As the sun comes up in the dawn of the next day. Eligot, Amy and Rosier prepare to continue their journey, "So are we ready to leave?" Asked Eligot, "I'm all set" answered Amy, "I'm ready." Answered Rosier, "But wait Rosier you dont have a horse. How will you travel?" Asked Eligot, "That won't be a problem, he can ride with you right?" Answered Amy deviously, "It is fine i can walk." Answered Rosier, "Are you sure?" Asked Eligot, "Yes." Answered Rosier. As they continue their journey toward the capital Eligot and Rosier start talking, "So Rosier how did you find yourself in the forest?" Eligot asked, "As you know i am a runebone and so when i was about three years old they took me from my mother whom i loved dearly, she was killed for trying to go after me, but in a rather suprising fashion once i saw my mothers body, even though i was just a child i awakened the power of the runes in my legs and all that i can remember after that is that about a week later i awakened in a forest surrounded by wolves, but since i was just a child the wolves took me in and raised me as their own." Rosier answered, "But wait who taught you how to speak?" Amy asked intrigued by the story, "Well i was what you aould call a child prodigy so i learned how to speak before the wolves took me in." Rosier answered, "Oh, well still you had it pretty rough, im shocked that you can even tell the story Eligot can remember only a small part of his life." Amy said, "Is that true Eligot? You can't remember your past?" Rosier asked intrigued by Amys statment, "The only thing i can remember before i met Amy is that i was a young child laying on the floor about fifty meters from the village Amy and i grew up in, i was bleeding heavily and was starved for some reason, all that i had with me was a white rapier in my hand even though i was unconcious, and then a little girl who was playing noticed me and called for help, the next thing i remember is waking up in a bed, patched up in bandages." Eligot answered, revealing everything he knew about his past, "Was the girl from your story Amy per chance?" Rosier asked teasingly, "Yeah it was Amy so i kinda owe her my life." Eligot answered, "Also one thing i wanted to ask you is how your mana shot works, my runes boost my leg strength by a huge margin and that allows me to move at extreme speeds but i can't seem to understand how your power works." Rosier asked, "The runes in my hands release extreme amounts of energy when activated, and the runes in my rapier can control that energy, so i focus the energy released by the runes in my arms on the tip of my rapier, compress it and then release it, so i really have many more techniques, but mana shot is the easiest one to use so i use it the most." Eligot answered, "So have you ever thought of just focusing that energy and then releasing it all? I think it could make a really powerfull explosion." Rosier said, "That's a pretty good idea i might aswell try it in the tournament." Eligot said, "Yeah both of you have powers, Rosier has enchancment and Eligot has energy manipulation, and here i am the only one with no powers." Amy said viaibly frustrated, "Well that's why we need to train, you need to become more powerful Amy and find a way to boost your archery." Eligot said. As they continue moving toward the capital they reach a little village and decide to spend the night in the village inn, as the sun sets and they drift off to sleep Eligot is awakened again by the sound of screaming outside of the inn, he looks through the window and sees a man with a knife trying to attack a woman with a child, he immeadietly opens the window and jumps down and says "Hey, how about you leave that lady alone." As Eligot approaches the man. three men with weapons jump out from behind the houses, "Heh so is this an ambush?" Eligot asked sarcastically, the rober yells "Look at mister confident im going to skin you alive!"as the woman is laying while holding her child, "I hate people who pick on the weak, so try your best before your life ends im terror and anguish." Eligot said condidently, as the three guys jumps at Eligot, the robber turns back to the woman and kicks her, Eligot pulls his rapier out and dashes through the three lackeys stabbing the robbert through his neck in a way that the rapier would be sticking out of his mouth, he pulls the rapier out and the rober falls to the ground with his heart taking its final beats, the three lackeys attack Eligot with rage forcing him to turn his back to the woman, but suddenly Eligot feels a sharp pain in his back and the lackeys start laughing and Eligot hears a laugh behind him as well, he turns around to see the woman laughing then he touches the area where he feels the pain realizing the woman had stabbed him in a vital point, suddenly the sky changes shades to become a bit redder and the moon becomes a bit crooked, In a second of that happening all of the lackeys and the woman suddenly fall dead, As Amy and Rosier come run out of the inn to see what is happening, Eligot calms himself making the sky return to its original color and the moon return to its original look, as he falls to the ground from the bleeding on his back Rosier brings him into the inn for treatment and amy checks if the lackeys are dead, seeing something so horrid that it should never be seen, the sight of the lackeys spines sticking out of their heads
To be continued...