Chereads / Superbabes: Special Delivery Service / Chapter 420 - Delivery Girl: Zatanna Order #7

Chapter 420 - Delivery Girl: Zatanna Order #7

I don't own DC


"What ARE you doing?" Zatanna looked up from her DnD monster's book to glance at Silver Swan who fluttered her wings past her, sitting at the poker table with a VERY large serving of fries that she intended to eat for her dinner/lunch.


"Well if you must know." Zatanna put her book down, and opened around the middle of the book, on a very familiar image. Silver Swan casually glanced at the instructions and facts in the monster bestiary. "I'm going to be the DM for my group's gaming session and I'm studying up on the old monster manual to find some good monsters to slay." She declared as Silver Swan's hand grabbed the book and yanked it towards herself. "Hey!-"


She glared at the monster and scowled at the image. "…That looks like my sister Numena." She said as Zatanna blinked.


"Oh. I didn't know you had a sister."


"It's complicated." She said bluntly before pushing the book back towards Zatanna. "And that picture is far too flattering."


"It's a succubus, they're supposed to be flattering."


"Says you." Silver Swan replied with an almost spiteful bite of her fry.


"I'm just saying succubi are supposed to be appealing and exotic." Zatanna replied before going back to her 'studies', "If you compare your sister to one that might be more of a compliment than you want."


"Hmph." Silver Swan scoffed, "She certainly would believe so." Silver Swan casually turned the page, looking at the next monster in the manual. "…Tarrasque?" she said, speaking the word with an obvious and somewhat sudden French accent before yanking the book towards her again.


"Seriously?" Zatanna mumbled but Silver Swan delicately turned the page fully, reading the description of the legendary DnD beast. "Are you going to say that looks like your brother?" she mocked as Silver Swan studied the picture.


"I was going to say it looks nothing like a Tarasque." Said Silver Swan bluntly with that same French accent to pronounce the word. "They even spelled it wrong. It looks nothing like this tyrannosaurus beast they have pictured here… It was more like a turtle with a weird face. Not very imposing mind you."


"It's not actually supposed to be like… whatever it is you're talking about." Zatanna replied casually, "It's a game. It's taken some liberties."


"If they're going to accurately depict my whore of a sister, they should try to get Tarasque right." Silver Swan replied bluntly.


"Uh-huh." Zatanna replied only mildly interested. "Well I don't have to worry about it, I'm not using the Tarrasque, nobody uses the Tarrasque, it's too OP." Silver Swan frowned at her.


"Then why have it in your little tome in the first place if not to try and vanquish it?" an odd look appeared on her attractive face, one of annoyance yet curiosity.


"In case someone wants to have the rocks fall in spectacular fashion," Zatanna replied casually as Silver Swan only angrily scowled at the response, unsure what that even meant… however, not to let an opportunity to laugh at her sister get away.


"You should make sure to fight a Succubus named Numena, I will find it Hilarious."


"Sure." Zatanna replied dismissively, not really listening or really caring. Silver Swan wasn't even one of her Superbabes gamer-girl group, so whether or not she found the girls defeating a succubus named Numena hilarious was a non-issue. It wouldn't be the first time she violently vented her issues on enemies in DnD. She glanced up as she heard Orders walking in the backdoor, marking her book and closing it. "Well, that's enough refreshing. I need to get back to work." She said as Orders entered and came back out of her office quickly.


"Yes, you do." Orders said simply, sitting down and waving her off onto the floor. "You." She then pointed at Silver Swan as she selected a crossword book today. "Come here…" Silver Swan sighed childishly but got up and walked up to the counter where she and Orders engaged in a quiet conversation. Zatanna couldn't hear them, she was already getting called over to a table for another serving of Hawkgirl hotwings.


It was just an hour later when an ominous Gotham fog wafted from in from the shorelines, glazing over Gotham's gothic buildings like it was straight out of a movie about Victorian vampires, there was an odd chill in the air that seemed to hit everyone morbidly… well except Orders obviously, but surprisingly Silver Swan seemed unaffected by the sudden dreariness.


