Chereads / Pokemon Journeys (My Version) / Chapter 9 - Chapter 8: The School of Hard Knocks

Chapter 9 - Chapter 8: The School of Hard Knocks

(Our story continues as Mew and her friends are now walking in a foggy area as they try to find Vermilion City.)

Mew: "It's official… we're never going to find Vermilion City in this fog."

(Mew says.)

Misty: "Yeah. I'm also getting hungry."

(Misty says.)

Pikachu: "Pikachu," (I'm hungry too,)

(Pikachu says.)

(Eevee sits down and says.)

Eevee: "Eevee Eevee." (And I'm tired.)

(Brock has set his backpack down and taken stuff out.)

Brock: "I think we all need a little break. Why don't I just throw a little something together?"

(He soon brings out a table and places a tablecloth on it, as well as plates, cuts, utensils, and a lot of stuff.)


Brock: "Ah! There's nothing as satisfying as a cup of 100 percent Cerulean coffee. You kids are too young for this stuff, but it's really quite good. How about some prune juice?"

(Brock says, bringing out water.)

Mew: I think I'll pass,"

(Mew says.)

(Then Misty suggests.)

Misty: "How about some herbal tea?"

Mew: "Um, do we have anything to make tea with?"

(Mew asks.)

(Then Brock says.)

Brock: "Not so fast, everyone."


(Then brings out a tea set.)

Brock: "I brought my official Pokemon tea set! Now, of course, the key to good tea and coffee is good water. And I just happen to have a generous supply of sparkling, delicious Mount Moon Pure Spring Water!"

(He then takes the bottle out of his backpack.)

(Then says in a french accent.)

Brock: "And for ze special snack, I have for you some French Crepes."

(Misty gasps in excitement.)

Misty: "I love French things! They're so romantic, aren't they?"

(Then Brock says.)

Brock: "By the way, I can't cook crepes and I can't boil water if I don't have a fire! One of you is gonna have to go into the forest and bring back some firewood."

Mew: "Okay. I'll stay here while you and Misty start getting everything ready."

(Mew says.)

Misty: "Sounds good to me."

(Misty happily says.)

[Sometime later...]


(Mew, Pikachu, and Eevee are walking around in the woods as they try to find any firewood for them to use.)

(Luckily, they already find some food for them to use.)

Mew: "I think we need to collect a little more firewood and then we can head back."

(Mew says.)

Pikachu: "Pika pi," (Sounds good.)

(Pikachu says.)

Eevee: "Eevee," (Okay.)

(Eevee replies.)



(Pikachu noticed something.)

Pikachu: Pika Pi! Pikachu! (Mew! Look up ahead!)

(Mew and Eevee look ahead to notice a big ball of light.)

Mew: "What's that?"

(Mew wonders.)

(Three then decide to walk over to see what it is.)

(When they walk closer, they see a young boy that is running on a running machine.)

(He looks a bit tired.)

(He is also being surrounded by a group of boys and each is holding a candle.)

(All the boys including the one on the machine are wearing the same uniform.)

One boy: "Alright, what's the name of this one?"

(One boy asks, holding a card.)

(The boy on the machine answers.)


The boy: "Is it a Zubat?"

Another boy: "Listen, just because it's foggy out here doesn't mean your brain has to be in a fog."

(One of the boys says.)

(The boy on the machine says.)

The boy: "It's a Pidgey!"

A boy holding a candle: "Nice guess. You just got lucky."

(A boy holding a candle says.)

(Another boy asks.)

Another boy: "Okay, now tell us what its special attack is."

The boy: "Pidgey's attack is Gust. At level 5, Sand Attack. At level 12."

(The boy on the machine says.)

The boy with the candle: "Everybody knows that. Now, can you just tell me at what level Pidgey evolves? And what's the name of Pidgey's advanced stage?"

(The boy with the candle says.)

The boy: "Um,"

(The boy on the machine tries to think.)


