Chereads / Pokemon Journeys (My Version) / Chapter 10 - Chapter 9: Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village

Chapter 10 - Chapter 9: Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village

(Mew and her friends are continuing to travel through the forest to get to Vermilion City for Mew's next Gym Battle.)

(Of course, having to rely on instinct is not always easy, and can sometimes lead to trouble.)

(Misty sighs.)

Misty: "Phew, I'm getting a little tired."

Mew: "Yeah. We've been walking down this forest for a while now. So much for taking a shortcut."

(Mew says.)

Misty: "Yeah, but this was your idea to go through the forest. I know you're used to it since you lived in one, but we've been walking for hours."

(Misty says.)

Brock: "We're not exactly forest experts."

(Brock says.)

Mew: "Okay. I say let's take a break and have some lunch."

(Mew says.)

Pikachu: "Pika," (Sounds good to me.)

(Pikachu says.)

Eevee: "Eevee," (Let's eat.)

(Eevee replies.)


(The group soon sits on some stumps and small boulders to have a lunch break.)

(As they eat, Mew turns her head to see a Pokemon drinking some water from a small pond.)

(The Pokemon is a small blue Pokemon with five leaves on its head and only has feet, eyes, and a mouth.)

Mew: "Look, it's an Oddish,"

(Mew says.)

(She takes out her Pokedex, and Dexter says.)

Dexter: "Oddish, the Weed Pokemon. A Grass and Poison Type. This Pokemon is typically found roaming the forest scattering pollen as it walks around.

(Misty suddenly holds out her Pokeball.)

Misty: "Well then, I'm gonna catch that Pokemon."

Mew: "You are? How come?"

(Mew asks.)

Misty: "We found it around the water, and water is my specialty."

(Misty answers.)


(The girls then turn their heads to see Oddish running away.)

(Then throws her Pokeball.)

Misty: "Go, Starmie!"

(Starmie then comes out of the Pokeball and lands in front of Oddish before it could escape.)

(Misty then calls out.)

Misty: "Water Gun, now!"

(Starmie sprays Oddish and is sent flying.)

Misty: "Now that's the way to spray! Tackle it, Starmie!"

(Misty calls out.)

(Starmie's attack lands on Oddish and is knocked out while it's upside down.)


Misty: "That weakened it! Gotta catch it, now! Pokeball, go!"

(Misty says, and throws her Pokeball to catch it.)

(Suddenly, something whacks her Pokeball away.)

(Misty says in shock.)

Misty: "Uh oh."

(They soon see a Pokemon in front of Oddish with anger.)

(It's a small, quadruped Pokémon that has blue-green skin with darker patches.)

(It has red eyes with white pupils, pointed, ear-like structures on top of its head, and a short, blunt snout with a wide mouth.)

(A pair of small, pointed teeth are visible in the upper jaw when its mouth is open.)

(Each of its thick legs ends with three sharp claws.)

(On its back is a green plant bulb.)

Brock: "Whoa! What's that?!"

(Brock says, surprised.)

Mew: "Isn't that a Bulbasaur."

(Mew says.)


(She brings out her Pokedex and Dexter says.)

Dexter: "Bulbasaur the Seed Pokemon. A Grass and Poison Type. It bares the seed of a plant on its back from birth. The seed slowly develops. Researchers are unsure whether to classify Bulbasaur as a plant or animal. Bulbasur are extremely tough and are very difficult to capture in the wild."

(Bulbasaur then uses Tackle attack on Starmie and it's a direct hit.)

(Misty catches Starmie and asks in concern.)

Misty: "Oh! Oh, Starmie! Are you okay?"

Mew: "I don't think that Bulbasaur is going to let us get that Oddish that easily."

(Mew says.)

Misty: "Why'd you say that?"

(Misty asks.)

Mew: "Look,"

(Mew says, pointing to the Pokemon.)

(Bulbasaur is very protective of Oddish.)


