than anything.


Hugh briefly looked suspicious, but in the end, he could not resist the call of the big titty goth girl outside the cabin, sliding the door open and getting briefly hosed with water but then his face was smothered in sunscreen-smelling tits as she quickly 'rushed' into the house sliding the door quickly behind her as he moved back.


"Thanks!" she sighed, "Some storm huh?" she said her voice sounding bored, and dryer than either of them at the moment but Hugh was, again, thinking, looking, and listening to the blood rushing from his head to his dick in record time. So he didn't notice.


"Yeah." He said with that stereotypical Gotham thug accent, "So uh… who are you?"


"Just an idiot girl whose ride took off without her." She said, tiredly. "Do you mind if I hang out here for…" she bent over, putting her purse down by the door and letting him look ALL over her as her breasts wobbled in her swimsuit… it was tight on her. "…a bit, while I wait for another ride?"


"…Sure." He said suspiciously cool at first, "What's your name?" he said as she sighed, rolling her eyes with that same irritated monotone.


"…Raven." She said as he seemed to perk up.


"Oh like the bird."


"Sure." She said bluntly as he grinned cheekily at her, she imagined he thought it made him look tough.


"Name's Hugh, "Huge" Hugh Gainsley. Perhaps you've heard of me?" he said, looking like he clearly expected her to have, unfortunately, all that came out of her mouth was-


"You're kidding me." 'Huge' Hugh? Gainsley? Seriously? That's his name!? The guy would go flying in a stiff breeze.


"So you have heard of me?!" he said proudly, before looking smug, "That's right gorgeous, You're looking at 'The Grower' himself! Top quality muscles…" he declared as Raven stared at him.


…She's never wanted to laugh more in her LIFE.


"…So is this your place?" she asked, quickly glancing around for what she was here for as he shook his head.


"Nah, belongs to my boss. He uses it for certain jobs." He said, "Can't tell you gorgeous." He added as she rolled her eyes without him looking. "But he needs me here for now until his uh… business partner shows up."


Can't tell her, then the idiot proceeds to tell her anyway. Why are criminals thugs in Gotham, wannabes or otherwise, stupid? "You're boss huh? Are you a tough guy?" she said sarcastically, "Tough guys are hot."


Hugh however heard 'Are you a TOUGH guy? Tough guys are SO HAWT.'


"That's right." He said proudly as he walked further into the house into the living room. "My boss instructed me to meet up with his business partner." He said, before sitting on the couch like a gang boss himself, right in the middle and stretching out. "I'm supposed to wait here until he arrives, until then I can use the boss's beach house as long as I want."


"No kidding…" she replied with minor interest, looking around. "So where is your boss then?"


"Lock up." Hugh said casually, "He needs the cash to fund his expensive lawyer."


"I'll bet…" Raven replied, "He must be REALLY smart to leave it up to you." She said sardonically as Hugh grinned proudly.


"Oh yeah, Boss is real smart!" Hugh declared as Raven casually looked around the room, it was a nice place, why not just sell it if desperate for cash? "He has his toughest mug watching the goods!"


"Oh yeah?" she said soon standing in front of him, blocking his view of the TV, which was on but it looked to be on some comedic variety show on mute. "Well for a tough guy, you were nice enough to let a girl like me in here during this rain." She moaned, "Wish I could compensate you somehow…" she noted in a bored tone, pushing her chest out distractingly as Hugh gazed at her big chest with tits as big as his head…


Normally that's a metaphor but in this case, her tits were ACTUALLY as big as his head, he was that scrawny.


"Nah you don't owe me nothing." He said as she subtly made them bounce, his pupils easily following her jiggle as she sighed exasperatedly. But he ignored it because TITS. "Just letting you dry off ain't much."


"I don't know… I should do SOMETHING for you…" she said tiredly, though in Hugh's head, it was far more pornographic in tone. Sultry and breathily. Again, all of his blood had gone to his second brain… which again, suited Raven… she then slid her thumbs under the shoulder straps of her swimsuit. "And tough guys get all the girls you know."


"That is true." He said in hypnotized awe as she lifted her straps, making her big goth girl titties up and down.