(Another boy sternly says.)

Another boy: "You better come up with answers quickly, or you'll have to run faster."

(The boy who is running stops and feels very tired.)

(He groans in pain and says.)

The boy: "I'm sorry, I forgot."

(The boys around him sigh.)

Another boy: "You forgot,"

(One of the boys says.)

(He scoffs and says.)

Another boy: "And you call yourself a Pokemon Tech student? Well, we don't want to study with the likes of you."

The boy: "I'm sorry,"

(The tired boy replies.)


(Seeing the young boy being bullied, Mew sternly walk over and angrily says.)

Mew: "Hey you! You better leave that kid alone!"

(The group of boys turn to see Mew and her Pokemon walking over to them.)

Mew: "What's going on here?"

(Mew angrily asks.)

The boy, holding the cards: "There's nothing going on here. Mind your own business, this is a private training session."

(The boy, holding the cards says.)

(Then a boy with green hair says.)

a boy with green hair: "There's no room at our Pokemon school for losers who don't even know Pidgey's evolve stage. We have to maintain standards."

(Mew puts the firewood down and helps the boy up.)

Mew: "I don't know about this school of yours, but if it's turning out students like you, I'd say that the standards are pretty low!"

Misty: "That's right, Mew! You tell em!"

(Misty says, arriving at the scene.)


Mew: "Misty? I thought you were at the campsite waiting with Brock."

(Mew says, surprised.)

Misty: "I was, but I soon heard all the shouting and came to see what was up. Now as for you boys, you better stop bullying that kid or you'll have to answer to us! Right, Mew?"

(Misty says.)

(Mew smiles.)

Mew: "Right."

(Then turns to the boys.)

Mew: "Now listen, leave that boy alone or you'll have to deal with me and my friends."

The spiky haired boy: "We don't fight,"

(The spiky haired boy says.)

(Then the green haired boy says.)

the green haired boy: "Fighting is for cavemen. This isn't the stone age, you know."

The boy with the long hair: "And if we wasted our time having a fight with a couple of little insects like you, it'd just make Pokemon Tech look really bad."

(The boy with the long hair says.)

(The green haired boy walks up to them.)

The green haired boy: "We'll see you back at the Tech, Joe."

Joe: "Okay,"

(The boy, Joe sadly says.)


(Then the boys leave the scene.)

(Mew asks.)

Mew: "Who are those creeps anyway?"

Brock: "So those are the infamous tech students?"

(Brock replies, stirring the crepes in a bowl with a whisk.)

Mew: "Tech students?"

(Mew says, confused.)

Misty: "Pokemon Tech. I think it's short for Pokemon Technical. Yeah. It's a school for Pokemon trainers. I know I have a flyer here somewhere."

(Misty says, and reaches in her pocket.)

(Then take it out.)

Misty: "Here it is."

Mew: "A Pokemon school in the middle of nowhere?"

(Mew says, confused.)


(Then turns to see her Pokemon looking at the machine.)

Mew: "Careful you two, that machine isn't safe."

(Mew says.)

(The Pokemon nod their heads in reply.)

(Brock takes the flyer and reads it.)

Brock: "Pokemon Technical Institute, a boarding school for serious Pokemon trainer preparation. All students are guaranteed to enter Pokemon League upon graduation. Pokemon Technical is the educational facility for exceptional students who want to be Pokemon trainers in a very short time, without having to travel on difficult badge collecting journeys.

(And finishes reading.)

Brock: "Oh. So that's the story."

Mew: "Getting into the Pokemon League without badges is too easy. It also doesn't sound fun."

(Mew says.)


(Then Brock says.)

Brock: "Wait, there's more. Student entrance fees and tuition are in keeping with the high standards set by Pokemon Technical."

Misty: "You know what that means, don't you? It's one of those snobby, private schools that only millionaire's kids go to."

(Misty says.)

Mew: "I think it sounds like a bunch of phooey. Where is this school anyway?"