"Lovely weather." She declared abruptly as Zatanna walked in from the floor, singles stuffed into the fishnets of her leggings and a couple in her cleavage. Plucking them out carefully to stack on the counter.


"Says you." She said, shaking (and jiggling) slightly, "You're not wearing fishnets! It's freaking cold!"


"She was being sarcastic." Orders said but Silver Swan shrugged.


"I really wasn't."


"It's STILL cold." Zatanna mumbled, "I'm shutting the backdoor."


"You can shut it on your way out." Orders noted as Zatanna hesitated only to scowl.


"Son of a bitch." And Orders' hand reached for the phone.


Time: 9:57 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)




"Superbabes. We deliver."


"Yes, the… mmmn… the Zatanna meal I think. With Zatanna…"


"…The Zesty-"


"Yes yes, I'm sure both are very delectable."


"SNIFF… Very well. We expect her back within sixty minutes or less, or the police will be informed, you WILL be charged upon completion of delivery. Name and address please."




Orders slammed the phone back on the hook, how that thing remained unbroken for so long nobody really knows except Orders… and Darcy, and perhaps Arwa on occasion. "Zatanna, you got one." Ripping off the receipt and holding it out to her as she grumbled.


"Oh come on, OLD GOTHAM?" she sighed tiredly as the food slid across the counter. "Now it's going to be extra cold." She grumbled, "Old Gotham has a weird chill…" she said ominously. "Like a haunted house."


"The whole city is a haunted house." Silver Swan replied bluntly WHAP! "Bugger!" she was suddenly and accurately hit in the face by a plushie. It bounced off her brow and she angrily caught it on the rebound. "Seriously?!"


"Get to work." Orders ordered. "Don't you have somewhere to be?" Orders added as Silver Swan huffed, her wings fluttered angrily before slamming the adorable plushie on the counter. She passed Zatanna heading onto the floor. The sexy magical showgirl however headed out the back, shutting the back door behind her as fog wafted on her legs.


"Stupid creepy Gotham weather." She mumbled, sliding into the company car and putting the Superbabes branded bag with the zesty ziti on the passenger seat, before turning the car and the heat on, pulling slowly into traffic and heading off to old Gotham.


She arrived in Old Gotham, where the fog appeared to be keeping others off the street, she pulled up in front of an apartment building, that looked to be on the very edge of being condemned… and to be fair, that was Old Gotham. She opened the door, glancing up at the ominously quiet building before grabbing the food and getting out of the car. She rushed up the steps of the stoop and right to the front door, checking her receipt again before walking right in.


She made her way into the building and sighed at the lack of an elevator, heading into the stairwell and its ominously flickering lights. She blew a raspberry with her thick red lips before climbing up the three flights of stairs, getting to the third floor, and being very thankful she was in such good shape. Semi-perk of being a Superbabe…


He wobbled onto the third floor, her heels clicking loudly as she walked to apartment #3, double-checking the receipt,and adjusting her hate. Then raising her fist to knock loudly on the wood of the door. "Superbabes."


Time: 10:09 PM. Place: Old Gotham (Creepy Apartment #3)


"Special Delivery Service." She hesitated, and then she heard something behind the door before it swung open.


"Greetings!" the man in the apartment declared, grinning at her. "I'm-" he then hesitated, and turned his head to look in a nearby mirror. "…Incredibly underwhelming." Zatanna stared at him surprised, the guy looked like her favorite anime nerd 'K' from Deadbook, only in real life. His black was even spikey, he was thin, wore glasses… and he didn't smell like BO and potato chips, that's like her favorite kind of cute nerd. "What even is-Nevermind, not important. Come in!" he said charmingly.


His manner belied his look, and his apartment looked like nobody's lived in it since... forever. There was a thick layer of dust everywhere and the furniture looked old and somewhat abandoned. "Alright let's get this going!" declared the nerd who looked like 'K' from Deadbook.


"Well you're pretty eager for this…" Zatanna said, strutting into the dusty apartment, there was an odd musky smell in the air, and it was rather humid. "You don't mind if I crack a window open do you?" she asked, already making her way past the musky couch to the sliding door and the small balcony outside. While chilled outside, it was so hot and muggy in the apartment that it should counteract itself.