Brock: "I think you're right. We better get going."

(Brock says.)

Mew: "Okay. Come on Misty."

(Mew says.)

Misty: "Okay,"

(Misty says, and calls back Starmie.)

(Then the group leave the area, Bulbasaur and Oddish decide to take the chance and leave the scene.)

[Sometime later...]


(Mew and her friends are walking over the bridge.)

Misty: "Thanks for getting us out of that jam, Mew."

(Misty says.)

Mew: "It's no trouble. Still, I have to wonder where we are."

(Mew says.)

(Brock looks at the map and says.)

Brock: "I can't find this bridge on my map."

(Suddenly, the wind begins to blow, rocking the bridge.)

[Just then...]


(the bridge's rope snaps and falls to the side with Mew and the others hanging for dear life.)

(Unable to hold on any longer, Brock falls off the bridge and into the river.)

Mew: "Brock!"

(Mew exclaims.)

(Misty panics.)

Misty: "Mew you have to pull us back up, it's our only chance!"

Pikachu: "Pika Pi!" (Hurry, Mew!)

(Pikachu panics.)

Eevee: "Eevee!" (Hurry!)

(Eevee panics.)

(Mew says.)

Mew: "Hang on guys!"

[Soon enough...]


(the girls and Pokemon are able to get out of the situation and to the other side of the cliff.)

(Mew sighs in relief.)

Mew: "Phew! I'm totally wiped out!"

Misty: "We can't rest now, we've gotta find Brock."

(Misty says.)

Mew: "You're right. We gotta find him."

(Mew says.)

Eevee: "Eevee," (Poor Brock.)

(Eevee says.)

(The group then hurries down the path at the side of the river.)

(Suddenly, Misty falls and lets out a scream.)

(Mew turns her head to see Misty down in the hole.)

Mew: "Misty, are you okay?"

(Mew asks.)


Misty: "I think so. What's a trap doing here?"

(Misty answers.)

Mew: "It seems pretty strange."

(Mew says.)

(Misty calls out.)

Misty: "Just help me out, quick!"

Mew: "This is just not our day!"

(Mew replies.)

(After helping Misty out of the hole, the group continue to walk through the forest to find Brock and hope he's okay.)


(Mew calls out.)

Mew: "Brock?! Hey, Brock!"

Misty: "Do you think he washed this far down stream?"

(Misty wonders.)

(As the group walks down the path, something catches on Misty's foot.)

(The next thing they know, a net springs up from under them, and now they're all caught in a bet hanging in a tree.)

Mew: "Hey! How'd we get up in a tree?"

(Mew panics.)

(Misty shouts.)

Misty: "It's another trap! Do something!"

Mew: "What can I do?"

(Mew asks.)

Misty: "Try wiggling. See if the net will open."

(Misty answers.)


(The four then try to wiggle their way out of the net, but it's no use.)

Mew: "This isn't going to work."

(Mew says.)

Misty: "We gotta do something."

(Misty says.)

(Suddenly, they hear a familiar sound.)

Bulbasaur: Bulbasaur!"

(The group looks down to see a familiar Pokemon.)

Mew: "Bulbasaur?"

(Mew says, confused.)

Bulbasaur: "Saur saur,"

(Bulbasaur says with a smile, and walks away.)

(Mew turns to Misty.)

Mew: "Hmm, I guess it's not going to help us."



(Team Rocket is hiding on the cliff with bushes on them.)

(Jessie says.)

Jessie: "The village we're looking for should be on the other side of that bridge."

James: "Let's just hope the rumors are true."

(James replies.)

(Meowth crawls over.)

Meowth: "Hee hee hee! Just wait and see what Team Rocket's got planned for you, you delicious little village."

(Back to Mew and the others who are still trapped in the net.)

Mew: "Gee, I wonder what happened to Brock."

(Mew replies, concern.)

Misty: "I wonder too."

(Misty says, worried.)


