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Mariée à mon beau-frère milliardaire

Le jour de son mariage avec l'amour de jeunesse, Natalie Ford reçut un cadeau inattendu : un certificat de mariage. Il stipulait qu'elle était déjà mariée à un parfait inconnu — Aiden Handrix. Alors que les invités du mariage continuaient de se moquer et de l'insulter, son amant Ivan décida de la quitter pour épouser sa demi-sœur Briena à la place. Pour ajouter l'insulte à l'outrage, elle fut jetée hors de chez elle. Pour prouver son innocence, Natalie Ford n'avait qu'une seule option — elle devait trouver ce mystérieux Aiden Handrix et éclaircir cette histoire ! Le lendemain, il y eut une nouvelle qui fit sensation à la télévision. Justine Harper, l'héritière de la famille la plus riche de Bayford, rentrait chez elle. Natalie plissa les yeux devant l'écran de TV. «Pourquoi cet homme ressemble-t-il exactement à celui sur la photo de mon certificat de mariage ?» Dans sa quête pour percer le mystère derrière ce prétendu mariage, elle décida de le suivre et de lui demander en personne. « Êtes-vous marié ? » « Non. » « Vous avez un frère jumeau ? » « Non ? » « Vous avez déjà entendu le nom Aiden Handrix par hasard ? » « Non. » « Alors, qui diable êtes-vous ? » « Ton frère. » « Attendez, quoi ? » « Oui. Maintenant, fais tes valises et rentre à la maison avec moi. » D'abord un mari sorti de nulle part et maintenant un frère avec le même visage ? Est-ce que Dieu créait des clones et les lui offrait sous différentes relations ?
Sera_b17 · 110.5K Views

La curieuse épouse maudite du Prince

``` La plus grosse erreur d’Alicia, c’était d’avoir tenté de se suicider. Elle se retrouva dans le corps d’une princesse de 19 ans en exil, au Moyen Âge. Quoi de plus ? Elle était forcée d’épouser le Prince Harold ; le fameux Prince aux cheveux blancs et au tempérament de feu qui ne se gênerait pas pour tuer quelqu’un pour la raison la plus futile. Maintenant, son mariage n’est que dans quelques heures et la « princesse », qui se trouve être Alicia, doit démontrer quelques « compétences de princesse » aux invités. Petite question : Est-ce que le twerk est autorisé au Moyen Âge ? Elle savait une chose avec certitude, le mariage allait être un désastre et le Prince colérique allait la tuer avant qu’elle trouve un moyen de retourner chez elle. Que Dieu l’aide ! ThatAmazingGirl en collaboration avec Miss_Behaviour (Les auteures de In Love With A Klepto) vous présente un autre livre. « LA MARIÉE ÉTRANGE DU PRINCE MAUDIT » Que feriez-vous si vous vous retrouviez soudainement dans le corps d’une princesse à l’époque ancienne ? Qui plus est, il n’est pas seulement un loup-garou, il est aussi maudit par la déesse de la lune. EXTRAIT : Que devait-elle faire ? Elle était confuse et n’avait aucune idée de ce qui se passait. Les mariages au Moyen Âge étaient bizarres ! Mais qu’est-ce que c’est que la « récitation des vertus » ? Devrait-elle faire semblant de s’évanouir ? C’était la seule idée qui avait un sens. Alors c’est ce qu’elle fit. Elle s’effondra lentement sur le sol et entendit tout le monde commencer à s'exclamer et à pousser des cris. Alicia voulait qu'ils la sortent de là et ensuite elle trouverait un moyen de s'échapper. Mais peut-être qu’elle n’avait pas de chance après tout, parce que lorsqu’elle entrouvrit les yeux sous ses cils, se demandant pourquoi personne ne venait la porter, elle vit une robe dorée, avant que la personne ne se penche devant elle. Elle ferma les yeux fort et retint son souffle. Après tout, elle était actrice. Elle pouvait mener ça à bien sans faille. « C'était une mauvaise performance, ma dame. » La voix profonde parla, provoquant des frissons sur sa peau. Effrayant. « Je vous donne seulement trois secondes pour vous lever. » Sa voix