"Suit yourself." He said dismissively, undressing immediately behind her and then looking down at his crotch as if he hadn't seen it before. "Well, that's comforting." He said to himself, grabbing a thick 10-inch uncut cock as it stood erectly. "At least you have some taste."


"What?" Zatanna asked as she slid the door open and let the air in, immediately the room was washed with a bit of relief, like the bad air was rushing out while the foggy chill moved in. But once she turned around she found the guy naked and approaching her, he pushed her body back against the glass of the sliding door, pushing her ass cheeks against it, as he grinned maliciously at her before squeezing her big tits and making her moan as a sudden warmth rushed THROUGH her chest, straight to her heart…


Like venom, the feeling shot through her voluptuous body, up to her brain, and down to her crotch which damped her pussy almost instantly. "My name is Malkus." He said with an odd reverberation in his voice. "And I will be satiating myself with you tonight." He laughed as if he said something funny.


"Markus?" Zatanna replied dazedly, her pretty blue eyes crossing slightly as she shivered, feeling him squeeze her chest again and scowling irately.


"Malkus! MAL!..." he then frowned, "Not important, get on your knees bimbo." He declared as Zatanna immediately dropped on her knees with a blank look in her eyes,she immediately smiled and opened her mouth, extending her tongue.


"Aaah…" whorishly drooling into her plump cleavage as his cock throbbed erectly and he slapped it across her face. Zatanna giggled girlishly but kept her mouth open as he continued to assault her with dick. "Ha-ha!" giggling playfully as he knocked aside the signature top hat and rested his hand on her head, taking a fistful of her dark hair he pushed his tip onto her tongue and then thrust balls deep into her throat. "mmggh!"




Malkus slammed his hips against Zatanna's face, her eyes dazedly spinning in their sockets as he roughly slammed into her throat over and over, "MMGH! Blurk! Spuurt! MMGh! BELCK!" Malkus' hips continued swinging back and forth regardless of whether or not his cock made it into her throat. But Zatanna didn't resist, in fact, she looked like she wasn't even aware that she wasn't deepthroating his cock. Spluttering and slobbering over his member as he selfishly used her throat, her eyes rolling in their sockets as she was jammed onto his cock. "Mmgh! Mmgh! GUCK!" Zatanna's hands rested on her soft thighs, leaving herself completely defenseless to the throat fucking as Malkus soon slide easily into her throat. "Gluck! Gluck! Gluck!"


Malkus was merciless as if face fucking an attractive woman you just met was just another walk in the park. But soon he raised a thin leg and slammed it on the door behind her, thrusting down into her mouth. "Mmgh! Mgmh! Blurg!" scraping mucus and saliva out of her mouth as her eyes watered and nose ran.


"You got a nice little cock holder, don't you? Not impressed though." He moaned uncaringly, continuing to plunge his cock into her throat before burying his length into her mouth. Zatanna moaned hungrily, her tongue extending from her lips to lick his shaft as he suddenly pulled away.


"BWAH!" Zatanna gasped and spluttered mucus and spit, coughing slightly as it poured into her cleavage. He grabbed her hair, yanking her from the wall as she crawled on the floor. He pulled her into the living room and pulled her up from the floor, she wobbled on her heels and he undressed her so skillfully that clothes seemed to magically remove themselves from her body. "Haah? MMgh!" she was yanked back onto his cock, and with strength that belied his tiny frame, she suddenly found herself upside down. "Mmgrph!" she moaned as he had left arm wrapped around her body and his right hand on the back of her head, her legs resting on his left shoulder before furiously face fucking her again.


"HURP! HURP! HURP!! MMGH!?" crammed full of his cock he plunged it in and out of her throat, slamming her face into his bucking hips, holding the back of her dark-haired head. "BLUCK! MMGH!!" crammed full of cock her throat garbled and glugged down his shaft as he mercilessly kept fucking her face. Her eyes bulging as she slobbered on his cock. "Mmgh! MMng!" Streaking into her eyes as her make-up ran down her cheeks, Malkus steadily tried to choke her on his cock as he manhandled her body.