(Mew replies.)

(The boy Joe points out.)

Joe: "It's right over there!"

(The fog clears to reveal a large school and it's as clear as day.)

[Just then...]


(the P.A announcer on the speaker.)

P.A Announcer: "Today's special class, fog battle techniques, is now ending. Tomorrow's lesson will be snow competition secrets."

Joe: "Oh well. I guess tomorrow they'll make me into a snowman again."

(Joe sadly says.)

Mew: "Do they treat you like that all the time?"

(Mew asks.)

Joe: "My friends are just trying to help me."

(Joe answers.)

(Mew arches her eyebrow.)

Mew: "You call them friends?!"

Brock: "With friends like that, who needs enemies?"

(Brock comments.)

(Joe then says.)

Joe: "But they helped me learn that Pidgey evolves into Pidgeotto at level 18, it learns Whirlwind at level 21, Wing Attack at level 31, and then as its level rises, it learns various tricks. After evolving to Pidgeot, it can fly at twelve-hundred meters at speeds of up to mach two!"

(Confused, Mew asks.)

Mew: "I don't get it. If you know everything about Pidgey, why didn't you just answer them before?"

Joe: "Sometimes I make-believe that I don't know all the answers, because if I do, they make the questions that much harder. But I have to stay here at Pokemon Tech. My mother and father worked hard and saved money so they could pay to send me to school here."

(Joe says.)


(He then turns his head.)

Joe: "You see that guy over there?"

(The group turns their heads to see a man reading under a tree.)

Misty: "That guy? What about him?"

(Misty asks.)

Joe: "He's an upper classmate, but the classes are so hard here, some students are held back for many years! Everyone's too ashamed to go home without getting a diploma. That guy, he's in the beginner's class with me."

(Joe says.)

Mew: "You're a beginner?"

(Mew asks.)

(Joe says.)

Joe: "A beginner has the same qualifications as someone with two badges. The intermediate class has the qualifications of four, and the advanced students have the same as six. If you graduate, you can enter the Pokemon League without traveling around to collect the badges. That guy is a beginner, but he's so much older than everybody in the class, the kids don't bother to help him like they help me."

Misty: "What do the teachers say about that kind of help?"

(Misty asks.)


Joe: "They don't even know about it. Or if they do, they pretend not to."

(Joe answers.)

(Mew angrily says.)

Mew: "Well, I for one think that this is a violation of students' rights that must stop immediately if not sooner! I want to meet the student in charge of this system and I'll see that it's stopped!"

(Joe then holds out a photo.)

Joe: "Here's a picture."

(The group looks at the photo to see a light skin girl with long brown hair.)

Joe: "Her name is Giselle."

Misty: "Huh? It's a girl?"

(Misty says, confused.)


(Brock blushes as he says.)

Brock: "Oh, yeah. You're right about that. She can violate my rights."

(Misty then asks, looking confused.)

Misty: "Hey! If she's making your life so miserable, how come you're carrying her picture around?"

Joe: "I hate the way she treats us, but I like the way she looks."

(Joe says.)

Mew: "Maybe so, but she's not very nice if she makes the system like that. I think it's time we talk to this Giselle."

(Mew says.)

Misty: "I agree,"

(Misty says.)


(The group then begins to head to the school.)

(Unknown to them, they are being spied on by Team Rocket.)

Jessie: "That place brings back memories James."

(Jessie says.)

James: "It certainly does, Jessie. And all of them are awful."

(James replies.)

(Then Meowth says.)

Meowth: "Tell me your tale of failure again."

Jessie: "We studied for the big test."

(Jessie says.)

(Then James says.)

James: "Sure we would beat all the rest."

Meowth: "And here's the part I like the best!"

(Meowth replies.)

(Then Jessie says.)

Jessie: "We frolicked that night, for our future seemed bright."

James: "But things weren't right."

(James replies.)

(Then they both say in tears.)

