They were fast! They had guns and their faces were covered with ski masks as they broke into Jeremy's newly rented house. He ran away to Ohio and got a nice new place to live peacefully away from all the women he had broken their hearts but one of them found her way to him after hiring a bunch of men to eliminate him, and there they were after breaking the door into the living room and now the bedroom where he locked himself in, praying for a miracle.
Bang! Bang! Bang! And the door opened as three hefty men in black entered the room. Jeremy was already on his knees with his hands in the air shivering uncontrollably.
"Please, don't kill me, I'll give you whatever you want I promise!" He drew backwards on his knees as one of the men moved closer. "What is your name?" A deep voice came behind that thick black mask and Jeremy shivered the more as he answered "Je... Jeremy."
"You're the playboy who's been breaking a lot of hearts, well we're sorry boy your time for fun is over. You broke the wrong heart and this is the result!"
Thaw! Thaw! Two bullets right on his forehead and Jeremy's lifeless body dropped to the floor like an uprooted tree. It was always easy to get away with every single wrong choice he's ever made but this time, he really broke the wrong heart and before he gave up the ghost, he still couldn't guess who actually hired these killers, nor could anyone else.
Mc Ethan was still full of doubts about meeting the strange Indian man who claimed to know about his father. He had given Arjun Khan his address and was expecting him to arrive at any moment since it was 4:30 PM which was their agreed time.
Before his mother died, she always told him "your father's dead, he died in an accident while I was still pregnant with you inside of me." But now some stranger was saying otherwise? "Did my mother feed me with lies about my father all those years before she died?" "And what did Khan mean when he said I'm about to be CEO?"
All these thoughts filled his head as he kept looking at the glass of water on the table. "This dude better not be playing with me." Mc said immediately he heard the door alarm. He stood up, calmly walked to the door then opened it to the sight of a light skinned man in an obviously expensive black suit, the black eyeglasses perfectly fit and his looks were just the opposite of what Mc expected since knowing he was an Indian man.
"Welcome Mr. Khan."
"Thank you, you have a lovely place here."
"Thank you too."
It started with a glass of wine, a proper introduction and their conversation went deeper after several minutes.
"I've been given the permission to tell you every single thing you wish to know. I've been working with your dad for so long and I speak for him."
"Who's this man you keep saying is my dad?"
"Your dad's always been one of the richest people in the City, Mr. Ethan Milburn, that's your father."
"Ethan Milburn, the CEO of Howdy App?" Mc couldn't believe it, 'Howdy' was the most popular social media app used in the country and now here he was being told that the owner of that app was his father.
"He is also the owner of Rinxel High school, one of the most recognised schools in the country. And you should know that he has multimillion dollar assets and businesses that are kept a secret."
"How do you expect me to believe you?"
"Well let me tell you your story. Your mother's name is Rose, your dad never married her, he was married to Isabella, a beautiful Latina but she couldn't conceive. So they both agreed to use artificial insemination."
"Oh my God!"
"Just wait my friend, I'll tell you everything, Isabella was a good friend of your mums so she suggested that your father's sperm be placed in Rose, your mum. It was done like that exactly but before you were born, Isabella died of cancer and your dad couldn't handle it, he wept so bad and wasn't sure if he wanted anything else in this life, so he presented a huge amount of money to your mother and asked her to take it and keep you to herself, she was asked never to speak of it throughout her entire life."
"And what did my mum do?" Tears filled his eyes already, he'd seen his mother go through a lot of hardship before she died and it was touching to know that she'd already gone through hell before giving birth to him. "My mum's always been poor and I promised her I'll take care of her when I grow up. But then she died and left me alone in this world, I became a man who got married and lived under the same roof with an unappreciative wife."
"Sorry to hear that my friend. Let me tell you what your mother did. Rose didn't take the money, she felt betrayed, the agreement was that she'll give birth to you and give you to your dad and his wife Isabella. But when your dad changed his mind after she already got pregnant, she was devastated. She promised not to abort you and vowed never to speak to your dad again."
"Why didn't she ever tell me that?" The tears rolled down more and Mc tried to clean them with the sleeves of his white shirt.
"You were young and Rose didn't want to tell you everything at such a young age so she just lied about Ethan being dead. But when you became a man, she was already gone. I've been looking for you, my friend, Ethan Milburn, your father wants to see you."
"My whole life has been a lie! I've been living in the dark throughout my life."
"I know how you feel, at least I know a little. Your father is sick, he's got cancer too just like Isabella. His days are numbered and you're on his bucket list my friend."
"You're telling me I'm about to see my dad for the first time and it's in his last days on earth?"
"Such is life. He wants to make sure every single thing he owns is inherited by the right heir, and you are his only offspring. You are about to be bestowed with a lot of power and plenty of responsibilities. It's all on you Mc, let me know when you're ready and I will take you to see the man you bear his name."
It was good to find out that he emerged from such a wealthy family, but hard to believe. Everything seemed like a dream, Mc had struggled to survive from the very first day on earth, had to work as a kid and married the wrong woman. But now his life looked set to change in such a quick flash, could this be true? Or Arjun Khan was just playing games all along?