"That's it! That's it!" he groaned happily to himself. "Just take dick. It's what you're for!" he smacked her ass hard as he kept pumping her face. "Hells' BELLS that's a good mouth! Just! Keep! SUCKING! DICK!" he laughed lecherously. "Just! Like! THIS! FUCK!" grunting he pumped into her face, sheathing into her throat like it was a specially made fleshlight. Zatanna's eyes were wide and red… as if they were forced to remain open as her throat and gag reflex were brutally assaulted, but the smile on her face stretched around his shaft as Malkus roared and fucked her face harder.


"AARRRGH!!" he buried his cock into her throat. "SWALLOW IT!" he ordered not that she could do much else, what she didn't swallow exploded from her mouth, splattering his legs and thighs and her forehead as he held her down. "Ugh! FUuuck…" he laughed as she continued to make a mess before his legs. Before he abruptly let her go, she fell with a crash onto the couch, the cushions briefly softening the blow but she bounced and flopped face down onto the floor, her breasts bulging in the mess as she drooled saliva and cum. "Get up, you aren't done." He declared as she felt her body moving to his command.


She got onto her hands and knees as he squatted behind her, taking his cock and immediately ramming it into her ass with one easy stroke. "Haaah!" she squealed in pleasure as his hands hooked onto her shoulders and gripped tightly. "Ah! Ah! Ah! EEEH!" squealing and grunting like a pig, her huge breasts swinging wildly beneath her back and forth as she came. Dripping with spittle and cum as her eyes rolled up into her head and her mouth hung open.


"You orgasmed with your ass! What a whore! Squeal piggy squeal!" he ordered as Zatanna continued debasing herself, howling and squealing in pleasure as they wildly rocked back and forth with his wild thrusting into her ass, her ass cheeks clapping against his jackhammering thrusts as her arms buckled under her and she fell to the floor. "Hey!" he yanked her up again by her shoulders but his hands reached around to hook into her mouth, stretching the corners of her lips as her tongue flopped from her mouth. "I'm not done with you harlot! Squeal! Like! A! SOW!"


Zatanna did just that, howling as her ass was ravaged by his massive cock, until her entire body shudder again in orgasm. "Haa! Aaah!" her tongue slobbering over his fingers as spittle flicked everywhere until she fell forward onto the floor. Malkus yanked his fingers out of her mouth and she flopped onto her breasts again… face down and ass up he pressed on her shoulders and unrelentingly kept thrusting. Throwing his hips against her body until she jolted as if shocked, thrashing on the floor and writhing in pleasure as Malkus slapped her ass and pumped it full of his seed.


"UURGH! AH… HELLS BELLS." He ground his hips on top of her before ripping out of her quivering hole, leaving her in a mess on the floor. "You do not disappoint!" he laughed mirthlessly, before rolling Zatanna over with his foot. Her heavy tits, sticky and wet from the amount of various fluids on the floor wobbled as she lay on her back, panting tiredly as he then sat on her stomach, grabbing her breasts with both hands despite the mess and squeezing them together before sliding his shaft between them for a titfucking. "MMgh!" he growled quickly, bucking beneath her breasts as she grunted and cooed, only to feel his tip-tapping on her lips. "Get that tongue out, harlot, why am I doing the work?" he snapped as Zatanna's mouth immediately opened and she moaned longingly, feeling his cock ooze pre-cum onto her tongue as she slapped away at it like it was peanut butter and she was a bitch.


"I'm going to turn you into my personal cock cleaner." He declared happily, and Zatanna suddenly moaned as she felt… something rubbing her clit… her brain however was just not working at all, only focusing on cock and sucking cum out of it as Malkus continued using her breasts and something kept stimulating her pussy as he did so.


"Ahh… ahh-mmgh-haaa…" she panted sloppily slurping on his cock as the tip kept pumping in and out of it, her tongue spinning around his uncut tip until she licked all the previous cum away only for him to thrust between them faster, her pussy quivering as SOMETHING continued to stimulate it. Malkus grinned maliciously down at her.