Mew: "I just hope Brock isn't trapped like we are.

(Mew says.)

(Suddenly, they hear a familiar voice.)

???: "Ahoy!"

(The group looks down and to surprise they see.)

Mew: "Hey, Brock!"

(Mew says, relieved to see a familiar face.)

Brock: "Why are you hanging around in that tree?"

(Brock asks.)

(Brock cuts the rope and the group drops to the ground.)


Misty: "Thanks, but maybe next time you can let us down a little more gently."

(Misty says.)

Brock: "Yeah, sure. Sorry."

(Brock apologizes.)

Misty: "We've been looking all over for you."

(Misty says, worried.)

Mew: "We saw you fall in the river, then what happened?"

(Mew frantically asks.)

Brock: "Well, I was being washed away in the rapids."

(Brock says.)



(Brock is being washed away in the river until someone grabs hold of his hand.)

(A girl's voice appears.)

A girl: "I got you! Just hold on!"

(The girl then pulls Brock out of the river.)

(After taking a few breaths, Brock looks up to see the one who has saved him is a girl.)

(The girl has blue braided hair, wears a pink shirt, red overalls, red headband and a green ribbon.)

[Flashback Ends...]


Brock: "The girl who saved my life was incredibly beautiful."

(Brock says.)

Mew: "Hm. Beautiful girl, huh? "

(Mew replies.)

(Brock then leads the group and they arrive at a clearing that has a lake, and a logged cabin.)

(The girl turns to see them.)

The girl: "Oh."

Brock: "Melanie, this is Mew and Misty."

(Brock says.)

Mew and Misty: "Hello,"

(The girls reply.)

Melanie: "So your Brock's friends. He told me all about you."

(The girl Melanie says.)


Misty: "Great,"

(Misty says.)

(Then. Misty notices something amazing.)

Misty: "Wow! Look at that!"

(They look to see many different Pokemon eating.)

(Misty asks.)

Misty: "Do all these Pokemon belong to you?"

Melanie: "Oh, no,"

(Melanie answers.)

Brock: "This is a place where Pokemon can rest and relax."

(Brock says, and pets a Paras.)

Mew: "You mean like summer camp?"

(Mew asks.)

Brock: "Well, sort of, but all year long. You see, when Pokemon get abandoned or injured, they can come here. Melanie takes care of them until they feel better, then they leave."

(Brock says.)


Misty: "So, this is a Pokemon Center, and Melanie is a Pokemon doctor."

(Misty replies.)

(Melanie smiles and says.)

Melanie: "Oh, no. I'm unqualified to be a Pokemon doctor."

Brock: "This is more like a Pokemon health spa."

(Brock says.)

(Then Melanie says.)

Melanie: "Here, the Pokemon don't battle with one another. They relax and try to enjoy themselves until they've recovered."

Misty: "Cool!"

(Misty says.)

Brock: "Melanie collects plants to use for medicine. She knows all about which plants can help a Pokemon feel better or grow stronger when it's too weak."

(Brock adds.)

Mew: "So you and Melanie both love to take care of Pokemon."

(Mew says.)


Brock: "We do,"

(Brock says with a smile, and looks at Melanie.)

Misty: "Well, it looks to me like there's something else Brock might love."

(Misty teases.)

(Brock's face turns red and covers Misty's mouth.)

Brock: "Be quiet! She'll hear you!"

(Mew begins to wonder.)

Mew: "I wonder who put those nets and that snare trap up in the trees."

Misty: "Probably the same person who dug the hole I fell into."

(Misty says.)

(Melanie then answers.)

Melanie: "I'm sorry, I was the one who set those traps. I wanted to catch Pokemon trainers before they reached the village. Since you got caught, I guess they really work."

Misty: "But why?"

(Misty asks.)


Melanie: "There are so many injured Pokemon here, I have to protect them."

(Melanie answers.)

(Soon, Mew realizes.)

Mew: "So the bridge was a trap too!"

