While prince Daceus had been led to one of the best rooms in the palace, Evelyne had been taken to the courtesans quarters and now in the confinement of those four walls, she could not help but let out a tired sigh.
She was tired and sleepy but most of all, she was hungry and having arrived past dinner time, she decided to take a bath.
Once she had freshened up, she headed straight to bed but after several twists and turns, she could not sleep with her stomach empty.
Pushing the covers away from her body, she got out of the bed and after a small hesitation, she finally decided to go to the kitchen.
The clock had already striked ten and upon opening the door, the corridors seemed to be empty to which she started walking towards the kitchen.
The night was unusually calm considering the number of guests that had already arrived here waiting for the celebration. When she spotted a guard who was heading towards the opposite direction, Evelyne quickly hid behind a pillar and she did not move from there until the guard left.
"Phew! That was close." She murmured. When she resumed back to her movements , she made sure that she was very stealth but it did not take long before someone grabbed her wrist, pushed her and pinned her back against the wall.
Before she got a chance to open her mouth, a hand was placed on her mouth to prevent her from either screaming or doing something that would attract unnecessary attention.
"If there was any other way to retrieve the magic balm, I wouldn't have brought you here with me."
Prince Daceus remarked in a low tone and when another guard walked through the corridors without noticing them he finally freed her mouth.
"What do you think you are doing walking in the corridors?"
His voice was tinged with anger that she did not fail to recognize and realizing that she was not wearing a veil, her face became pale.
"I.._ I "
Her statement was left halfway when her stomach growled angrily and with the silence that was at this side of the palace, it could be clearly heard which caused her cheeks to turn red due to embarrassment.
Although the prince understood the untold message, he could not help but want to hear what her explanation would be. Again, he inquired.
"What are you doing roaming out so carelessly as if your family know that you are here?"
His tone demanded answers and when she hesitated, he narrowed his eyes at her angrily.
"I.. I was just hungry. I wanted to go to the kitchen."
Her words were a stuttering murmer.
Again, her stomach growled and this time, it was much lauder which caused her embarrassment to increase.
With her being pinned against the wall where the prince was so dangerously close to her, all she wanted was to push him away and when she tried to do it with her free hand, the prince grabbed it and placed it into a position whereby she just couldn't slip away.
With the prince's obsidian eyes that stared right into her's, she started to become aware of his presence which raised her guard.
Prince Daceus did not know what made her too intriguing to his eyes.
He had been with several women in the past but this one, she seemed different. Too much different and with her continuous efforts to wiggle herself out of his hold, he had the urge to entrap her even more.
Her golden blonde hair was shining even more due to the soft glow of the fire torches and for a moment, he wanted to run his fingers through it.
When he finally moved a little bit away, she could not help but take deep breaths that she had been unknowingly holding.
Not uttering a word, he tightened his hold on her wrist and tugging her towards him, he started moving.
His footsteps were longer and quicker and with him holding her, she found herself half walking and half running.
"Where are you.._" Her question was cut off by him when he turned his head to face her.
He then chided,
"Shut up!"
When they finally got to their destination, prince Daceus kicked the door open and with the two of them inside, he locked it.
That was enough to raise alarms in Evelyne's mind and the moment he freed her hand, she quickly took steps away from him.
"My prince, I know what I did was wrong and I promise that I will be more careful. Just let me go back to my room."
Completely ignoring her, the prince walked towards the bedside tables and ringing a bell, it did not take long before there was a knock