Chapter 6 - God Of Time

(I will make it so the Ancient One does not have the Time Stone. She just has clairvoyance through Sorcery and a long life. I will have the Eye of Agamato be from 616 rather than MCU.)

A full day since Samuel created Giratina and stole the entire Stark Industries Building, he was watching his new science team working on a miniaturized Arc Reactor. The members of this team were Shockwave, the Decepticon Scientist responsible for some of the Decepticon's most dangerous weapons and creations. 

Dr. Psychobos, a Cerebrocrustacean, was responsible for the creation of the Nemetrix. The third Azmuth a Galvan who had built the Omnitrix and the only female member of the team, Android 21 with an intellect comparable to Gero or maybe smarter. 

Together these four had been able to not only miniaturize the Arc Reactor but improve the design. To do this, they combined it with the Eternal Energy Reactor that powered the Androids 17 and 18 in Dragon Ball.

To aid the four scientists with their material needs, he made Android 21 with the quirk ability of Momo Yaoyorozu letting her turn not just her lipids, but mana into raw material. 

This way, they had all the materials they could need. As such, the four of them in a matter of hours after getting acclimated to existence completed the work on the Eternal Arc Reactor for Samuel which was why he was here now. 

He approached the four who bowed toward him before presenting their creation. Shockwave extended a hand with the palm-sized device toward him. 

"My Lord, I present to you, the completed item. The original used a core of Palladium which over time would erode as a result of the Neutron bombardment. As such, we replaced it with the same material we Cybertronians are made from. 

Our bodies are made of a Living Metal as such itself regenerates and with some modifications, this now produces infinite clean energy." 

Samuel liked the sound of that so he made some orders. 

"Excellent work, I am glad to see you four could be trusted with this. Now, that we have a miniaturized device, see to it that it gets weaponized. For one, test this one on yourself Shockwave. Consider it a gift." 

Shockwave glanced at the Infinite Arc Reactor in his hand through his single red eye. 

"You would gift this to me?" 

Samuel nodded. 

"You can make more and I want to see what kind of enhancements you will get. See to it that the main giant Arc Reactor gets replaced with one of these, a big one. Oh and Shockwave, start creating a set of defenses around the building for intruders. Anything else to report? Requests?" 

Samuel glanced at 21, Psycobos, and Azmuth who all began to put forth their own projects. 21 for her part had an idea of how to make use of the new enhanced Arc Reactor. 

"I have a request, I would like to begin production of a new Android with the power source. I can create a powerful weapon that can work as an assassin or killer for you. It would be a biomechanical Android similar to myself or Shockwave." 

Samuel found that useful, but would building it normally be better than making it himself. 

"I will give you this chance, show me something of worth. Call this the Project YoRHa." 

With a smile, she bowed even lower. 

"I will show you the result, my Lord." 

Samuel then turned to the Psycobos and Azmuth who rather than argue began to speak together. The Cerebrocrustean put forth their project. 

"Lord, we would like to begin the work on a device similar to the Omnitrix and Nemetrix in one. If you can create the DNA samples we should be able to allow you to take the form of any alien creature." 

Samuel knew the Omnitrix was powerful, but did he really need it? After thinking about it he decided to give it a chance since even if he didn't use it he could give it to one of his creations who could use it better. 

"Go ahead with the project you two. I will take my leave." 

The four bowed once more as he left their laboratory. When he was gone, Shockwave stood up before glancing at the Arc Reactor in his palm. He was thinking about how to go about installing when 21 called out to him. 

"Hey big guy, need a hand with that?" 

He tilted his head before he nodded. 

"I do not need assistance, but it is more logical for you to do it rather than myself."

With that, Shockwave was about to receive the same power source if not better than that of the Androids. Samuel was quite interested in what they would be able to do with it. Once he left the lab, he drew on his Space magic before he snapped his fingers teleporting outside the building. 

When he did so, Giratina instantly walked over on his six legs before lowering his head. Samuel ran his hand down the godly Pokemon's face before he walked onto his head. 

Giratina rose up before flying off into the sky as his big display had of course been realized. Los Angeles from what Soundwave had seen from orbit and heard across the radio was undergoing mass hysteria. 

The US government had fully closed the city off not letting anyone in or out since yesterday. They were questioning people on what they saw, as all of Stark Industries Headquarters a major business partner of the US military was just gone.

Stark Industries held a lot of classified information and they were desperate to find it. As for why they hadn't found Samuel yet was because Giratina had begun to exert his influence on the surroundings to make it an area humans couldn't find. 

Only animals under the control of the Ancient Leshen remained. With the Spirit in the forest, the forest was growing stronger as the Leshen magic nurtured it and vice versa. 

Samuel smirked to himself as watching them run around like headless chickens was quite amusing. He surged mana into his eyes which glowed even brighter as he looked in the direction of Los Angeles. 


At the sight of the missing Stark Industries headquarters, Howard Stark was standing over the empty hole in the ground along with several agents from every Government Agency. Samuel who was watching saw agents from the FBI, CIA, SHIELD, and NSA agents who were all moving through the city. 

Something only Samuel knew was that Hydra was here too, disguised as SHIELD agents. Along with them was a sizable detachment of the US military as a giant monster tore open a portal over a major city and stole an entire building. Nearby, a couple of SHIELD agents were questioning the workers of Stark Industries on what happened to the building. 