Melanie: "Yes,"

(Melanie answers.)



(Team Rocket is carefully crossing the bridge from the only stable side.)

(Jessie says.)

Jessie: "Across this bridge lies a lifetime supply of Pokemon."

James: "How are we ever going to carry them all?"

(James asks.)

(Meowth walks on all fours and says.)

Meowth: "Don't worry. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it."

(Suddenly, the ridge breaks and Team Rocket screams as the bridge slams the wall.)

(Then they all fall into the river.)


(Back at the village the group walk around to see the Pokemon living here.)

Brock: "I promised Melanie we wouldn't capture any Pokemon here."

(Brock says.)

Misty: "And did you seal the promise with a kiss?"

(Misty teases.)

(Then Brock hits Misty on her head, making her scream.)

Misty: "Ow!"

Misty: "So that must mean you really do love her."

(Misty says, and received another hit from Brock.)

Mew: "Don't worry, we promise to catch any Pokemon."

(Mew says.)

(Then Misty says.)

Misty: "Only bad guys try to capture sick Pokemon."

Mew: "I just hope the traps can keep anyone away. I can only think of one group of villains who would want to capture Pokemon no matter what."

(Mew says.)

Misty: "You mean Team Rocket, right?"

(Misty asks.)

Mew: "Exactly,"

(Mew says.)



(Team Rocket falls into a hole with a big crash.)

(In the hole, Jessie screams in anger.)

Jessie: "This is the third hole we've fallen into! How come nobody ever falls into our traps? We always fall into theirs!"

James: "Well, this one was cleverly hidden, well made, and."

(James says.)

(Jessie then scolds James.)

Jessie: "I'm glad you're enjoying it so much!"

Meowth: "Meowth!"

(Meowth screams.)


(After climbing out of the hole, Team Rocket continues on their way, until they are caught by a net and pull into the tree.)

(James shouts.)

James: "Get us, out of here!"

(Meowth screams.)

Meowth: "Ow! My tail! Let go! Stop pulling my tail!"

(As Team Rocket struggles in the net, their attempts to break free only seem to entangle them further.)

Jessie: "Whoever set this trap is going to pay!"

James: "But how do we get out of this mess?"

Meowth: "I don't know about you, but my tail is getting sore!"

(Their cries for help echo through the forest as they remain suspended in the net.)


(Back in the village, Mew and the others decide to help Melanie take care of the sick Pokemon.)

(Brock pours some water from the lake on to Staryu.)

(Staryu shakes the water and feels refreshed.)

Brock: "Do you feel any better yet, Staryu?"

(Brock asks.)

(Mew is feeding some of the Pokemon with the Pokemon food she made.)

(They all like it.)

(She is also brushing a female Nidoran's fur.)

(Misty also meets up with the Oddish she has met before.)

Misty: "Sorry about what happened in the forest."

(Misty says.)

Oddish: "Oddish," (alright.)

(Oddish says.)


Misty: "I shouldn't have surprised you like that. You must've been scared."

(Misty says.)

Oddish: "Oddish," (I was.)

(Oddish replies.)

Misty: "Melanie told me your old trainer got rid of you. Was it really because he thought you were too weak?"

(Misty asks.)

(Oddish nods its head.)

Oddish: "Odd." (Yes.)

Misty: "You know, some trainers can be insensitive. But not all of us are mean like that."

(Misty says.)

(She giggles and pets Oddish on the head.)


(Misty then says.)

Misty: "You just need to find a trainer that understands you. Anyway, I'm sorry for what I did and I hope we can become friends."

(She then sheds a little tears.)

Oddish: "Oddi,"

(Oddish replies and wipes Misty's tears.)

(Then says.)

Oddish: "Oddish Oddish." (Friends. Please don't cry.)

Misty: "You're sweet, Oddish. I am sorry. All I think about lately is winning. I hope I'm not becoming heartless."

(Misty says.)