Jessie and James: "We got the lowest scores in the history of the school!"

(Meowth speaks up.)

Meowth "You should look on the bright side."


Jessie and James: "What's the bright side?"

(Jessie and James ask.)

Meowth: "At least you guys were the top of the bottom."

(Meowth answers.)

(Then they both hug him and give him compliments.)

(Meowth says in thoughts.)

Meowth [in mind]: "These two are worse off then I thought! I liked it better when they were nasty."



(Joe escorts the group of friends inside a room full of computers.)

Joe: "Giselle always practices here by herself. Even if you beat her in a fight, it won't matter to her. At the Tech, it's your skill as a Pokemon trainer that counts more than winning in any one battle."

(Joe says.)

Mew: "I think I prefer to have the badges I have now."

(Mew says.)

Joe: "How many do you have?"

(Joe asks.)

Mew: "Only two,"

(Mew answers.)

Joe: "But Giselle is the top beginner here at Tech. That's better than even having three badges. Even though I'm at the bottom of my class, I'm still more powerful than someone with two badges."

(Joe says.)


Mew: "I wouldn't push your luck too much, especially with Brock and Misty here."

(Mew says.)

Joe: "Why's that?"

(Joe asks.)

Mew: "Brock was the Gym Leader of the Pewter Gym and Misty along with her sisters are Gym Leaders of the Cerulean Gym. Trust me, they're pretty tough to beat."

(Mew says.)

Joe: "Oh, Cerulean City. Water Pokemon."

(Joe says, getting on a computer.)

Misty: "How'd you know?"

(Misty asks.)

Joe: "I always beat them on the simulator. See?"

(Joe says.)


(The group looks at the screen to see a Starmie on one side and a Weepinbell on the other.)

(Joe plays Weepinbell and wins the game in seconds.)

(The three blink in reply.)


Misty: "What is this? A simulation's one thing, but this is real life."

(Then brings out her Pokeball.)

Misty: "Let's battle!"

Joe: "You'll be sorry."

(Joe says, sounding confident.)


(While Misty and Joe are on the battlefield, Team Rocket climbs on the tree and spies on them.)

Mew: "Are you sure you want to do this?"

(Mew asks.)

Misty: "I'm sure, Mew. I have the Cerulean City gym's reputation to defend! And I'm gonna defend it!"

(Misty says.)

(Then throwing her Pokeball.)

Misty: "Starmie!"

Joe: Too bad your water Pokemon won't be able to defeat my plant! Alright, Weepinbell, let's go!"

(Joe says, and throws a Pokeball.)

(Weepinbell comes out of it.)

(Mew holds out her Pokedex and Dexter says.)

Dexter "Weepinbell, the Flycatcher Pokemon, and the evolved form of Bellsprout. A Grass and Poison Type. Weepinbell often uses its body to camouflage itself in the forest in order to lure and trap prey by spraying it with Poison Powder to immobilize it before melting it with internal acids."

Misty: "I'll teach him about Pokemon! Starmie, go!"

(Misty calls out.)


(Starmie then sprays Weepinbell and is able to knock it out in a second.)

(Shocked, Joe wonders.)

Joe: "Huh? Oh! But Weepinbell is strong against water Pokemon!"

(Suddenly, someone steps into the room.)

???: "True, but there's one thing the ref said that you didn't know. You're opponent's from the Cerulean City gym and a former gym leader. Her Pokemon has had much more experience battling. You should have known that. You're an embarrassment to the whole school."

(They look to see the girl from Joe's photo and the boys they have met in the woods.)

Joe: "But Giselle,"

(Joe says.)

Mew: "So that's Giselle?"

(Mew replies.)

Brock: "She's really pretty isn't she? She looks just like a movie star."

(Brock says, blushing.)

(Mew looks at Brock dumbfounded while Misty is irritated.)


(Misty says in her thought.)

Misty [in mind]: "He likes stars, does? I'll be glad to show him some stars."