n'était pas vraiment menaçante, mais d’une certaine manière il inspirait la crainte, particulièrement avec la manière lente et soignée avec laquelle il parlait. On disait de lui qu’il était colérique. Que ferait-il après que les trois secondes soient passées ? Allait-il la tuer ? Mourrait-elle ici ? Comment savait-il même qu’elle faisait semblant ? Les gens au Moyen Âge étaient-ils généralement intelligents ? Elle ouvrit un œil pour l’entrevoir et le vit la regardant droit dans les yeux avec un sourire narquois. IL N’Y AVAIT AUCUN MOYEN QUE LE MARIAGE N’AIT PAS LIEU. ELLE ÉTAIT TELLEMENT MORTE ! ******* Loup-garou (Coché) Prince maudit (Coché) Transmigration (Coché) Comédie (Coché) Romance (Doublement cochée) AJOUTEZ À VOTRE BIBLIOTHÈQUE ! ```
ThatAmazingGirl · 51.3K Views

Lever de l'Alpha Obscur

[COMPLET - GAGNANT SILVER 8 000 $USD : Compétition Loup-garou 2022] Zev avançait vers elle, toute la beauté brutale et éclatante, menton baissé et ces yeux perçants incroyables fixés sur elle. Il ne s'arrêta qu'à un souffle d'elle et bloqua sa vue de tous les autres mâles du cercle. Ses yeux se baissèrent sur sa bouche tandis qu'il se penchait, son murmure jouant sur sa peau. « Tu. Es. À. Moi. » Sa voix profonde vibrait dans son ventre alors que les hurlements de la meute de loups s'élevaient derrière lui pour se répercuter à travers les montagnes de Thana, tandis que les autres Chimères contestaient sa revendication. Luttant contre l'envie de caresser son large torse nu avec ses mains tremblantes, Sasha se força à incliner la tête et à lever un sourcil. « Si audacieux pour un jeune loup qui vient de trouver ses crocs. » Les autres mâles rugirent de rire. Ignorant leurs railleries, les yeux de Zev pétillèrent et il se pencha encore plus près, la barbe naissante sur sa mâchoire la chatouillant alors qu'il souriait. « Si audacieuse pour une humaine qui connaît déjà le plaisir de souffler mon nom. » Elle frissonna lorsque ses dents effleurèrent son oreille. ***** Juste quelques jours après que Sasha se soit donnée à son amour d'enfance, il disparut. Cinq ans plus tard, dans une sombre rue de la ville, Zev revint - avec le danger à ses trousses. Zev est une Chimère : Moitié humain, moitié loup. Fabriqué dans un laboratoire de recherche sécurisé, son existence est un secret. Mais quand les hommes puissants qui l'ont créé tentent de tuer la seule femme qui ait jamais fait chanter son cœur, Zev rompt leur laisse et l'emmène dans le monde brutal et caché des clans Chimères. Déchirée entre l'attraction magnétique de son premier amour et la douloureuse trahison de sa disparition, Sasha essaie de garder Zev à distance. Mais lorsqu'ils atteignent cet univers mystérieux, Zev découvre qu'en son absence, les humains ont pris le contrôle et ont volé presque toutes les femelles. Les Chimères meurent - et Zev n'est plus l'Alpha. Maintenant, Zev doit combattre son propre peuple pour gagner le droit de s'accoupler avec son unique amour. Peut-il lui prouver que sa promesse de longue date de protéger son cœur, ainsi que son corps, était vraie ? Ou bien les humains traverseront-ils les mondes pour chasser le loup et séparer les amants pour toujours ? [Contenu mature, pas d'agression sexuelle] Image de couverture par Aenaluck et utilisée avec permission et droits d'auteur rémunérés. Découvrez plus d'art magnifique et soutenez l'artiste sur
AimeeLynn · 60.6K Views

MMORPG : Renaissance du Dieu Vampire le Plus Puissant