(Hearing the conversation, Mew says.)

Mew: "Not at all. You're very sweet. You're like a well, a Goldeen when it comes to kindness and beauty. And yet, you all have the strength and willpower like Gyarados."

(Misty chuckles.)

Misty: "I'll take that as a complement, but not sure about the Gyarados comment."



(Bulbasaur comes in and tackles Misty to the ground.)

(Misty turns to see the Pokemon and angrily says.)

Misty: "Hey! It's rude to tackle people!"

Mew: "She's right,"

(Mew says, with Nidoran in her arms.)

Nidoran: "Nido Nido," (I have to agree.)

(Nidoran answers.)

(Bulbasaur growls and scratches dirt on the ground.)

(Misty turns to Mew.)

Misty: "You know what Bulbasaur is saying?"

Mew: "Bulbasaur is telling us to leave, or else he'll throw us out."

(Mew says.)

Misty: "Hey! You can't just throw us out!"

(Misty angrily says to Bulbasaur.)

(Mew says.)

Mew: "Calm down Misty, maybe Bulbasaur is worried that you might try to catch Oddish again."


(Melanie walks over and says.)

Melanie: "I think you're right. Bulbasaur is only trying to protect Oddish. Bulbasaur volunteered to guard our whole village."

(This becomes a surprise for everyone.)

(Melanie then explains.)

Melanie: "It protects all the injured Pokemon whenever enemies try to attack them. Bulbasaur is the bravest and most loyal Pokemon I know."

Misty: "So that's why Bulbasaur attacked me. It must've thought I was taking Oddish away from the village."

(Misty says.)

(Then Mew says.)

Mew: "Bulbasaur was worried about the other Pokemon, so it decided to be the village bodyguard. Now that's what I call bravery."



(she feels something and looks down to see Bulbasaur nudging her leg.)

(He stops to notice Mew looking down at him.)

Mew: "Hello,"

(Mew says.)

Bulbasaur: "Bulbasaur Bulbasaur Bulbasaur? Bulbasaur Bulba Bulbasaur?" (How do you know what I'm saying? Can you really understand what I'm saying.)

(Bulbasaur asks.)

Brock: "What's Bulbasaur saying?"

(Brock asks.)

Mew: "He's asking if I can really understand what he was saying."

(Mew translate.)

(Then turns to Bulbasaur.)

Mew: "And yes I can. I can actually understand Pokemon."

Bulbasaur: "Bulbasaur?" (How?)

(Bulbasaur asks, curiously.)


Mew: "I'm not entirely sure to be honest. But I must say, you're very brave to protect all the Pokemon and Melanie. I'll bet anyone will be happy to have a friend like you by their side."

(Mew answers.)

Bulbasaur: "Bulbasaur?" (You think so?)

(Bulbasaur asks.)

Mew: "I know so,"

(Mew says.)

Bulbasaur: "Bulba Bulbasaur! Bulbasaur Bulbasaur Bulbasaur Bulba Bulbasaur!" (Well my former trainer might not think so. My former trainer was cruel to me and the other Pokemon, that's why I refused to listen to him and then he got rid of me because of it!)

(Bulbasaur explains.)

(Mew gasps to hear Bulbasaur's story and angrily shouts.)

Mew: "He what?! I'll fight em!"

(Misty asks.)

Misty: "What did Bulbasaur say?"

Mew: "He said that his former trainer is mean to him and his Pokemon. And when Bulbasaur didn't want to listen, the trainer got rid of Bulbasaur. If you ask me, that trainer doesn't even deserve Bulbasaur."

(Mew angrily said.)

(Bulbasaur actually blush a little.)



(above the sky, a giant gray machine of some kind is flying to the village by large balloons.)

(What's more, Team Rocket is on it.)

Jessie: To protect the world from devastation!

James: To unite all peoples within our nation!

Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love!

James: To extend our reach to the stars above!

Jessie: Jessie.

James: James.