(Suddenly the girl says.)

Giselle: "I'm the top student in the beginning class of the most exclusive prep school in the world, Pokemon Tech. It's sad that others aren't blessed with my beauty, my talents, my humble attitude. People call me a star, but, I'm just Giselle."

(Outside, Jessie turns to James.)

Jessie: "I think she's more conceited than we are."

James: "Yes, but she's awfully cute, isn't she?"

(James replies.)

(Then Meowth jumps in.)

Meowth: "Not as cute as Meowth!"

[The next moment...]


(Jessie and James punch Meowth and send him flying.)

Jessie: "You're in the way!"

(Jessie angrily says.)

James: "Stop bothering us!"

(James angrily adds.)

(Meowth is being sent so high up that the star twinkles to where he flies.)

(The next thing Giselle says, really upset them.)

Giselle: "I want to continue to help my classmates be the very best they can be. To teach each other, respect each other, and ensure the Pokemon of tomorrow. But you're a weakling!"

(Joe gasps in shock.)

Giselle: "You'd better get stronger fast or before you know it, your fellow students will turn their backs on you. For good!"

(Giselle says with a huff and about to walk away.)


(With that, Mew decides to step in and says in furry.)

Mew: "Not so fast! A true friend wouldn't walk away from someone who needs help. You may look beautiful, but you remind me of an old saying of how beauty is only skin deep."

Giselle: "Jealousy's not very pretty either, is it?"

(Giselle says.)

Mew: "Why would I be jealous of someone who acts like an arrogant boaster."

(Mew says, crossing her arms.)

Giselle: "A boaster?"

(Giselle questions with a firm expression.)

Mew: "Yeah. Getting to the Pokemon League without earning them through gym battles against gym leaders and traveling and learning about where you go is just boring. Second, you don't really gain real experience by just staying in one place and where Pokemon are simulated or just pre trained and all that."

(Mew says.)


Giselle: "Actually, Pokemon are only as strong as the trainer that raises them. A Pokemon that's weaker but better trained can still win. It depends on the trainer."

(Giselle says.)

(Then turns to Joe.)

Giselle: "I hope you're learning something from this, Joe. A Pokemon's level of training is just as important to factor as a Pokemon's type when deciding a match. A first class Pokemon trainer can calculate that."

Mew: "Calculate? There's more to Pokemon than simply calculating."

(Mew says.)

Giselle: "Hmm, you seem so sure. If you don't mind me asking, what's your name and how many badges do you have?"

(Giselle says.)

Mew: "My name is Mew from Pallet Town! As of now, I have two badges."

(Mew says.)


Giselle: "In other words, you're a beginner. And how long have you two been trying to become a Pokemon trainer?"

(Giselle says.)

Mew: "Just about two months?

(Mew says.)

(Giselle gasps.)

Giselle: "Two whole months and you let one of your Pokemon walk free, you haven't even been able to tame it yet?"

Mew: "Beg your pardon?"

(Mew says, confused.)

Giselle: "Maybe your Pokemon are taming you."

(Giselle says.)


(This makes Mew irritated.)

Mew: "I don't want to tame Pikachu or Eevee! They're my friends and so are my other Pokemon."

Giselle: "How many Pokemon do you have?"

(Giselle asks.)

Mew: "Eight and two Pokemon Eggs."

(Mew says.)

Giselle: "Hmm, interesting. You have eight Pokemon and two Eggs."

(Giselle says.)

Mew: "Why does it matter? All my Pokemon are strong in their own way."

(Mew says.)

(Giselle says.)

Giselle: "I wonder, with two months of Pokemon experience your Pikachu for yours should be at least at level 25, but it's probably not there yet, is it? The same can go for that Eevee, it should have evolved at this point, but probably isn't there yet."

(This makes Pikachu and Eevee irritated.)


(Then Giselle says.)

