The day that followed,Evelyne found herself waking up earlier than everyone else and for the longest time, her eyes vacantly stared at the plain coloured ceiling. She could not help but recall how the prince had ordered food to be brought in for her and although she could not say it out loud, she was really moved by his action.
'He was such a peculiar person.' She thought. One time, he threatened to kill her and the other moment, he became considerate when it came to her well being.
As those thoughts faded away, she started to think of her own family.
This was supposed to be her own home but with the days that had passed with none of her family members not making effort to reach out to her, she was slowly starting to cut any strings of love and blood that binded them together.
'It was painfully funny how her own sister could barely recognize her.'
She mused at herself, a little disappointed and much relieved because she was not sure if she was ready for the outcome if she was to find out.
Lazily getting down from the bed, Evelyne walked towards the bathroom and taking a cold bath, she prepared herself for the day and glancing at her own reflection, she smiled nervously.
"I hope that this ends soon."
Muttering those words, she finally got back to the bedroom.
As time passed by, a maid came into her room and after she had taken her breakfast, she had joined the rest of the people in the ballroom.
Adjusting the butterfly shaped rose mask that hid half of her face, her eyes started to roam around the place and one thing that she noted was that she was not the only person who covered her face with a mask.
Then accidentally, her eyes fell on Kenneth. Emily's youngest son who was in his servant's attire. His short curly hair had become longer and she did not fail to notice that he had grown taller.
Another subtle thing that she did not fail to notice about him was that the usual glimmer that always shone on his hazel eyes was long gone and in a moment of weakness, she wanted to go to him and tell him that his mother was alright but then, someone stopped her from doing so.
"He must be the man that you have been longing to meet."
His words brought Evelyne's attention to him and when she turned around to face him, she was gobsmacked.
Today was the first time that she properly looked at him and the man was undeniably handsome.
Unknowingly, her eyes started to explore his face that was barely hidden by the black mask that was on his face.
While most men had preferred to keep their hair kempt, his hair was ruffled and that look was enough to make him boyish in a way that was very attractive. Moving her eyes from his hair, her eyes moved to his obsidian orbs that seemed to stare at her and that moment, she became aware of her surroundings making her avert her gaze.
Having snapped back from her reverie,she really felt awkward and embarrassed. She had totally forgotten about his first statement and when she excused herself, the prince stopped her.
"You better make sure that no one identifies you. Even that boy with whom you have been staring at."
When she nodded, prince Daceus excused her.
During the whole event, Evelyne had made sure that she would not get herself into unnecessary trouble and when the king's speech was made which allowed the guests to enjoy themselves through games, music and food, she had chosen a quiet spot where she would just meditate about her own life but her peace was short lived.
"What is such a beautiful maiden doing here all alone?"
It was a man in his mid thirties and if she was judging correctly, the man seemed to be married.
She was not well acquainted with flattery but she was not too naive not to know when a man was making a move on her.
Offering a polite smile, she responded,
"I am just waiting for my partner to arrive."
Her answer was short which also hinted that she was not alone but the man seemed to be to adamant.
"Why don't you join me to the dance floor before he arrives?"
"I don't think that that's a good idea sir. Besides, your wife might be looking for you."
At her comment, the man's face hardened and though the expression disappeared as quickly as it had appeared, she did not fail to notice it.
"You don't have to worry yourself about her. I came alone."
When the man said that, he took a step closer towards her and cautiously, Evelyne took a step backwards.
The way the man was looking at her made her nervous and knowing that he would not harm her in a place that was filled with people, she left.
Her pace was quick while making sure that the man would not catch up to her.
Now in the midst of the people, she could no longer feel his gaze and it did not take long before she spotted prince Daceus talking to a young woman. The woman seemed to have coyly smiled at something that the prince had said. When he also falt Evelyne's gaze, he excusesd himself and walked up to where she was.