Marianne was amazed by how big and lively the movie theater is ,she has never been to a movie theater in America ,she only visited one with Julia her friend.
Without waiting for Raymond she quickly got out if the car,and twirled ,she let the cool breeze blow her curly black hair.
Raymond shook his head helplessly and got out of the car , he pulled her into his arms and said. Slow down ,it,s not running away .
Marianne giggled and nodded.
After that they walked in hand in hand.
They found their seats and sat down but the movie was yet to start so Raymond decided to buy some popcorn and cold drinks for them.
Soon the movie started , Raymond raised an eyebrow when he saw that the movie was a horror movie.
Marianne who also saw the movie content , immediately threw her self into Raymond's arms ,she was most sacred of horror movies.
Raymond , wrapped his hands around her slim fitting waist and said. Anne,relax it,s just a movie.
But Marianne still didn't lift her head, she would occasionally lift her head ,but would jump into his arms when she sees something scary .
This continued until the movie ended.
Marianne couldn't even lift her head ,she was embarrassed because this was supposed to be a date for them but she ruined it.
Raymond knew what she was thinking and said. You don't have to blame yourself everyone is scared of things , some people are scared of heights ,while some can't watch horror movies ,so it's normal.
Marianne lowered her head and said . But I ruined the date.
Raymond smiled and said. Who said you ruined it , I had a lot of fun ,it is my honour to come out and spend time with you okay .
Marianne smiled lightly at him and nodded.
Raymond suddenly had an idea and said.why don't we go for a walk until David comes back.
Okay , Marianne said taking the initiative to hold his hand and Walk out.
Raymond felt sweet that she took the initiative to hold his hand ,he was getting there it is just a matter of time.
They walked around the market , Marianne looked around and saw many sweet couples who were acting all lovey dovey,then she looked up to Raymond and wondered.
He is not that bad I think I should give him a chance, I mean I can't say that I haven't started liking him .
What are you thinking , Raymond flicked her head and said.
Marianne who was lost in thought snapped out if her thoughts and said. It's nothing ,why don't we go over there and have some sour pork ribs ,she said pointing at a vendor's shop.
Raymond wanted to refuse but he saw her excitement and nodded.
Marianne pulled him over to the vendor's shop and said. Hello sir ,I would like some sweet and sour pork ribs.
The middle aged man smiled and said. Okay dear, I will get it done soon.
Marianne nodded and pulled Raymond to sit on the nearby bench.
Then she wrapped her hand around his arms and put her head on his shoulder.
Raymond , looked at her sudden clingy attitude ,he rubbed her head and asked. What's wrong .
Marianne lifted her head and said. Nothing , can't I hug you ,or maybe if you don't want I will let go ,she said about to let go.
But Raymond grabbed her hand and said. I didn't mean that , You can rest on Me ,he said pulled her back Into his arms.
Marianne smiled ,she wasn't really going to let go ,she wanted to see his reaction.
Soon the vendor brought over the meat and some hot sauce .
You can take the hot sauce back , Raymond said and gave the hot sauce back to the vendor.
Marianne looked at him and asked. Why did you tell him to take back the sauce.
Raymond smiled and said. Silly , don't you know that You are still on medication.
Oh , Marianne said suddenly remembering ,but still pleaded. Place can't I have just a little .
Raymond stood his ground and refused . No ,You can eat it the way it is.
Marianne didn't stop and still perstred him but Raymond still refused. She has no choice but to take the meat and eat it.
She offered the sweet one to Raymond. Here take this ,I know You cannot eat sour things ,so take the sweet ones.
Raymond didn't hesitate and ate it from Marianne's hand .
How is it , Marianne asked him .
Delicious , Raymond didn't say much . Actually he didn't like this kind of meat but since Marianne fed him ,he was more than able to eat them.
They ate ,two plates of meat before getting full.
Raymond paid the vendor man and can keep the rest.
The vendor bowed and said. Thankyou sir but I will use it to serve you when next you come.
Raymond wanted to say something but was interrupted by a phone call. He looked at the caller ID and saw that it was David .
He picked up the call and said. Wait there we are coming ,he said and hung up the call.
After that he turned to Marianne who was looking at something and said. David is waiting for us we should get going.
Raymond's words brought her back to reality she turned to him and smiled and said okay .
Raymond took her hand and they walked forward.
On their way Raymond saw a child selling balloons and flowers ,he pulled Marianne to the other side and stopped the boy.
Marianne was suprised by the way he pulled her ,but she didn't say anything she wanted to see what he was up to.
Can I have the pink balloons and flowers.
The boy looked at Raymond and smiled and said. Sir how many.
All of them , Raymond said nonchalantly.
The boy , couldn't believe what he heard ,he quickly gave all the balloons and flowers to Raymond afraid that he would change his mind and said. Sir thank you ,we can buy something to eat now.
Raymond took the flowers and balloons and gave boy ,$1000 note.
Not only the boy was shocked but also Marianne ,he gave the boy such an amount of money which didn't reach quarter of what Raymond bought.
The boy ,thanked Raymond countless of times his mother would be so happy.
Sir , You will live a long life , You will have a happy married life with this beautiful lady and also have beautiful children.
This was what Raymond most wanted to hear. He rubbed the boys head and said. Good boy ,run along now before your mum starts looking for you.
After the boy left , Raymond turned to Marianne and handed her the flowers and balloons.
Marianne looked at the flowers and balloons and couldn't help but blush ,she reach out and shyly took the balloons and flowers from Raymond's hand.
Raymond chuckled at her cute expression and he held her hand and walked forward.
Soon they got back to the movie theater and spotted their car . They walked forward and got In.
The balloons and flowers couldn't contain the car so Raymond had David put them in the trunk.