Giselle: "I suppose you didn't know much about Pokemon if you picked a Pikachu as your first one. Pikachu tend to be hard to handle. It says so in any beginning Pokemon manual."

(She gasps and says.)

Giselle: "You really didn't know? And you still got two badges? How funny!"

(Then says.)

Giselle: "A Pikachu evolves into an electric Pokemon called Raichu, it gets to be about 2 feet, 7 inches tall. Pikachu can shock you, but otherwise it's pretty cute, don't you think? And that also goes for Eevee, it should have evolved to Flareon, Jolteon, or Vaporeon at this time. So if you don't let them evolve, they make great pets, especially for little girls. But I'm sure you knew that, didn't you? Really? You didn't? And you have two badges?"

(Mew sternly says.)

Mew: "I wouldn't talk like that if I were you?"

Giselle: "Oh, and why's that?"

(Giselle asks.)

Mew: "Because it's never smart to insult Pokemon's pride, especially those with stronger abilities. Besides, you shouldn't act so confident that you can battle well. My papa told me once that no matter where you go in the world, there will always be someone stronger than you."

(Mew says.)

Misty: "You tell them Mew."

(Misty says.)


(Mew then turns to her Pokemon.)

Mew: "Ready to battle guys?"

Pikachu: "Pika," (You got it.)

(Pikachu says.)

Eevee: "Eevee," (Let's teach her a lesson.)

(Eevee says, determined.)

(Mew then brings out her Metapod and says.)

Mew: "Okay Metapod, you can watch the match."

Metapod: "Metapod," (Okay.)

(Metapod says.)

Giselle: "For your Pikachu and Eevee, this should be more than a match."

(Giselle says.)


(Then throws her Pokeball.)

Giselle: "Cubone, Mankey go!

(Soon Cubone and Mankey come out of the Pokeball.)

(Cubone is a bipedal, dinosaur-like Pokémon with a light brown hide that covers most of its body, except for its cream-colored belly.)

(Two small claws, one on each hand, serve as its thumbs, and one large nail on each foot make up its toes.)

(It has two small spikes on its back and a short tail, black eyes and a small area surrounding them.)

(The skull has two rounded horns on the top of its head and a tooth-like point on the lower sides, and a brown snout.)

(Mew brings out her Pokedex to look up Cubone.)

Dexter: "Cubone, the Lonely Pokémon. A Ground type. This Pokémon always wears the skull of its deceased mother on its head and never shows its real face. It's lonely, sad and mournful cries echo inside the tear-stained skull as it rattles hollowly. It is said to cry when it thinks of its dearly departed mother."

(Then turns to Mankey.)

Dexter: "Mankey, the Pig Monkey Pokemon. A Fighting Type. Mankey is quick-tempered and can fly into a rage even while dreaming."

Mew: "Ready guys. Let's show them what we have that their school doesn't."

(Mew says.)


(Pikachu and Eevee nod their heads.)

(Giselle then calls out.)

Giselle: "Cubone, Bone Club, now!"

(Cubone then charges and performs the Bone Club attack.)

Mew: "Pikachu, dodge."

(Mew says, and Pikachu dodges.)

Giselle: "Mankey, use Fury Swipe."

(Giselle says.)

(Mankey then attacks Eevee with Furry Swipe.)

(Giselle then calls out.)

Giselle: "Cubone, it's time for the Boomerang, now."

(Cubone then throws the Boomerang at Pikachu.)

(Then Giselle calls out.)


Giselle: "Cubone, Mankey, use your attacks one more time."

(Cubone and Mankey then perform the same attacks on Pikachu and Eevee and are knocked down.)

Mew: "Are you both okay?"

(Mew asks, concerned.)

(Pikachu and Eevee struggle to stand up, and are able to stand on their feet.)

Mew: "Hang in there guys, I think I have an idea on how we can beat them. Let's give it our best shot."

(Mew says.)

(Pikachu and Eevee nod their heads in reply.)