En l'an 2100, l'humanité fut introduite au jeu de VR en immersion totale révolutionnaire appelé 'Omega', cependant, le jeu n'était pas une technologie fabriquée par les humains mais un don accordé à l'humanité par une puissance supérieure pour les préparer à la première éveil. Ce n'était qu'un tutoriel et un moyen de faire passer en douceur l'espèce primitive de la pensée qu'elle était seule dans tout l'univers, à être intégrée dans le véritable vaste univers. Lorsque le niveau moyen des utilisateurs dans le jeu a dépassé le seuil prédéfini, le tutoriel s'est finalement terminé et la planète Terre a subi un événement catastrophique appelé la 'Première Éveil', quand le mana a commencé à couler librement dans le monde réel comme il le faisait dans le monde virtuel et que le vrai jeu universel appelé 'Sigma' a été dévoilé. 'Sigma' était gouverné par l'A.I. omnipotente, la reine universelle, et était la grande scène où les races de tout l'univers se battaient ensemble pour le territoire, les ressources et l'honneur. Situé dans un univers où des races fantastiques telles que les elfes, les dragons et les vampires ne sont pas un mythe mais de véritables acteurs de pouvoir, les humains ont rapidement découvert qu'ils étaient l'une des races les plus faibles pour jouer 'Sigma'. Dans ces temps désespérés, les humains se sont tournés vers leurs meilleurs joueurs professionnels pour le salut. -------------- Max, était un génie dans le monde d'Omega et considéré comme l'espoir de l'humanité après la première éveil. Cependant, un accident a paralysé ses veines de mana et l'a fait classer comme un déchet sans mana dans Sigma! Considéré comme sans espoir et irrécupérable, il est rapidement passé de héros à zéro et le monde l'a ignoré. Pendant dix ans depuis la première éveil, il a vécu la vie d'un déchet sans mana et est devenu un rat des bas-fonds de la société, perdant peu à peu sa fierté, ses biens et finalement son identité. À la fin, il a fait face à une mort tragique et douloureuse tout en échouant à sauver son jeune neveu et sa nièce des assaillants. Cependant, ce n'était pas la fin de l'histoire de Max mais juste le début car il a été réincarné dans le passé, au jour précédant la première éveil avant que ne commence sa chute ! Armé du savoir du futur, regardez comme Max atteint l'apogée dans sa seconde vie et lutte contre son destin avec vaillance et ténacité. ------- Mes autres œuvres - MMORPG : Renaître Du Maître De Guilde Le Plus Fort Terra Nova En Ligne : Avènement du Joueur le Plus Fort Méchant Avec Le Système Le Plus Puissant lien discord :-
Raj_Shah_7152 · 56.5K Views

La Couronne's Entrapment

[Avertissement : contenu mature r18+/fort] "Je suis sûr que tu trouveras mes bras plus confortables que n'importe quoi d'autre en ce monde..." Le Roi Darius Grant - le puissant souverain du Royaume de Cordon. Il était impitoyable et impétueux face à ses ennemis. Sa simple présence criait d'autorité virile ; son aura seule suffisait à faire admettre leur défaite à certains de ses ennemis et à les faire fuir rien qu'en le voyant. Mais malgré tout cela, il était impuissant et éhonté face à une femme… sa compagne - la Princesse d'Ebodia qu'il refusait de lâcher. Découvrez comment les choses vont se dérouler pour notre Roi possessif qui est fermement décidé à utiliser l'Entrapment de la Couronne pour faire de sa compagne la sienne par tous les moyens nécessaires. Réussira-t-il à conquérir tout son être - corps, cœur et âme ? * Note : Tome 1 & 2 : Histoire principale Status : Terminé (Chapitres 1 à 555) Tome 3 : Histoire secondaire Status : Terminé (Chapitres 556 à 641) "Je ne peux me déclarer vainqueur que lorsqu'à la fin je parviens à conquérir ton cœur..." Tome 4 : Histoire secondaire Status : Terminé (Chapitres 642 à 701) "L'amour n'a jamais fait partie de mon vocabulaire quand il s'agit de femmes, jusqu'à ce que tu arrives..." Tome 5 : Status : Terminé (Chapitres 702 à 805) "Je te choisis... toi qui occupes avidement toute la place dans mon cœur..." Chapitres spéciaux et suivants - terminés **** PS : Couverture de livre commandée, propriété de l'auteur ! Ne pas l'utiliser !
