Chereads / *****DELETED***** / Chapter 8 - Chapter 8: Smooth sailing

Chapter 8 - Chapter 8: Smooth sailing

"Whatever its not my place to teach someone what is love. Oh and also we aren't anything close. He was just paying me back." Sarah cleared up.

"Now~ Marcus love the three of them well. Bye bye now." Sarah said chuckling as he went.

The girls were left standing there, their eyes glued to Sarah as they observed her walking away.

Sophia couldn't help but feel a pang of relief after hearing Sarah's words. There was still a chance.

Catherine, still processing the new information, looked away for a moment before turning back.

Anna watched silently, her cheeks rosy and her mind racing.

"Hey Marcus you aren't in love with that Sarah girl are you and you aren't going out with her right?" Anna and Sophia asked as their love for him was unwavering.

Catherine meanwhile thought 'Just as she said. This is not love I don't feel it drawing me closer to Marcus. Maybe I don't love Marcus. Maybe.' As Catherine left telling Sophia she has to go home.

Marcus was caught off guard, hearing their questions after what happened with Sarah. He looked at them, especially as Catherine left.

He shook his head, "No, no. I'm not in love with her, and I'm not going out with her." He said, his tone calm but firm.

He turned his attention to Anna and Sophia, sensing the intensity in their gazes, he wondered what they were thinking.

Sophia exhaled a sigh of relief and said, "That's good."

Anna, with a hint of worry still in her eyes, asked, "But, then why were you with her? Spending so much on her... like a..." She couldn't finish the sentence.

Sarah was walking with her bags he spotted Catherine. "My~, if it isn't lover boys third girlfriend? What happened? Why are you sitting alone on the bench?" Sarah asked her curious.

Catherine looked up, a bit startled that Sarah suddenly sat beside her.

She sighed, feeling a mix of feelings after seeing Sarah with Marcus, and now alone with her after the girls left, she felt vulnerable and confused.

"I... I just needed some space after everything... everything that happened." Catherine said, avoiding Sarah's gaze.

"You feel conflicted don't you?" Sarah asked with a smile.

"The feelings within you. You are reflecting if you truly love him and if keep thinking about him you might or might not. You sure are smart for reflecting." Sarah said caressing her head.

Catherine was a bit taken aback by Sarah's gentle yet observant words. Her head now slightly red as she felt Sarah's delicate touch against her head.

She blushed and nodded slightly, "Yes, I'm... reflecting. It's difficult to tell if these feelings are love or just strong admiration."

Catherine felt a strange comfort and vulnerability in Sarah's company, and it made her open up more than she would usually.

"You wanna come with me?" Sarah asked handing her some bags to carry to his apartment.

Catherine followed Sarah, carrying the bags she was handed, her mind racing even more with each passing moment.

The ride in the cab and the elevator ride to Sarah's apartment left her feeling more and more curious and nervous.

As they entered the apartment, she hesitantly placed the bags on the couch as directed. She looked around, her heart beating slightly faster.

"Your quite obedient. I like it." Sarah says while biting his lips.

Catherine gulped slightly as Sarah said that, feeling a mixture of surprise and... something more. Her cheeks turned slightly pink at Sarah's words.

She nodded slowly, not sure how to respond, feeling both nervous and a strange sense of comfort in being called 'obedient.'

"You know..." Sarah says while locking the door. "You shouldn't trust someone too easily. Especially when your this beautiful." Sarah says walking towards and lifted her chin with his index finger and gazed into her eyes.

Catherine's heart began to race further as Sarah approached and lifted her chin, staring directly into her eyes. Her breath hitched, and she felt a mix of unease and... excitement.

She tried to speak, to say something, anything, but all that came out was a soft sound of surprise and a slight, almost involuntary shiver at Sarah's sudden closeness.

"Well. Then no point hiding things now." Sarah said as Catherine was curious what she was on about.

"I'll be right back." Sarah said as he left to change into his usual black trousers and white t-shirt, as well as removing the makeup.

"Remeber me, Catherine." Demetri said with a smile.

As Sarah walked away to change, Catherine felt a strange feeling in her gut, unsure of what was about to happen.

But as 'Sarah' came back into view, his appearance had changed drastically, now sporting black trousers and a white t-shirt and with the makeup removed.

Catherine's eyes widened as her mind registered the familiar look in front of her.

She gasped, her voice barely above a whisper, "Demetri?"

"Ding ding ding. Correct." Demetri said with a smile and caressed her head.

Catherine's mind was reeling as she stared at Demetri, her heart beating out of her chest.