Giselle: "What's the point of trying. It seems that you're going to lose so why not give up."

(Giselle questions.)


Mew: "Because. My Pokemon and I are strong. You're the one who doesn't seem to know a thing about what Pokemon is truly about."

(Mew says.)

(Giselle and the boys soon become confused.)

Mew: "The truth is, this school does seem to have interesting learning skills, but it seems that it can only take you so far and only teach those basics. That's why you and your Pokemon need to train hard together. In fact, you and your Pokemon can push even further and you can learn more than what you've been taught in the school. I know that because I've seen what Pokemon can really do and that isn't something you can just learn in school. Pokemon is actually a lot more and that's why we need to learn from them. We teach them and they teach us."

(Mew says.)

Giselle: "Well see about that, Cubone, Boomerang. Mankey, use Furry Swipe,"

(Giselle says.)


(Cubone then throws Boomerang, but Pikachu jumps over it and grabs it's mask and moves it behind.)

(Soon, Cubone is unable to see.)

(Eevee then dodges the attack, by jumping over it and wacks it with its tail.)

Mew: "Pikachu, you know what to do."

(Mew says.)

(Pikachu then bites Cubone on the tail.)

(Then scratches Mankey.)

(After that. It kicks Cubone, spinning its mask around back in front.)

(Then Pikachu strikes Mankey with its tail to the same area Cubone is.)

(Mew turns to Eevee.)

Mew: "Alright Eevee, time to wrap this up."

Eevee: "Eevee," (You got it.)

(Eevee says, and it has Cubone's bone in it's mouth.)

(Then Eevee tosses it in the air.)


Mew: "Now, use Iron Tail on the Bone."

(Mew says.)

(Eevee jumps up and uses Iron Tail to swat the bone.)

(Before Mankey and Cubone can do anything.)

(The Bone strikes at both of them, knocking them to the ground, and soon knocked out.)

Giselle: "Cubone! Mankey!"

(Giselle says, disbelief.)

Mew: "We did it!"

(Mew happily says.)

(Both she and her Pokemon cheer with victory.)


(Giselle then slumps to the ground defeated.)

Giselle: "I lost."

(Then calls back her Pokemon.)

Giselle: "Cubone, good try. Mankey. Come on back."

Giselle: "You'll be okay now."

(Giselle says, looking at her Pokeballs.)

(Then turns to Mew.)

Giselle: "None of the textbooks ever mention a Pikachu winning by anything other than electricity, not to mention an Eevee knows a Steel type attack.

Joe: "That was a once in a lifetime battle."

(Joe says.)


Misty: "And don't try to copy it. That's just Mew's special way of doing things."

(Misty says.)

Joe: "It was a cool way,"

(Joe says.)

(Unknown to them Jessie and James are spying on them.)

(Jessie turns to James.)

Jessie: "There's another way to win that's not in the textbooks too. Isn't there, James?"

James: "Let's show em."

(James says.)

(Still devastated, Giselle says.)

Giselle: "I can't believe I lost a match..."



(smoke and fog begins to surround the area.)

Mew: "Oh no, it's not."

(Mew says.)

(Just then, James and Jessie appear from the fog.)

Jessie and James: Allow us to reintroduce ourselves.

Jessie: To protect the world from devastation.

James: To unite all peoples within our nation.

Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love.

James: To extend our reach to the stars above.

Jessie: Jessie.

James: James.

Jessie: Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light.

James: Surrender now, or prepare to fight.


(Meowth then falls down from the sky and dives into the pool.)


(He then comes out and lands on his feet.)

Meowth: "I love a splashy entrance."

Giselle: "I've heard of Team Rocket. You're the ones who got the worst grades ever on the entrance exams."

(Giselle says.)

(Then holds out her Pokeball.)

Jessie and James: "How about your team versus our team?"

(Soon, Mew, Misty, Brock, Joe, and the boys hold out their Pokeballs.)