Jessie: Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!

James: Surrender now, or prepare to fight!

Meowth: That's right!

(Jessie says.)

Jessie: "We've said our line, time to attack the village!"

(Then James says.)

James: "Those village idiots thought their measly traps would stop us, they thought they had the home team advantage."

Jessie: "No such luck, we're the home team now,"

(Jessie says.)

James: "I congratulate myself for this brilliant scheme."

(James replies.)

(Then Meowth says.)

Meowth: "Don't forget, I suggested tying balloons on the stadium roof."

Mew: "Here we go again,"

(Mew says, annoyed.)

(On the stadium, Jessie says.)

Jessie: "Today only at Jessie stadium, it's the Team Rocket Pokemon challenge!"

James: "The flying stadium was my idea."

(James replies.)



(a giant vacuum hose comes out of the machine and points it's opening to the village.)

(With that, it begins to suck the air hoping to suck up the Pokemon.)

Jessie: "All Pokemon are invited to enter the stadium."

(Jessie says.)

James: "Step right up,"

(James says.)

(Meowth says.)

Meowth: "Yeah! We're not hosing you! Well, maybe we are."

(Mew quickly grabs Staryu.)

Mew: "They never run out of ideas, do they?"

(Brock opens the door and shouts.)

Brock: "Hurry! Everybody get in the cabin!"

(Melanie hurries to get the Pokemon inside.)

(All the Pokemon quickly follow.)

(Oddish struggles to get to the cabin, but the wind is too strong.)


(Misty tries to grab it.)

Misty: "Wait!"

(but Oddish is blown away.)

(Misty cries out.)

Misty: "No! Oddish!"

(Just before Oddish gets sucked in, Bulbasaur saves it at the last minute with its Vine Whip attack.)

Bulbasaur: "Bulbasaur," (I got you.)

(Bulbasaur calls out.)

Misty: "Bulbasaur!"

(Misty says happily.)

(Mew gives Misty Staryu.)

Mew: "Take Staryu!"

(Mew hurries to Bulbasaur and helps push him.)

Mew: "Keep going, Bulbasaur!"


(Mew and Bulbasaur continue to walk through the harsh wind and they reach inside the cabin.)

(Then Misty quickly closes and locks the door.)

(On the balloon, Jessie angrily says.)

Jessie: "That rotten little pest! She's always ruining our flawless plans!

James: "Not this time. She's gathered them all in one place for us."

(James says.)

Meowth: "Our super vacuum will suck em up!"

(Meowth says.)

(The vacuum hose gets close to the cabin and the wind is about to tear the roof off of its hinges.)

(Team Rocket cheers as they dance.)

Team Rocket: "Let's go team! To steal em is our dream! Let's go rocket! Put Pokemon in our pocket!

[Just then...]


(Bulbasaur jumps on the roof and uses its Vine whip to lock the vacuum out of the way.)

(Mew then throws her Pokeball and calls out.)

Mew: "Pidgeotto, I choose you!"

(Pidgeotto then comes out of the Pokeball.)

(Mew calls out.)

Mew: "Pidgeotto, Gust attack!"

(Pidgeotto then uses its strongest guest attack.)

(With the winds, it creates a powerful tornado, and it's heading towards Team Rocket and the stadium.)

James: "And the tornado's winding up!"

(James says, acting like a pitcher.)

(Jessie nervously asks.)

Jessie: "But will it strike us out?"

Meowth: "There goes the whole ball game!"

(Meowth panics.)



(the Tornado collides with the stadium and carries Team Rocket in the air.)

(Meowth screams.)

Meowth: "So what are we gonna do now?!"

Jessie: "Try and take up windsurfing!"

(Jessie panics.)

(Soon, the tornado is able to pick up the stadium and carries it and Team Rocket away.)

(Meowth screams.)

Meowth: "Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!"

(Soon, Team Rocket is gone, hopefully to not bother the village again.)

