Chapter 2 - Lies!

Lies! Mellisa wasn't going to spend the weekend at her friend's place as she told her husband, she went to meet her secret lover Jeremy, a coworker at the bank.

"I've been lying to my husband for so long Jeremy, I don't think I can keep hiding this from him, it'll be worse if he found out by himself." Her head was resting on his broad chest as they lay in bed with her pretty small hands running around the hair on his body. It reminded them of their high school days. They had an affair in their final year, graduated from Rinxel High but never got to meet again until they started working in the same bank.

"You know all I can think about right now?" Jeremy's voice was deep and seductive as always.

"Don't tell me about the night you took my virginity." Her smile was bright like the stars at night. Of course it was something they would forever remember, they were so young and shy. But for some reason, Jeremy had the courage to take things to another level that night at a friend's birthday party back in their teens.

"You remember that night? The night at Otis's birthday party?" His smile was just as bright.

"Like it was yesterday. You held me by the hand and led me to the bedroom."

"And with the look in your eyes, I could tell you wanted me." He said with pride.

"I always did, just like you always wanted me too." She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek then went back to place her head on his chest while slowly blowing some air on his hairy body.

"After that night, I was scared you might get pregnant and I didn't want that because we both weren't ready. But right now, I wish you did get pregnant. You wouldn't be married to Mc right now, it would've been me."

"I'm married to him, but it's you Jeremy, you're the one I love. It's always been you." Her words were full of assurance, but Jeremy knew that whatever was going on between them wouldn't continue for so long.

"If only we could rewind time, Mellisa. But right now, you're with Mc."

"What if I told you that we could actually get married? What if I told you that I can divorce him and you marry me instead!"

"That's such a big step to take Melissa!"

"Big step? Well my parents approve of it."

"What?" His eyes went wide open in shock.

"Yes, we talked about it yesterday too. They can't wait to see my divorce that useless man. He can't do nothing, all he's good at is losing jobs and wanting me to pet him after."

"You would leave Mc to be my wife forever? For me to hold you in my arms and make children we will love for the rest of our lives?"

"Yes Jeremy, I'll want the rest of our lives to be spent in each other's arms."


Mc sat in the front seat of his best friend's car. After much persuasion, Michael finally opened up to Mc the previous night " Your wife is cheating on you!" The voice was full of confidence and it did terrify Mc, the young husband couldn't utter a single word after being frozen with the shock from such news. "I'm sorry Mc, I've known this for a while but I only needed to be sure before telling you, and to be honest, I wasn't sure you'd handle it."

The young husband wasn't just taken to be good for nothing but was being cheated on by the same woman he's been through alot just to please her and give her a reason to love him just as he did love her.

"I'll take you to his house, the guy she always visits" Michael put a hand on his shoulder as they sat in the car while tears slowly went down from Mc's eyes.

"I'm not sure I can do this bro, I'm not sure I can handle seeing her cuddle someone else."

"You don't have to do it if you don't want to. It's really ok."

"She's not been sweet to me. I don't even know the last time we slept in the same bed. She prefers to use the couch than be in the same bed with me."

"You know what I think? It's not worth it! This has to end. We're going to catch her in the act right now!"

"But what if they're not together right now? Mc doubted.

"If you don't want to go see them right there, I'll show you a secret tape of their intimacy in the bedroom as she screamed the guys name."

Mc was more shocked, looked right into his friends eyes and asked "how did you get the tape of them doing it?"

"Well, I told you I've been suspecting it for a while, a very long while and I decided to dig in."

"Ehem, tell me more, what did you do?"

"I've been working with Jeremy's personal chef, I pay him a fair amount and he gives me info about what's going on in the home."

"You do this for me? Or do you have your own reasons?"

"Well let's say I had my own reasons but then I found this out and it's something you should know."

"Thanks for telling me this Michael."

"It's what friends do, now let's go catch that cheating wife of yours right in the act! The chef says they're still in bed."


"I think I should be going back to my useless husband now." The voice of Melissa fell on Jeremy's ears just after a kiss ended.

Jeremy smiled with so much confidence, it felt so good to be wanted by a lady who felt nothing for her husband who should've been Jeremy's only competition.

"And when you get back there, don't forget to think about me often." He playfully touched her nose.

"I think about you often Jeremy, you're always on my mind when I touch myself." She climbed on top of him, leaned forward to whisper something nasty in his ear and the side guy cracked a knowing smile.

"What do you wanna do to me right now Mellisa?"

"I'm gonna do something nice to your meat down there, and then I'll make you beg me for more." Her voice, her looks and every single planned move was so charming and Jeremy couldn't wait to have her doing whatever she planned to do on top of him.

"Hump!" The world finally came out from his mouth after holding it in for so long.

Melissa tied her hair backwards to a ponytail, leaned forward again to kiss him and before their lips could meet, the door to the bedroom was banged open by Mc and Michael.

"Oh my God!" Mc was completely shocked seeing his beloved wife right on top of the same guy she's repeatedly denied having any connection with. "I only knew him in High-school that's all," she'll always say whenever she was asked about Jeremy. But now here she was, caught red handed with absolutely nothing to deny.

"Jesus! Mc what are you doing here?" Mellisa tried to balance shock and shame. She never knew this day would come, at least not in this way.

"I should be asking you what you're doing in bed with another man!"

"Listen to me Mc, whatever you think is going on here, you get it all wrong!" She knew no one would believe this.

"You are in another man's home, in bed with him, you're wearing only your bra and that's your skirt right there on the floor. You really wanna know what I think?"

Michael was quiet and looked disappointed, everyone could tell he wasn't going to say a word, but his looks could say it all, everything in that room was disgusting.

"You know I've always had a feeling you're doing something like this. I've always loved you and this is how you repay my love Melissa, you've broken every single pillar this marriage was built upon, but I tell you this, you will regret this one day. You surely will."