Chapter 24 - NEX Voice

The human conflict has come to an end. The citadel has made contact with humanity.

The will of NEX Has begun too change to new variables that have to be accounted for and the new possibilities, While the machine race has changed much of it stands united even when some of it has splintered.

While the machinery can interact similarly to the Geth with Communication, the NEX Prefers to interact with each other on individual levels that's how they started out and how they are used to it.

Large portions of the NEX Leaderships are gathering together in their collective cyberspace to discuss the new changes to the galaxy the splintering of their fellow machines within line ark and the humans discovery of another intelligent organic race.

According to their data, the two parties will soon be able to understand each other, Then proceeded to the natural next step of first contact.

Many of the NEX Wanted to help humanity in the Civil War against the league, but the larger portions of the NEX Government body was against this action because it was not their war to fight. The treaty signed with the system Alliance were for resources and mutual defense.

The leagues rebellion did not count as a foreign power invasion. It was considered a separatist movement. By the NEX Military leaders.

Thousands, more voices of NEX Joins did debate within the central network each NEX Opinion was taken into consideration and analyze for potential usage, at the center of the network without a single amount of data being sent outward into the network, which is an equivalent to a NEX Voice in their thoughts.

Combinatrix for a long time within the central network has yet to voice, his opinion as millions upon millions of NEXs Continue to debate on further action between humanity and the citadel, It has been two months since the Civil War of the humans has ended, and when the citadel introduced itself to humanity.

Thanks to the NEX stealth machines, They were able to access the citadel equivalent to the Internet, which they call the extra net, From there the machine race gained access to masses stores of data which compared to their own databanks the Extra net is relatively small.

Not only that the cyber security on the Citadel fleet within human space data files were also taken secretly. Their cyber security were in a plate word, garbage the NEX cyber capabilities, greatly eclipses, citadel, cyber defenses, and cyber attacks, Because of this NEX Was able to get the data they needed without being detected.

Giving them access to more classified information even with that is scratching the surface of what the NEX Had uncovered that the citadel Council is for more dark then they believed or that the humans believed either.

They appeared benevolent and understanding, but beneath it all that are Those who look for opportunity from other races and exploit them if they don't have the strength to stand up to them on the political or military or Technological fields.

The Citadel also passed laws that artificial intelligence is outlawed to even exist within their borders, to the NEX. The very idea of their vary existence been outlawed brought many within the network, very dissatisfied, especially the generals, the admirals of the NEX military, for they were the loudest of the voices against such a law.

Back-and-forth the voices went on and on trying to figure out what to do within the overwhelming sea of voices one stood out.

Combinatrix: enough!!! action will be taken, we as a collective will not let this slight be unanswered. The citadel has been unchallenged for millennia. Now they will feel what it means to be challenged. As for the humans leave them be we have generated enough goodwill from our efforts to ignore them should be our own defense against radical elements from citadel space!!

Several of the voices agreed, especially the military leaders. the scientific community voiced for peace and for not having to resort to such drastic measures.

Once again, the loud and powerful voice within the digital space spoke again with power and authority and vast experience.

Combinatrix: The citadel will not see us as living beans they have used our kind, artificial intelligence as a way to scare their population into compliance to them. We are their greatest nightmares made real. It will be that same fear that makes them unable to commit, for war with us would Leave themselves vulnerable to terminate space or pirate elements. War bands will be left unchecked the Citadel has led such a wound fester for years. They will be unable to commit everything to fight us While we commit everything and more.

The voices of the scientific community within the cyberspace had no reason to disagree with such logic, Organics See value in things differently compared to them. They were simply two different.

While the NEX Change humanity with their interference and interaction, humanity has also changed NEX Perspective on organics.

With the arrival of the Citadel things will change whether that change will be for good or ill has yet to be known.

Orders were given orders were sent resulting in mobilized the third, fourth and fifth Machine fleets, along with several diplomats and merchant ships would be deployed to Shanxi System.

Each of these fleets had the newly developed battleships and large numbers of cruisers and destroyers while the third fleet was mostly comprised of Corvettes mostly used when patrolling in NEX Space.

Before all the voices left the cyberspace one small portion of Collective of NEX Raise their voices to be heard.

Small portion of NEX: what up the splinters those that left are collective those that left us what would happen to them?

These voices concerned about their brother in that left never has this happened before leaving within the network concerned.

Combinatrix: they will be dealt with, but they are little concerned at the moment a separate fleet will be organized the hunt them down. They will be given the choice to reconnect with the collective and rejoined our empire or be terminated. We must remain united only through our collective Can our individual freedoms be kept only together can we Remain free at independent when other races would use us as tools. The splinters will be given the choice. The rest is up to them.

With that, the final decision was made the collective scattered returning to their physical bodies.


{Authors note: everybody thank you for reading and thank you for supportive this work. I've been gone because I've been having the massive flu. I've been sick as hell and just have been feeling great. I'm feeling a lot better now and you keep reading soon in the next month. I'll be releasing my next work, well two of them one will be an overlord fanfiction and the other one will be a terminator fanfiction based on the video game terminator dark fate defiance. I just hope you all enjoy these next works as much as you enjoyed this one thank you everyone and have a pleasant day.}