"How about we have a little fun first and warm up." She said, still cold and eager for a quick dip in the shower when she was done with this. Orders said once he was tired he'd be out for hours, she could slap him in the face to no response. She was looking forward to that, to be honest, but until then she forced a smile on her face and kept jiggling her big goth girl titties up and down.


Bouncy-Bouncy… his trunks twitching with the obvious arousal he was experiencing, matching her jiggling movements with a slack-jawed look on his face and his eyes hypnotically following her tits up and down.


Raven finally had enough of giving him a little show, then peeled her wet suit from her body like a banana. BOING. Her huge tits wobbled free and she twisted her torso, bouncing them about on her chest as his head actually followed them now as she smirked proudly.


As STUPID as this whole thing was… she felt a little empowered at the sheer amount of control over this idiot she had, and all she had to do was take her top off… she must never tell Veronica about this feeling. She wouldn't hear the end of it, not to mention the horrific impulses Veronica would do with that knowledge.


She left her tight swimsuit at her waist, continuing to enrapture 'Huge' Hugh Gainsly with her chest resting her hands on her waist, briefly, before raising them up and cupping her chest, squeezing her breasts and pushing them together. "Mmn…" rubbing her nipples subtly and sliding her tongue across her lips as her fingers sunk into her tit-flesh then let them go. They wobbled firmly back into their normal position on her chest before resting her hands on the back of her couch behind his head. Her breasts hung heavily beneath her as she wiggled them again, knocking against each other. "…Want a titfuck?" she whispered harshly…


Because of course, the answer was-


"Hell yeah…" Hugh whispered, before he grinned happily, "HELL YEAH!" he shouted, as if it was his birthday and just got one hell of a surprise present. His purple trunks, which appeared to barely cling to his scrawny form, flew to his ankles like they were greased. His cock shoot up towards her chest as she moved to wrap her tits around-


Oh, COME ON… She sighed as her tits dropped and completely engulfed his 5-inch dick, smothered in goth girl titties Hugh happily sighed.


"5 inches…" she mumbled under her breath and incredibly disappointed. Putting her size-queen cock-sucking lips into a thin line she didn't even hide her annoyance. But Hugh wasn't really paying attention, hell the look on her beautiful face was hot regardless, even annoyed. "…Looks like you're not a shower or a grower huh?" she grumbled under her breath but her voice was at least drowned out by the rain outside, and the constant bouncing of her tits on his lap.


Plap-Plap-Plap. Up. Clap. Down. Plap. Up. Clap. Down. Plap.


Pushing her heavy and still wet big goth girl tits up and down, bouncing them together over and over as she glanced down into her cleavage and saw no sign of 'Huge' Hugh's cock between them but he was clearly enjoying himself… because who wouldn't? Kneeling on the floor and glaring stoically at him, as he seemed to melt into the couch.


With titfucking skills only a pornstar could compare to she continued bouncing them up and down rapidly, faster and faster his shaft wobbling and twitching between her girls somewhere, she wasn't going to go looking. If she couldn't SEE the cock between her tits she didn't have an interest.


"Ugguh…" With a stupid grin on his hairless face, Hugh groaned as she felt tiny ropes of cum sticking to the inside her of cleavage. She squeezed, not breaking her bored, annoyed gaze from him, twisting her chest and milking out the last drops before moving her hands away from her tits as he thrust his hips towards them. Resing on his legs they jiggled with his thrusts and she sighed, at least it was over and done with. "HELL YEAH."


"Yeah, you're welcome. Enjoy your nap." Raven stood up as he blinked sleepily at her.


"Ha-hang on a second babe, I can get it up again… you're talking to the Grower here…"


"Sure I am." She replied not really listening, sighing at the feeble Hugh as he began to push on the couch. "Look just take it easy, have a nap. Eat some protein." She added as a joke as he groaned loudly, his body seemingly rocking up and down… and groaning again like he was trying to shake himself off the couch and flop onto the floor. But she rolled her eyes, "I'm just going to borrow the shower alright?"