Eustoma_Reyna · 58.9K Views

Moonlit Vows

The forest was unusually quiet that evening, its towering trees casting long shadows under the dim glow of the setting sun. Selene Rivers adjusted her scarf against the biting autumn chill, her boots crunching against the blanket of fallen leaves. She'd come to the woods for solace, hoping the isolation would help her clear her thoughts. Life in the small town of Everhollow had been far from eventful—until tonight. She hadn't planned to stay out late, but as the sun dipped below the horizon, she realized she'd wandered farther than usual. The air felt different now—heavier, as though the forest itself was holding its breath. A low growl shattered the silence. Selene froze, her heart pounding in her chest. She turned slowly, scanning the woods, but nothing stirred. Her pulse raced as she quickened her pace, her breath visible in the icy air. The growl came again, louder this time, followed by the unmistakable sound of snapping twigs. Panic surged through her veins. Selene broke into a run, weaving between the trees, her instincts screaming at her to flee. But she wasn't fast enough. A massive wolf leapt from the shadows, landing a few feet ahead of her. Its fur was jet-black, its golden eyes gleaming with predatory intent. Selene skidded to a halt, her breath hitching. The creature snarled, baring sharp teeth that glinted in the moonlight. Her mind raced. Wolves weren't supposed to be this big. This wasn't an ordinary animal—it radiated an unnatural intelligence, its gaze locked onto hers with almost human intensity. "Stay back," she whispered, though she knew it was futile. The wolf crouched, muscles coiling as it prepared to pounce. Selene closed her eyes, bracing for the worst. A deafening roar echoed through the forest, and the black wolf was suddenly thrown sideways by a blur of movement. Selene's eyes snapped open as two figures tumbled across the forest floor—a second wolf, larger and more imposing, its fur a stormy gray streaked with silver. The two beasts clashed violently, their growls shaking the air. Selene stumbled backward, her instincts urging her to run, but she couldn't tear her gaze away. The gray wolf fought with ferocity, its movements fluid and precise, as though it had been trained for this moment. After a brutal exchange of claws and teeth, the black wolf let out a pained yelp and darted into the shadows, disappearing into the depths of the forest. The gray wolf stood still, its chest heaving as it watched the retreating figure. Slowly, it turned to face Selene. She should have been terrified. But as the wolf's piercing blue eyes met hers, she felt an odd sense of calm. There was no malice in its gaze—only curiosity and something she couldn't quite place. And then it happened. Before her eyes, the wolf began to shift. Its massive frame contorted, bones cracking and reshaping, fur receding to reveal pale skin. Selene's breath caught as the creature transformed into a man.
Shweta_Reshim_4238 · 170 Views

My Roleplay System

A couple weeks before Lake's Martial Course Entrance Exam, While he was taking a nap during a class he is awoken by a strange beeping sound. Opening his sleepy eyes, he could sees a strange holographic screen in front of him. [Roleplay System has successfully bonded to host. Do you wish to begin roleplaying?] [Yes?] or [No?] At first Lake thought he was still half asleep and half-heartedly chose [Yes]. Immediately After he saw a new prompt appear before his eyes. [Please select the main role the host wishes to play from the following options.] After reading that message, A series of options appeared before him. The options were so numerous that they covered the entirety of his vision. From the numerous options Lake could spot a few interesting sounding roles, [Martial Saint], [Heavenly Sage], [Harem King], [Slaughterer]… The options were too much and they made Lake dizzy. Without much thinking Lake scanned through the list of roles and choose the role whose name caught his attention the most. [Master of Fate] *** Disclaimer 1. Cover art is not mine. It belongs to kaslla. I took the image and edited my title onto it. Their twitter handle is ksb_x4 if you wish to check out their work. 2. This is my first novel that I decided to write to fill up my free time, so don't expect constant updates or any amazing writing quality. 3. I am willing to take criticism as I am still looking to improve my writing skills. For those who may post constructive criticism, thanks in advance. 4. Finally, thank you for taking the time to read my novel.
