By the way ,when is Anne going to be discharged ,I can't wait for her to come home so that I can spoil her Ann said asking Raymond .
Raymond ,looked at his grandma and smiled. Well I will have them ask Jackson ,he will decide in when she would get discharged.
Raymond are they coming to stay with us , Marianne asked Raymond.
Raymond used a napkin and wiped her mouth ,no but we are going to live in our family house from now on ,until at least your life is out of danger.
Oh ,okay , Marianne said and smiled at least she won't be bored anymore.
But when am I going to be discharged ,I hate the smell of hospitals, Marianne pouted and complained to Raymond .
Raymond rubbed her hair and said ,Be good , you know that you have a head injury ,and which when not treated may get infected ,so you still have to stay for maybe another week.
Huh ,another week ,but I am already better , Jackson can come over and dress my wound,please let me go home.
No , you can't ,you have to stay here and recover , Raymond immediately refused and said.
Marianne didn't know what to and turned to her mother and grandmother for help. Mum ,Granny please help me talk to him ,you two can take good care of me and I will recover faster ,than staying in this hospital ,I can't even sleep at night.
Ray,just let her be we will take care of her , you can also call jack to check her wound , Nicole said.
But mum , Raymond said unwilling to agree.
No buts ,like Nicky said we will take care of her ,just grant her wish ,she isn't comfortable staying here .Ann said .
Raymond turned snd looked at Marianne's pleading eyes and finally agreed , fine ,but on one condition ,you will not do anything at home ,you will just stay in he room ,or living room and just lie down , Raymond said sternly.
Marianne smiled brightly after hearing what Raymond said, okay I promise ,I won't do anything ,thank you .
Okay ,I will get going now I will come to accompany you tonight , Raymond said and got up.
Okay bye ,see you tonight Marianne smiled and said .
Raymond kissed her forehead and left.
Mum ,thank you , Marianne said and thanked them.
My dear ,you don't have to thank me ,I understand you ,no one wants to stay in the hospitals ,Nicole said.
My dear she is right ,Ann added.
They all laughed and chatted happily.
Griffin family house.
Mum ,I heard that that wretch has been saved ,Cassidy said to her mum .
Yes it true but she is still in the hospital ,I wish that that girl died ,Olivia said with obvious hatred.
I heard that ,Her husband took Mr Elvis away,Mum what if dad gets involved in it ,Cassidy said .
Who is getting involved in what ,This time it was not Olivia who spoke but ,Charles who was coming down the stairs.
Well dad we are talking about , Marianne's kidnap. You know dad she has been released and president Elvis has been caught. Cassidy said.
What how do you know all this ,Charles said half believing.
Dad ,you can watch the news it is all over the news ,the press caught it in video when Marianne was being taken to the hospital but I didn't get to see the man,s face I just saw his back ,and he seems to be a very young man, Cassidy said with an obvious envy.
What of president Elvis was he arrested , Charles asked .
No he wasn't but he was taken away by that man ,dad what if he calls your name , Cassidy said.
No he can't do that ,if he does I will deny it ,there is no evidence , Charles with absolute firmness.
The were still talking when a knock was heard.
Hold on I will get the door ,Olivia said and walked towards the door.
Olivia opened the door and saw a group of black Chad men,with there faces covered.
Who are you looking for ,Olivia asked.
Is this Charles Griffin's house ,one of the men asked .
Olivia looked confused for a moment but still answered ,yes .
Without further a-do the pushed opened the door and walked into the living room.
Olivia saw what they were doing and chased after them ,Hey what are doing why Did you just barg into my house like that ,who are you people.
All she was doing was invain because they did not even listen to her and continued to walk forward.
Mr Charles Griffin ,one of them called out.
Charles who was talking to Cassidy in the dinning heard his name and looked up only to see black Chad men. He knew what black Chad men represents .
What do you want from me , Charles walked up to them and asked.
They did not say anything ,but there leader turned to them and signaled one of them.
He received the signal and walked up to Charles,the next moment he used a handkerchief to gag his mouth and in a blink of an eye he lost conciousness.
What are you doing to my dad , Cassidy said patting her unconscious father,s cheek.
Dad wake up ,Cassidy said but Charles still remained motionless.
Mum why isn't he waking up , Cassidy who was already crying asked Olivia.
I don't know ,hey what did you do to my husband ,I will make sure I sue all of you ,Olivia went forward to them and asked.
The man looked down at Olivia and pushed her away ,before signaling his other group ,they walked forward and lifted Charles up .
Hey pit him down ,I will call the police ,you are all going to pay ,Olivia said to them.
They Didi budge but continued to carry Charles out.
Cassidy ran up to them and blocked them ,if you don't let go if my father ,I will call some well known people to deal with you she threatened.
Madam I suggest you move aside ,because you would not like to meet out boss ,the leader of the Chad said to Cassidy in a cold voice.
Cassidy who has what they said ,moved aside unconsciously.
Please I beg you to let go of my husband ,just name your price he didn't do anything ,Olivia knelt In front of them and begged.
But they just ignored them and carried him out ,in a blink of an eye their car left.
Cassidy went over and help,Olivia up.
Mum what are we going to do ,who do you think those people are , Cassidy asked .
I don't know ,wait what if they are Marianne's husband's men ,Olivia said suddenly remembering something..
Yes mum ,what if they found out that he was involved in Marianne,s kidnap Cassidy said.
I don't know but ,I think we should go to the hospital and beg Marianne ,maybe if she agrees then your dad can be released,Olivia wiped her tears and said .
Yes mum you are right ,Cassidy said.