Chapter 10 - Aether Class

Alice and Belle saw explosions and bursts of water coming from the east side of the hillscape. They ran over there as soon as possible. Once they arrived, they saw Yoshi and Pinoy battling a distorted humanoid dragon creature.

The dragoness punched Pinoy but he blocked it with his chakrams. Yoshi zoomed behind her and slashed her back open. Pinoy followed his movements, following up with a Chakram to the face, which released a genetic shockwave and blew the monster several decameters back.

This was the active ability of Pinoy's weapons. The chakrams were nuker class, meaning they were focused on offense. Whenever Pinoy blocked an attack with them or hit a solid object with them, 1 of the 10 orbs on it would light up. When 5 of them lit up, he could send out a small shockwave from them, and when all 10 of them lit up, he could send out a massive shockwave like he just did.

Alice and Belle jumped by their sides.

"Where were you two?" asked Yoshi.

"I was killing monsters." said Belle confidently. "That whore over there was too busy jerking off to the dragons to help me."

"I-Is that true."

"Only half of that is true." responded Alice.

Yoshi blushed. "W-Which half."

Alice's face flushed with embarrassment. "You tell me, dummy!"

The dragoness started running back to to them with bloodlust oozing from her. The four of them got ready with Alice pulling out her scepter and Belle pulling out two pistols under trainer class.

The monster tried to attack Pinoy again, but he ducked under it, and Alice punished this by slashing her throat with the buzzsaws on her scepter. The beast fell over from Alice's strike, leading up to Belle punching her in the gut, blowing a hole through her, and making her stumble backward. Belle followed up by firing several rounds into the anomaly, ripping through her chest and neck.

The anomaly roared in anger and charged up a fire blast at Belle, but Alice managed to knock the fireball away. Pinoy jumped over Alice and slashed the anomaly kneecaps, making it stumble. Yoshi slid under Pinoy's legs, getting up close and personal with the anomaly.

The dragoness tried to grab him with her claw, but Yoshi ducked under it. He wrapped his thighs around her arm and slammed her onto the ground. The dragoness tried to grab Yoshi with her tail, but he managed to barely jump away from her attack. He blitzed back up to her with Alice and they cut off both of her arms.

The anomaly was left there, flailing on the floor, roaring and groaning in pain. They all looked down at the anomaly as it began to cry and call out for its mom. Yoshi's eyes were filled with sympathy from hearing them.

"So, who gonna kill her?" asked Pinoy coldly.

Yoshi sighed. "I'll do it. I'm the leader after all."

Yoshi lunged his sword through the little girl's head, killing her. Yoshi began to see her past.

The little girl, named Lyla, was cowering in her room. She heard fighting going on downstairs as her mother screamed and her father yelled at her. Her dad was a gambling addict and alcoholic. He came home drunk that night after losing the rent money due and he began to take it out on his wife once he returned home.

Lyla didn't have much, but she had an art book and toy dragons she'd play with. It was her only form of escape in her household.

One day, her father came back drunk and started yelling at Lyla as she was drawing dragons in her art book. Her mom tried to protect her, but she just ended up getting struck across the face instead. Lyla's father ripped up her art book in front of her, which made her begin to cry. But her father grew annoyed with her complaining and punched her to get her to shut up. Later, on in their lives, Lyla and her mom had a suicide pact and killed themselves in order to escape her abusive and controlling father.

Yoshi snapped back to reality and he noticed tears streaming down his face. He was crying from the flashback, which wasn't uncommon for him. He felt someone grabbed his hand and hold him. It was Alice who was comforting him.

"Are you ok?" Alice asked gently.

"Y-Yeah." said Yoshi while blushing and averting his eyes from her.

"What did you see?" asked Belle. "And stop crying. You can't sob every time you see someone's tragic past." 

"Hey, don't be insensitive." Alice said forcefully.

"Quiet mutt."

Alice's eyes sharpened and her fangs grew, which made Belle hesitate. Her nails grew like claws in Yoshi's hands and she growled at Belle.

Yoshi was warned about this by Taiyo. She said that neither Alice's body nor her brain has any time to refresh since she can't transform back. Meaning, she'll start to become more wild and canine-like as time passes. If this happens, she'll also lose control of her powers.

Yoshi squeezed and rubbed her hand, helping her calm down.

"Belle, don't insult Alice. We have to work together as a team, alright?"

"Tsk, whatever."

"I'm fine, Alice. Don't worry about me."

Alice returned to normal and let go of Yoshi's hand. Yoshi picked up his phone to dial Taiyo. As he was about to call her, the four of them felt an ominous presence behind them. It was overwhelmingly evil and powerful.

They turned around cautiously and saw a creature walking towards them. The 4 of them were all shaking once they saw the anomaly before them. It was a large, moth-like beast. It has large eyes that are split into 9 by a cross-like shape and possesses six wings on its back; each of its wings is orange-red and has circle-shaped markings. It has 14 legs and is covered in thick, white fur. It also has a yellow-colored tail, which has a row of red-yellow spikes and pink dots. It was an aether class anomaly and it looked hungry.