Lagaru · 1.8M Views

Earth's Greatest Magus

#Top 20 Webnovel Best Sellers 2021, 2022, 2023, and in 2024 #### History is said to be written by the victors. If so, how about Earth's history? Two millennia ago, a young boy named Emery met a tragic fate. In his final moments, he was transmigrated and accepted into the Universe's most prestigious school of magic. “You are among the chosen few from thousands of human worlds. Whether you seize this opportunity or not, is up to you. You are at Magus Academy, the pinnacle of humanity's ingenuity. Magic, science, and might are all within reach for those who dare to pursue them." [Scan complete - Quadruple affinity. Water, Earth, Plant, and Darkness.] "A quadruple acolyte! Only one in tens of thousands of acolytes possess this!" Thus began Emery’s journey together with his 4 friends from the furthest corner of Earth. Each year they returned to Earth to grow, seek revenge, save the princess, conquer the world, and become Earth's Greatest Magus. Their names are still etched in our history books to this day. Authors Note: I have always been fascinated by writing fantasy relating to historical facts. In this story, you will find characters inspired by real-world myth and legend. The universe I created hopefully will make the reader's imagination excited and logically plausible. I hope you enjoy it. ### Here are some key aspects you'll encounter: MC: The protagonist follows the classic weak-to-strong arc. World: Picture a blend of Harry Potter and Star Wars. System: While it's primarily a magic-based story, there's a structured system in place that's easy to follow. Additionally, elements of cultivation. Harem: No, there are several female interests. But I enjoy romance first. So even if there will be more than one love interest it will be deep. Note: English is not my first language, but you'll notice that my writing and English skills gradually improve throughout the chapters. Other: The novel delves into deep research on science and history, enriching the storyline with factual and intriguing details. Give it a read—you might be pleasantly surprised by what unfolds. Check Out the Video Trailer on youtube type "Earth's Greatest Magus"
Avan · 11.7M Views

Am reborn as an SSS ranked monster!!! All humans are after me

"Yawn…" At the mouth of a massive cave high above the world, a giant beast stood, its sharp eyes scanning the land below. The white fur covering its massive frame shimmered, turning orange in the glow of the setting sun. "System, you owe me," the beast muttered lazily, letting out another deep yawn. (Host should be grateful for the system. This system will make you the strongest being in this world—and beyond.) "Yeah, yeah, I've heard it all before. But why couldn't I reincarnate as a human or, I don't know, a god? No, I get stuck as a beast. And not just any beast—the most wanted beast in the entire world," the creature grumbled, his tone dripping with annoyance. (But host, you are an SSS-ranked beast.) "Yeah, and what's that supposed to mean? System, I've been attacked forty times today. Forty! And I was just born this morning," he snapped, his tail lashing as his dark blue eyes glared out into the horizon. (…) "Oh, now you're quiet. Fine. Then answer me this—where are my parents? You know, the ones who should be raising me or at least teaching me how not to die?" (Erm… yes, host. Your parents… left you to fend for yourself.) "Great. Just great. That does it—I'd really appreciate it if I could go back to Earth," he growled, turning around and trudging back into the cave, his heavy footsteps echoing through the stone walls. This beast wasn't just rare; it was legendary. A creature straight out of myths and stories. Anyone who could capture it would instantly become the strongest tamer alive. But it wasn't just the fame or power that made this beast special. Its massive, wolf-like body was covered in sleek white fur . Its eyes—dark blue with black edging—gave it a fierce, almost otherworldly presence. The beauty and charm that came with owning this beast were part of its allure. The cave itself was no ordinary hiding place. Perched thousands of meters in the sky, it was practically unreachable. Yet, humans would still risk life and limb to climb the cliff, all for a shot at taming the beast. Inside, the walls were lined with glowing red insects, casting an eerie light, while smooth, white stones radiated a calm, almost soothing energy. "I was living the dream," the beast muttered, lying down on the cool floor. "Just a lazy dude heading out to buy the newest game when—bam—Truck-kun hit me. And now, here I am, stuck in this godforsaken cave, being hunted every hour of the day." The memory made him growl softly, the sound rumbling through the cave. He stretched his massive body and glanced around, taking in the strange glow of the insects and the calm of the stones. "Guess there's no use complaining. Might as well figure out what to do next," he thought, settling into the only comfortable spot he could find. Outside, the first stars began to dot the darkening sky. The beast's eyes gleamed as he watched them. He didn't ask to be here, but if this world wanted to make him the most hunted creature alive, then fine. They'd regret ever coming after him. Not only them but even beyond—the gods and the demons alike—for he would be the reincarnation of doom. But first… "A proper good night's sleep," the beast muttered as his eyes closed, and he drifted to sleep.