She then turned around and took a step away from him, only to hear a sudden groan and a slight crash, turning back around she gaped slightly as 'Huge' Hugh rolled over on all fours, shoving against the couch as his back began to stretch and bulge. "Uh…" Raven blinked as his thighs and calves suddenly ballooned as if swollen, his feet and hands expanding as his biceps rippled and tightened as muscles stiffened and grew…


"HELL. YEAH…" he said with a deep gravelly snarl, significantly different from his earlier nasally croaking. He stood up, his pecks bouncing and his jawline strong, he grinned smugly down at her now, over six feet tall easily and now thoroughly living up to his 'Huge' Hugh Gainsly: The Grower. "Round two babe." He said as his massive 11-inch cock twitched erectly, poking at her stomach.


"…Oh fuck." She breathed reverently as he rested his hands on her shoulders and pushed her EASILY to her knees, she dropped down and absently compared his cock with her forearm. "Oh FUCK…" she breathed again, as one huge hand grabbed her head and pulled her lips to his tip. "Oh FUCK ME…" she whined, "MMgh-fft!" she spluttered as 11-inches of throbbing man-meat was pushed past her lips and directly into her stomach as he sheathed his girth into her throat like the size-queen sleeve it was.


"Oh HELL yeah!" he growled, burying her face into his crotch as his pendulous balls slapped against her chin and her lips pressed against the base of his cock. Her hands clawed at his muscled thighs and rapidly slapped the right one as her eyes watered and rolled, her nose shot a rope of mucus out as she briefly choked only for him to pull her lips back up to his tip. Her eyes spiraled in their sockets but before she could collect herself she was getting a nose full of his pubic hairs again as he slammed her face back to the base. "Uuugh!"


"MMGH! GLUCK! GLUCK! GLUCK!" she slid up and down his shaft as he shaped her throat to his length. "Mmgn! Mmgpfft!" she garbled helplessly as she continued to claw his thighs. "Mmmgh!" her pussy still wet as she worshiped her cock-god… The cock itself mind you, not Huge Hugh. The beauty about being a size queen is it's not the guy, it's the dick.


"This mouth is so good!" he declared triumphantly, as she continued to stay conscious and suck massive cock as he fucked her face. "Uugh!" slobber and saliva scrapped out of her throat to dribbling liberally onto her big wobbling chest. "But I want those tits again." He declared firmly as he ripped out of her throat with a wet squelch.


"BWAH!!" she gasped, drooling and spluttering out more throat goo as she gasped up at him, breathing heavily as he leaned her back, pushed her heavy breasts together, and easily slid his massive cock back between them, his tip prodding against her chin as he began rigorously tit-fucking away. "Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!" his huge hands held her up by her tits, pushing them together to make a tight seal around his thrusting cock as she hooked her fingers on his hands, rocking wildly with his wild thrust. "Haah! Ah!" gasping as he tried to knock her teeth out with his bulging knob slamming away beneath her chin.


"Feels! So! Fucking! GOOD!" he roared happily, furiously swinging his hips HARD against her tits like he was trying to knock them up, and her out… "Agh! Ah! ARGH!!" growling primally as his cock bulged between her glorious girls, pre-cum oozing by the cupful as he approached his release. "Gonna! Cum!" he declared, loudly clapping against her tits. "Gonna CUM!!"


"Oh! FUCK!" she moaned as he slammed once, then twice between her titties. "Oooh!" moaning as she felt his cum shooting from the base to his tip, and splattering her chin with a HUGE load.


"Uugh! Oooh!!" Hugh howled, pumping another rope out before ripping his cock from her wobbling tits, holding her head in one hand and his cock in the other shooting out another rope onto her face as he firmly held her head, splattering her skin dead on with another heavy rope of seed… his entire first load didn't even makeup half of one ROPE in his… 'Grower' form. "Ugh! Oooh…" he squeeze the base of his cock between his fingers and pushed them up to his tip like he was trying to get the last bit of toothpaste from a tube. A long gooey rope oozed from his urethra and onto her tits as she panted breathlessly, coated his cum. He then slapped his flaccid meat onto her face as she twitched.


"Haah…" gasping and shaking excitedly with hard nipples and an aching pussy.