"Here it cums! I'm cumming! Take it on your face whore!" he pushed his hips against her tits and shot thick ropes across her face as she moaned and screamed. Shanking in orgasm her lower body thrashed and squirmed and she squirted across the floor.


"HAAH! AAAAH!" gasping as his seed sprayed across her pretty face, sticking her hair and splattering on her skin as he threw himself forward, grabbed her head, and slid his still spurting cock into her throat."Mmgh!!"


"You like that don't you!" he declared, his hips lifting up and down on her face. "You LOVE it! You're a hungry whore! A hungry Hungry WHORE!" He grabbed her head and furiously fucked her face again, pounding it relentlessly into the floor. "I love ruining harlots like you! Take my dick! Suck it! Worship it!" he suddenly FLEW off her… taking her head with him. Pulling her suddenly upright and onto her knees as he landed on the couch. "Suck my fucking cock!" he wrapped his legs around her head, "Suck it! SUCK! Haaah…" he moaned happily as Zatanna kept licking, slurping, and inhaling his cock into her throat as his legs squeezed around her head.


"Mmgh! Mmgh! Mmgh!!" rolling his hips into her face, gripping tightly to her sticky dark hair as her breasts bulged against the couch. Squirming and moaning as her eyes rolled up into her head, her body steadily going limp as he held her down tight to his base, her nose inhaling his musk as her body twitched and squirted again, shaking in orgasm as he tried to choke her unconscious, with his legs.


"Aah! Haaah!" he gasped happily, twitching as Zatanna moaned longingly, a blank look on her face as her body twitched and he pumped cum into her throat. "Ah yeah… haaah…" What didn't immediately shoot down into her stomach quickly came back up, oozing out of her mouth as he unlocked his legs and abruptly kicked her off his cock with a wet slurp. Zatanna flopped onto her back, a sticky, messy pile of sumptuous flesh and debauchery. Malkus licked his lips with an oddly long tongue, before standing up.


Wordlessly, he stood over her, stroking himself and lightly stepping on her big breasts as she moaned, breathlessly gasping for fresh air with a mouth full of sticky gunk. Hissing through oddly gnarled teeth, sliding his hand wildly up and down his shaft, muttering and snarling insulting degrading things down at Zatanna as his cock oozed precum and without any fanfare shot more of his foul seed across her tits and her face. Kneeling down around it, aiming at her eyes and nose, shooting another hot rope across her pretty features as he moaned and howled with a huge smile on his face. "Hells bells." He breathed happily before abruptly spitting on an unresponsive Zatanna's face. "Fucking whore." He then slapped her pretty features with his flaccid cock. "…Hey, whore! Wake up! It's time for more cock!" he laughed ruthlessly but Zatanna was unmoving. He frowned and then scoffed. "Oh well…" he then stood up and spotted himself in a mirror again and scowled.


"Ugh! What is wrong with this bitch?" he scowled, checking himself. "… how awful her taste must be fore THIS to be who I am?" he scoffed again, "How underwhelming." He laughed lightly, and stretched, stepping over Zatanna but waving his hand lightly over her head as he passed. There was a low hum and Zatanna shivered, squirting in pleasure again and moaning erotically as he laughed. "I don't see the big deal." He chuckled before suddenly heading out to the balcony and leaping onto the railing as if he were about to jump to his doom. He turned his head to Zatanna, his eyes shifting into something more menacing. "Well I'll see you around the next time I want to drain my nuts harlot-" then turned back just in time to see something BAT-like dive at him from the sky "WHA-?! GURK!!"


A powerful leg slammed into his stomach and sent him THROUGH the glass of the balcony door he tumbled into an ungraceful roll before crashing into the wall. His body had oddly shifted from the 'nerd' he was before into something far more horrifically hot.


He had shaggy legs and hoofed feet, a long tail with a pronged end that looked more like a dildo than a devil's tail. He was muscular, with symbolic tattoos and had jet black hair tied back in a slick ponytail, long leather bat wings sprouted from his back as he stood up and coughing snapped- "Who DARES attack the mighty-GURK!?" a taloned hand grabbed his face tightly and silenced him in a powerful grip.