INFINUX · 101 Views

Skill Forge: Broken Extra Character

Amidst the eerie silence of an unfamiliar hall, a cacophony of confused voices rose, mingling in a chorus of bewilderment. "Where are we?" "What happened?" "I thought I died!" Each utterance hung in the air, a testament to the collective disbelief gripping the room. As the haze of confusion lifted, disjointed memories surfaced, fragments of lives cut short by tragedy. "I remember... I was stabbed..." ventured one voice, echoed by another's affirmation of a similar fate. "I... I died in a plane crash," muttered a third, only to be met with a stunned agreement from a fellow survivor. Amidst the chaos of bewildered voices, one man stood apart, his expression a mask of contemplation amidst the turmoil. As his companions recounted their brushes with death, his mind churned with questions, each more confounding than the last. "I got shot... I remember it vividly," he murmured to himself, his voice barely audible above the din. "So how am I still here?" The enigma of their shared resurrection gnawed at him, compelling him to seek answers in the depths of his memories. With each revelation of a paired demise—a male and female, bound by the same tragic fate—a flicker of recognition ignited within him. "This... this seems familiar," he mused, the pieces of a puzzle slowly coalescing in his mind. But the picture remained incomplete, obscured by the fog of uncertainty that shrouded their surroundings. As the words "pairs, pairs, pairs" echoed in his mind like a cryptic mantra, a sudden realization struck him with the force of a revelation. "It can't be... don't tell me..." he whispered, his voice trembling with disbelief. With a sense of urgency, he began to scan his surroundings, searching for any sign or clue that could confirm his suspicions. Then, as if guided by an unseen force, his gaze shifted upwards, and there, bathed in an ethereal light, stood an angelic figure with golden apparel, its gaze fixed upon him with a warm smile. The sight took his breath away, filling him with a mixture of awe and trepidation. The man's heart raced as faced a real angel, his mind struggling to comprehend the surreal encounter unfolding before him. The angel's words, spoken with an air of amusement, only deepened the enigma shrouding their meeting. "I never expected anyone to notice me," the angel remarked, a hint of playfulness in its voice. "I was concealing my presence to let everyone fully calm down, but to think someone noticed me. Just who are you?" Ethan's disbelief and confusion intensified at the angel's question. "Eh... Ethan Rivers," he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper. As Aurelia, the angel, finally revealed himself to the bewildered assembly, a hush fell over the room, each soul drawn in by his radiant presence and commanding aura. Ethan's gaze lingered on Aurelia. "Greetings, lost souls," Aurelia declared, his voice resonating with a majestic power that seemed to fill the very air around them. "I am Aurelia, and I shall be your guide to your new life." As Aurelia extended his arms in a gesture of welcome, Ethan felt a surge of rage and hesitation, "This it bad, really bad."