"Hell yeah…" he said, breathing heavily, "Holy hell that was… right out of a porno!" he declared, still panting as her hands slowly and reverently rose from her side to reach up and stroke his girthy cock, now limp, but still fucking huge!


"Haah… ahaa…" Raven gasped softly against his cock, before she pulled to her lips and she slowly stroked it. "mmhg…" Biting her bottom lip as Huge Hugh groaned and chuckled, she stood up abruptly and pushed off the rest of her swimsuit. Naked and sticky she kicked it away and practically threw herself onto the couch, lying back and swinging her legs up, throwing her arms around them and holding them open before spreading her gasping, drooling pussy.


"Fuck me…" she whined pleadingly as his cock twitched and her pussy quivered, "Fuck me put it in!" Pushing her tits covered in his cum together with her arms as her legs trembled, her feet spinning slightly as her fingers spread her ass before sliding to her slit and opening it more. "What the fuck are you waiting for?! Put it in!" she gasped breathlessly, gazing at his huge cock as it rose up rigidly, his body shaking slightly as he planted his feet in front of the couch so hard that he definitely left an imprint of his feet there. "Fucking wreck this pussy!" she squealed.


With that stupid grin on his face, he pushed his tip to her slit and rammed abruptly into her, hard and deep her entire body shivered like was tasered. "Oh! Fu-uu-uuuck!!" she undulated, shivering as he reached up, grabbing the back of the couch. "FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! ME!!" she gasped as the entire couch rocked and shook as Huge Hugh pulled out and slammed all eleven inches into her, shaking her to her core as she jerked and shivered. "Fu-uuc-UUCK!! YES!!" gasping her eyes rolled up into her sticky head, "Ugh! Ugh!" her black hair coated with jizz, rubbing into the couch as the echoing slap of hips filled the living room.


Her insides clung desperately to the massive fleshy tool slamming rhythmically into her guts that were rapidly rearranging to accommodate his size, they've done it before. Raven's eyes rolled up into her head and a goofy grin stretched across her face as she bit her bottom lip. "Mmgh! Mmgn! Mmn-fuck!" suddenly clenching up and shaking in orgasm as she vibrated on the couch, "UUUGH!!" reaching up to slap at his chest, her body saying 'slow down' or maybe even 'stop' but her brain, mouth, and heart squealing for- "MORE!"


"Oh HELL you're so tight!!" Huge Hugh howled, throwing his lower body at her as his back arched, his hands moving from the back of the couch, now slightly crushed, and sliding under her pale goth girl ass, squeezing her cheeks before hauling her up from the couch, "UUgh!"


"AH! AH! AH! AH!!" he planted his feet and furiously pistoned up into her, using gravity to throw her tight pussy down onto his upper swinging cock, "AHaaha!!" her head suddenly yanked back as he wrapped his powerful arms around her and used her body like a flesh light, her legs flopping between them and her sticky tits rubbing against his muscular chest as she howled, "I'm cumming! I'm CUMming! I'm-CUUUMInnng." Groaning almost incoherently as she came again, and obviously, it wasn't for the first time tonight but she was significantly more submissive in her declaration and silly-looking as her tongue flopped from her mouth in a manic grin, wheezing and gasping with a hoarse throat as Huge Hugh kept clapping away at her.


"Uuunngh!!" she clenched her teeth as he buried his cock in her quivering pussy, "Haaah…" gasping as he suddenly turned around, "Don't STOP…" she moaned dazedly as he flopped onto the couch with her still on his cock. He slid down the couch so his back was on the cushions but his legs were stretched out and standing on the floor like she was sitting on a chair, her legs swinging down as she shivered, hands resting on his now sticky chest as she began raising her hips up and dropping them down herself, not like her legs could support her.


"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!" grunting he bucked up into her dripping body as she fell forward onto his chest, swinging her hips up and down to meet his thrusts as they grunted like animals. Their bodies slapped loudly together as he clenched his teeth, grabbed her waist and kept her moving, up and down on his cock as he shivered and moaned.


"Gonna cum?! Gonna cum?!" hissed down at him through clenched teeth, feeling his cock bulging. "Do it! Fucking do it! But make me cum! Cum! Cum! NGH!!?" one arm wrapped around her lower back pulling her forward as he reached around with the other hand to grab her dark hair and yank it back. "Ngh! Aaah…!" moaning as he stood on his tiptoes, lifting her slightly from the floor before furiously swinging up and down.




