Chereads / Stellaris: NEX in mass effect and Beyond / Chapter 22 - fall of a reaper

Chapter 22 - fall of a reaper


Explosions rock the air within intense power as two godly machines do get out in the air using their jets to fly high into the sky.

white Glint traded blows back to back with j the leader of the reaper squad, and the one sent here to kill him inside his own NEXT machine, as each machine continues to trade fire between each other throughout their duel, leaving the area all around the devastated any form of machine or aerial support, was blown out of the sky by the other in order to deny the other party any form of support.

White glint the rising star hero of the systems alliance, That betrayed the The corporations in order to fight against them and their inhumane ways, that's the corporation had to create the reaper squad pilots cloned from their best stuffed inside of the machines and forced to fight to the very death. Each member of the reaper squad do not care for their own lives. They only care to bring war and destruction.

J being a massively skilled and deadly pilot maneuvered his machine was such deadly grace. It tested white Glint pilot to the very edge of his known skills and determination to win.

js Machine black as night easily resembles a reaper from old mythical textbooks As well as its own features and Advanced life-support system installed into the black Excalibur in order to help its pilot stay alive as long as possible, especially when the skeleton protocol is activated.

Like it is now forcing black Lancer to remove all of its safeties, making its energy generator reach critical making it energy output beyond anything a NEXT can Achieve without cooking its pilot alive.

J is not a Ordinary pilot he's a reaper and he has come to collect on white Glint.

Fiona Jarnefeldt: how can this be? Did Project skeleton finally be completed? Despite my father's efforts.

Fiona Spoke to the white Glympse pilot, even though he Is unable to speak, he can easily tell the fear in her voice, as well as the pain of something long past.

Fiona Jarnefeldt: you you have to destroy the machine it's the only way cording what limited data I have towards his back is a valve that removes heat from the machine when it builds up too much. If you managed to damage that enough, it will cook itself.

Was that information the pilot of the white glint activating his boosters to get up and close and personal with the reaper Before long, the two mighty machines in the sky continued to clash with their close range weaponry. All their ammunition has been spent in their initial clash, now only left-with Close handed blades.

Black-and-white life and death, good and evil love and hatred, two polar opposites battling each other to decide the fate of the planet.

The other members of the reaper squad have already met their fate and died on the battlefield.

Their final mission was sued get rid of the N7+ squad, which they mildly succeeded 80% of the N7+ squad were annihilated, but the remainder of the reapers were killed as an end result, for the league of corporations, such individuals were expendable no different than their products.

J: you're strong, so very strong killing you or being killed by you will be worthwhile.

J Spoke to the white glint pilot on an open channel, Fiona Jarnefeldt spoke in her pilot stead since his voice box has been long since broken.

Fiona Jarnefeldt: why are you doing this? You're going to kill yourself if this continues your machine is reaching its limit. You are dying. Do you not value your own life?

J: There is no place for me other than the battlefield. To live as I please, and die a senseless death. That is who I am. Not a mere man of flesh. War is part of my existence."

Fiona Jarnefeldt: I see then, I respect your resolve however this is where we stop you.

J:Enough words. They are meaningless now. Show me what you can do."

The black Lance over boost towards white glint as the two machines continuously Slashing out with their blades each time they clashed.

Each of the machines dance gracefully within the sky as they climbed higher and higher slowly breaking the atmosphere into open space.

Each of these machines are being pushed past their normal limits. Normal pilots would've been killed by now, but these two are not normal.

They are humans with psychic potential is the sole reason they're able to operate these machines they are the next step of human evolution.

But each one of them represents a different path the first is the one towards gradual understanding with oneself, and with others the other is a constant testament of the Gauntlet of war, always always been tested, always challenges to overcome and full of strife.

These two individuals have to kill each other. They are polar opposites from one another. Their opposing paths will always clash.

Booooom...booooom...booooom !!!!!

Within the atmosphere, both machines can easily see the Systems alliance, fleet, and the league fleet still duking it out as hundreds of ships like burning within the system.

There escape pods rushing towards the planet for safety.

The two NEXTs Did not pay anybody any mind but solely focused on each other each of their clash was a deadly dance, one step one mistake spelled death.

White Clint went with a low Slashing upwards towards the black lance, J Easily deflected, but by doing so his machines right arm began to fall apart black lenses durability was reaching its absolute limit.

White Glint was not faring well as either His machine was also slowly breaking apart, doing its best to keep up with the black Lance, for a brief silent movement both machines stood still realizing their battle Hass to end now activating the respectable over boost one went straight at the other at full force.

White glint raised its left arm and thrust it forward, lances right arm could not move, but it's respectable left arm could still move.

J Moved his machines left arm for thrust as well on occlusion course with white glints, as the two collided, a bright light flashed as both of their blades touched each other just as fast as it happened. Both machines received damaged.

The black Lance was torn in half towards midsection separating the upper and lower half of the machine apart, and it slowly started to fall back down to the planet.

White glint left side was completely destroyed. It's over boosts also damaged as well as it's regular boosters. It was falling back down to the planet.

On the open channel that anyone could hear was Js Laughter as his machine was slowly burnt up by atmosphere re-entry.

J: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, finally, I will die.

Fiona Jarnefeldt attempted to contact her pilot, but no response from the machines auto responders, but she can still clearly see his signature still falling down to the planet.

Fiona Jarnefeldt: please, please don't die. You've done enough please live!


{Authors notes: Hey Everybody sorry for this chapter being so late I've been working my ass off and I have been sick for half the time. I hope this chapter meets everyone's expectations. I'll do my best to continue updating this work thank you everyone for supporting this. and I'm also about ready to release my next work so with my next chapter, I will give you the information of what my next works will be and you get to choose which ones I release thank you for your support and happy holidays within the next few weeks.}