Melanie: "Is everyone feeling okay?"

(Melanie asks.)

Mew: "I just had the wind knocked out of me."

(Mew answers.)

Bulbasaur: "Bulbasaur." (I'm just fine.)

(Bulbasaur answers.)

Mew: "This village is well protected with Bulbasaur here."

(Mew says.)


(Melanie then turns to Mew.)

Melanie: "Mew, don't you think that Bulbasaur would make an excellent addition to your team?"

Mew: "I'm sure he will,"

(Mew happily says.)

(Then Melanie says.)

Melanie: "I think Bulbasaur should go with you."

(Mew becomes confused to hear it.)

(Melanie explains.)

Melanie: "Bulbasaur stayed here to protect the weaker Pokemon, but this village is too small, the bulb on its back can't grow, it needs to go out into the world now. And I know you'll take good care of it. Please do me this favor. Take Bulbasaur with you on your journey, he'll be a good companion."

Misty: "But what will happen to the village without Bulbasaur?

(Misty asks.)

Brock: "Yeah. Who's going to protect you?"

(Brock adds.)


Melanie: "It's true that Bulbasaur has done a great job, maybe too great a job. You see, these Pokemon shouldn't remain in this village forever and ever. After they recover, the Pokemon are supposed to leave, but it's too safe here, so none of them wants to go away. They don't want to return to the outside world."

(Melanie says.)

(Oddish nods its head.)

Melanie: "But I think it's important that all of them return to the wild, that's where Pokemon belong. And maybe, someday, they'll find good trainers like all of you. Of course, taking care of sick Pokemon will always be my mission, but I know that my job isn't finished until they return where they came from. So it's the day a Pokemon leaves that is the most rewarding to me."

(Melanie adds.)

Brock: "Melanie, I,"

(Brock sadly speaks up.)

(But Melanie says.)

Melanie: "So, you see, it's time for Bulbasaur to leave here. Please take it with you. It won't be a burden, I promise. Bulbasaur still has a lot of growing to do. I want it to be in a place where I can be sure it can grow strong and happy. I'm sure that place is with you, Mew."

Mew: "Well, if you really want me to."

(Mew says.)

Bulbasaur: "Bulbasaur." (I will, but first she needs to battle me.)

(Bulbasaur says.)


(Hearing that makes Mew and Melanie chuckle.)

Misty: "What did it say?"

(Misty asks.)

Mew: "Bulbasaur wants me to have a battle with him, first. Right Bulbasaur?"

(Mew translates.)

Bulbasaur: "Bulbasaur," (That's right.)

(Bulbasaur answers.)

(Soon, Mew and Pikachu are standing on one side while Bulbasaur stands on the other side.)

Mew: "Alright Pikachu, let's go!"

(Mew says.)

(With that, Pikachu charges.)

(Bulbasaur then uses its Vine Whip, but Pikachu quickly dodge.)

(Then Bulbasaur tackles him.)

Mew: "Pikachu!"

(Mew shouts.)

(Then Mew says.)

Mew: "Use tackle too!"

(Pikachu then tackles Bulbasaur.)



(Bulbasaur tackles Pikachu again.)

(Then it uses a Vine Whip to tie Pikachu.)

(Then slams him to the ground.)

Mew: "That is one strong Bulbasaur."

(Mew says.)

Mew: "And Bulbasaur's strongest move.

(Then calls out.)

Mew: "Pikachu, Thunderbolt!"

(Pikachu then uses his Thunderbolt.)

(Since the Vine Whip is on Pikachu, it travels to Bulbasaur, giving it a powerful shock.)

(It then falls to the side and faints.)


Mew: "Alright! Pokeball, go!"

(Mew calls out, throwing her Pokeball.)

(The Pokeball hits Bulbasaur and pulls him inside.)

(After a few wiggles, it clicks and stops moving.)

(Mew cheers.)

Mew: "We did it! We got Bulbasaur!"