"MALKUS!!" he shivered as the blue demon before him sneered at him venomously, her long blue tail cracking like a whip.


"…DEMONA D'ARC?!" he squealed in her grip, "W-What are you doing-" but he couldn't finish his mumble questioning before she threw him hurtling into what used to be the bathroom of this condemned apartment. Smashing against the cast iron tub. "Here…" he groaned painfully, before trying to flap his wings and get back to his hoofed feet only for one of her own to suddenly SLAM onto his chest and send him sprawling back down as she stood over him.


"Well, clearly Numena didn't tell you I was around. Did she MALKUS?… Are you still sniffing her used panties?" she mocked, not that her sister wore underwear. But Malkus was one of her… 'boyfriend' isn't the word, he's more like a backup booty call. "No no-" she raised her hoof and then slammed it on Malkus' handsome demon face and he whimpered as she held him easily in place. "Don't get up on my account Malkus, I know she didn't." she then KICKED him hard in the face, slamming his head against and denting the iron tub as he groaned.


"Hells-COUGH!" he groaned, "BELLS… were you always this strong!?" sure the iron of the tub was helping her hurt him, but she was easily handling him like he had been handling Zatanna! "You weren't always this strong!"


"Well… you SEE. Malkus…" she snapped, hissing fury down at him before grabbing his wings, lifting him up easily, and spinning him into the mirror on the bathroom wall face first. "That's the difference between me and my sister. You succubi and incubi you're powered on LUST… very strong in the moment but you're like fireworks: once you pop the fun's over. She grabbed his face and SLAMMED it in the mirror again before throwing him back against the iron tub. "ME? On the other hand? I am a GREED demon…" she said proudly, "And I am currently, and unfortunately, under contract. Which means I am a familiar, and familiars get POWER from those they are under contract with."


Malkus whimpered, "But Numena said-"


"Yes yes, my current contract holder is a mere mortal woman… sort of." She then grabbed Malkus's face and let her talons bite painfully into his head as he whimpered pitifully. "But she also happens to be the greediest bitch in Gotham." She whispered like it was a secret. "So that gives me a significant power boost." She added, "And it's long-lasting."


"W-wait! This was all Numena's mmghph?!"


"SHUUUSH." She hissed, grabbing his face again and silencing him. "I know that. So does my employer… in fact, the only one not in on the joke appears to be you Malkus." She said silkily. "You see. Numena sent you to meddle in my employer's business because Numena wanted that purple-eyed harpy to do something TERRIBLE to you. And my employer would. Because she can." Malkus seemed surprised by this news, and afraid, "And seeing as you partook in the many earthly delights of Superbabes and had every intention of not paying…" she squeezed his face. "She sent me to COLLECT her pound of flesh." She body slammed Malkus back into the tub, leaping and setting her hooved feet onto the edges of it and looming over him and trapping him. The prospect of 'collecting' once again sent a shiver through her thick blue tail.


"W-wait a second! We can talk about this!" he said nervously smiling, "I-I've already re-written the harl-lovely young woman's memory! It's like it never happened!" he said as Demona flexed her claws. "I can still pay!"


"You will." She said oddly calm.


"But I can still pay with gold! Silver! I… just need to pop through a hellgate-"


"…Were you not listening?" she said ominously, her lips stretching slowly into a contemptuous sneer. "She wants her pound of flesh." Malkus blinked, "…Demon blood is quite the commodity to the right circles around here…"


"W-wait a ARG!!" Demona slashed across his arm and thick demonic ichor flowed from the wound as he clutched his hand over the fresh claw marks. "HELLS BELLS THAT HURTS!!" he screamed petulantly as she glowered down at him.


"Good." Before proceeding to make it seem like the condemned building was haunted… what with all the screaming.


A few minutes later, Demona whipped her hands with a dirty, now bloody rag. Her demonic form shifted back into her human form as she eyed the snoring Zatanna on the floor. She knelt down and rested a hand on her… less sticky parts and gave her a shake. "Hey. Wake up."