Dark_Eyez · 1M Views

Les Chasseurs de Kalamités

Sortir la nuit dans ce monde, c’est s'assurer une mort sanglante ! Une ère de paix et de prospérité régnait sur la Terre, jusqu'à ce qu'un évènement macabre vienne tout bouleverser. Cette nuit tragique était marquée par la métamorphose de la Lune en un globe oculaire géant. Ceux qui avaient le malheur de lever les yeux vers ce dernier déclenchaient l'apparition des Kalamités, des monstruosités ayant pour seule volonté d’anéantir l’espèce humaine. Heureusement, le carnage prenait fin quand l’Œil Rouge se couchait. Dès lors, les Kalamités se volatilisaient, laissant derrière eux la mort, le feu et le sang. Puis le cycle morbide reprenait la nuit suivante. Mais le soir où l’Œil Rouge avait fait sa première apparition était également le jour où environ une personne sur cinq contractait des capacités surnaturelles. Et certains de ces Choisis détenaient en eux le pouvoir de neutraliser ces nouveaux prédateurs nocturnes. Alors, dans l'espoir d’en venir à bout, les gouvernements mirent en place des unités rassemblant les Choisis les plus puissants de la planète. Ainsi fut créé l'ordre des Chasseurs de Kalamités, l'ultime réponse de l'Humanité pour s'opposer à la tragédie qui menace son existence ! Un adolescent répondant au nom de Muden va être impliqué dans cette lutte acharnée. Aujourd’hui il est animé par un unique objectif : percer les mystères des Kalamités afin de les éradiquer une bonne fois pour toutes ! ⚠️Avertissement : cette histoire contient des scènes qui peuvent choquer les plus sensibles.⚠️
Zorawuco · 493 Views

I am supplementing the database in the cultivation world

When Ma Nong Mo'an was struggling to type data, he accidentally crossed over and became a passerby in the cultivation literature. Good news, the body is connected to big data, it seems like a golden finger; The bad news is that we have to replenish the database before we can go home... Wow, no matter how long we cross over, it's fate! The database of the entire cultivation world is so vast that it cannot be replenished, it cannot be replenished at all! In order to survive, Mo An could only barely enter the libraries of various major sects to copy books and supplement data, striving to be a knowledge transporter. But unexpectedly, moving around, he became the savior of the sect?! The master brother was poisoned and the dantian was destroyed. Oh, it's not a big problem. Big data can analyze toxins and provide on-site teaching for surgical repair of dantian. Second Senior Brother has demonic bloodline and is hiding silently, afraid to reveal his true face to others? Oh, what a big deal! Big data activates dual bloodline skills, switch anytime, seamlessly connect. Little senior sister is beautiful and can still refine weapons, but she was captured by the demon race after being noticed? Don't worry, big data detection and scanning have directly reached the lair of the demon race. Are there not enough talismans for the demons to launch a massive attack? Try using a rune printing machine, print one sack at a time. Evil energy invaded, and a large number of cultivators' hearts were destroyed. When a divine consciousness brick fell, they immediately became clear and refreshed. The evil energy disappeared, and Mo An himself did not expect it. He only worked as a code farmer in the cultivation world, but managed to become a junior sister in the entire cultivation world, and even saved the cultivation world!