Pikachu: "Pi Pikachu!" (Alright!)

(Pikachu calls out.)

Eevee: "Eevee!" (You did it!)

(Eevee happily says.)

(Melanie says with a sad smile.)

Melanie: "Bulbasaur, I'll miss you."



(the heroes are preparing to leave the village.)

Melanie: "Have a safe trip,"

(Melanie says.)

Mew: "I promise to take good care of Bulbasaur,"

(Mew says.)

(Melanie pats Bulbasaur on the head.)

Melanie: "Bulbasaur, thank you for watching over us."

Bulbasaur: "Bulba." (My pleasure.)

(Bulbasaur says.)

(Just then, Oddish walks to Misty.)

Oddish: "Oddish," (Misty.)

(Misty looks down and asks.)

Misty: "What is it, Oddish?"

Melanie: "I think Oddish wants to travel with you Misty,"

(Melanie says.)

Misty: "With me?"

(Misty asks.)

(Oddish happily nods its head.)

Oddish: "Oddish" (Yes. I want to go with you)

(Misty smiles.)

Misty: "Well Oddish, I did say that you'll find a new trainer, I guess you chose me."

Oddish: "Oddish," (That's right.)

(Oddish says.)

(Misty takes out her Pokeball.)

Misty: "I promise to be a great trainer to you Oddish."


(Misty then taps her Pokeball on Oddish and it goes inside.)

(With a few shakes and a click, Oddish is now part of Misty's team.)

(Misty lets Oddish out of its Pokeball, and the Pokemon jumps into Misty's arms.)

Melanie: "I'll miss you Oddish."

(Melanie says.)

(Brock walks to Melanie.)

Brock: "Uh, Melanie? I've been thinking."

Melanie: "Yes?"

(Melanie says, turning to Brock.)

Brock: "Well, since Bulbasaur is leaving, I wouldn't mind staying and helping you out."

(Brock replies.)

Melanie: "It's very kind of you, but we'll be okay. I wouldn't want to keep you from all your wonderful adventures."

(Melanie says.)

Brock: "Oh. Yeah, I guess you're right."

(Brock says.)

(Soon, the group say their goodbyes to Melanie and the others.)

Mew: "Goodbye, Melanie!"

(Mew says.)

Melanie: "Goodbye! Good luck!"

(Melanie says, waving goodbye.)

Bulbasaur: "Bulbasaur!" (Bye Melanie!)

(Bulbasaur says.)

(Oddish says.)

Oddish: "Oddish." (Bye.)

Mew: "Don't worry Bulbasaur, Oddish, you'll see your friends again. As soon as the Pokemon feel better, they'll leave this village, too."

(Mew says.)

Bulbasaur: "Bulba." (I know)

(Bulbasaur says.)

Melanie: "Take good care of each other! Goodbye!"

(Melanie says.)

(Brock sighs to leave Melanie.)

(Misty walks to Brock and teases him again.)

Misty: "So, what did Melanie say when you said you loved her? Did you kiss her goodbye?"

(Brock quickly covers her mouth.)

Brock: "That's enough stupid questions! Would you please stop embarrassing me already?"

(Mew and the Pokemon simply watch as the two bicker a bit.)

(Soon, they continue to travel to find their way to Vermilion City and hope they won't have any more trouble trying to get there.)

[To be continued...]


Mew's Files

Pokemon On Hand: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Pidgeotto (Male). Butterfree (Male). Poliwhirl (Male). Bulbasaur (Male) 2 Pokemon Eggs

Pokemon in Professor Oak's Ranch: Shellder (Male). Weedle (Female). Sandshrew (Male)

Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Moon Stone. Moon Ball.

Badges: Boulder Badge. Cascade Badge.

Misty Files

Pokemon: Goldeen (Female). Staryu. Starmie. Oddish (Female)

Items: Fishing Rod

Brock Files

Pokemon: Geodude (Male). Onix (Male). Zubat (Male).