Chapter 8 - Learn Fast

Alice and Belle had to go to the front office where they met the school's vice principal. It was a middle-aged man with black hair and silver eyes. He had a thick beard and was very muscular. He was also tightly fitted and well dressed, adorning a black suit. His name was Shimoki Kaze.

Kaze walked them through the registration process. Alice constantly eyed Belle, trying to find an opening to talk to her. The two walked out of the office after they finished registering. As they walked back to Yoshi and Pinoy, Belle was texting someone on her phone. Alice subtly looked over her shoulder to see what she was doing.

Belle noticed Alice looking at her, which annoyed her, so she kicked Alice's feet. However, instead of falling face first as Belle had hoped for, Alice tactically rolled and sprung back up, surprising Belle.

"What was that for?" asked Alice irritably.

"I was just testing you as a teammate." said Belle, trying to play off her actions. "BTW, your dress is so last season. You need to step up your game girl."

"... I'm gonna have an aneurysm if I listen to you continue to speak."

"Wow, didn't think you were the feisty type. The white hair lady told me you were submissive and breedable."

"... Of course she did."

Alice immediately gave up on trying to befriend the girl and just walked away. When they both returned, Yoshi and Pinoy were facing opposite directions, ignoring each other. It seems they were having just as many problems as the girls were.

After Alice and Belle had signed up, Taiyo had brought them to the known anomaly spot. It was a hillside road with no cars around. The anomaly or anomalies in question were located somewhere in this area, but they couldn't find out exactly where or what it was.

"You're here looking for a mirage class anomaly." said Taiyo. "The victim's named Itsuki Sayori. A little girl in an abusive household that likes dragons a lot. Like you Alice. The only difference is she didn't want to get her guts rearranged by one." 

Belle chuckled at this comment from Taiyo and Alice responded by elbowing her in the arm. Belle yelled at Alice, but she just crossed her arms and turned away from Belle.

"Anyways, look for clues pertaining to abusive parenting or dragons. Remember, anomalies will often take the form of things in their human life. I'll wait here in the car for you all to finish. Try not to delete your Minecraft server, ok?"

Taiyo kicked them all out of the car. She sped off while playing metal music in her car. She lied right to their face, saying she'd stay. No, she just changed her mind after they left the car.

Yoshi let out a sigh. "Alright, to cover more ground, let's all split up into teams. Me and Pinoy will take east and north, and Belle and Alice will take west and south."

"Hold on," interrupted Alice. She walked over to Yoshi and whispered in his ear. "Why do I have to get stuck with her?"

"We have to learn to get along with them. If we don't, this will be a very miserable 9 months."

Alice sighed. She hated the fact Yoshi was right. Even then, she would have preferred to be paired with Pinoy than Belle. But at the same time, she felt a bit relieved that she didn't get paired up with Yoshi.

The two split up into different groups. Alice and Belle were south, looking for key parts of dragons. While Belle seemed lazy and did not really to care about the mission, Alice was extremely attentive and determined to find them. Her hormones were getting the better of her reason. She sniffed out clues and followed her nose down the hill, her tail wagging the whole way down.

"Damn, you seemed determined." Belle said mockingly. "Hey girl, wanna play fetch? Wanna treat?"

"Do you hate me or something?"

"Yes, I do, actually. If I could, I'd kill you."

"Wh-What on earth did I ever do to you? I don't even know you!"

"You've done enough. I was told to play nice with you for this year. When I graduate, I'll probably try to kill you."


Suddenly, Alice heard loud snoring coming from a cave on the hill. Her tail started wagging spontaneously and her ears perked up. She ran into the cave, not thinking twice about her actions. Belle was about to follow her, but then she noticed a boulder next to her. After she saw Alice disappear into the cave, she smirked. She grabbed the massive 20-ton boulder with her hands. She was planning to throw it at the cave, which would trap Alice inside. But then, she dropped it, deciding it wasn't worth it.

She followed Alice into the cave. When Belle arrived at where Alice was at, she saw Alice gawking at four larger dragons. They had white scales, green feathers, and massive wings. They were all sleeping on top of each other. Alice felt warm inside as she started panting like a dog in heat.

"Wow... and I thought I was a degenerate." Belle once again said in a mocking tone. "You know we have to kill them right?"


"Jeez, you're so pathetic. I can't stand being around you for another minute. I can't believe my cousin died because of you, you literal bitch."

"What are you even talking abou-"

Suddenly, the dragons got up, opening their blood-red eyes. They all let out a roar. Alice was snapped back to reality as she remembered what her mission was there. She took out her scepter. She was about to attack, but Belle shoved her to the ground.


Belle got in front of Alice and stretched as the dragons flew at her. She instantly entered her keeper transformation. She a female minotaur that was a little under 3 meters tall. She had white thin fur with black spots covering her. She was about eight feet tall and was very buff with defined muscles. Her breasts were even bigger, being larger than her head, and her hips were also very wide. Makes sense, since she's basically a cow. She had shiny green eyes and short, wavy black hair. She had large horns on her head and cow ears.

"Watch in learn, pest."