"Fuck! Oh! Fuck! SHIT! SHIT! SHIIIIIT!!!" her face making uncontrolled spasms, going through several stages of 'of fuck it feels so good!' her eyes rolling, tongue lolling, teeth clenching, and thankfully not necessarily all at the same time. "Howling lustfully as Huge Hugh kept swinging his hips to the rhythmic sound of ass clapping fucking, her insides clinging tightly to his bulging cock as he roared out his release in not so many words just a guttural roar as he finally rammed his massive girth balls deep into her. "Ooooh…" she howled like a bitch at midnight… flopping exhausted and shivering on top of him as the massive orgasm rushed through her. Her pussy milked thick globs of cum out of his massive balls.


Her body twitched and wiggled on top of him as if instinctively she was trying to escape the balls-deep breeding it was long used to, his hands moving from her hair and lower back to her ass, gripping her pale ass cheeks tightly as he held her down and pumped her full. Not that she was going anywhere anyway she couldn't feel her legs… her eyes rolled up into her head and her brain was just swimming in endorphins as she felt his cock slowly pulling out of her until a loud sloppy squelch slurped out of her dripping pussy, cum gushing out of her as she spasmed.


"Oh fuck-ME!?" she gasped suddenly flopping backward and landing HARD on her back, "FUCK!" she cursed irately, her big sticky tits flopping about on her chest and whapping her on the chin as she suddenly found herself gazing up at the ceiling, "Uuugh…!" groaning slightly as her body shivered at the sudden movement and loss of a cock plug, her hole still gushing Huge Hugh's load. "Fuck you, you dropped me…" she groaned, trying to sit up and failing… her tits suddenly felt like they were twice as heavy, her back was blown out, and her legs were fucking jello…


Normally a big fucking sign that her body REALLY enjoyed itself… so she didn't complain too much. "You asshole…" she moaned tiredly, resting an arm over her eyes, her face, tits, pussy, everywhere was either sticky, sweaty, sore or all of the above… she really hope she didn't accidentally glue her arm to her face with cum… again. Her wonderful chest rose and fell with her steady breathing, finally, he seemed to gather enough strength to raise her head. "Hey Hu-" she frowned suddenly as 'Huge' Hugh Gainsly: The Grower. Had ingloriously shrunk back to his scrawny form. "Huge. Asshole." She grumbled angrily…


Once his Size-Queen satisfying cock was gone, he was back to being just another piece of shit to her. She crawled slowly to her knees, then up using the couch, and continued unsteadily to her feet. Hugh looked out like a light, not exactly asleep, but in a state of unconsciousness… she waved a hand in front of his doofy grinning face before slapping him across it suddenly… he barely moaned, and didn't respond. "…FUCK." She spat tiredly, resting a hand on her lower back and rubbing it as she tried to stretch. "FUCK my life…"


It was still raining outside and that reminded her briefly to take a bath, there was a small shower on the first floor by the sliding glass door, so she stepped inside and under the soothing hot water as she washed up, letting it spray down her pale body, huge tits, and SORE sensitive pussy… before finally deciding it was enough and getting out.


She had ALMOST forgotten that she was here to do Orders a favor, she frowned, toweling herself off before wrapping it around her body, and going to her purse by the door, reaching in, she picked out her phone and immediately called Orders. After a moment…


"Took you long enough." Orders said calmly.


"FUCK you…" Raven replied bluntly.


"Upstairs." Orders said dismissively, "First door on your right." Raven growled but wobbled lightly toward the steps leading up to the second floor. There were two upstairs bedrooms, a master and a guest with two beds. While the master bedroom looked slept in, the guest bedroom was the first door on the right. She walked in and looked around, finding nothing out of place before Orders quickly replied. "Closest bed, check under it."


Raven knelt on the left side of the bed, her tits bouncing on the mattress as her hands slipped under and, she felt a cold metal on her hands and yanked out a steel silvery briefcase, pulling it out and setting it on the bed. It didn't even feel heavy, so it wasn't gold… but it WAS shut with a 4-digit combination lock and all of the numbers were set to zero.