lvv7788 · 35K Views


EARTH The Earth was viewed and considered as a useless planet, and was discarded alongside with its inhabitants due to its lack of Mana. It was inhabited by the "Humans". The humans were known to be the weakest race yet they were also regarded as the most intelligent of all races. Humans were normal beings who were only focused on creating and evolving by using their intelligence. In addition, they also used martial arts as a power tool to become stronger. They were completely surprised when they learnt of other races existence such as the Elves, Dwarves, Fees, Demons and many other beings whose strengths and powers were beyond their imagination. But what surprised them the most was to find out that there were humans like them who possessed great powers like the other races. These humans resided in two different places, the first one is the "Azua Empire" and the second one is "Juptier Planet" they self-proclaimed themselves as the descendants of the gods, since they possessed divine powers and mighty abilities. The normal humans couldn't yet fully accept the fact that there actually existed mighty beings, until Aella, a stunningly beautiful girl, came to the city of Sion. After being born, Aella May Scarlet, the legitimate daughter of the Pearls family, a family who are known as the most influential, powerful and wealthy family in Sion city, was swapped with the Zeiner family's daughter and was abandoned by them in the most dangerous forests known as the "Eclipse Kingdom", which was filled with mystical and monstrous creatures. Aella was found and raised by her master/father Otiz Scarlet, a man who is regarded to be the strongest man on earth. When Aella turned ten years old, Otiz began to train her as he realised that Aella possessed mighty powers and skills. ---------- In a deserted land stood two men, an elderly woman and a little girl. Suddenly, the taller man, Otiz, let out a long sigh and said, "....Aella". "Mm" answered the little girl Otiz raised his eyes and looked at the mess created by Aella and spoke again. "I can't believe you actually destroyed an entire kingdom." The little girl scanned with cold eyes the place that looked like a desert, she then looked at her master and flatly said. "You told me to do it." ".....! What?" "I did!?." *** AUTHOR'S NOTE Hello everyone, this is Nedjyna the author of this novel. This is my own original novel, and it is copyrighted. Also I would like to say: THANK YOU VERY MUCH to everyone who are reading my novel.
Nedjyna14 · 157.4K Views

Fragile Ties Of Love

Loud music is playing, some students are dancing and other are chatting. The few one who are alone are dispersed observing the others. My eyes scan the room for Liam. Fortunately, I see him standing at the entrance with Lucas, Mateo, Levi and Mason. My legs drag me to their direction and he smiles as he sees me. His friends pushed him to me and he looks like he hesitates for a while before walking up to me. Without a word, he grabs my hand and pulled me away from the noise. Now we’re standing in the boys changing room. Before I speak, he gently cups my face. His forehead is touching mine as his eyes flash in the evening light. My heart races and I look away shyly but he lifts my chin up with his finger. I admire his beauty,drowning in the rush of love and awaiting a toe-curling kiss. I hear his words; “Don’t be silly. You’ll never be my type.” Followed by a chuckle. My blood runs cold as my brain draws a blank *************** Liam Hunter, the name that could make your knees turn jelly. He had it all the looks, money and everyone’s dream girl, Beatrice. He was the school’s basketball team captain. Every girl was dying to spend even a second with him, well except her. His charms didn’t work on her and she seemed oblivious to his existence. Everything changes for Liam when he is dared to date Zara for a month and then dump her. It all starts as game, a mind game for Liam. But what happens when the heart gets involved? What will Zara do after learning the truth? Will she get over her love for Liam and go back to herself?
Aishat_isd · 1.6K Views

Rise of the Blood Sovereign

Hi guys, this is my second novel here, and for you that have been reading my previous novel 'Is this really A Game?!' this one will be quite different. First of all, the system elements are light compared to my previous novel as the world I am writing about is one that had magic and monsters before the system arrived and is available to all. You should expect a dark story with a protagonist that acts like a villain at times and is quite calculative in his endeavors. Anyway, hope you enjoy it, and here is the synopsis. Lyle was an orphan, he knew not of who his parents were and only had memories of his mother from a long time ago. After being discovered by a mysterious man, Lyle joined the assassin organization and rose through the ranks thanks to his hard efforts, talent, and mysterious origin. The world suddenly changed during one of his missions, what was supposed to be a slightly more difficult mission became a hard one, and then the change occurred. Mana ran rampant and the many monsters of the world became stronger, more of them appeared and suddenly the inhabitants of the world that had suppressed monsters for so long were forced to fight the more powerful monsters once again. For Lyle, it was a chance, however. The system came into his world and he received an opportunity to become more powerful. Ding! [ The system has scanned the host and has concluded that the bloodline can be activated. ] [ Will you activate the bloodline? ] [ The host will have to sacrifice all the power he has and will be back at level 1 upon doing so ] "My bloodline, will I finally be able to track him down after doing this?" "System, activate it." [ The host has activated his bloodline ] [ The host has been marked by the Empress of the Night, it is advised that you become powerful quickly, otherwise, you might get captured ] "Huh?" The cover was made by myself
TheReign · 1.6M Views
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