One of them, a woman who had been on break and had just been returning with a coffee had seen the whole thing clear as day. 

"Ma'am, we get you are shaken, but we need to know more about what you saw?" 

She took a deep breath as she began to explain what she had seen. 

"I was just going to get a coffee, then I saw a big shadow appear above my head so I looked up. There, I see a giant black hole or portal I don't know, and from it, a monster like a serpent slinked out. 

Then, I felt a crushing feeling like I had a massive weight placed on me forcing me to the ground. I saw it rip out the building with its mind then it just left. I didn't see anything else." 

The agents looked at each other before turning back to the woman. 

"Can you describe this monster?" 

She thought about it before she recounted what she saw. 

'Well, it was big. Really big, it had large black wings, and it was covered in yellow spikes with red and black markings across its body. Not sure how else to describe it." 

The agents nodded before leaving her alone. 

"Thank you for your time." 

The agents then returned to the former sight of Stark Industries. There, the devastation was clear to see as Howard was talking to General Thaddeus Ross. 

"Do not worry Mr. Stark the US government will reimburse you for the loss. We will do everything in our power to recover your building." 

Howard scoffed. 

"Recover the building? How are you going to recover it when the whole fucking thing was ripped out of the ground like a farmer does a piece of wheat. All our satellites and nothing?"

Ross tried to reassure Stark as Stark had been a long-term business partner of the US military since WW2. His contributions had made the US have one the most technologically advanced armies in the world and he could not loose that. 

"I am afriad not Mr. Stark. As I said, rest assured that your losses will be recouped. For now, please let us do our job."

Howard shook his head as he walked away. 

"I will be leaving, call me when a discovery is made." 

Ross watched as Stark left before he turned toward the crater.

"Who is checking the cameras? I want a picture now." 

Suddenly, an NSA agent who had been doing just that found a camera placed on a nearby building saw the thing. 

"Even better General Ross, we got the thing on video." 

"Then show me God damn it." 

"Right away. Come with me." 

Ross was led to one of the surveillance vans where the video had been uploaded. The agent hit play on the video which Ross watched with interest. In the video, as had been described a giant blackhole had been torn open, and from it emerged Giratina the monster in question. 

However, when Ross looked at the video he noticed something. 

"Stop it right there." 

The agent paused it for Ross to look closer. Standing on Giratina's head was a vaguely humanoid pixel. 

"Is that a person?" 

"We aren't sure, the video was too blurry for us to see."

Ross rubbed his chin as he hit play on the video. He watched as the monster literally tore the entire building out of the ground with ease. Then it slinked back with the entire building in toe.

Ross began to think about the use of that beast for the US. With it under their control, they could make the US military even stronger. 

"I want the beast in my custody as soon as possible." 

The Agent cleared his voice before he tried to reason with Ross. 

"General, I don't think that will be possible, I mean you saw it. Just its presence caused the gravity in the area to increase, buildings nearby got damaged and people were hurt. I don't think humans can do anything to this monster." 

Ross ignored him as he left the van. Bruce Banner had yet to become the Hulk so now Ross had found a new target of his obsession. Samuel had to say that Ross was determined if nothing else, even Giratina became something he sought to take as a weapon. 

Samuel stopped looking at Los Angeles as that city would be closed off for days if not weeks as the government sought to locate the missing Stark Industries Headquarters. They wouldn't find it as his scientists had long since removed anything that could be tracked. 

"You hear that pal, Ross wants to enslave you to his will?" 

Giratina snorted as that was ludicrous. He had one master he served and no one else would do. Samuel smiled as he jumped off Giratina's head. 

"Time to create you a brother." 

Samuel clasped his hands together as he once again began to gather the great ocean that was his magic. Just like when he created Giratina, once again the weather began to grow wild over a large portion of the North Western United States. 

When he gathered nearly every drop of his mana he slammed them down into his shadow as he created a second member of the Pokemon Creation trio. From his shadow, a second roar emerged that just like with Giratina was heard for hundreds of miles. 

From his shadow began emerging the Dialga, the Pokemon God of Time. The blue Steel Dragon Type Pokemon roared once more and when he did Time itself began to warp around it. 

It slowed down, sped up, and stopped all at the same time which made Samuel smile. Giratina and Dialga glanced at each other before they both turned to Samuel. He reached out and patted both of them on their noses as with that he had 2 of the three Creation Trio. 

Now, he just made to make Palkia and he would have all three, that he would have them create a separate Dimension he would rule over. There he could conduct his experiments and create more monsters as he pleased. 

Especially Rayquaza Groudon and Kyogre the weather trio for his new pocket dimension. 

"Well, even if I am discovered who cares? I have gods on my side and they don't."


As for the Ancient One back in Kamar Taj, she once again sighed. Just the creation of Giratina had been bad for the future she had been seeing. Not that the future became worse just that they all changed from what she originally had foreseen. 

Now with Dialga in the mix, the future became even more disorderly as now, Samuel had a monster that could dominate Time. She closed her eyes as she began to draw on the Dimensional Energy to begin to see the new future. 

What chaos was Samuel going to unleash with that terrible power of his? She almost dreaded to look, but she pushed forward. She had to see what came from the new future that Samuel was creating. 

(Who should be the Demon Butler, Demiurge from Overlord, or Diablo from Tensei Slime?)