Two weeks had passed and it had been the longest two weeks Joren had ever experienced. Previously, he never really worried about the time when he would leave, he just knew he would leave one day. Now, since he knew that the date for his escape was soon, he became very anxious and couldn't stop thinking about it.
"Today's the day," Joren said. His eyes were full of anticipation. Waiting was making him impatient. Could you blame him? He's about to be a free man. Who wouldn't be overjoyed in this situation?
"Calm down kid," Gramps called out. "I understand why you're excited, but don't let that get in the way of what's got to happen. We only have one shot at this so let's make it count.
Joren got his breathing under control while he calmed his emotions with a sigh. Smiling, he then walked over to where Gramp's was sitting and sat next to him. They went over the plan as they did every day for the past two weeks. Sometimes they changed or modified certain parts if they needed to, but overall, their plan remained mostly the same.
"Good, you remember everything," Gramps said giving a nodding approval.
"I did, but there is one part that I don't understand."
"Which part?" Gramps asked
"The beginning. How am I going to get into the dungeon? I can't just walk in there."
"Oh, that part? I don't know why you're worrying about that. It's simple, all you need to do is make a little noise hehe." Gramp's smiled menacingly at Joren before he punched him in his jaw
Outside, two guards were doing their rounds, making sure everything was in order. They approached the slaves and checked their progress on the tasks they were completing. Most guards were just lazing away since today was going to be a relaxing one. As today was an important day, none of them wanted to work. Guards were getting ready to clock out, while others were already getting drunk in daylight hours. Because today was supposed to be their chill day, they all hoped that nothing would go wrong.
*CRASH* The sound of something breaking rippled across the air making its way to a guard's ear.
"Did you hear that?" A guard asked.
"Huh? I ain't hear anything. Are you losing it again?" The other guard asked
"I'm not! I just thought I heard something in that direction." He pointed to the barn
"Haha, ever since your wife cheated on you, you've been getting jumpy at any sound you happen to hear." The guard laughed
"HEY! This has nothing to do with that! I swear I heard someth-" Before he could finish sounds of conflict resonated from the barn area
"You stupid old fuck! Can't do anything right! All you do is sit on your ass and complain about your stupid back! I don't give a damn about your stupid fucking back!" Said a voice full of anger and annoyance
"AHH! S-Stop it. That hurts you ungrateful brat! Didn't your parents teach you to respect your elders?" a voice in distress cried out
"FUCK YOU!" the other voice said
"See! I told you I heard something! Let's go." The guards made their way over to the barn
Once they opened the door, they saw an elderly man getting brutally beaten by a boy who physically looked around 13 years old. His hands were bloodied and his attire was stained red. Some blood even made it to his face which made him look like a psychopath
"Hey! Cut it out you two!" The guards commanded
But the boy didn't listen. He kept beating the old man over and over again. It was as if he was consumed by a vengeful spirit getting revenge on a person who wronged him.
"Hey!" One of the guards made their way over to the boy. "I said that's enough!" The guard pulled the boy off the old man forcefully. He landed on his shoulder and winced experiencing slight pain.
The boy looked up in anger and charged at the guard to start attacking him. But before anything could happen, the other guard caught him and punched his stomach, knocking him out cold.
*HUFF* *HUFF* "Thank you sir's." the old man got on his knees and thanked both guards
"What the hell was that all about?" The guard asked
"I was simply doing my work, making small talk as I usually do. I accidentally dropped my broom which hit the boy and he just started attacking me. I apologized but he didn't stop at all." The old man stated
*Sigh* "I don't have time to deal with this. Hey, just throw him in the dungeon. His food will be revoked for today. We'll deal with him tomorrow. I'm actually trying to enjoy my night, not babysit." the guard spoke
After leaving the barn, the guards threw the boy in the dungeon and made their way over to the barracks to engage in small talk with their fellow guards.
Joren woke after a few minutes clutching his belly where he was hit by the guard. That was the most pain he's felt so far in his life, but if he wanted to be strong, the pain he would have to endure would be 100 times worse than a simple punch in the gut. Strengthening his resolve, he engaged in meditation.
After meditating for eight hours, Joren was woken up by the sounds of screams. Judging by the way the people were screaming, he assumed it wasn't screams of laughter from drunk men. As if his mind was being read by a God, the door to the dungeon entrance opened and an old man walked to his cell with keys and a bag in his hand.
"Nice act you put on back there kid. You could have fooled me if I wasn't the one who told you to act that way." Gramps said with a smile on his face
"It wasn't an act, that's how I truly felt. Now get me out of here before I beat your ass again." Joren smirked
"Well, since that's how you feel, how about I just keep you in here and escape myself haha!"
"Okay, okay, okay, I apologize. You're the best in the world and no one is better than you. Please release me." he said unapologetically
Gramps unlocked the door and removed the collar off of Joren's neck. He then briefly went over the plan once more to make sure Joren had it ingrained in his head before he left. Once he finished, he handed Joren a small bag that contained food and water, enough for three days.
"This food can last a week if you eat sparingly. But knowing you, I'd say it'll be gone by tomorrow morning." Smirking, he handed the bag to Joren.
"Nah, it'll at least last a day and a half." Joren laughed as he wrapped the bag around his waist.
"Thanks, Gramps, for everything. Without you-"
"Save your sobbing 'til you reach the town. Only then can you thank me since not only will you have escaped slavery, but you will have been alive."
"Yeah." Joren nodded
"Hey, Gramps, can I have that slave collar?"
Gramps looked at Joren with a puzzled expression. 'He wants the slave collar? Why? What use would he have for it? If it happens to get put back on him, he would have to come back here to remove it, but by then, it would be known that he escaped and he would face severe punishment. So why would he want it?' So many questions riddled Gramps mind but Joren simply smiled before he started to explain.
"I want to use the slave collar to research something in the future. Trust me when I say it's going to be worth it. I don't want to spoil anything though. I'll come back for you when I get the chance and I'll tell you then." Determined, Joren hoped his response could sway Gramps
"Hmmm. Fine, here. Just don't stick that around your neck or you will be fucked, you understand?"
"Yeah, I got you, thanks." Joren grabbed the slave collar and put it in his bag. He then looked at the cellar doors and said "Now, let's get out of here." The both of them walked out of the dungeon and started their escape.