"Mmng-nnnm…" Zatanna's eyes opened and she blinked, then pushed herself up. "Aaah… my ass!" she groaned, "What happened?"


"My sister Numena pranked you." Demona said frankly, which wasn't that far from the truth. "Orders has already collected, and now I'm here to collect you." She said, which was ALSO technically true. She had several vials of Lust demon blood to prove it.


"I got pranked?... what happened to that hot guy?"


"Oh him? I gave him a stern talking to, a message for my sister, and sent him on his way."


"I didn't get paid though!" Zatanna groaned irately, "Ugh! What an asshole…" She got up, covered in cum and gunk, before raising her hands to her sticky-haired head. "Where's the hat?" Demona jerked her thumb to a corner of the room. That should've been the first time the guy was a jerk, he didn't care about the hat.


"Over there." She said as Zatanna frowned then looked herself over.


"UGH…" she groaned, "I better shower first… I can't go back to the restaurant covered in cum. Who am I? Veronica?" she then walked around Silver Swan and into the bathroom, hesitating slightly. "…I think someone died in here…" she said frankly.


It was Gotham, someone died everywhere…


"Don't worry about it just shower." Demona replied casually, entering the bathroom and with a flick of her wrist on the faucet, water sprayed out of the shower. "Come come, hurry up." She ordered dismissively before going to retrieve Zatanna's clothes.


Zatanna and Demona excited the building and Zatanna hesitated, looking for another car "How did you even get here?" Demona, her attractive face completely stoic, let her wings flutter behind her.


"…Do you think these are for show?" she noted as Zatanna blinked.


"Oh right…" she rubbed her eyes. "Sorry, my head feels weird." She rubbed it curiously as Demona sighed.


"Get in the back, I'll drive us back." She said taking Zatanna's car keys and getting into the driver's seat.


"Uh thanks…" Zatanna replied, before getting into the car, and Demona driving them back.


Time: 11:07 AM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


Zatanna and Demona returned, the buxom geek girl seemed to have collected herself on the return trip. She walked up to the counter and shrugged. "So uh… I don't have anything-" she said but Orders then placed a stack of bills on the counter, straight from her wallet.


"Here. Take this for the job well done Isabella." Orders said casually, jerking her thumb into the locker room. "Take an hour off, take a shower, work on your… campaign." She said as Izzy seemed to take that in stride, the confusion even now long forgotten.


"Oh sweet!" she said heading into the locker room to do just that as Orders got up and Demona followed her wordlessly into her office, producing 7 similarly sized glass vials filled with demon ichor.


"7 bottles as requested." Demona declared as Orders frowned.


"I said 6." Orders noted.

"You'll want 7." Demona replied dismissively, clearly enjoying making Malkus suffer more than specifics.

"Still good work." Orders noted, not really caring as it didn't matter in the long run. If she can't sell it with the rest you never know when a bottle of demon blood would come in handy in Gotham.


"While I don't approve of doing what my sister wants in the long wrong. I do approve of making her boy toys squeal…" Orders glanced at her, "Not in the way you're thinking." She said casually as Orders stored the vials. Glancing at the last one, holding it in her hand.


"She's apparently taken me putting her in the bottle personally."


"My sister is childish, and needs a spanking." Demona replied as Orders glanced at her again and she snarled. "Not what you're thinking!-I'm not doing that on purpose!" She declared as Orders put the bottle with the rest.


"Whatever, back to work." She said lazily as Demona scoffed, and huffily walked out, heading back to the poker table soon joined by Izzy.


"…Hey, Dee?" she asked calmly


"Yes, Isabella?" Demona replied casually.


"Describe your sister." Izzy replied, opening a notebook and marking down Str, Dex, Con- etcetera. Intending to make Numena in DnD. "I want to beat her in the face with a pickaxe." Demona frowned briefly, then seemed to perk up.


"Now you're speaking my language." Demona replied, "To start with, she's a bitch." And thus Izzy got the main villain for her DnD campaign: Numena and her asshole toady Markus.



A bit rougher for Izzy than normal, but I was in a Radroach mood, so I rolled with it. Next up is Jackie :)