(That makes Team Rocket frightened.)

Jessie: "The two of us against all of them?!"

(Jessie exclaims.)

James: "But the rules say one on one!"

(James panics.)

Giselle and Mew: "Bad guys don't play by the rules."

(Giselle and Mew says.)

(Then they both throw their Pokeballs as Giselle calls out.)

Giselle: "Get 'em!"


(Soon everyone throws their Pokeballs at them at once and Team Rocket is getting hurt by them and they have to retreat.)

Jessie: "Too many Pokeballs!"

(Jessie panics.)

James: "From now on, we play by the rules!"

(James panics.)

(Meowth screams.)

Meowth: "At least for a little while!"

(Team Rocket screams.)

Team Rocket: "Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!"


(Later in the evening at sunset, Giselle is sitting by the pool.)

(She then says.)

Giselle: "There are some things you just can't learn in school, and that's a good lesson."

(Joe then walks to Giselle.)

Joe: "I'm going back home to start from scratch with my first Pokemon, just like Mew did."

(Then turns to Giselle.)

Joe: "Hey, Giselle. Maybe we'll meet someday in the Pokemon League."

Giselle: "I hope so. I'll try my hardest to be a worthy opponent if we do."

(Giselle says.)


Joe: "Alright if I keep your picture with me?"

(Joe asks.)

(Giselle nods her head.)

Giselle: "Sure. I have pictures of my friends, too."

Joe: "Huh? Do you have mine?"

(Joe says, confused.)

Giselle: "We're friends now, aren't we?"

(Giselle says, and stands up.)

(She then presents her hand.)

Giselle: "Good luck, Joe."

Joe: "You too, Giselle."

(Joe says, doing the same.)


(They both shake hands and wish them luck.)

(Mew and the others see and are glad to see that Joe and Giselle are now true friends.)

(Giselle walks to Mew and says.)

Giselle: "So, maybe we'll battle again someday."

Misty: "I sure hope so."

(Misty says.)

Mew: "Me too,"

(Mew says.)

(Then turns to Metapod.)

Mew: "What do you think, Metapod?"



(Metapod begins to glow, surprising everyone.)

Misty: "What's happening?"

(Misty asks.)

Giselle: "It's evolving,"

(Giselle says.)

(Metapod changes its shape, and it's beginning to sprout wings.)

(Metapod is now a vaguely anthropomorphic butterfly with a purple body.)

(The upper pair of light blue legs resemble small, three-fingered hands, while the lower pair resembles long, digit-less feet, two black antennae, a light blue snout with two fangs underneath, and large, red compound eyes.)

(Its two pairs of wings are white with black venation.)

Butterfree: "Free Free,"

(The Pokemon says.)

Brock: "It's a Butterfree,"

(Brock says.)

Mew: "Butterfree,"

(Mew says.)

(Butterfree then lands on Mew's head.)

(Mew then brings out her Pokedex and Dexter says.)

Dexter: "Butterfree, the Butterfly Pokemon and the final evolved form of Caterpie. A Bug and Flying Type. The scales covering its wings help it to shed water."

(Mew smiles and says.)

Mew: "Well Butterfree, it looks like your time to evolve happens to be now."

(The group then smiles to see that Metapod is now a Butterfree.)

(Soon, Mew and the others leave Pokemon Tech where they end up learning a few things, but also teach as well.)

[To be continued...]


Mew's Files

Pokemon On Hand: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Pidgeotto (Male). Butterfree (Male). Poliwhirl (Male). 2 Pokemon Eggs

Pokemon in Professor Oak's Ranch: Shellder (Male). Weedle (Female). Sandshrew (Male)

Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Moon Stone. Moon Ball.

Badges: Boulder Badge. Cascade Badge.

Misty Files

Pokemon: Goldeen (Female). Staryu. Starmie.

Items: Fishing Rod

Brock Files

Pokemon: Geodude (Male). Onix (Male). Zubat (Male).