Did you have someone take Charles away , Marianne suddenly remembered and asked .
Why are you suddenly asking this , Raymond asked.
Well ,the mother and daughter came today at the hospital , saying that I should beg my husband to release Charles, Marianne said.
He was Involved in your kidnap , Raymond said. So I had to punish him but don't worry I will release him soon, he added.
You can keep him as long as you want ,I just don't want you to dirty your hands , Marianne shrugged and said.
Raymond chuckled and rubbed her hair ,didn't worry I won't .
After that they both ate in silence.
Soon they finished eating and Raymond gave Marianne her medicine ,and headed down stairs to keep the tray.
When he left Marianne picked up her phone a d dailed the number and after two rings the call connected.
Hey Anne , Julia's voice came from the other end of the phone.
Julia how are you Marianne asked .
I am alright ,when are you coming back to America ,Julia asked .
Well I am already back u came back few days ago , Marianne said.
Wait ,what , why didn't you tell me Julia said clearly stunned by what she heard.
Well it is a long story ,I will explain it to you when we meet up,Marianne said.
Okay where are you now ,I will come find you Julia said.
Uhm , actually I am in my husband's house , Marianne said her voice getting Lower as she talked.
Anne did I just hear marriage,Julia said.
Yes ,like I said it is a long story ,I will give you my address you can come find me on the weekend ,I am not kind of free now , Marianne said.
Well okay ,when I come you must tell me every single thing that happened Julia said.
Okay I have to go now catch up later , Marianne sudd and hung up the call.
Soon Raymond came inside the room , Marianne looked up and saw him she didn't say anything and just smiled.
Raymond walked over and sat down beside her. Why are you smiling he asked.
Nothing Marianne said.
Ahaha, I have two questions to ask you , Marianne suddenly remembered and asked.
Raymond didn't say anything but continued to look at her.
Marianne saw that she didn't say anything so she continued.
Firstly ,where are we ,and secondly how is kion doing .
Raymond looked around the room and smiled. Well we are at the family house and kion is okay they just used him to lure you outside.
What ,but why does our room look familiar like I couldn't differentiate , Marianne said looking shocked.
Well earlier today when I came to the hospital you were asleep and mum said that I shouldn't disturb you and that it would be best if you come back home ,so I arranged your discharge papers and took you home.
Yeah ,by the way where is everyone , Marianne asked.
They are down stairs ,would you like to go down Raymond asked.
Yes please , Marianne said even eager to go down.
Hahaha ,slow down remember that your leg isn't healed yet Raymond said carrying her up.
Hey ,I can walk Marianne who was suprised by Williams gesture.
Really,can you Raymond said looking down at her leg.
Marianne was left speechless she wisely choose to close her mouth before the great demon king drops her.
When the arrived downstairs they saw that everyone were still awake and chatting in the living room.
Nicole turned a s saw Raymond carrying Marianne down.
Oh ,Ray, Anne come sit near me Nicole said patting a particular spot.
Raymond carried Marianne and kept her near Nicole and went to sit with Jashwill.
Thanks mum Marianne smiled at Nicole and smiled at her.
Come-on dear you don't have to be formal ,I mean you are our family so you have to say thank you all the time , Grandpa willson smiled at her and said.
Yes Roland is right you are our dear daughter since we don't have girls in out family ,we have no choice but to treat our daughter in-laws as our treasures ,Ann said.
Marianne couldn't help but cry ,she didn't know how people could be as kind as this , if her family were as good as this she would even complain and accept Olivia as her mother.
Raymond saw that she was crying and rushed to her.
Anne why are you crying are you feeling uncomfortable , should I call jack , Raymond bombarded her with questions worriedly.
Noo ,it not that I am just moved ,I don't know how to thank you guys ,you know if I had a family like this I would not have to worry about it Marianne wiped her tears and said.
Anne ,you have a family now so quiet worrying ,all you have to worry about is just giving us a grandchild , because I can't wait to be come a grandmother , Nicole said.
Marianne couldn't help but blush after hearing what Nicole said.
Mum ,is too early Raymond said.
What's too early, do you know when I had yuh Nicole and said .
Mum we are not you and dad so it is our choice Raymond said.
Well I will give you until next year ,so you can start now and start preparing,Nicole said.
Raymond Didi say anything but shook his head helplessly.
Ahaha ,by the way Anne Ihave something for you , Nicole said bringing out a small box from her pocket.
She opened it ,and to Marianne's suprise it was a bracelet which looked somehow old but still beautiful. Anne this is the bracelet ,mum have to me when I was newly weeded and now I am giving it to you ,so you have to keep it safe like I did ,you will still have to pass it down to your future daughter in-laws,Nicole handed over the bracelet to Marianne and explained.
Thanks mum I will surely keep it safe Marianne assured her.
Okay now it is getting late ,we should get some rest now , Anthony said.
Goodnight everyone I am off , Jashwill ran off after hearing what his father said.
Grandma willson and Grandpa willson followed suit after them , Anthony and Nicole also headed to their room ,while Raymond carried Marianne to the bedroom.