The familiar gesture of his touch on her head made her feel even more baffled yet comforted. She took a moment to catch her breath before speaking.

"But how... why...?" she managed to utter, her voice shaky, trying to wrap her mind around the revelation.

"Felt bored and wanted to buy things so I asked Marcus. Acting like a beautiful and innocent girl." Demetri said as he stopped caressing her head.

Catherine was still stunned, trying to process what she had just heard.

"You... acting as a girl..." she said, her voice still faltering, her eyes glued to him.

Suddenly, a wave of realization washed over her, and a new expression crossed her face: anger.

"You... made me feel..." she said, unable to find the words, her cheeks blushing furiously.

"Yeah. I made you fall in love with my personality Sarah." Demetri said with a smile as he lifted her chin.

Demetri untied his hair and adjusted his voice. "Now do you like me, dear? Ara~ ara~." Sarah said.

As Demetri's hair fell free and he switched back to "Sarah's" voice, Catherine felt her heart skip a beat. She couldn't help but be captivated by his change in appearance and demeanor.

Her face flushed even deeper as he spoke in a flirty tone, her usual cool and composed demeanor crumbling slightly.

"I... I..." she stuttered, her words caught in her throat, unable to deny the strange mix of emotions she was feeling.

"Love you?" Demetri teased. "Is that what you wanted to say?"

As those simple words were spoken, their meaning hit Catherine like a ton of bricks. Love. She had been avoiding that word, yet hearing it said out loud by Demetri, using Sarah's voice, made her heart flutter in her chest.

She looked away, unable to meet his gaze, her mind a mixture of confusion and something deeper. She swallowed hard, trying to find her voice.

"I can't... I can't..." she protested weakly.

"Huh. I guess you really do love Marcus?" Demetri said in his actual male voice.

The sudden change in voice was jarring, and it snapped Catherine out of the spell that Demetri's "Sarah" persona had cast on her.

She looked at him, her mind now filled with conflicting emotions. Love for Marcus, the man she was initially after... and now, a growing attraction towards Demetri, the one who had made her feel this way.

She shook her head slightly, still trying to deny the feelings bubbling within her. "I... I don't know... I don't know what I feel anymore..."

"Oh yeah... since your my guest I need to serve you some tea or coffee, right?" Demetri realised.

*cough* *cough* "Would you like tea or coffee, Catherine?" Demetri asked politely.

Catherine's thoughts were jumbled, but she was pulled back to reality by Demetri's question.

She glanced up at him, still a bit dazed. "Oh, um..." she began.

Taking a moment to collect her thoughts, she replied, "Tea, please."

The mundane act of asking for a beverage seemed so small, yet it served as a reminder of the strange situation she found herself in.

20 minutes later...

"Here is your tea." Demetri said placing the cup of tea on the table.

"Thank you." Catherine murmured, her voice still a bit shaky.

She picked up the cup and took a small sip, the warm liquid helping to calm her slightly. Her eyes glanced up at Demetri, her mind still filled with the whirlwind of emotions he had triggered.

"Do you like it?" Demetri asked curious.

"Yes," Catherine replied, her voice sounding a bit lost in thought.

She took another sip, savoring the taste.

The tea did help soothe her, the warmth and familiarity of it calming her slightly as she sat there, next to Demetri. She couldn't help but steal glances at him, her mind still confused and conflicted by her feelings.

"Why do you like it? Since there are lots of other places that make great teas." Demetri asked her to expand on it.

Catherine thought for a moment, mulling over her answer. The truth was, it wasn't just about the tea itself. It was a small comfort amidst the chaos.

"I... I don't know," she said honestly, her voice soft. "I suppose it's just the familiarity of it, the familiarity and... comfort that it brings."

She paused, looking down at the cup, then back up at Demetri, her eyes searching his for a moment.

"Familiarity? I never made you tea?" Demetri asked puzzled thinking.

Catherine blinked, realizing her mistake. "No, no, you haven't," she said quickly, a slight blush creeping up on her cheeks.

She shook her head, trying to clarify her statement. "I meant a different kind of familiarity. Not specifically with you... with tea in general, I suppose..."

Demetri laughed out. "I know silly. I was just teasing you." Demetri said patting her head.

Catherine felt a mixture of relief and embarrassment as Demetri laughed and teased her.

She looked away, her cheeks turning a slight shade of pink as she felt his hand on her head. Something about the gesture made her heart skip a beat, and she couldn't help but feel both annoyed and comforted at the same time.