After throwing the jotnar away, Alex activated telekinetic body and ran up the stairs as fast as he could. He was leaping five, six, ten, then twenty stairs at a time. He made it to the top in a matter of seconds.
When he got to the top, he noticed that his group had already activated the portal in the temple and were about to pass through it. They had only been waiting for him.
Alex ran over to them, and they passed through the portal together. Aldeena removed the power core from the pedestal and kicked it to the other side before the portal closed.
Luckily, the portal closed without issue. No jotun hands reaching through and getting cut off by the portal closing or anything.
When Alex turned around, his breath caught in his throat. They were surrounded by what looked like a giant underground factory. The walls and walkways were made of stone, but giant gears and pistons moved in the open cavernous area.