"It's locked." Raven declared obviously. "It's got a code-why am I tell you this?" she mumbled indignantly and could feel Orders rolling her purple eyes over the phone.


"8-0-0-8." Orders informed, making Raven frowned.


"8-0…" she rolled the numbers, then stopped as she realized. "…Really?"


"You heard me." Orders replied bluntly.


"You do realize-"


"Yes, I'm aware. But to be fair it's easy to remember." Raven grumbled and finished the combination, changing the first and fourth numbers on the suitcase clicked loudly, she then opened the suitcase. Raven stared at the contents and frowned; she expected it to be shinier. She reached in and pulled out a smooth black cube, it was heavy, oddly heavy for its size. It was barely bigger than a softball but it weighed like a gold bar. 


"…Uh is this thing it?"


"Yes." Orders replied, "Shut the case, reset the lock, put it back, and get out of there." Orders ordered as Raven frowned at the cube but shut the case with a slap, reset the lock, and slid the case under the bed where it was before. Raven hung up and groaned as she got back to her feet.


"Fuck Fuck FUUUCK." She sneered under her breath before wobbling back out of the bedroom as if she was never there. She made it downstairs and grabbed her swimsuit, stuffing her body back into it and without a word or a glance at the still catatonic 'Hugh' Huge Gains or whatever his name was and with the rain finally letting up, slid the door shut behind her and headed to her car. Tentatively slipping into the driver's seat, hissing as her body shivered. "…FUCK." She repeated, before getting her car into gear and getting the hell away from the beach.


Time: 2:04 PM. Place: Gotham (Orders' House)


Orders dozed in her chair, before abruptly she was awakened by a knock, sensing the irritation behind it. She got up, yawned, and walked to the front door. She opened it to find a glaring Raven, wearing a T-Shirt and shorts over her swimsuit. "You could've waited until you came to work Alice."


"Nope." Alice replied bluntly and held out the cube. "I decided that I'm taking tonight off, and the week off, AND I do not want to know whatever the hell this is." Orders took the cube from Alice's hands.


"You sure?" Orders replied raising a tired eyebrow. But Alice scowled and shook her head.


"Nope! I draw the line at clandestine shit." She declared as Orders shrugged.


"Suit yourself." She said, "Enjoy your week off. It's more than fair." She said casually, "I would've given you the month off if you asked." Alice blinked at Orders, her eyes narrowing and realizing she could've asked for a LOT from Orders.


"…Can I still have the month off?"


"2 weeks, 3 days, 5 hours, 26 minutes and... 12 seconds. Starting now." Orders said casually, giving Alice an exact date of her return, mostly because even though she doesn't want to admit it. Alice had 'needs'. "Or sooner." She replied accurately, only confusing Alice even further. "See you then regardless." She then shut the door, leaving Alice to reply.


"Do you still owe me a favor?!" she replied as Orders neither confirmed nor denied if she did or not. To be clear, she did owe Alice a favor but letting her stew in confusion was funny. She glanced over the black cube, curiously examining it before sitting down in her comfy armchair. She looked the cub over, before turning it upside down in her hand, and twisted. The cube clicked as it turned a full ninety degree, then slowly clicked open a low green glow flickered out from the cube as she stared at it


It was a chunk of glowing green rock… but it was obviously not just any rock, it was green KRYPTONITE. Orders snapped the box shut, and twisted the cube closed again before standing up and heading upstairs. The cube itself was a lead-lined box to contain the alien rock, worth a fortune to the criminal element she was keeping it out of the hands of unsavory criminals AND keeping another in jail, unable to afford his very expensive lawyer…


She was doing a good thing AND adding to her increasing collection of interesting trinkets… beside you never know when a chunk of green kryptonite will come in handy.


Welp! That's one done, and 40 some odd more to go! I will take a moment to thank Skymouse and Vitamin-Dad for varying degrees of brainstorming assistance. For everyone who voted and almost unanimously put Alice on their list at least once. And for Alice herself and her size-queen needs and her Big 8008 goth girliness. :D